There a /po/ for the Right, and Holla Forums for the Left. Why isn't there a Holla Forums for people who meet halfway?
There a /po/ for the Right, and Holla Forums for the Left. Why isn't there a Holla Forums for people who meet halfway?
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There is
>>>Holla Forums
politically neutral people dont give a fuck about politics
What political stance would it hold. I would assume socialism
it's called
you can literally just make it
and there's probably one that already exists that suits whatever hack opinion you have
Honestly the idea of "LeftyPol" is retarded. There shouldn't be "xD TOMMYPOL" or some shit. It should be Politics. That's it. That's the board.
yeah it would have been like that,was like that till faggots started to RP as natziz fighting the soviet menace, and banning every leftist in the board.
Splitting the boards in the first place was a mistake and turned them both into echochambers where having a differing opinion gets you banned.
Splitting them was a mistake.
Holla Forums use to be that.
that's the consensus view and its not politically incorrect dipshit
its called facebook.
go back there.
Holla Forums is politically incorrect.
You cant have a left politically incorrect thats a hypocrisy. Thats like saying a libertarian would be for banning guns, it doesnt make sense
Because everyone assumes you're either voting Democrat or Republican. They act like there's no third party option. They're that damn ignorant.
you say that as if it was involuntary
Because sane people don't need hugboxes.
Sane people don't vote Democrat or Republican.
But sane people vote Trump.
False. Insane people vote Trump. Plus he's part of the Republican party. He's obviously an illuminati puppet.
Everything is cyclical, the left once were the rebels of political incorrectness fighting the system, now the right are.
If you're not fighting anything, you probably don't stand for anything that requires any insight, because you eat whatever the system feeds you.
that would be >>>/polpol/
belief in a repeating history is as retarded as belief in an ever progressing history
Because 90% of people who are on the "middle" are pretentious faggots who think everyone is wrong except themselves. And/or they hate "the nadzees" and "the sjaywees" and categorize you in one of the two categories unless you agree with them on everything.
Just like the left thinks only they are correct, and the right things only they are correct. Both are like cults of sorts who first learn to identify with some kind of ideology, and then slowly begin blindly following anything that fits into it without giving it a single independent thought.
The middle that you're most likely referring to reminds me of the "rational" crowd who think they've gained some kind of enlightenment past religion, but in reality they're militant atheists who subscribe to the atheism religion harder than hardcore Christians subscribe to Christianity.
The true "middle ground" doesn't categorize itself on "the middle" or anywhere else. I'd like to start a movement for lack of labels some day, they're the cancer that's eating away on our society nowadays. People are so keen to stick labels to themselves and then attempt to conform to them, either because it makes them appear quirky or unique or superior or whatever the reason. I think even "gay" is mostly just a quirk label nowadays, people think of their sexuality based on these categories instead of just following whatever their heart and mind tells them to.
There probably is but it's so unpopular that you never heard of it. Nobody cares what faggot centrists think.
They were never 'split,' so to speak, Holla Forums has been right wing for a while; I didn't use Holla Forums on 4сuсk so I can't say if leftists were banned there, but with the 8ch method of boards, the Holla Forums here became an echochamber, and leftists had no choice but to form their own board if they wanted to talk without being banned.
Holla Forums is for being politically incorrect. If you want to be politically correct, virtually every other site will cater to you. In short:
lmao, it's for WN, not people who just want to be politically incorrent; try being politically incorrect if it doesn't allign with the admin's bias, and see what happens
give me three examples (that aren't indistinguishable from trolling/shilling)
It's called /liberty/
/liberty/ is for retards who took economics 101 and now think they know better than professionals
What like the Jew Krugman who is the main defender of the FED AND WOLD BANK THAT creates money out of thin air and rules over the GOYIM?
This year I will be redeemed.
The scam cannot go on forever.
This is the quandary of human nature and the bell curve, not ideology.
Third worlder invasion and their stunted IQ values will ruin your society no matter what you believe.
You mean like National Bolshevism?
One thing I have to point out is these ideologies do not seem to be designed to cope with the fallout of post-WW2 Jewish activism and the dysgenic catastrophe of third world immigration. Jewry must be expelled.
Nor is the conservative attitude toward sex appropriate when it continuously grinds against human nature.
Because how dare people grind against their base instincts you fucking kike we should all run around like animals and shit onto things
You mean /Buddhism/? Sadly Buddhism as been co-opted by faggots, yuppies and all the progressive bullshit you could think of since the 70's.
you mean libertarians?
You have the same problem the Holla Forums mods have; if someone disagrees with you, they MUST have ulterior motives. If you have this mindset there's no real point debating with you because "SHILL" is your first resort to being disagreed with, but I'll try anyway:
Say that Trump is just a shabbos goy, he is very supportive of Israel, and therefore it makes no sense for Holla Forums to worship him (any criticism of Trump will do, though, this is just one example).
Start a thread which is pro-communism/socialism, some sort of compromise on Holla Forums's positions, i.e. race, and see how open minded the mods will be when you go against the groupthink.
Ask the mods why they ban people who disagree with them.
Because sensible people willing to actually try to solve problems don't need to wallow in an echo chamber of benighted morons.