How expensive is facial reconstruction Holla Forums? I lost the genetic lottery and would like to try again.
Pic unrelated.
How expensive is facial reconstruction Holla Forums? I lost the genetic lottery and would like to try again.
Pic unrelated.
Nose is pretty easy but you'll look fayk :^)
Jawline idk, haven't heard of someone shaving some bone.
Unless you're /fit/ then you could get /fit/ and the jawline would show. It's also pretty expensive if you're a n33t. You could also try again by an heroing.
I'm thin but not muscular. Since I have very little body fat, I doubt getting fit will improve the jaw situation.
How so? I figured that the procedure would only involve cutting stuff off instead of adding anything, so I should still look "real."
As for money, I think I can afford it. It just seems sort of like cheating if that makes sense.
Holla Forums urself :^) You have to get it right according to your face and by cutting you'd have to restructure your nose to not like like Micheal Jackson. As for thinking you can afford it, it'll be a couple thousand to make people think that your nose is normal.
A Jew nose is good when introducing yourself to the gf's parents since Jew nose = $$
Anyone else can share?
You missed a perfect opportunity, she wanted your D
I understand how bongs feel now
switch to green tea. no staining there
Most sources I saw said $5-10k. So I can definitely afford it, but it is expensive.
Apparently at least my teeth are great. They're large and straight, and the only work I had to get done was getting my wisdom teeth pulled. So apart from ODing on Vicodin I haven't had much of a problem with them.
i have all 4 of my wisdom teeth in my mouth. you have shit teeth genetics.
What are you talking about? I got them taken out years ago and they weren't causing extreme pain. I got them removed because I if they had grown in they'd have crowded the rest of my teeth.
jdimsa famarino
you suck
8 inches and above or gtfo
t. women everywhere
How about you show us what were dealing with.
at least you're not this guy
I'm so fucking glad I was blessed with a jaw. That wouldn't be good for your confidence.
More room for dick. Good thinking.
Same, I'm shark nose/no chin and I really want to kill myself
Is it necessary to tell I'm still a virgin
why not fuck your sister?
post your jaw
at least you're not a nigg
b-ba.. zinga?
Facial feminization surgery, which involves stuff like nose job, shaving bone off jaw and brow runs ~$100k so you're probably looking at something comperable
Jaw exercises is a thing, though.
You haven't got anything to lose.
How much do those improve your jawline though?
Nigga I ain't here to explain shit, I'm just suggesting it
Just kill yourself, Jew.
Try this for a jaw exercise: Suck my dick.
This is the worst post I've seen since someone posted the entire plot of an unreleased ice age movie
fine you lil bitch boi, keep crying in your own thread till the end of time
I'm not even OP though fag
post your jaw you fucking nigger !
Being a size queen isn't much to be proud of. Given you are real in the first place, Schlomo.
hotdog, hallway
grow a beard?
That wasn't me, but I guess I'll post a pic when I sober up a little.
Why not just do it now pussy?
>Yeah sure
>Woah dude it's just a game
beards are for faggot jews and cucks same thing
Fellow kikenose here OP, I understand your frustration, but getting it surgically altered won't help. Self-consciousness is a mindset more than anything - fix your nose and jawline, and you'll notice some other thing to get annoyed by.
Frequent exercise and socialisation, as well as just not being an unhygenic slob who doesn't look after himself, are much better for your appearance and confidence than a nosejob, and will draw people to you; getting a nosejob won't.
I've been reading a bunch of it, and one of the things that causes shitty jaws is "mouth breathing".
It can however be reversed by the proper tongue posture. If you breath through the nose instead, you're able to rest your tongue at your palate inside the mouth, and it will then push the "maxilla" bone up and more forward. Bones seems to be alot easier to bend and move around than what you'd think. If your maxilla is too far behind, your nose automatically looks bigger, so the maxilla bone seems to be a pretty big deal on your overall face.
I don't know if I make any sense, but you can read about it here:
I can't really confirm if it works, but as always, what the hell is there to lose.
It seems interesting, but it also seems somewhat 'alternative' and 'obscure' so to speak, designed to replace orthodontics with what they term 'orthotropics', with the guy in your video and his father being the only real proponents of it. I'd say wait for some peer reviewed research/some mainstream credibility before putting too much faith in it (not to say that mainstream recognition is a determining factor in legitimacy).
This being said however, the thing about lifting your tongue up to the top of my mouth did seem to slightly 'suck in' the underneath part of where my neck and chin join.
Nanking was justified, and shouldn't have stopped there tbh.
Here's some mainstream media coverage