Alt Right pussies

Look at one of them shit his pants

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No one likes the aut-right.

he's shit hot at walking backwards.

and very attractive

he walks backwards so elegantly

dub dubs


Walking backwards in the face of an opponent(The Matt Forney tactical retreat) is a skill that takes lots of experience.

Dubs don't lie

20 off from trips. not bad for a punk.




interesting how people who keep pushing for genocide are scared of violence

bump to trigger them

this is embarrasing

pick both

Thire all faggggggets andicuck and assright, we need a good long war.

he didn't want to catch their AIDS

Yes we must kill all white people

It's always fun to see leftists glorify violence against people who would prefer to keep to the law or not get urine splashed in their face. Holier-than-thou attitudes with no morality, how do you people manage?

A gang of antifa faggots harassing an innocent man on the street, tying to get him to incriminate himself on video. Am I suppose to cheer for the antifa cunts? I don't.

Shut the fuck up racists. We are coming for you white people will suffer.

I'm shaking in my boots.

Just wait you white pussies we will gut your stomachs and eat your insides then we will piss on your corpses. There has never been more racists people in this world than white people. All whites will die mark my words.

lol. We made society and culture. When we go down, you limp-wristed faggots and shitskins are going down with us. You aren't dead yet because our greatest fault is our boundless compassion. We aren't dead yet because you zombie-brained poofters don't lift, can't act unless in a group, and won't move without a kike putting his hand up your gaping asses. Stay mad, even is death we'll be better than you.

Alt-kike is being bullied by antifa, how bout they all die

No we need to kill all the cancer that is the human race. Just to be edge cuz that's what's hip now a days.


Do NOT mock Matt Forney
Savior of the white people

Based Matt Forney is based



Fucking human waste.

cumskins are trash.

