I just blew two weeks grocery budget in one day, on luxury food and alcohol. (Not that you NEETS would understand income/budgets). Alone for the holidays, so fuck it and fuck my life.
What kind of self-destruction are you lonely faggots up to?
I just blew two weeks grocery budget in one day, on luxury food and alcohol. (Not that you NEETS would understand income/budgets). Alone for the holidays, so fuck it and fuck my life.
What kind of self-destruction are you lonely faggots up to?
Another Christmas of being a piece of shit with no money to buy gifts for anybody here.
pic related
what if I told you that this is why you're poor?
I spent a few hundred on Christmas gifts for friends and bought my mom a new TV for Christmas. Then I went and bought a bunch of alcohol for a friend's Christmas party.
I now have no money for rent or booze. I'll be spending Christmas alone with my Xbox and porn most likely.
if they don't, then that's definitely why they're poor
tell us what you bought, op.
was it vodka and caviar, or a second footlong and a bottle of beer?
you have booze user. there is hope for you yet.
thanks for your contribution, user
How is that lonely or self-destructive, you normie FUCK?
that's by far the most russian thing I've ever seen
water cannot do anything about being wet. poor people, however, can control their spending if they want to
oh, and some random shit for tacos.
I'm spending Christmas Eve alone too. Although I am going to be spending most of time cooking. Maybe some kind user can stream some Christmas movies so all the loners can watch together? That be nice.
not an argument
just wait till the inauguration
Oh lord. I keked.
user, I…
This is our First Lady.
This is Haram.
Delete this!
I wonder if little Barron has seen these pics of his hot mom.
the Prince is not amused.
He is too autistic to care.
langhing at you stupid faggots that don't like being alone
t. Rosie
Yes, user.
I like being alone
what kind of hairline would you call that?
That's the only thing you will say about it!
what a world we live in.
Why spend your time alone?
Why even bother cooking if you have noone to cook for, or are you cooking for someone for christmas?
Sorry child, some of us are adults who are building for our future instead of acting like spoiled brats.
sage for your whining blog
I, too, would like to know the answer to these questions.
It's Christmas Eve. I should eat a nice meal. Plus I give out yearly cookies to people who have helped me along my way. Doc loves my cookies. Sometimes I spoil him and give him bad ones. I make the best Cranberry cookies.
Christmas Day I won't be alone. I'll be at Church and so on.
my nigga
Are you him, user?