How do I spend more time looking at porn and hentai? I watch it for hours a day, I look at it, some pictures are nice to stare at. I wish it was all my life all the time. It's my wallpapers on my devices, the case on my android, a few framed photos on my walls. I love porn so much and I wish I could live in it. It's probably hurting my relationships with everyone. I jerk off about twelve times a day. Please help me
How do I spend more time looking at porn and hentai? I watch it for hours a day, I look at it...
Other urls found in this thread:
disgusting, get off my board
the case on your phone?
you freak
dude im obsessed please help
Put the cartoon cock down and go outside you lazy faggot
replace it with a non-laughable addiction like cigarettes
She kissed her pooper
help me pls
You made my day with that lovely pic. Her feet are heaven
You're welcome
Why do you think I am begging anyone to suggest how they can help me either watch more porn or stop watching at all
Stop posting porn is a good first step.
I like your 2D stuff, besides shadman
I'll give you a few ideas if you post pictures of the photos on your wall.
I want to see if it's true
blow me
good call
Try NoFap.
Sundown is really good.
It's not a fapping thing, it's a porn thing. It's a porn addiction. I just like watching porn, like an art obsession. Sometimes I don't fap all day but watch 8 hours of porn.
Of course you never had pictures on the wall
If you just wanted to make a low-energy porn thread, then you should have just said it. You don't need to hide your intentions on here.
Blow me
This folder doesn't generate thumbnails
if this happens again i'm gonna flip
what the fuck I'm clicking random files
That shut the motherfucker up
How did you get addicted to such shitty porn?
Nigger you jerk it twelve times a day, you have a problem. Delete your folder(s).
I have like 2TBs of porn. This is just me clicking things I've impulsively saved
Not all the time, just when I want to.
its cuz u r deeply fucked up and try to run away. Seek professional help
You could try watching it more, become an hero, or cancel you internet subsciption and wipe the porn from your hard drive(s).
Shred it all. Delete it. Destroy it. No one can help you with this, only you can help yourself.
What makes you stop?
Life, shame
Kill yourself degenerate faggot
Forgot porn
Then stop being ashamed.
Are you a NEET? You want to look at more porn or do you want to stop looking at porn?
Make my gf fuck me more than every threeish days
I was eating dinner you impatient fuck
I don't see a timestamp
I'm not a NEET. Some days I want to kill myself so I can be with porn forever and other days I want to quit this horrible addiction
Well, decide and then stick with the decision. Both choices will be hard. Choosing neither will only cause you suffering.
Yeah, no
You're such a fucking faggot
sauce? Pretty please?
What do you specifically like about porn? Have you tried drawing your own porn?
And you're a filthy fucking liar
Just say it, there was no picture and you just wanted to make a porn thread
Just plug it into google
Reverse image search my photo or check the exif, you fucking spoon
Started learning tindraw about a week ago, I'm shit.
*to draw
You have to start from somewhere. Maybe you'll start appreciating porn more the more you learn to draw it.
Holy fuck MOAR
I just get an error back. Also
Just tape a piece of fucking paper to the picture if you really have it. It takes two seconds and instantly proves me a faggot.
Of course, that's hypothetical because you're a liar.
I dump cum on my girlfriend's feet while she sleeps sometimes. Here's a pic if anyone wants.
Are you bI?
here you go mate
Monzetsu Explosion
Got a video?
fuck her in her sleep, chicks love that shit
Take a look at [email protected]/* *//19 ぽちゃリズム (@ruruka365):
Forgot porn
Fug, I want to hug that warm, soft body so badly.
I wish I was fucked by my older sister every day, as a kid.
I never even had a sister to jerk off to.
Become a NEET if you want to see more porn.
He should have shoved it in deeper.
Today, OP was a faggot.
But the good kind of faggot, the insatiable, slutlord kind that just wants to see a semen soaked universe of endless sex.
you already spend enough time fixated to porn, jesus op how hasn't your cock contracted scabs yet or something.
Try different addictive time consuming behavior.
Online gaming, on/offline gambling, binging jew media(NEETflix).
Hey OP, you seem fairly slutty, what do you think of casualized "free use" sex?
It's awesome. I wouldn't want my girlfriend to be a free use slut but I wish every woman not in a relationship was a moral less whore
Wouldn't it be great if all women were helpless cock-addicted sluts? My girlfriend refuses to do anal (even though we've done it once before) out of some weird pathological fear.
I got a friction burn once.
moar like this please
Sure thing!
Artist's name is Spidu by the way, but this was all the explicitly free use porn of their I could find.
Tell her it feels just as good as pooping
Merry crimbo
Timestamps used to mean something.
You are so butthurt that I don't value your opinion enough to timestamp
Id lick that ass like a stamp collection
Just for you
Dense dipshit.
Dense dipshit.
0/10 thread
just spend it
Source on these two?
Artist - Sunibee
sauce pls
Still here after all these days OP?
Yeah I got banned recently for a dost violation apparently but appealed
That was bloody close
Anymore Tsuyu ?
Requesting cute girls toying their anus, 2D or 3D.
Dude, just get off your phone for a few weeks till you can live without, burn all that degenerate shit you have, and if you need something more extreme just ask your internet provider for a Parental Lock you fucking faggot hope it helps
she is a monster girl. They are ready for sex by a young age
My younger sister and I used to fap to porn together when our parents weren't home. Are you jealous? Or do you just want to be dominated by an older sister?
They're all monsters….
You know what fuck it
How young were she and how old were you?
12 and 13 to 14 and 14 I believe.
How old are you know
Too old
14 and 15*
Bullshit In Obama Times?
Youd have been crucified
I'm not even American. No one ever found out. I watched porn with my friends as well at that time, and I didn't see her any differently at first, even though we did experiment a few times towards the end, one in particular making us feel guilty enough after to stop. It was worth it in hindsight.
Stop dumping doujins in my fucking thread or it's gonna reach limits really quickly
I am insanely jealous
keep fucking talk, and I'll dump doujins one page at a time
This turned into an experiment in kewpign a thread alive for a long long time
I can't fucking type
you're still talking
Regular bump
My drive is getting recovered at the moment