Eric S Raymond

Opinions on this guy?

Other urls found in this thread:

Microsoft's worst nightmare.



Pretty negative. I posted this in another thread:

He has made some genuine contributions, but he spends a lot of time jerking off about how he's one of those three-letter acronym computer guys and right about everything.

Just read this:

And this:
(if you're not familiar with what undefined behavior means in C, look it up or read the comments where people try to explain it to him)

Based Eric

Never met him personally so can't really comment but he comes off as a self-important ass.

Watch the first scene of Revolution OS.

(If you decide to watch the whole thing, keep in mind it's from 2001, so it's quite outdated.)

Raymond may be a pompous jerk as some say, I really don't know. But he was right when he said that. "The Cathedral and the Bazaar" helped convince companies to look into an open source model, which caused a shift that seriously loosened Microsoft's grip over the whole computer industry.

RMS posted this on his political notes recently, as a joke.

I'm not really sure what exactly he's done that makes him an authority. I mean, I know he wrote The Cathedral and the Bazaar and that he was involved in founding the OSI, but has he actually made any important software? Looking at the list of software on his webpage, I'm not seeing anything that's making me go, "Oh yeah, I've used that before," or even anything that makes me say, "Neat, I need to download this right now."

you didn't even read the rest of the article, you mongoloid.

Imagine someone that's smarter than the average person, but not as smart as Linus Torvalds or Richard Stallman, and is in between Torvalds and Stallman on the autism meter. Imagine he's interested in computers, and throw in a generous dash of D&D/high-school drama club nerd. Imagine this against a background of a lifetime of dealing with cerebral palsy. Garnish the image with a sprinkling of libertarianism and neopaganism.

That's esr.

He donated to Battle for Wesnoth and wrote some documentation for NetHack.

That alone puts him in the top 10 people of GNU/Linux gaming.

Both are top shelf games btw

I like his argumentations for FOSS much more than Stallman's autism.

Unfortunately, everyone is sucking Stallman's dick, and have elected the loud assbuger as their leader;

It's free software, you cretin. The reason Stallman pushes the idea of freedom is because at this very fucking moment people are forgetting it. Just look at Holla Forums and steam cocksuckers if you want proof. Look at cuckchan and their daily apple threads. Look at shit like Facebook, NSA, and other shit like that. RMS tried to warn you because software is about more than just its utility, but here you are, listening to ESR, a faggot that has never done shit and will never do shit.

Useful Idiot.


I know a Wesnoth contributor who collaborated with him. Apparently Raymond has managed to push his own badly designed tedious map that nobody else liked into the game on at least one occasion.

You can make anything sound stupid by explaining it badly in all caps. Watch one of his talks if you never have. He carefully explains why he thinks all four freedoms are necessary and what problems you get if you don't have those freedoms.

And you can still disagree with that, but then do that instead of disagreeing with a strawman.

he made an exact clone of "hunt the wumpus"

Classcucked "libertarian" idiot. The whole point of libre software is to fight capitalism, not pander to it.

I like ascii games, so he's ok in my book.

Go back to Holla Forums commiecuck. Communism never works.

Capitalism never works either, classcuck.

Its been working pretty good for the past few hundred years. Much better track record than communism.

Then why are you living in one? :^)

because you sheeple can't into class consciousness


Its OK user. I was a commie in middle school too.

I guarantee you that you weren't.

I sure was, but then I grew the fuck up. Maybe one day you'll grow up too.

Nope, you weren't. You had no clue what communism and socialism are, and you still don't.

And I never will, because only your special snowflake brand of leftism is the real deal. It'll work this time. You swear!

His arguments are completely wrong. Political bickering happens a lot in open-source circles, they are anything but neutral. Fuck, just look at the recent Libreboot debacle.
jej, if you compare it to Microsoft maybe. A big problem with open source projects is that they don't tell contributors to fuck off when their code is bad or not needed. The result: The codebase becomes bigger and bigger until they can no longer manage it. "Everyone can write something" usually turns into "everyone should write something", which is utterly false form a security standpoint. In that way, open-source systematically creates weaknesses.

He's a retard. He once publically announced he was going to physically murder someone in the Linux Kernel Mailing List and then went "It's just a prank, bro! I was just trying to defame and blacklist you!"

Also The Cathederal and the Bazzar is horrid. Read this:

He also is a pegan weirdo. This is essentially a good summary:

In his actions he does the right things for the wrong reasons

When given the chance to editorialize, he turns into a bumbling idiot

When speaking on his own views, he shows that he doesn't even know what he believes in

There are some other good points I can make, but I feel they may be redundant.

That happens everywhere. Good luck solving that one.

That's a problem with bad maintainers, not the development model, and with open source you have something more to analyze than a binary blob, and can actually point to what and who is responsible for a failure and fork if necessary.

I think he's done stuff for libpng and libcurses.

too cool for us

That is my point, read the original post again.

It is true that, locally, maintainers are at fault, but notice how universally they make that mistake. At some point you have to stop considering these cases as isolated incidents and start asking whether there is something systematic that causes them. I claim that the "everybody can contribute" culture that surrounds the term open-source is at fault for this. Just to clear up a potential misunderstanding: I have nothing against publishing your source. But open-source usually implies other things, especially when someone like Raymond says it.

Responsibility is usually dealt with internally, and internally, source is available (I hope). As for outside parties, consider: What is the difference between (a) a trusted third party signing a statement that source tree T is correct/secure/not malware/whatever and (b) a trusted third party signing a statement that binary B is correct/secure/not malware/whatever?

I don't believe "open source" makes this claim, CatB seems to argue against it for sure. Again though, it's down to the project lead if they aren't keeping the code good, and more importantly, closed source is no guarantee of correctness either. On the surface, maybe it looks nicer.

Evidence to support the claim besides "company X told me" and also ability for anyone to do their own looking or fixing, even if the original maintainers are gone.

We are talking about the same thing, so spare me the semantics(even if they are important, in theory). But i already said FOSS beforehand anyhow, so you are just splitting hairs.
Well, maybe they are doing that because it's the only decent and all-encompasing solution atm.
But hey, don't mind me, i'm sure doom clones, Wesnoth, and manchildren screaming about how "videogames are a waste! why aren't you being productive instead!?" are really attractive for the average gamer.
And the rest of the comparatively small game library is on steam.

I was absolutely sure when i was posted people were gonna play the "muh NSA!" card within 3 paragraphs.
Let me tell you a secret.
Outside of a small percentage, people simply don't care. Their mainsteam software does their thing, even if they grumble sometimes their windows spies on them(but it gets their stuff done), or facebook is fucked-up(but i can connect with people)

But if you tell them "FOSS is a better, safer and more convenient product for you". And entice them by saying how "the internet was really awesome, and it's development is credited to open standards and people being able to jump in and create awesome things. So even in a limited form, FOSS gave us a lot of cool stuff as it's fruits."
People start listening then.

"I expected this argument" is no counter if you didn't actually address it.

Nope, I think that there are actually historical AND existing models of socialism working to a certain extent. I don't have a special snowflake, I really don't care if it's syndicalism, central planning, whatever as long as it survives and does good for the people. I just happen to know the BASIC THEORY, and you don't.

Here: define socialism, anarchism, and communism. Easy right? Go ahead.


Some people think that by saying muh X, you have refuted X as a valid counter. These people are hopeless idiots. We have conclusive evidence that the NSA engage in mass surveillance and subvert standards. Saying "muh NSA" doesn't clear the NSA of any wrong doing.

Oh no, the NSA is spying on people, and is a shitty organisation.
But simply going "the NSA boogeyman!" as a knee-jerk reaction isn't a "i win the argument" button.
And I did address it.
Thing is, people don't care.
And telling them harder and more insistent isn't gonna help.
We can't rely on that.
However, people are susceptible to greed, convenience and hand-outs, and in these things I trust completely

This i totally agree, just to be clear.

why is he making out with a prostitute in front of other people?

Just found this Gem by him via some post on GNU Social, thought it would be good for the thread:


That's a strange header, but at the bottom you can clearly see it is signed by him. A lot of the archived articles on this site have authors but say source unknown, it seems.

I'm guessing he's just the one who sent it in.

so... ESR is poser?.. maybe, check this out, he actually wrote gpsd...

Nope. Raymond maintains it. It was originally written by other people and there was another maintainer after that before he took over.

He doesn't have any good original ideas. Fetchmail was written by someone else. gpsd was written by someone else. giflib was written by someone else. Wumpus is an exact clone of a program written by someone else. The Cathedral and the Bazaar describes ideas other people pioneered. The jargon file was written by other people and then bastardized from lisp culture into unix culture by him because he doesn't know lisp culture. The Halloween Documents were all sent to him by other people and his only contribution to them is snarky commentary that only exists so it qualifies as fair use.

Can you name anything original he did?

uhh oh i though he written gpsd, he is poser at all


more like a (((commie))).

He's kind of nuts. But he has his moments, and he dislikes SJW with a passion too. Here's one of my favorite posts by him, "Why Hackers Must Eject the SJWs"

"This isn’t about women in tech, or minorities in tech, or gays in tech. The hacker culture’s norm about inclusion is clear: anybody who can pull the freight is welcome, and twitching about things like skin color or shape of genitalia or what thing you like to stick into what thing is beyond wrong into silly. This is about whether we will allow “diversity” issues to be used as wedges to fracture our community, degrade the quality of our work, and draw us away from our duty."

Absolutely based.

he is so fuckin cringy

Both don't work
Fascism does not work.
Communism does not work.
Capitalism does not work.
And you know what they all have in common ?

Every idea works if most of a group are ok with it (or manipulated/forced to consider it ok) and if it is applied with the "ethics" that is instructed in it corruption does not happen.

We can easily see this in free software.
""open sources"" is greatly used by the shilling of Torvalds .
That's good it's used widely and proves that ""open source"" just works.

But ""open source"" defined but Torvalds, has a a problem, the linux kernel is blobbed and under gplv2 witch gives the right to companies to restrain users from having the four freedoms.
This is a kind of corruption.

If Torvalds had followed the ideas of RMS "libre" (french word for freedom) the linux kernel would be less used but contribution from companies would be less shittier.
And the freedom of the users would have remained upright.

Because he loves womans ?
Like any none faggot.

When someone says that system X doesn't work, they obviously mean the system, not the people/implementation. Retarded nigger.
Also, comparing all of these is stupid since capitalism is only an economic model.

But problem is every system would work if it weren't for the fact that we are humans and therefore fallible and corruptible. People DO talk about the people running a system when talking about that system.


What works then? Roman Imperialism?

if you were as ugly as he is would you give a shit either? didn't think so

Capitalism isn't even an economic model. The word 'capitalism' literally just mean business with 'capitalist' being the guy who provided the capital (often the business owner or some wealthy investor).

I think the implementation of different economic systems matter. If something cannot be implemented (or cannot be implemented correctly) then it's a pretty useless system. Corruption seems to me to come in through government. Regular private sector corruption is either illegal or bad for business (like cronyism which loses a company money in the long run). Governments are different in that anything they do is "official". Certain companies get granted special privileges (in fact 'monopoly' used to only refer to literal government-granted monopolies). The examples I see given of "extreme capitalism" ends up being the Dutch and the British East India Companies which were government-granted monopolies. It would seem the easiest method of removing corruption would be to removed those who get corrupt and have the power to do something about it, that is the politicians and the bureaucrats.

Having no government would seem easiest but then the problem comes down again to implementation. One way I have heard of enforcing the law without a state is to employ good old ostracism. This sort of ostracism is not the Athenian kind (because the apparently 'pure' democracy needed not just a Treasurer not chosen by the people (who was the richest man in Athens) but also needed a system to stop rich individuals taking part in public life by banishing them to the country-side and neighbouring Greek states). The idea here is that simply to prevent crime or 'people aggressing' any criminals will not be traded with and those who trade with criminals will also not be traded with. Considering in Ancapistan all land is private then anyone declared a criminal would be stuff in their home, blockaded and effectively starved to death. The court of public opinion is always trustworthy. Rothbard did say that in his view an ancap world would not have enclaves and exclaves because people would care about access rights before making a purchase. Seems impractical to me. Still better than the different strains of Marxism though IMO

Marxism is pseudo-scientific with its 'dialectical materialism' * and Marxian economics doesn't really work with the labor theory of value and all that bullshit. Even without that I think we can compare systems with some version of their ideal implementation. Socialism/Marxian economics has a central government (which is supposed to just stop existing when it's time for communism) leading a command economy where noone owns anything. Libertarianism/free trade has people being able to own things and largely do what they want.

* I guess the Austrian school does have their praxeology but that seems to more be reasoning based on a priori assumtions rather than thinking Hegel's theory about Ancient Greek debating is representative of nature and wider reality


Maybe I'll have to spell it for you. A system's quality is measured by its resilience to human failure.


Far more reasonable than those he's often compared with.

especially RMS

I came across the source.
Building on top of other people's work like seems to be a theme for him. Of course I don't think there's anything wrong with doing that, but it puts his status in perspective.

Active developer on NTPsec.

That's once again not something original.

I'm not saying it's not valuable or admirable. Most of the things in that post are valuable. Just not original.

ERS is almost as much of a sperg as RMS without near the same amount of achievement.
