*blocks your path*
*blocks your path*
Other urls found in this thread:
I think i can take him
You there, the lesser Knight. Why have you blocked my way to the kitchen? I have no time for your games, the King demands a sandwich fit for a hero.
*teleports behind you*
not so fast imperial scum, the king has no authority here
*blocks your path*
What do?
Wait a little while until it dies of a heart attack
but then it would still be blocking your path.
it'd be blocking everyone's path.
btw that's considered a modern "art" piece
*Kick you in your mangina*
Move your ass you fucking nigger
*teleports you into gas chamber*
Back to >>>/4elf/
it is art, user. you don't get to decide what is or isn't art, the artist does that. that's what they do.
call it bad art if you wish -opinions are free. what makes you a nasty is laying down the law about what people should think.
Maybe she just wanted a good fuck
made she doesn't need to weigh 500lbs
Don't know.
Who do you call to remove a beached whale?
HOLY SHIT that's a fucking woman! I couldn't even tell at first.
A piece of poop is art. It's settled then!!!
how much Poise fam?
time to burn some calories
artists can make art with poop, yes
pic related is well known museum piece
you may not like it, but this piece, like a certain urinal, are iconic examples of a movement that defined american art in the 20th century. other pics related
O shit this guy's got tubes and camo
You do belong on >>>/4elf/
Negi Generation 3000!
the fuck does this have to do with SJW hambeasts, nigger?
ill kick your cunt in
he needs a helmet and that blade thingy set into a heavy handle with a guard. i'm also a bit worried about the protruding bolts, but otherwise the armor is pretty cool. i hope he can run fast without tyring (sic) because in a riot, that kit would pull cops thick and fast.
stop bully me
Thanks user. This poster had been dealt with.
Yeah, Asuka a shit. Rei and Misato are also shit, Ramiel best grill.
Guys, guys…
shinji a shit.
Was anyone arguing he wasn't?
i was just trying to establish some common ground
So you wanted everyone to not throw shit at each other for a few seconds?
Well yeah that's the entire point of the show.
Best girl? Best girl.
no i just wanted everyone to be standing on something while they did it
Makes sense.