Pedo Justice
Pedo Justice
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Delete this.
that comment section is ruthless
taking a life is a mortal sin
such lack of control and discipline and youre praising this
wrong link
God Mode: all the way to the end
lol why do they need so many people to do a raid?
Well he kinda dissevered it. I do the same if someone harmed my child.
Actually no "kinda".
…deserved. stupid computer assumes words as I type. I really need to turn that off.
'murrica fuck yeah
Fascist scum get rekt
The hate only proves your irrationality.
鬼神 Kill Em All 2017
I am freedom man
410,757,864,530 DEAD COPS
is this a good cure. for my feelings fam
Holla Forums ?
Why fight love user?
Why does every anarchist, cop-hating liberal hide their face?
La rage is a retarded consipracy theorist third positionist anarkiddy mixture of shit.
Yes, that's Holla Forums. Anarchists need to eat bullets when the time comes.
You could say that, as I typically post there, but they're more leninist or stalinist than me.
Because prison is not a nice place to go, but you gotta do something about the fucking pigs.
The BBC really likes showing censored child porn.
Killing cops, wall street bankers and fascists is always just fam
good job bbc
It's only just in the struggle to seize power against resisting forces, there's no generalization. You take the economic power and their political rights, taking their lives is reserved to them taking illegal actions towards restoring capitalism.
Anarchist individual terrorist petty bourgeoise scum like you will get put in mental institutions and be sedated into compliance right next to nazi lumpenprols.
Cops watching CP
yellow shirt guy is really into it
Are you Catholic? I say only the governement has the right to execute someone, and if someone does not like this, and all of the core rules of a country are followed, then they can just leave. I definitely agree with your last line. In some places, people kill each other over rumours. Not only is listening to rumours bad, they break the law, and the ideals/philosophy of the place. People seem to think "justice = what I like" (like a baby), and you especially see this in minorities and women who attack others (minority or not, for both cases) for being offensive, or for "cheating" on there "girlfriends" or "boyfriends" (which are not even things in any religion I know of.)
I see the West turning into either a mutt s-hole that does not like rules, or a place with Soviet values pretending to not be Soviet or a place that does the dirty thing with them.
Disgusting, they lay there life upholding the law, even when people hate them, and you do this.
Girls become horrible because there mother do not act like real women, and they seek the be degenerate like them.
There have been interesting threads and posts from both religion-fags and evolution-fags, on women's nature.
Love is not important, unless when you said "love", you meant it in a philosophical or religious sense, like the Christian or nationalist love.
left to right, going down
That's disturbing.
Why? Just Why? For what purpose would someone do this?
A fucking maximum of three years
In bonglang, 'making indecent images' means possession.
They consider saving the image to your computer making it.
but only three years? he should get life.
The law only protects the elite and the establishment, it cracks down on the working class any chance it gets, and if they can kill us for no reason and get away with it, they will and do.
yum yum
this is too much i'm outta here
Fuck pedos!
You're not actually Hotwheels, where's the wheelchair by the name?
dindu arrested for CP
don't give your wifi passwords to neighbours!
What? You don't take selfies with your rape CP?
I guarantee they all have some degree of boner.
what an absurd and massive misallocation of resources.
1000% increase in the chance his children will be exploited sexually because they are away from their father.
dem 5s
How many of those attracted to boys were women?
Fucking waste.
jealous faggot
He is the keeper of lolis
You fucking new fag.
Scared yet?
you don't know how to properly link threads.
that's all I was referring to.
I do, newfag.
There is literally nothing wrong with being a pedo. If both parties are enjoying themselves, there is no problem~
Rapists however, along with murderers, should just be shot. Hell, i'd do that job for free.
Just as by the law decreed magical legal age of 18, it is merely part of a social structure. Outside of the idea it doesn't really exist.
also this
Somehow I doubt this, but I wonder if Holla Forums counts?!
That you still find it difficult to grok the concept of 'informed consent' proves how impossible it is for immature individuals, such as yourself, to be fully informed about anything, especially without personal experience. If one has not yet gone through puberty it is entirely impossible that they could have been fully informed enough about sex to make a decision that could in any way be construed as 'informed' consent. It's that simple, retard! It's not a social construct. It's simple biology. Stop trying to pretend stupidity.
It's natural for a man to feel attraction towards a young girl. Hell, anything that even resembles a female form.
itt; muh consent
Back to your "safespace" normies.
I I have seldom seen this, but I do think most people have no sense of humility or resrvation these days, and the US flag (assuming those cops are American), among others flags and symbols, have become "plastic" conversation pieces.
Good question.
I think this is a study conducted only using men. Otherwise, "hetero or homosexual" (I just say, if a person "lies" with a person of the same gender, they are a person who does that. If they renounce that behavior, they not that anymore. That is all.) adult exclusives/primaries would have made the men and women bars almost equal.
I cringed as I wrote "exclusives/primaries".
Nothing the post said implied he was a homosexual. Every time a Spanish speaking poster says something, they just sound increasingly dumb; though English speaking posters do what you did, it does not seem to be as frequent. Stop acting (I hope) like a fool.
Pick one.
I fucking came
So not only did the boy get molested, then he lost his father because he wanted to be some stupid hero.
The murderer didn't get any jail time.
Contributing, fuckers need to be hung.
You shouldn't judge a whole group of people by the bad actions of a few
Objectively, they are humans. Even pic related is human, even if or when she ch–ps out.
I have never contributed to those types of things.
He did, though a small amount of time. This changed his and his family's life.
das rite.
literally didnt have to go to probably angola for the rest of his life and is in the next life now and the father is probably still in prison a win for pedos damn that is funny they always win
oh shit stopped at 53 seconds seems either way the pedo won damn
Pick one.
Pedo gets fucked up
I like both Laura B and Boxxy
All of you need to fucking stop hating on us pedos hebes and Ephebs this is getting very annoying as fuck i swear i hate society.
We dislike you, as well.
Go back to Fagbook normie get out also i cant believe i live in a world full of retards people were a lot smarter years ago when adult men were fucking 12 year olds cause biologically it made fucking sense i swear to fucking god i am tired of being hated for my sexual orientation someday i will have my revenge against you normalfags.
you seem upset assuming this isn't b8
Literally living the dream
Why can't you get someone your own age? Do you not see the hypocrisy?
You want "pure", innocent, non-judgmental girls because you're a shit person, you can't attract anyone with a sense of good judgement.
They would see how perverse you are, how you specifically target younger, less experienced boys for sex. Wait, is it voodoo? Will molesting a child somehow relieve you of your shame?
You autistic, social outcast. So sad.
I like girls my own age as well but you have to understand women are already old gross and over the hill by their mid 30s also i think teens can judge just fine so fuck off clearly you did not read my comment.
Things you hear that you never wish you had:
Q) Why does your dad still call you 'Squirt', kiddo?
A) Because that's what I do!
Nigger you sound like a fucking 5 yr old writing that damn response.
I will assume you are younger than Laura for posting such bs
requesting the picture of a crying pedo that was beaten up in jail