I am Wise; seek advice or Wisdom through me and I shall give it freely. Permit me to serve Kek by serving you.
I am Wise; seek advice or Wisdom through me and I shall give it freely. Permit me to serve Kek by serving you
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Why are you such a faggot, OP? Will you finally answer this chan-old question?
to ask why OP is a faggot is to ask why nature is natural; the attribute can not be removed from the attributed.
Where did meme magic start?
Has it always been?
I see, then. So, what do you think is holding chans back from true greatness? Holla Forums certainly isn't at its peak.
Shadilay, and praise Kek who is Keket: the Darkness which procureth the Light. Meme magic began with Zoroaster, who first conceived of the monotheistic meme. That is to say the first true meme was the idea of one God, during a time of polytheism, which spread throughout the world and even continues in a perverse (Semitic) form today. All magic comes forth from the noble (Aryan) magi.
What is holding us back? Centralization. Would you like fame and wealth? Then talent yourself! Whosoever creates for the masses a decentralized chan using the blockchain and with communal regulations shall be King.
Now hold on a second there, Zoroaster was great and all, but his Flame belongs in Persia. I'll respect it sure, but I'm not comfortable with ever accepting Monotheism after the taint known as Abrahamism happened.
>ever accepting Monotheism personally*
there is this but the author is updating the non working version for ages…
I would say your stance is based in emotion and not though. What greater sin is there than to think without thought? Consider not whether one or many gods exist in true reality, because you shall never experience true reality while existing within this illusion. Instead, my friend, consider what is best for the society. Now, when Zoroaster conceived of one God it was not out of religious fanaticism as the Jews and Christians demonstrate, but out of love for his society. You see how powerful the Jew and the Christian is? Whence cometh their power? What separates the Christian, for example, from the Pagan? Only a belief in a single deity, and this is their source of power, even if a single deity does not exist. A society who all worships many gods is divided. A woman who desires childbirth shall worship a goddess of fertility, and her mind is focused on that single goal. A man who seeks strength may worship Thor or Hercules, and his mind is focused on that single goal. But what commonality does fertility have with strength? These many desires divides a society, but a People who are united under a single deity are united both in mind and body. Now, let us say that for society a belief in a single God is ideal, especially if that God is:
Because this will create a society which is:
But for the individual, in his own home, let him honor the gods of his ancestors. For this will permit the man to become strong when he honors the strong god, and gentle when he honors the gentle goddess, and wrathful when he honors the serpent and peaceful when he honors the dove. And let a man designate a god and goddess for his family to honor, as a family, as this will bind, unite and strengthen his familial bonds. But let man worship one God when he is gathered with the rest of his society, that society might be united and strengthened in the single goal, which are the attributes of this God. I tell you the truth:
For the sign of the intelligent man is the ability to entertain two different thoughts while believing entirely in both.
Praise Kek.
…I-I miss you Christina.
hey OP
i have nothing to lose (alone, no friends or falily for over a decade)
but im a coward and fear the nothing of death and cant suicide
what do? where to start?
my Word is the word of Kek. Kek does not procure the Name of those who are lazy, degenerate or unmotivated. I have given the Way and the means.
my first love was Cristina (no H) and asian. I feel you bro.
I praise Kek, and the gods you do not know, and the God you can not yet see, that you have come to me with your burdens, because I have shared them. I tell you the truth:
After today you will be exalted in mind, because you have seem to have lost all hope and yet have petitioned my advice. For your hope is not your own, but comes from Kek alone. You have everything to lose, because you are everything. I hate sounding mystical, but there is no other way to say it. You are. And if you are how can there be anything that is not you? All of reality, the whole and the part, is contained in you. That is not to say
As the misguided fools profess, but instead I tell you the truth:
Do you understand or is your mind still opposing your thought? To lose all fear of death is nothing, as even the thief, murderer and madman has lost such fear. But what good are these? The virtue is not in losing fear of death but in understanding life, and fearing the loss thereof not because of uncertainty (where will i go after death? what happens?) but because you can no longer affect the living. Affect the living by first affecting yourself.
Don't you know how to live?
Having society with many Gods shouldn't be a thing of division. It isn't a religion's job to unify people in a common goal m80. I want a place with Water temples next to Firtility temples, I want the acknowledgement of the existence of a people's Gods as a pantheon because it is natural for the different specialisations of civilisation to be interested in the Gods that best represent them, and there should be no conflict because it would be understood that none of that civilisation's deities would be full-blown Abrahamic "Beside me there are no other Gods" tier dominionists. If there exists no recognition of the many Gods, the possibility of some being forgotten becomes a real issue.
If you want unity within the pantheon, you simply bring up the "All-Father" Gods like Wotan or Zeus, but you certainly don't say that this head of the pantheon is the only deity recognized by society.
Let the towns worship their own deities, and let the State worship their God. This will unite the people. Not too far on one side, but each in their own place and in their own context. All one need do is ask oneself:
For your answer will also answer why monotheism is required to conquer the rest of the world.
Tell me: what connection does the Greek have with Odin? Or the Norwegian with Medusa?
A people should follow their Old Ways. Why do you believe it is necessary for the two to share religion?
Why is conquering the rest of the world a goal of yours?
What is a people? As a person, my ancestors were Swedish; Viking. And so I celebrate Freya and Thor. But I, like you, do not live in a tribe-like setting. Instead, all peoples are mixed together. In this mixture what can unite the Peoples? If I say:
What good is this to a Greek? Wont he say to instead worship the Greek gods? If so, what unites us then? Nothing.
Man has evolved from living in small, tribal groups dictated by his homeland. Now, German lives with Swede, and Swede with American. American lives with Norwegian and so forth. I tell you the truth:
A unified world, that is, a world united under a common ideology is the next step in human and societal evolution. We may choose to allow the Jews to unite us under the poisonous credo, leading to our untimely death, or we may unite the world under Kek.
Well see the place I agree with you at is ideological unity, but religious conformity is not required to obtain this.
Also, I take serious issue with you memeing Crowley.
Kek is an egyptian god.
fam we should unite under the pagan banner.
monothiesm is a cancer, too much power for one deity and they go corrupt with power.
tribal paganism is the way to go.
You don't want unification this will collapse the whole structure, you want tribes cooperating and working together for the betterment of the human race each with their own religion,customs,traditions…etc
Exactly. People need to realize that Gods are bound to Soil as much as they're bound to Blood.
religion is the sin of the world. If I say:
then I am a fool. All gods are manifestation and representations of the natural. The mystical, that is, the feeling of the gods being distinct from Nature is for our own amusement, but does not reflect reality.
I dont disagree, I only question the context. All gods are made by man, and reflective of man. If you desire to know the true heart of a person, you only need examine the god[s] they worship. A good man can not produce an evil god, therefore I tell you the truth:
abandon all gods until you become good yourself, then your gods will always be just and fair, despite the power you and they might acquire.
So with
in mind, if you live in a land under the dominion of a certain pantheon historically, you should understand that the Gods of that land are the ones who get recognition, but not without respect to the Gods of other lands. Unify ideology, but divide up different areas up for different faiths.
Naturally. If, for example's sake, you live in an area historically Germanic, then praise the Germanic gods. Not because they're any more real than the Greek gods, but because by honoring your ancestral gods you honor your ancestors, and the first duty of every good man is to honor their ancestors. But when you, being from such a place, ventures forth into another place - let you and those inhabitants be united under a single God, who represents the shared goals and agendas of all Aryan Peoples. This is how we unite regardless of ancestry, permitted we are all Aryan. The Roman, the Greek, the Viking, the Hindu and all others shall thereby unite against the wiles of the Semite.
No, not "One God" shared, if you go to a place you have no ancestral ties to you simply observe their celebrations and rituals with respect. None of this whole One God business, because a Nord should be fully immersed in the cultures of Meds if he goes southwards, so true appreciation of these cultures can occur.
there is no place you can go in which you share 100% of the ancestral ties, and this includes outside of your own door. the world is no longer divided in such a way. there is no viking land, greek god land, or etc. there are hindus in Europe, vikings in america, and so forth. no matter where you go you shall be an alien. but again, no matter where you go you shall be Aryan and with other Aryans whom you find there.
what say you - what unites aryans? if you are a germanic aryan are you not separate from the greek, roman and hindu aryans by the gods you each worship? isnt this worship the very thing which separates you when you meet together?
Look, I'm not trying to be ignorant. I know what your saying about the need for something to bind these cultures together, I just don't think a deity is the right thing for the job.
then perhaps your fate is to unite the Aryans under a different banner than a single Aryan God. i encourage your to investigate your intuition and to, if possible, discover what that uniting force is.
Certainly not Gods, you admit this yourself. So we need to approach this question with a different angle because I believe the answer is the key to the unity we both seek.
having purpose in life is a societal construct
there is no happiness gene
we have constructed a rationalization upon our reword mechanism
I admit Aryans are not united because the very things which could unite them has been co-opted, tainted, painted black and injected with Semitic venom. But now, if each Aryan could worship their ancestral gods in their own home, amongst their own kindred, while yet acknowledge a single Aryan God while gather with other Aryans who do not share their ancestry, this will unite all - from Viking to Hindu; from American to Iranian.
Think deeper, my friends. What is a god but that state in which man hopes to find himself? A woman who desires childbirth worships a goddess of fertility, because she hopes to find herself fertile. Even the Christian who worships a god of forgiveness does so because he seeks forgiveness of some flaw in his own character. If you are an Aryan do not be divided against other Aryans because they worship different gods, but instead, praise Kek and give reverance to a single God in the presence of those Aryans who do not share your heritage. In this way you say to others:
Well just because Meds tend to be catholic and Nords protestant doesn't mean they're slaughtering eachother as we speak. We have unity enough to prevent conflict and without religious commonality. Maybe the secular Dutch concept of cooperation could serve our purpose?
Catholics/Christians are not part of the equation, my friend. I tell you the truth:
when you remove all Semitic influence from Christianity you are left with a strictly Aryan spiritual tradition: Zoroastrianism
Will I ever get a waifu? I fear that I'm far too gone and too jaded to love
the spreading of Aryan ideology infuriates the Juden.
love is just lust with obligation. be free.
I already know this. I think we're thinking about this the wrong way. If we seek peace between different cultures who have different Gods, I think understanding is the key. Constant study between them would be a step in the right direction.
offcourse, a kemetian pagan should have respect for the norse,greek gods …etc
and all should help each other, we are all pagans and we are facing a godform gone wild.
I talk about yahweh,allah,jehovah …etc
I agree with you 100%. Now how can you hope to spread your ideas? Have you considered Tiddlywiki?
how about just abandon religion
uniting under a common god is a form of monothiesm.
BY JOVE I'VE GOT IT - Through dick, unity.
Whites? Sub Human.
Blacks? Aryan.
As a half-black I WISH I could be full
Yes, that's why we need an alternative route to unity. I'm not the person to think of what that alternative could be, because I keep thinking of Classical Liberalism as a template for it.
what i mean by this is:
despite my personal religion, and despite the god[s]] i may worship as part of my ancestry, when i go to Holla Forums or Holla Forums i know i am yet united with the majority under Kek, despite the different gods individual members of these boards may personal worship. And so I tell you the truth:
monotheism unites the whole while polytheism honors the parts.
But Kek is One of Eight. He's one of the Souls of Thoth m80, and the entire Ogdoad must be revived - Not just Kek.
Goodnight, Holla Forums. If nothing else do not fall into the trap of nihilism. You are all there is, and all else is a manifestation of You. Improve the inside and you will see improvement in the outside. Unite with other Aryans and do not be divided in any way; let matters of faith go unchallenged, permitted the Semite is hindered.
I agree
I agree too brother, although nihilism is really appealing to me right now.
Sometimes I just want to watch the world burn.
too much filth.
Why do I have trouble getting a girlfriend? I long for a companion.
seriously, you give an aura of need and desperation,best way, focus on yourself, take care of your mind body and spirit, and go talk to women, the trick is to treat them as friends while flirting with them in a push-pull movement, also be assertive but not controlling, women are tricky, but some will not need the mind games.
Thanks kek
Which is exactly the problem with Christianity as a whole. It trains people to beg for forgiveness rather than fix their own flaws.
How do I get better control over myself?
How long, in years if applicable, have you felt out of control? In what areas of your life do you lack control? Explain your situation and I'll pray to Kek for his Word pertaining to this matter.
To all my Brothers and Sisters in dank maymays: May the Darkness of Kek rest upon your calm waters, that you might behold the beacon of his Light.
if you're so wise how come you fell for Palmer Fuckey's forced frog meme?
Most Americans voted Hillary didnt they?
Get thee behind me, Cohen
Make the bald spot on my head regrow hair.