The solution to depression

Finally found the solution to getting back on a clear, happy path of meaning in life. Its so simple, we fell into the underworld because the map we had failed and we experienced error. Then what happens when you try to just put it behind you and it still doesnt work? Absolute depression. Suddenly the clarity you had is lost because you can't ignore what your perception was leaving out. This causes anxiety, low immune system, loss of motivation etc. Why? You need to find more information to build a new map and to do so you have to search the unknown and thats chaos.

So how do we fix this asap? Same way a person gets over a phobia. Slowly and voluntarily approach the dragon that knocked you off the path to begin with. But this time only take small steps and obtain little victories each time. This is so obvious yet many of us dont do it because our fear tells us we need to think things through more etc. Years go by and things get worse. Suddenly that dragon has grown even more powerful.

My example, for me the downhill began when I jumped into fighting too soon without training and lost fights as a result. I didnt think this would matter being amateur and the experience was all that mattered but the subconscious conditioning of being a loser sent me into depression. Logically I know I was moving forward and improving faster than just training without fighting but everywhere I went people treated me with less respect. This is because there is a natural dominence hierarchy in nature. I went into my room and started avoiding everyone. 5 years has passed.

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WHen I'm not lost on porn addiction and have returned to training I noticed where things go wrong and I go straight back to my room to think things through more and where things go right and I have success, confidence builds, people start loving me etc.

Why I bring this up now is I'm certain that the way to manipulate this law of nature is to dominate people back into happiness and success. It sounds morally wrong. Its not Christian, but it is Darwinian. And I expect to see instant results.

This video taught me all of this and why anti depressants dont work on people who are truly stuck for good reason. They only work for people who feel depressed for no obvious reason.

just drink some pee

that's what I do


everything you said, even if it had meaning or not, just went out the window

OP work on your greentext skillz


Basically what I said.

If you can't extract the basic narrative its just because you have a low IQ. Maybe you're not even in an athletic/physical dominence field, its the same tool. If you've been knocked down into nihilism, the way out is directly towards your fear (the dragon) but this time you want to level up with certainty, step by step, so you dont get knocked straight back down again.

What the change for me philosophically was that being a nice guy all the time doesnt work. Its a horrible map for life. You don't get love and victory by treating everyone nicely. They tred you down. I really didn't understand this because of my upbringing. Why does this false belief even exist?

I just want to tell people the truth now so they can turn their life around and add to the world and evolution.

I just realized what I have to do to get this small victories. I'm an overly nice guy so how would I start a street fight? By being alpha as fuck. I'm going to aggressively go after peoples girls so they try to fight me then I'll beat them and even get rewarded by their girl!

Jordan is starting to look a bit like Negan

kill yourself normie scum.

Genetic dead end. Failure incarnate.

nothing you said is new
and just because you assume it works for you it must certainly work for others

No. The only way to gain real world value is to successfully compete against others. And I know its not knew. Lots of males are feminized and too nice though, like myself, and have been confused in life at why our strategies dont work.


what am I to do? Try for 3DPD? I would rather cut my dick off

we need a final solution for depression

Well, gee, I didn't read your post, I just shotgunned a 40 of Olde English so I can't read all that good for too long but here was my solution to depression: I just bought a CPAP machine. It's got a humidifier in it so it blasts some nice air into your nostrils while you sleep. Now, I watch what I eat and feel more lively. And I can even sometimes breathe through both nostrils (because I have a deviated septum and could breathe through both of them for several years) and I've been losing weight too.


Porn is good, and it is good for you.

pick a new hobby

Not quite, OP. The reason you easily developed an inferiority complex, were treated like a pathetic loser, and hilariously spiraled into a 5 year long avoidant depressive state over some minor failures in a hobby, is because you have too much bitch hormone and not enough testosterone. The system of strong humans treating weak bitch men poorly and abusively is mostly related to the sex hormones. You'll find that if you increase your testosterone everyone will treat you good and you'll have natural confidence, you'll also find that if you let your hormone drop back down to low levels people will start treating you like shit

If you have sufficient testosterone you'll feel naturally confident and won't have to resort to socially dominating others to acquire an inferior and fleeting high. I recommend nofap, bodybuilding, zinc, vitamin D3, intermittent fasting, and a healthy diet with enough cholesterol to convert into the master hormone

Trying to solve depression by thinking your way out of it, changing the way you look at things, or trying to perform actions involving other people never works and the only thing I've ever seen work to cure it is manipulation of the body itself. I used to be suicidally depressed and have been happy for years because of this knowledge

Also do vid related and possibly raw food diet and you'll be in damn good shape



That's not how it works you sub 80 IQ nigger. unless the girl is a nigger like you

sour grapes imply I tried, I didn't
and all I said was I would rather jerk off then try to get sex. I didn't say anything about how shit 3DPD are.
next time you decide to whiteknight, please make sure your target is attacking 3DPD
thank you

Many of us are implanted, that's why we have this crippling depression, many people on the chans are indigo children, and we are deeply connected to the singularity/quantum leap.

We had to be stopped, and they attempted to do this but even with that, we proved to be very resilient, and they are failing.

we can remove the implants etherically/energetically without help.
The physical object is still there, but it becomes useless.
also there is a universal change in energy patterns by cosmic waves which makes the implants useless, in a matter of a few years all the implants will be useless.

Darwin never wrote about human behaviour.

stop bullshitting around with that.

About the fight that you lost and sent you to depression for 5 years and how people disrespected you.

I think you have to discover nihilism.

just stop giving 2fucks about everything and move on.

if some one isnt strong enough to move on with their lives they deserve to commit suicide.

if some one is depressed here I have a permanent solution to a temporary problem.


I'm black, your line of thinking would mean my demise if implemented.

indigo children?

Obvious honeypot, let them destroy themselves alone

make your own thread faggot

Yes people born with psychic abilities and/or an energetic signature that is extra-dimensional.

looking for lolis? join this discord

does that include things as
1.predictive dreaming
2.premonitions (remembering from memory an event that has yet to happen)
3. subconscious influence
4. mind control withing a few arms distance

psst, wanna walk with me to the little kids brothel? Of course there's no FBI waiting for you there..

OP is a fag.
I have my own solution, it may work for you, it may not

I realized recently that the only way to get over my perpetual depression is by keeping myself occupied with things that make me feel genuine accomplishment. I went back to school, I work hard as fuck at it. Basically all I do with my time at this point is work and do assignments for school and I rarely feel depressed (with the exception of the days when I have nothing to do and shitpost/game/read).

Basically, by keeping myself occupied with things that keep me fulfilled, I distract myself from my pitiful fucking existence and only think of my work and that is what makes me happy or at least forget that I hate myself. I honestly highly recommend it, and I know that your go-to thought will be something like "ah fuck that, too much work", but that's exactly the problem.The cycle goes:

Just pick up your fat/scrawny fucking ass and get out there and do something. It is that simple.

alot of us here have this gift.

I am a timeline jumper and have premonitions.
do you have some sort of ability like this?

too scared, bullied to the point of ptsd

The only people who get PTSD from bullying are SJW's. Fuck off; unless of course you're just trolling.

I'm still trying to figure out what I want to do with my life and scared of my future, knowing my life is short and meaningless.
