That’s right I just called out the crown jewel of the open source movement. Linux is great if you’re building a super-computing cluster, you run a web hosting company with 3,000 servers or you’re Facebook/Yahoo/Google and you need something very custom and very rare. Linux is pretty nice if you’re deploying an embedded system application. But for the 99.7% of us that are using computers for common everyday tasks Linux is a wholesale disaster. On the server side it requires much more maintenance and more knowledge and effort to deploy and maintain than it’s commercial counterparts.
Not using Linux has NOTHING to do with intelligence, I am actually much smarter than you and I have shit to do and don’t have time to patch kernels and search for device drivers. It also means that I understand the value of time and I’d rather pay a few hundred bucks for an operating system license that patches itself and has device drivers available out of the box because my time is valuable.
Linux sucks
Hasn't been true for years. If you're such a basic bitch just use Ubuntu, Fedora, or some other variant made for babies.
This is absolutely true. If I had a dollar for each horror story I'd heard about open-source drivers for modern hardware (some resulting in loss of property) I'd be rich. Not to mention the fact that most modern software is written for Windows.
The purpose of a computer is to allow you to perform tasks that you'd otherwise do without a computer and make them easier. This is why Windows (and to a lesser extent, OS X) has changed the world we live in to a far greater extent than Linux has, or ever, will. Linux requires you to do far more additional work and therefore defeats the purpose of what a computer should be, *usable*.
People on tech-savvy forums (such as this) tend to hate Windows and there's a very simple explanation for it - they need to feel superior. Linux is best suited for people who want to avoid the cost of a better operating system or in niche cases where they need software written specifically for UNIX operating systems (and enthusiasts).
I thought liking Linux was just an ironical meme.
linux is shit, more news at 11
tbh that's why I use Slackware, I'm past my "nerd who wants to tweak everything all day long" phase and I just want shit to work but still be able to fuck with it if I want/need to.
That's why I use Linux, I don't have 6 hours a day to figure out why Visual Studio or MinGW isn't working the way it should.
Anyone who does any serious programming uses Linux.
Yes you are retarded for using Windows.
it seems like you don't value your privacy as much as you value your time, hence you don't belong here.
Linux was ok in the mid 90's. That was before it tried to be a Windows desktop replacement, which is something I have zero interest in.
I'd just like to interject for moment. What you're refering to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
If you are so smart why you failed to realize that Linux is just a kernel? I bet you use Android phone? Believe it or not it uses Linux kernel and Android is currently operating system with most installs.
Yet you shitpost here?
Unless it happens that M$ decides that bug that prevents you from accessing your external hard drive is not important issue to fix (Look it up it is a recent issue). Good luck waiting for M$ pajeets to fix your PC. It could take them years to ship the fix. At least in GNU/Linux we have option to do shit ourselves.
Then don't install a bleeding-edge distro and buy a Nvidia graphics card. Normalfag distros like Ubuntu are just as easy to operate as Windows or OS/X
real systems made for computers are gentoo freebsd, anything besides is madness, take your time and try, dont judge if you didnt tried
if you seriously think your privacy is safe with any os you're fucking delusional. You're probably using a post 2008 Intel CPU.
It's hilarious how people still consider Ubuntu to be Linux.
Ubuntu is so far gone, you're better off running w10
Ubuntu suffers the same shit tier problems as any other linux distro. Namely: no drivers.
Enjoy spending the next 2 weeks figuring out why your hardware doesnt work.
There is no good option
most people who do "serious" programming use macos. inb4 hurr its also unix durrdurr
Stop trolling the autists, OP, you know they do not have the ability to ignore this.
Fine, have some vintage troll bait.
Not true.
I switched to Gentoo half way through my undergrad in computer science. I cut any other OS cold turkey, and did everything the Gentoo way. That includes running VMs, coding, compiling, writing lab reports, drawing figures, researching online, etc. Not to mention average shit like watching videos online, and shitposting here.
The trick is to actually learn how to use Linux, not just paste commands you found from Shitoverflow. Once you've learned how to fix something, it takes only a few minutes to fix it when it breaks again. That's apposed to proprietary shit, where you're lucky if you even get an error code when something's wrong. I've actually had less "problems" since switching to Gentoo, because it's not really a problem if I know how to fix it. Believe me, unless you're a normalfag, you will have problems, because all this computer science shit never works the way you'll need it to. If shit "just works", you're not really pushing the boundaries of knowledge.
Besides all of that, it's "give me liberty or give me death", not "give me convenience or give me death". You don't need to die for your freedom these days, just don't spread your ass cheeks for corporations in return for a little convenience. Grow a spine, you coward.
I 100% support myself through tutoring and freelancing. I have to make appointments and find work constantly, on top of actually doing the tutoring and coding. My scholarships only cover tuition and books.
Yes, I use Gentoo. So? I don't see any problem. I embraced my Gentoo distro long ago and I am happy together with my workstation (that is a stage 1 box!). I have a fucking lot of ebuilds in and outside of portage and my CFLAGS are pretty optimized and solid.
But thanks anyway asshole. Go and use your stupid Windows while I EMERGE new ebuilds.
I can imagine the astronomical asshurt this book generated