Omegle keks haven't been garnered in a while, so I decided to make a new thread
Lets do we wuz kangz edition, inspired by this one retarded omegle person who thinks mlk is an african and we wuz cleopatras
My strategy is to use multiple windows for browsers. I have to use firecuck because Pale Moon cant render omegle
Omegle keks thead: we wuz kangz edition n shiet
Other urls found in this thread:
Further proof omegle is full of bumbling retards
I used to think we wuz kangz was a dumb joke. Nobody really believes that? Right?
If there's one thing I've learn after so much time on Holla Forums, it's that we are so far beyond "normal" that we don't even notice how far we've really come.
New strategy, spamming omegle with redpills
What's the probability of 3 Holla Forumsacks in one room?
The 'high IQ' jews don't even break 100.
I am disappoint.
Nigger we had two fucking omegle threads within this week you retard
Someone should make the "everyone has aids" song from team America, but make it "everyone was kangs" instead.
Let's we wuz antifa.
$5 says he only knows shaka zulu from rap battles of history
Let's take the label "antifa" and meme it to something pro fascist / pro /pol.
Finally King Wewuz!
I had a feeling you guys were doing one of these threads after that question.
Came here after seeing that.
a form of fascism in which only land-owners have political power and the government is motivated by the pursuit of honor
I'm all for it, getting an antifa tattoo tomorrow :^)
How did it end up so perfectly?
Well at least you guys are having fun.
Cleopatra was an African ruler, she just wasn't black
idi amin without google
I took some time to think about a good question. Here's a look into the mind of the new generation™ circa tonight. I call it "Soylent America".
Is this satire?
Honestly, I wouldn't even be satisfied with indoctrinating these people into our thing.
They are too much of a liability. They ought to be eliminated from the gene pool.
i don't know why i went along with it but i don't regret it
I was platinum mad. I have it copy-pasted in a text document, but fuck. Maybe Omegle thought it was too racist for screencaps.
Either post the text right into this thread or nigger rig it with screenshots of the text file, I want to see this
Well, I have this in the meantime. Then I'll post the logs from my rant at the nigger.
Fuck these faggots. That right there is one of the biggest reasons that you can almost never argue with a liberal or leftist. No matter what you do or give them, they'll jump through every hoop twice over just to try and discredit it, then act like they've won the argument. "slippery slope" is demonstrably real and you blew that cuck out whenever you posted that article.
Well, here it is. I managed to get a screenshot by using a text hosting site. Judge for yourself. I probably made an ass out of myself. Talking to non-whites has brought me to the realisation that deep down, they all really fucking hate us. A little bit of prodding, and they go from "WE ALL EQUAL FAM" to "I WILL BE GLAD WHEN ALL THE WHITE PEOPLE ARE DEAD EVERYONE HATES YOU."
Before anyone says anything
Yes, I know they're poo-in-loos.
Whats the omegle website where you can roleplay as someone?
thanks fam
That was great. I love when they start with the "Yeah you win man who cares XD" shit.
I got banned from omegle for saying cunt.. :(
There may be hope for man…
"The top 10 incest cases have taken place in…"
Wow, I didn't know there was a top incests of all time list. I wonder what the number one was?
That last one.
What is that?
Cancerous assfaggots memes
My heart drops.
The only African professional philosopher I know off hand is Kwame Anthony Appiah, and he's a globalist hack, and surprise surprise half-White. Francis Cardinal Arinze is a good student of Western philosophy, and he's full-blooded, but is a cleric first of course.
Tippu Tip, from an Isak Dinesen story.
Jean Bedel Bokassa, who proclaimed himself Emperor of the Central African Empire.
Was Tamerlane African?
I'm sort of embarrassed not to know anyone else!
Timur was mongol
Mansa Musa, the guy with so much gold, he caused a wave of inflation in Egypt when he went to Mecca.
There were probably loads of other memorable people from West Africa, from before it turned into a complete shithole. It was probably always a shithole, but back then everything was, so relatively speaking it wasn't that bad.
There's Shaka Zulu, too.
I was mistaken, actually a Black slave trader *sweeps under rug*.
Yes, and a pretty cool guy. I'd rather Blacks try and emulate him than Obama.
Uh-oh, not African.
My sides
Who did this?
I wonder who.
spamming this question serves our cause, because:
1. in incites kike hatred
2. it de-legitimizes historical reparations
3. de-legitimizes kike claims at persecution
Bezmenov knows…
I'm surprised these people are even human. I refuse to think they have the same capacity to think for themselves.
Everyone knows the dinosaurs were black. Kangasaurus was the greatest of them all.
I've known (note past tense) people that type like that third pic. The main one that sticks out that I knew was an 85 IQ spic.
==Imhotep== you motherfuckers
A philosopher, scientist, architect and astronomer. Living god too.
Too bad he wasnt a nigger. All US would pray to him daily.
Just imagine praising GLORIOUS SIRIUS every day instead of some ded rabbi on a stick.
Wow, that was quite the BTFO
Not omegle, but have some fresh salt.
Nice BTFO, kike.
are you also gay?
I wish I could kill this fucking faggot
Born 69 BC
Alexandria, Egypt
Egypt is in Africa, that makes her African, yes i know all about her Greek heritage
This guy was a piece of work:
At least he got BTFO
Leftists don't have brains, do they?
Tamerlane was a hapa
First of all, praise kek.
Secondly that was brutal to read. It was like the guy was raping her with facts and she was in complete denial while it was happening to her.
She didn't even try to refute anything, and weakly asked for age and location until finally:
Just sad.
(Very good digits)
It's funny that whenever you argue IQ around leftists they always claim to have a smart black friend/relative as if that proves you wrong. You demolished that stupid whore.
Found carl.
Solid arguments.
Can any Anons set up a thingy which repeatedly asks this question without the need for manual input?
It would be very useful indeed.
Everyone answers yes to that question, it's sickening
It wasn't anything of note, but I was the one chatting to the Egyptian.
Here you go
Niggers believe a lot of dumb shit.
If you're trying to make other people look stupid, it wouldn't hurt to learn how to spell first. Otherwise things like this can happen which makes you seem as dumb as a nigger.
Kind of makes you think why the populous is so easily ruled. The average person is ignorant as shit.
This is a truth that every ideologue eventually comes up against
Not that it matters, but I was stranger 2. Great question user
What mlg means?
major league gaming
I wasn't triggered. I said "fuck affirmative action" in that I hate it, for it only benefits dindu's.
The original image of this where it was talking about tolerance for peoples beliefs in the first panel was the best one
I'm stranger 2 in that picture.
I remember back then feeling my brain hurting after having to read stranger 1's posts.
Also, I honestly didn't expect that the chat log was going to posted here. Thanks for allowing me to save it.
Nice numbers.
Which one of you did this?
I'm starting to think 95% of the people on omegle are 12 year old kids.
I have a lot more but most them boil down to people being unable to discuss the premise.
They just discuss whether or not the holocaust was real instead of what their worldview would be like if they believed it to be a lie. Thought experiments are too hard for normies.
I included the long one here because it was very typical of most conversations. People will drift away from the topic because they're uncomfortable with it.
Found a jew.
Definitely talks like a jew
I've just tried out using that question and it's super effective at picking out people sounding awfully Jewish trying to protest it.
you are just now realizing this?
Pro bantz, m8.
Tumblr typo-police plz go…
Man, these people are retards of the highest order. Can't make this shit up.
Did the ancient Egyptians expel the jews for the same reason jews were expelled from every other civilization or for a different reason?
I got these the day after the Orlando nightclub shooting.
Tip top kek
This was an interesting chat. Enjoyed it quite a bit.
Them claiming Cleopatra is a new one to me. I wonder if they''ll claim Greeks while they're at it?
This guy doesn't know shit about anime. much less anything else.
It's been a while since I've wanted to strangle someone as much as I want to strangle the guy in pic 4.
Everytime. I had a discussion with some leftist bitch too about mudslimes, gays and trannies and all it came down to was "shh" "dont be so angry" "let ur hate begone". I wasnt even angry or talking with hatred.
This sheboon KEK'D me so hard lmao
Dindu chimps out
And betas cant into politics
Those are some interesting digits. Didn't some injuns (perhaps Aztec or Mayan) invent peanut butter even before nogs?
yes, it was the aztecs. Niggers can't even do that right.
African Kings is not that hard. Because concept of King adapts to the level of local civilization.
Without google, Ethiopian King Menelik I, 850 BC.
Philosophers, no idea.
It's fairly common for niggers to claim Socrates was one of them.
Non sense.
That they had Kings as in the ruler by Force and Supersticion had (even in Kongo with cannibal tribes), but one thing is having Kings, another is figures of historical merit being Black, mainly bellow subsaharan Africa black.
Now I'm arguing with some "real communism has never been tried" faggot
Tell him that it's never been tried because it's physically impossible.
I did. He came out with some garbage and now he's using sophistry to argue that "an anarchist society can be organized" after he got BTFO on communism. I'm just telling him that they would get blown out and that what he's proposing sounds like local level libertarianism.
I hate to double post, but it's finally done. This is one of the dumbest motherfuckers I've ever argued with. Picture is pretty bad because omegle wouldn't give me a link so I had to paste it into a text editor and take a screenshot
I love you guys
sheeeeit, the best sentence got cut off
I don't know what I expected.
I'm happy we're able to argue them into just flat out leaving
give that guy a gold star
One of the later dynasties of Egypt actually was black. But this is one of a few dozen dynasties.
The black line essentially rode out on the final days of the civilization and oversaw the collapse.
I would frankly prefer them to be intelligent. Its much more embarrassing to be subverted by less intelligent people.
I'll admit I'm not even sure I was making sense, I'm a bit drunk, also I pretended to be a pseudo normie, death to fags and blood fuckers
Ibn Khuldun
Philo of Alexandria
Saint Augustine
the founder of the Druze sect
Muhammad Abduh
Sayyd Qutab
Nakruma, or whatever his name
The Gnostics, though I can't name anyone
There's almost always a Jewmegle thread somewhere in the Catalog
There's almost always a Jewmegle thread in the Catalog.
Why I left the GOP: in one image
That poor stranger is trying to jerking off, but he's getting red pills dropped on him instead.
Well, did you cum or not?
Wew lad.
Goyim, I..
Also this is for you, fellow Holla Forumslack
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