Well first of all I would encourage everybody on Holla Forums to get on >>>/meadhall/ and start networking so we can build up communities of people in different areas.
We already have a decent group here in Atlanta and lots of people have meet-up quite often: probably about twice a week although I haven't been able to personally make it to anything besides meeting up w/ a Holla Forumsack back in February at a Trump rally.
Once we have networks established all around the nation, in this case that nation is obviously America (but this can be adapted for any nation really) we should start thinking of drafting an name and forming a sort of pseudo-organization of Holla Forumsacks and people from other communities as well that think the same way and begin getting to work.
We could spread our name by doing things like helping veterans, community service to the millions of homeless whites that are ignored and have their welfare stolen from them by dindus, cleaning up previously great neighborhoods or assisting in getting white families out of black "hoods", training whites to use guns, and many other things.
However, we will definitely run into a myriad of issues. One of the biggest will be leadership. Ideas like National Socialism, Fascism, Traditionalism, Monarchism, and so on all rely on powerful leadership. Not sure how we would determine leadership, but it would need to be done very carefully and in a fashion that will avoid petty power struggles.
Additionally, we will have to worry about infiltrators from AntiFa, (((SPLC))), and other such organizations that will definitely attempt to attack us from the inside by joining our ranks. Not sure how to negate this one except testing new people on their knowledge and keeping a close eye on people.
We will also need visual appeal so we don't just look like a group of unorganized idiots. Dress codes may become important later on, and perhaps in the far future even (non-autistic) uniforms. Emblems, anthems, catchphrases, and other things of that nature may hold importance later on as well.
Think of an organization similar to the NSDAP. They were originally just a small group of people who loved their nation and were hated by both their government and the rising red menace in Weimar Germany. But through organization and demonstration they were able to show the public who was correct and who was the hypocrite. We need something similar to that while we can still take advantage of our momentum before everything descends into just a small span of time filled with our shitposting.
All this is just thoughts. If we wanted to do this, people would have to be willing to stick their necks out a bit and get in contact with other like-minded people in their area. Once we have a base around the nation, we can decide what path to take from there, and depending on the situation that path may differ completely from what I have in mind.
I implore anybody in this thread that wants to start networking to use >>>/meadhall/ and tell others to use it as well. The more we encourage networking, the more likely it will be that we can get off the ground and start taking action, no matter what that action may be.
tl;dr Start networking on >>>/meadhall/ and meet up with Holla Forumsacks in your area and establish connections.