REVEALED: Merkel NEEDS free trade deal with UK or 750,000 German jobs could face the axe
Just giving a hearty Cheers to our fellow brit/pol/aks on their extended Brexit celebrations!
REVEALED: Merkel NEEDS free trade deal with UK or 750,000 German jobs could face the axe
Just giving a hearty Cheers to our fellow brit/pol/aks on their extended Brexit celebrations!
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Wait, EU kikes and their minions said they won't trade with the UK after it gets out of their globalist union?
TOP KEK, I overestimated these people, maybe its because they are so isolated from the people and reality that they're making such retarded decisions. If anything, this move will cause other countries to get out even faster.
Well that's not good
user these are the same people that killed 20% of European economy (and I mean 20% of each state's economy) the same day they declared sanctions against Russia. Do you really think these kikes have any foresight? They just dump non-existing money into the system and see how long they can keep this up. I wouldn't be surprised if unemployment was running high towards 15% in every EU state.
Of course not you blithering retard.
Not trade =/= Freetrade deal
Surely Germany already has far more than enough jobs to withstand this hit. I mean wasn't that what bringing in all those migrants was for? ;-)
It's the best. Especially if those nearly million jobs get cut, that'll pave the way to a massive overturn in German public opinion.
no good…
Public opinion towards Brexit people starving in the streets is not a good thing
More like increased hatred between the two countries.
The whole point is to put Germans out of work! Social disruption and chaos in preparation for Merkel's plan to make Germany Communist
A quick research shows me that the guy is columnist for a german newspaper in southern germany.
There is literally nobody else making news about this because that guy is a nobody.
Are britbongs really THIS desperate?
While I doubt that Merkel would ever
completely block all trade with Britain and sheer principle, the German economy does rely heavily on rhe UK as a trade consumer.
She's going to replace them with 750,000 rapefugees anyway.
EU thinks they can punish UK and not have any ramifications, that's pure leftist logic that only considers one side of the equation.
It's almost like they're shocked to know there's another side.
Of course they do. Farage wasn't joking when he thumbed his nose at the EU. Unfortunately, this is, at least in part, due to Britain's control of (((The City)))
Doesn't the german industry already cheat the russian sanctions via subsidiaries?
Good, Germans are cucks anyway.
Did the other ships die?
In the EU, you have to have applied for a job within the last four weeks to be counted as unemployed. So, disregarding everyone who's not actively seeking an above-the-table job, the EU's unemployment rate is:
about 10%.
Every time Merkel is the subject of public scrutiny the closer she gets to her eventual helicopter ride. Same with pic related.
How much does merkel pay you?
Outrageously exorbitant interest rates, which should never have been allowed to go unpunished in any state, are now part and parcel of the "social" Republic, and this is where the destruction of production begins, the destruction wreaked by these Marxist theories of economics as such, and moreover by the madness of a taxation policy which sees to the rest; and now we witness how class upon class are collapsing, how hundreds of thousands, gradually driven to despair, are losing their livelihoods; and how, year after year, tens of thousands of bankruptcies and hundreds of thousands of compulsory auctions are taking place.
Then the peasantry starts to become impoverished, the most industrious class in the entire Volk is driven to ruin, can no longer exist, and then this process spreads back to the cities, and the army of unemployed begins to grow: one million, two, three, four million, five million, six million, seven million; today the number might actually lie between seven and eight million. They destroyed what they could in fourteen years of work, and no one did anything to stop them.
Go die britkike you are by far the worst race
Oh my Rabbi, what a big nose you have!
I have a cousin working in France and he's telling me that a lot of the citizens there are getting sick of the EU's shit too.
Well, no kidding… And the Uk also needs Germany and the EU to save its jobs…
Congratulations, you just discovered how trade works..
check again.
you take away their work first, then they get desperate for work, then they'll take any work you give them, communism
Good. The economy must crash. The welfare system must crash. No gibs = chimp outs. Then we can freely kill all immigrants.
the same was with sanctions on russia. They were talking about it a lot and in the end they were still selling military equipment, France was even selling warships to russia.
Well Merkel had better get ready to cut her refugee quota by 750,000, then.
It's a shame that the UK doesn't seem to have decent negotiators.
Trump please come to the UK.
In other news, BREXIT positive for markets
He isn't wrong.
youth unemployment in spain is 40-50%
Very similar numbers for Italians too
This is a potential Great Happening.
Not only EU needs to bow to UK despite all the Bluff, Unemployment in big numbers tends to snowball and could end up qualified 1+ million people.
Add that to the refugee situation, and everything points to PUTSCH.
Also add this:
"Meet Tom Humphrey. He heads up Deutsche Bank’s Investment Banking operations on Wall Street.
He was also head of fixed income at Lehman."
Year of the Fire Monkey.
As neat as everything is becoming, am I the only one having in issue with how quick the Brits are to insult and target Germany when it's largely Britain's fault for how fucked Germany currently is?
God Holla Forums is so fucking shit
She will cackle in her ivory tower, while Germans die of cold, hunger and shame.
Just look; she will aim to spite the UK, even though it will cost rest of the Europe dearly.
Is it moral to [blank] an elderly woman?
Why do they look so distraught after the disappearance of the first ship?
UK doesn't need it though… EU trade agreements serve only to make brussles rich so merkel can buy more "Refugees"
If this is only the first half I can only imagine what the second half will give us.
This is
the future she chose by being a dipshit with the "refugee crisis."
Cut the free trade, UK! Crush the German welfare state! Fuck Germany.
How the hell is Merkel being responsible for the destruction of the job market, living standards, economy etc. going to garner her enough support to go full Commie? Not happening. Although Germans are a disgraceful and cucked-to-hell people, so you never know.
well she isnt gonna have to live in that future so whatever
lol fuck off liberal scum.
When has Merkel ever given a single shit about the German people