how does this make you feel?
Your dream girl is lurking Holla Forums right now and you'll never meet her
feels bad man
Same as always.
bad, but how?
She is 2D
That is why she is your dream girl.
I'm MGTOW so this thread is redundant
This gril, user? Never say never! Ask her out.
OP is either a severely depressed mangina or a grill who wants to feel desired.
Either way OP is a retarded.
My dream girl is the type of girl that would be out in the world doing stuff and never posting on Holla Forums.
Don't care
Hey dream girl: I don't give a fuck about you. I'm not going to settle down as a young adult, give up on life, and have kids as a proclamation to the world that "my life has nowhere to go, so I might as well hand over the torch now." No, I'm going to explore the world. See the Caribbean. Maybe fuck some hookers in Shanghai if I want. Do some crazy stuff all around the world. See about starting a company. Spend every penny I earn on myself. And I'm gonna enjoy every second.
Find some other sucker to hook.
My dream girl has pointy ears
my dream grill is busy in the kitchen with her phone and the radio. smells like curry from here. yum.
tfw no gf
hope there is no poo in it
You can leave now /a/…
Elves are sluts. That is all they are.
Elf girls are the best girls, this is just a fact
Well, at least we're able to talk.
Fuck you. Fuck you so much. You don't understand.
Hello dream girl!
Already meet dream girl online, OP is wrong and a faggot.
I'm not sure any pure woman in her early twenties/ late teens would ever go here.
Au contraire - I’d suspect that any woman frequenting this hellhole place would be likely to be a virgin.
there's more to being pure than just being a virgin, you and I should both know that well.
edgy, you should just kill yourself right now
I already have her. This place is just good entertainment for me.