Let no one build walls to divide us,
Walls of hatred nor walls of stone.
Come greet the dawn and stand beside us,
We'll live together or we'll die alone.
Let no one build walls to divide us
The Wall just got 10 feet higher, elf.
If we are born alone and die alone, why in life should it be any different?
We are born free and become enslaved
Unity is a safeguard against enslavement
You become enslaved to another and call it freedom.
Walls are like doors, they only keep honest people out.
Who decides that? What right do they have?
The planet belongs to everyone. Walls stop people from experiencing its pleasures
Why, then, should we take the honest from the deprived? You keep away the less ambitious evil and let others simply knock. Discussion is important, keeping the source equally so.
The planet belongs to some more than others. Discussion is important, keeping the source equally so.
huh? just get a passport and you can travel to wherever you wanna go
Why should people have to get permission from some fascist government to travel around their property?
Do you also take the food from the homeless claiming it as your own as much as his?
tfw "the prole"
I can't take it from his hands or anything just like I can't charge into him and say I was just running into my space
No, you only steal while he is not looking. Virtuous, a thief would at least hide his shame.
huh? you need borders to keep the niggers and spics out
Seeking to rid the world of ideologies is an ideology itself.
huh? borders are a deterrent
But it's their planet too
Borders not matched equally by might are just chalk lines.
They are given it. There is no fairness in equality, and vice versa.
OP just confirmed Trump has a 140+ IQ
Man should never pray for itself, for we
Fuck your goddamn image OP. I have an IQ of over 160 and that doesn't make any of us "enlightened" or "elite".
Inherent differences between the races, such as intelligence, is a factor that should be acknowledged. When you mix superior races in with inferior races, you will get inferior children. It is forced de-evolution and it will hinder man-kinds strive towards greatness.
I did it for awhile, earning $250,000 with a highschool education isn't as stupid as it sounds.
Fuck off Emmanuel, your book was SHIT
Many powerful people sure like forcing people to integrate, until a dominant culture grows over all other cultures and ends up overpowering even them in the end.
I'm not sure how inherent they are, nurture seems to matter a great deal
Racism is more like, always wanting black people to not succeed, not wanting to give to charities that help black people, always taking sides against black people, being resentful of black people when they do succeed, things like that
I think it makes you elite by definition
According to this I am an enlightened elite, yet I work a shitty job and don't have 2 bucks to rub together.
I would agree with you, but Mexicans and Muslims dont feel the same way as you do. We must move and make choices that are best for us and are based on whats going on.
Open borders will lead to a decline in global violence people the resources of the world will be more equally shared.
Government borders reinforce global inequality
would like to see those who advocate walls when:
How would they react?
will they just accept their situation and take it laying down?
will they advocate for a wall if they are on the other side of it?
Don't get fooled by basic psyops.
feels shitty man
lol i'll keep my house thanks
your also a faggot.
yeah ok.
Hey, look buddy, I'm Donald Trump, that means I solve problems. Not problems like "is my hair real or not" because that would fall under the purview of the conundrums of philosophy. I solve practical problems. For instance, how am I gonna stop some big mean Mexican from tearing the border a structurally superfluous new behind? The answer… is a wall, and if that don't work, use more wall. Like this heavy concrete, barbered wire mounted little old number designed by me. Paid for by Mexico, and you best hope, not in front of you.
why do you live in fear that someone wants to take your house?
We will live together, just not with everyone you utter cunt.
Is anybody really together if everybody in a community has radically different views? That's what I thought.
The only way to truly 'live together' is to adopt a strong national identity and send everyone who doesn't conform to their globalist 'haven' so they can sink with their ship.
lol, gtfo you sjw faggot. you've clearly spent no time around those pieces of shit. they are thieves and liars, all of them
also, you failed to point out the the two le ebul rayciss biggots groups are the actual producers in society (though your fag category has bankers in with military for some reason, so it doesn't quite work)
I'd have no problems with nazis if they didn't want to execute me.
Hitler did not do everything wrong
There was his invasion of Russia over oil fields. That probably costed him the war. I wonder wither or not Hitler believed America was just going to sit there across the Atlantic and not help their allies… Its funny because Hitler admired Americas sense of nationalism. He admired Americanism in general and was a huge fan of Disney
I support you 100% OP, D&C faggots need to die
also: kill all muslims, gas the kikes, burn the niggers
Me thinks op hasn't worked any of these jobs before.
These tasks are easier for people with a higher IQ.
Why do you, a committed white nationalist, have a hard time accepting the existence of stupid people?
I'm going to use OP's pic to derail threads.
And just like that you fucked up otherwise decent b8.
You're supposed to deny that it takes intelligence to do any of those things so you keep easily riled morons shitting themselves.
You need work OP.
oy vey
better version