Look at these cool looking white guys. They probably have tons of money, get tons of pussy, and are total bros to hang with.
I want to be like them.
Look at these cool looking white guys. They probably have tons of money, get tons of pussy, and are total bros to hang with.
I want to be like them.
naw they look like faggots lol.
100% alpha males
They put their weiners in each other's butts
trips confirm
weiners for all in the workplace. with only three employees, this requires lateral thinking.
I want to stroke them over their heads.
Found OP's crush
https:[email protected]/* */,-90.058132,3a,81.9y,23.29h,91.63t/data=!3m11!1e1!3m9!1s-pFNU5Tkk9RI%2FVMaxtgDdtyI%2FAAAAAAAAAsc%2F1bLVrPxa3ZEIAIRGh9rCJSNz6GTzsrDMACLIB!2e4!3e11!6s%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2F-pFNU5Tkk9RI%2FVMaxtgDdtyI%2FAAAAAAAAAsc%2F1bLVrPxa3ZEIAIRGh9rCJSNz6GTzsrDMACLIB%2Fw203-h100-k-no-pi-0-ya67.110245-ro-0-fo100%2F!7i10240!8i5120!9m2!1b1!2i37
This photo makes me think about what I look like while I'm working
user pls set me up with a good job
Hammer time
not funny
Those are typical macintosh IT nu-males, so no