Can't threathen the Batten
I often read things about George Soros and saw the recent video of fellow black pigeon speaks. I know already about, financing #BLM and ukrainian Maidan etc. but something that is often mentioned is that he ruins whole economies with his money. I don't know how he does it and can't imagine that he is able to do it on it's own. Black Pigeon Speaks said that he is wanted in places like China for messing with the economy. I know that he's extremely rich and such, but how can one man alone trouble strong economies like china ? And how did he profit from the financial crisis like Batten mentioned in the video. I don't know much about economy but it's my understanding that in most cases banks or investors loose money in a crisis, since it's gone, doesn't matter where it came from.
George Soros destroying economies ?
jews work in a mysterious ways, user
Care to explain.
He just means the master plan. It all happens for a reason.
this man has very large nipples
That's the "owner" of this site.
Soros can ruin whole economies due to momentum. He has access to enough financial assets (and the ears of other people who hold similar amounts) that he can make markets move to a far greater degree than if you simply took his net worth and assumed that was it. If he massively shorts a currency, he can do so with enough strength that other traders will assume the currency will go down as well - and hence they'll hop onto the trade as well, further driving the currency down and adding to the effect of his initial "investment".
So you're saying that he does that by de-investing money ? But how can he gain from this ?
Soros specializes in "shorting" markets. This is when you borrow stocks (from a large institution) sell them, and then buy them back later (hopefully for a lower price) and return them to the person/institution you borrowed them from. Essentially, its a bet against the market – that the market will go down
So, all you have to do is find some level of insecurity in a market where you think there might be a panic, and then make it happen. For instance, he used his NGOs (tax free moneys) to help to flood Europe with migrants knowing that the brainwashed idiots didn't think it would be a big deal. He knew it would, so he shorted the markets there. BAM! He makes bookoo bucks.
pretty simple, really.
He can create panics and profit from it. He's basically the devil.
You don't like a free market?. Soros earned his money and is free to do whatever he wants with it, and you can't say anything, or you're a commie.
Well, as I learned he can't do it with tax evasion, insider trading and money laundering.
But if the institution he took the money from agrees to buy it back, how is that not a repo trade and who says that they won't do it to the same cheap price as Soros did ?
How the fuck does Soros still have any power? Look at his reply, he's searching his words and he looks like he's on his deathbed. If he was middle class he'd be in a retirement home going even more senile by being put on neuroleptics. The only reason he's relevant to anything is because he's the Rothschild & co. frontman. Let him rot once and for all for fuck's sake.
Bookoo, is spelled beaucoup. It's the French word for a lot or very much.
I would suckle his manteets tbh
Soros probably attends the parties and shakes hands with the big guys, but he's probably just a pawn by being a front for all their dirty money transactions.
He looks like he's about to croak any day, he's the fall guy for them that's for sure.
Jim, please. Even if your man boobs are quite big I'm sure you couldn't suckle them.
Oh, well in that case i'll spend my hard-earned money in this free market to have someone set your house on fire while you're asleep. You salty buttcrying Leftard.
ooga booga où kel son lé blanshe
It's a strategy of economic leverage between nations with different economic systems, in order to extract maximum wealth from the "Trade" between nations.
That's why Soros wants to keep the EU together, he writes the trade deals between nations to bennifit his investments, at the expense of the economy and peoples of those nations.
You had one job, OP. A job you failed miserably.
What the fuck is this low energy bullshit? Let me fix this for you, you utter disappointment.
There. Now fuck off.
If you don't understand the basics of short contracts maybe you shouldn't be trying to discuss this topic.
fucking thank you
jesus christ it bugged the shit out of me seeing this garbage on the front page
Pick one.
try looking it up you filthy low-information pleb