Dear Holla Forumstards

Dear Holla Forumstards
Please vote for Mike 'Electrocution is my final solution' Pence in this LGBT person of the year poll

The voting options are on the bottom of the article

Let's make the world great again

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what about milo?

shouldn't the candidates be gay?

Rolling for Milo

Milo is basically the faggot version of ben shapiro.
Replace the jewish in Shapiro's "im republican and jewish everyone look at me! Im important!" with 'gay' and you get Milo
hes also a gay coalburner. Doesnt get much worse than that

Mike (let's build a fence) pence , although I hate the fucker, but this has lulz potential.


milo is gay and will not bring enough butthurt.
pence on the other hand wants to torture the fuckers to make them stop being faggots, imagine the LGBTQHIXZNL tears if he winned.

I mean wtf where you on if you put mike pence as an option in lgbtqhizxnil person of the year.

jenkem is bad for you kids.


confirmed closet homosexual.


where can you track the votes?

also alert Holla Forums and 4chan Holla Forums our numbers are not enough

bliz resbond

Is it supposed to show anything when you click vote? For me all that happened is the "Vote" button lost its text. I enabled scripts and everything. Seconding getting halfchan and Holla Forums in on this.

i voted op.

Where the fuck do I vote?

Found the halfchan thread on Holla Forums:
Apparently if you are in incognito mode or block their cookies you can keep refreshing and voting again.

It's at the bottom of the article. Because it's a poll, you have to enable some scripts.

Mike "Line the queer against the electric fence" Pence

ops pic remind me of my father in law looks like his twin.



stay at home and look after the women, user. we're short of heavy transport for you anyway.

OP is not a personal army request; he's not asking us to attack some literallywho that no one cares about.

bump. come on, Holla Forums, I thought you were more fun than this.

no, he's askins us to attack an entire community of literallywhos


all those fags voting for milo.

kill yourselves seriously, why do the bitches ruin everything?


if mike does not win we ddoss the site.

gives a whole new meaning to anal "stress testing"

milo would wiggle his leaky ass at winning this
pence would be mortified
ergo, pense is the Holla Forums candidate


Voting for Milo is nowhere near as funny as voting for pence. The lgbt community is annoyed with Milo but they literally think pence will imprison them all

Come on goys!
Everybody do their part for maximum lulz!
I just voted over a hundred times for Mike 'Make the LGBTQIMNOP Community Tense' Pence by disabling cookies, refreshing and voting again.
Surely someone can make a simple script or bot that could help us put Pence over the top! Has anyone asked /baphomet/?

Some of these are gold. Thank you for posting

>mike disco inferno pence

Bumping for more help.
I think even Trump will laugh at this if Pence gets the award! albeit somewhat privately
Is there anywhere that gives us the current stats so we know who is in the lead?

Get out newfag

Don't click the link, copy and paste it niggers

If Milo wins more people in the gay community will look him up and adopt some of his views, and this will further divide the gay community among voter/political lines. Think long term lulz

trs pls go

he's also a jew who claims, when its convenient, that he's Catholic

wouldn't it be funnier if it was a straight fag-hater? should have done one of the phelps's tbh

ur a nigger

No, fuck you. I'm killing every fucking pig cop that tries to take me to conversion camp, and if there's any justice in the world Mike Pence will be publicly crushed to death with a steamroller, toes first.

I didn't want this war, I wanted to be left in peace, but if the right wing is determined to eradicate me I WILL do my damnedest to eradicate it. I have rights to live as I please, and anyone who tries to deny me that will get what he thought to give me.

You don't want war so you're going to start a riot?
You do see whats wrong here and why nobody takes Antifa seriously right?


TRS doesn't like milo you traitorous shill nigger

I wouldn't be calling for the death of nazis if they didn't call for my death first. I did nothing to them except exist, which is a crime in their sight.

fucking bump for lulz

And they only have power over you because while you were acting like a nigger they were working within the American legal system.

Enjoy the hole you burred for yourself faggot

You have to go back.

The legal system has always been right wing, democrats are just leftist in name only. War and imperialism has always been the order of the day, and if you didn't play by the good ole boy rules, you ended up wearing concrete shoes, being shot by a paid gunman you'll later assassinate before he can testify, having a fatal "accident" or if they can't off you cleanly, they create fake evidence for a scandal to discredit you from office.

The legal system is corrupt to the core, it is literally impossible to change from the inside. It suits the nazis well, never has there been a more perfect union than that of crony capitalist government and fascist authoritarianism.

Ever consider the idea that we do live in a democratic society and the people themselves don't actually want your left-wing faggotry? Ever consider that maybe you are the problem here?


Nigger, you're retarded if you think the American legal system is "right-wing" you don't even know what right-wing even fucking is. Go to any ethno-national state like the average East Asian country or Nazi Germany if you want right-wing. America is classical liberal. Its moderate, its economic system is Keynesian Capitalism. Its not right-wing. You antifas are just as bad as nazis, you're both extremists trying to tear down a moderate government.

The people eat up what they've been told by the puppet show media.

You jest, but Deus Ex is not that far removed from reality when it comes to economics and politics. Corporations and Governments go hand in hand to make the elite more powerful than they already are at the expense of more human lives than they've already taken. Even the printing of our national currency is done by a private corporation the government has no access to.


nice assertion
And violence is an appropriate reaction to this how?
Also nice assertion
Yes, "Ok" You millennials have no idea what true extremism is. If you think America is extremist in any way to the right or left then there is no helping you. The same goes for the retards who think Obama is a commie and Trump is a nazi. Its all nonesense.

And do you know why America setup so-called "puppet dictators" in the first place?

Think about Americas enemies, Imperial Britain, the Confederacy, the Nazis, Imperial Japan, the Communists, a pure Democracy and finally Islam.

What do they all have in common? They all threatened Americas classical liberal foundation. They all represented anti-Americanism. They are all incompatible with Americas philosophy of individual freedoms and the fight against tyranny. America only hates what is against these ideas, and more often than not it was America doing these acts of so-called "imperialism" on behalf of their allies. America doesn't just chose to randomly attack foreign nations. Why is it so hard for millennials to understand this?

You'll have to research these individually, but have a list:

Pic related, only now they're already cracking down on their own citizens since they already own as much of the planet as they can, so we're at the point of the last bit where no one is left who will speak for us.

Did the Rojava freedom fighters accept their fate? No, they fought and now they're getting a free country again.

The American government isn't extremist like Pol Pot or Hitler, but then again I never claimed they were. I just said they were right wing. Doesn't mean they haven't done their fair share of genocide, a tally of US wars, US funded wars, the result of US imperialist coups, and of course the conquest of the continent gives a staggering number well over 400 million, and yet, we're somehow the good guys because we also make really good fizzy drinks and tv shows Any study of political science clearly shows they're on the right hand side of the spectrum.

Now hold up faggot because now you're backpedaling because you initially implied the American legal system was made up of Nazis who want you dead. Why the fuck do they even want you dead? Are you an actual faggot?

I could keep going but hopefully you get the point.

You're making an awful lot of assertions there buddy.
I think you might be genuinely retarded. Or just an angsty teenager. There is no difference between the two except you do grow up from being a teenager and realize how retarded you are. Hopefully you do grow up, don't worry because everyone goes through this.

You're an armchair warrior complaining about how oppressive America is while freely shitting on it. Thats how retarded you are. If you feel like America is oppressing you than do what niggers did and start the Civil Rights movement, you faggot.

You misread me, typical for non-INTPs who can't decipher patterns and fill in the gaps as well as we can. I apologize. I said Nazis wanted me dead because I'm not their ideal human - this is a proven fact, Holla Forums tells me so every time I go there.

An user responded by saying that now the nazis (the politically correct term is alt right) control my fate because they have been working in the legal system and now control it.

I replied that the legal system has always been right wing. Right wing does not mean nazi. However, it does mean a lot more accepting of nazism than the left wing. Thanks to the media, the overton window has now shifted from center right to just right, so the alt right now have a presence they didn't have before.

They used this to their advantage and have now started to become normalized in society as well as influence the election in their favor.

And I'm not about to put my life up to a vote.

"Oh, gee, should we violate this guy's constitutional freedoms and force him into a torture camp because we wish to eradicate everyone like him? All in favor, say Zeig Hiel!"

This isn't a problem of logic, this is a problem of semantics.

Jesus Christ kid. You'll get older and look back and cringe, trust me, we all do. Remember, you're not a teenager forever. We all went through these phases.