CNN Blackout starts July 1

Trump supporters organize CNN blackout starting July 1st to make them pay for unfairness

Need proof? Just note how CNN failed to interview America’s top selling author of “Crisis of Character,” the EX-Secret Service man who served Hillary personally.

They had him on, but then dumped him from the poorly rated “Smerconish” show:

Yet despite significant print media attention and an expectation of huge sales, the author has been consigned to hawking his book on Fox News and right-wing radio, while the non-Fox cable and broadcast networks have either passed or not responded to pitches from Byrne’s publicists.

A solitary CNN booking on Michael Smerconish’s Saturday morning show, was abruptly canceled by the network on Friday, with no explanation.

Not even the ladies of The View, according to Team Crisis, are open to welcoming Byrne as a guest.

“For more than two weeks, Gary Byrne’s book has been one of the top-selling books on Amazon, at times beating the new Harry Potter book for number 1,” emailed Vanessa Oblinger of Javelin, the Virginia-based literary and public relations agency that is orchestrating the promotion of Crisis of Character. “It’s also been cited repeatedly by the presumptive Republican nominee and directly discusses a central campaign theme: temperament. It’s unusual that some major network news shows wouldn’t have at least passing interest in this.”

Other urls found in this thread:



Anyway, will enough people do it for it to work?

Boy this is some good news I'll tell you what.

Not if it's only spread here, obviously. We already know better. Spread it on twitter and kikebook. Get the redditcucks spreading it on r/trump. It will filter down to the normies.

This has been a long time coming. All jew media should be boycotted and starved to death.

That will SURELY show them when there is trillions on the line.


Have a bump from a bong.

Blackout? I've been doing that for years.



Well, this shouldn't be too difficult for me to participate in since I don't watch TV.

It's a great idea if we can get normies to do it but any true Holla Forumslack hasn't watched the electric jew in years anyway.


Top Kek.

I agree with the boycot, and I stream it anyway.


The fuck is that site? It has got to be the most shady, bs, pro-trump website on the net. Half the shit that comes from that site is rumor at best. Who runs it? What is the point? It's definitely pro-Trump but they seem to just make shit up.

Dank quads man.

Wait, do you seriously mean to tell me you don't watch television at all?
What do you do to entertain yourself? How do you watch all the top rated shows only available on TV?
I find it pretty hard to believe…


But yes, i've also stopped watching Anime, watching Series and playing Videogames in the last year. Feels breddy good tbh.

Most of my freetime goes into:

I used to work in TV broadcasting I was a tech for a live sports crew. I stopped watching TV on a regular basis last century.
To quote an SF series
"Its a cultural wasteland filled with inappropriate metaphors"
I was originally redpilled on the media by comparing the BBC evening news vs CBS / NBC evening news in the late 1980s.

TV's been fucking garbage for a long, long time.

Who the fuck would want to watch that kike-infested shit?


Lots of other ways to entertain myself. TV is shit

Holy fuck, de-jew yourself immediately Get the Exodus addon. Google some others. The whole process will take you no time. You can be watching the new Warcraft movie in 30 minutes without getting out of your seat. Get a $10 HDMI cable and watch it on your TV streaming it through your laptop.

If you really support something, buy it.

Give me some recommendations user.

Redpilled / right wing is preferred but anything is acceptable.

anime or bust

You are a sad. I would think most people here don't regularly watch television if at all.

Most TV is shit, what you want to watch you can download [for free] without jewmmercials.
Ditto most anything even Netflix/YT-Red series have torrents.

Do like Elvis and shoot your TV.

The only reason I have a TV is because I hooked my PC on it, the CRT I use for retro gaming. Otherwise, I watch anime or documentaries on the internet to keep me entertained if I'm not listening to music while shitposting.

I doubt anyone here watches it, but good to spread this shit to normalfags and with your social media propagandist accounts.

Some dumbass normalfags trying to make le dank maymays and break da hot stories for Trump, people LARPing as us without even knowing who or what we are. It's like some weird meta bullshit reflection of Holla Forums in a dirty puddle in a pothole in some inner city ghetto.

What do you watch user?

Hebrew Box Office shows?
Netflix shit?

I can't imagine a single show I'd sit down and watch with one notable exception: How It's Made

That show is maximum comfy

I do it all the time.

Mein neger

How did you even manage to turn on your computer?

Scam source. Cannot find another source of same piece of news.

agreed. the commercials are pozzed as fuck though.
I also watch different types of racing even if it is rolling advertisements.

recently found out most of these sports channels have different audio streams, being able to watch qualifying without the announcers barking was a nice change, even if the audio levels were fucking low compared to the commercials. admute/block for rooted smart tvs when?

Haven't watched it for 6 years now am in my early 20s.
I would rather play video games, read a book, read something on the internet (polarchive, pol, blogs), watch youtube (only did that for a couple of years actually, stopped a few months ago), do some physical exercise, talk to someone, play with my pet etc.
If all else fails I can just sit somewhere (e.g. my bed) and think. Hell, I can fantasise about an ideal life and imagine a whole new world in my mind if I am bored enough.


All of the ones that are famous and appreciated are absolutely mindless (well, 99.5% of them anyway).
Name one movie that isn't a mindless hurr durr action beta protagonist movie, just 1.
Women make up 80% of all consumption in the economy, of course all entertainment is directed at them.



Is there enough people watching CNN for this to matter?

(((Television))) caters to much towards spics, and minorities. Half my channels were spic opera channel and this five years ago. I can't image how poz'ed it is now.

*this was

Looking back on the thread, you deserve a raise. Well derailed.


I'm going to go shill this on plebbit. I'd encourage other anons to barf out some twatter signals to boost. 10 seconds of effort, media giant might lose some shekels. Maybe a normie takes a look and jumps on the band wagon. Not much reason not to.


Nigger you can watch any fucking thing in the universe you want to right now if you search "X watch putlocker"

Is that all? I've been doing that for years.

Well, Trump not showing up for that one Fox debate cut viewership in half. I think it will work.

I personally don't watch this shit. Luckily I got my sister to stop watching the Clinton News Network by getting her hooked on Morrowind.

It's Tel Avivsion, faggot.


First the Boomer post on Holla Forums and now this?

Oh god, Somebody went into the cellar and got the fucking Vintage Bait ahahahahahahaha


this isn't about us, jew

What's this going to accomplish? Who the fuck watches CNN anyway?

I bet we should all watch FAUX News or PMSNBC instead right? :^^^)



I can't wait until traditional media dies a horrible death.

Top grade double dubs

Reminder anyone who pays for CNN or cable in general is part of the problem.

OP pls

Many CNN shows get beaten by infomericals in the ratings.

Most of their talking puppets are actors who have been in Jew movies. It's bizzarro land bullshit. I don't know how anyone can watch that shit or Fox. Turn that fucking Jew shit off.
