Holla Forums History Lessons

It's important to have an view of the past, as that is what shapes the present which then shapes the future. As such I think it's in our interest to create a sort of Holla Forums history account, or our view of the past in order to back up facts with the present day.

This is important for two reasons. One is it goes against the liberal argument that people have no connections with their tribe and histories, and are just atoms that happened to be born on whichever continent they're on. This is a wholly destructive philosophy that has led to nearly the complete absolution of white unity. Most white people feel no connections to their nations, race, culture, or even their own families because of this reason. If any progress is to be made to save this race, this front is one of the most important ones in this battle.

Secondly it reaffirms what we believe, and connects us to much needed historical context to justify our beliefs and our reasoning. It connects us with the thinkers and cultures of the past. Many already have noted the similarities between the late Roman Empire decadence and the Western World today, but who is to say there are not other similarities that exist? What about the emperor of the romans declaring that any citizen of his empire is a citizen of Rome, a very progressive idea in this day and age. What about the fact that two hundred years later the Roman Empire completely collapsed, which could very well mirror our own western civilization.

I think for these reasons historical context is deeply important. There is a danger of the past overriding what is happening in the present, but there's also the comfort of being secure in the knowledge that history has shown you. So I propose that every Holla Forumsack shares books, papers, and whatever can be considered credible to create a account of history that isn't biased with liberal taint or modern progressiveness. Something that is surely lacking.

Every Holla Forumsack knows that the current mainstream view of deeply important events such as World War II and the Civil Rights movement is laughably narrow minded and naive. Mostly just a simple narrative of good guys going up against ebil wight wingers wanting to take over the world.

This is deeply troubling as whoever controls the view of history controls the narrative. No one will know the real reasons of Hitler's government or politics other than "he was ebil".

If the best current mainstream history lessons are allowed to be created by the likes of John Green and Extra Credits, then western civilization is royally fucked.

I think World War II has enough redpilled info on, but any more is always welcome. I am more interested in the ancient times where races began to develop and come into their own, and you saw many successful traditional patriarchal societies rise to power. Rome is a classic example of this.

I'm going to end this here as I don't have much else to say. Please consider this, and share what you can. There may already be databases out there that i'm simply unaware of.

Good hunting faggots. Naming the ((chosen)) in history is always welcome.

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Something to get it started. I think the Crusades are an important footnote of history as well that needs to be cleared of lies and propaganda.

shameless self bump

Their history videos are so enjoyable. Why do they have to be such Fucking cucks?

Read this.
It's one of the only remaining most ancient source documents for after Rome fell.
The Visigoths were based as fuck.

It's about as in depth as a puddle user.

Great start. Stuff like this really helps dispels the dark age myth bullshit.


Exactly. In the preface, a bluepilled scholar from 1900's explains how Jews were the primary motivator for the Muslims to invade Spain. It's probably the first instance of (((them))) destroying a civilization.
The muslims destroyed everything else they could get their hands on, but these laws survived. They're not even the first Visigoth laws, either. Those were all destroyed.
Notice how they had separate laws for each individual race under their Empire, and desperately condemned mixing.

dude they make them so sentimental when it's just (((old men))) ruling the Earth, there's nothing redeemable about Extra Shekels

The second pic came with a description by the artist.

Poland was the first country to really be able to show them resistance. Our independence had only been restored for two years. Even that, Polish army has defeated the Bolsheviks and pushed away the specter of the communism from the Western Europe. Anyone hardly knows about this and it is a very interesting historical period.

I just like the editing of the slideshow. It's entertaining for the dumb masses, and I wish we had something like it telling real history.


This is a good read. The real nip story in WWII.

whatever happened to Japan after the end of the war and America taking over. They've changed so much since the 40's. I'm really hoping to answer questions like this.

World War II completely distracts from the real communist revolutions that threatened Europe after World War I. Good stuff.



Honestly this is one of the worst memes and it really gets on my goat. There were no dark ages, it's not like the light of civilization was suddenly snuffed out for 600 years. Fucking normie history.
Pic related is Ostrogothic architecture from the so-called "dark ages" but it looks pretty cultured to me.

This reminds me of the feminist fantasies about women being treated as property in the middle ages. In Europe this is simply not true. In the east, sure, but in Europe women were given tremendous respect.

Then I suggest you watch some Wonderwhy

Why shouldn't we talk about the Khmer Rouge to 8-year-olds instead of le ebul naaaahtsees?

So much for "muh barbaric germans", (((they))) taught us at school.

Dark ages = Rise of (((Islam))).


The US disassembled almost every Japanese cultural institution, in a bid to pacify them.

The emperor was politically removed, the Japanese armed forces were turned into a national police force and depoliticized, people were dissuaded from practicing Shinto, marriage and courtship were usually arranged for young people but the practice was dissuaded and vilified, and the entire Japanese economy was reworked to cater to American exports and imports needs.

In many ways the US deconstructed Imperial Japan, and remade it in the American image.

Japan still retains a semblance of their imperialist structure. Since many asian resistance movements against the European imperial powers saw Japan as their ally, Japan managed to have a very deep network of secret service agents all over Asia, and today Japan exerts influence through their large financial assets and banks. Of course they don't wield that power very openly nor effectively, but they DO retain it.

Also, a useless fun fact: Since Japan managed to stay independent from European powers, they set an ideal in Asia that can be felt today. Since the Japanese are considered some of the most beautiful people all around East and Southeast Asia.