a wyatt mann

Is Nick over at Dailystormer posting updated versions of his famous cartoons?

user MANNvsMACHINE keeps posting them.


Other urls found in this thread:

web.archive.org/web/20150620042620/http://www.resist.com/CARTOON GALLERY/CartoonIndex1.htm
urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=bix nood
lmgtfy.com/?q=rar in an image

I hope so. His visit was great

He was here yesterday.

Quite an honour since his images have been floating around chans since the beginning.

He unloaded these yesterday.

hol up. A fucking Wyatt Mann was here yesterday? Can anyone link the thread or archive?

He needs to remove that weebshit imposter on Twitter who has been masquerading with his old username. He shouldn't be forced to use some gay shit like mannvsmachine. To call the zog a machine is giving them too much power. He's A. Wyatt Mann. The one and only. Fucking piece of shit weeb.

This, pls.

How long has he been making these cartoons?

Maybe since the 80s.

He was here a while ago posting happy merchants that were colored from the original ink drawings, which only he himself could possibly own.

The thread got shilled by paranoia because A Wyatt Man wasn't used to imageboard culture so our "outsider" alarms went off, but if you read all his posts it becomes clear he was the real deal.


Whoops, should have made it linkable: archive.is/U2JoO

He posted here today too.


kek I remember seeing that thread but then left after the prospect of malware merchants getting me paranoid. Can anyone post them here?



You know, I saw this article on TRS and I really didn't get it. Unless we are talking about engaging is a super-high casualty total war, then I'm really not sure what the problem is. Even under current regulations there will be very few women actually on the front lines, and therefore their casualty rates should hypothetically be very low.



Here, even though you're a retarded for falling for those obvious jewish tricks.


I'm fine with not drafting women, but only if they are denied the right to vote.


Someone edit the last one so that he's checking dubs in fear.





I haven't seen those merchants before.

Wow, it really is the year of

Or there could be some type of civilian corps they are drafted into, but yeah I agree with your sentiments. You know many women refused to join the suffragette movement for this very reason – they assumed if they could vote that they would be expected to shoulder a bunch more civic responsibilities (up to and including the draft) and they just wanted to stay at home with the kids.












user, if it's not their blood being spilled, then they don't get a say. It's that simple.

Video related explains this perfectly.






web.archive.org/web/20150620042620/http://www.resist.com/CARTOON GALLERY/CartoonIndex1.htm

That's how stupid you are. In my world you can't vote. How do you like that?

I'm not watching a jewtube video of some cunt with half my IQ rambling on about nonsense.


Voting has historically been tied to military service, you cunt. If you don't want women to be drafted, then don't let them vote.

Voting has historically been tied to property, retard. Learn some fucking history.

Voting is a proxy for violent conflict. If you don't belong on the battlefield, you also don't belong in the voting booth.

Owning land has historically been tied to military service.

Also, I don't see how working in the military industrial complex, being a nurse at an army base, working with the Corps of Engineers, etc is not "Military Service" or at least "National Service." Most people in the Military don't actually see battle.

That's why I said to draft them into some kind of non-combat role, or into National Service at home.

Learn some reading comprehension, my stormfag friend. We're on the same side, but you must see how you jarheads frustrate those of us with Wizard-level IQs


Non-combat roles are fine too, but that doesn't change the fact that women should not be able to join the military (in any role) or vote.

Holy shit this is definitely the apex of Holla Forums sperginess and paranoia.

okay idiot

Hey, how jewy does this chick look on a scale of 1-10?

i'm thinking more feminist/hipster than jew tbh, but its all in perception

user, the bottom line is that if men make poor decisions in the voting booth, they might have to pay for it on the battlefield. Women face no such consequences if you allow them to only be drafted into non-combat roles.

Either you let them be drafted into combat positions, or you don't let them vote at all.

How new are you?

I don't understand what point you're trying to make.

user, the bottom line is that 99.9% of voting has nothing to do with war and 99.9% of the military doesn't see combat. Not to mention the fact that no mother (or father or brother etc) wants to see their children die.

By your logic, only 18-34 yr old males should be able to vote. It's retarded.

Learn logic. Then post.

Anyway, see here:
I was thinking about using this for a meme, but I'm thinking she doesn't immediately strike me as jewy enough for a jew meme. What do you think?

about what? voting?
see here:

I really don't want to argue with you about it, though, because I have a very strong intuition nothing I say is going to change your mind. Can you tell me about pic (see related post link)?

God bless A Wyatt Mann

Then why the fuck are so many of them voting for candidates/political parties who's immigration policies will inevitably lead to war?

100% of voting has to do with war. Voting defines how the use of force will be exercised, so only those who are suited to do the violence should have suffrage.

Banning everyone except married men from voting would be fine too. Or all men or veterans could vote, and married men get two votes each. Women cannot be trusted not to make stupid decisions that will get their children killed for no benefit.

18 year olds should definitely not be voting. A minimum age of 25 would be preferable. The draft age is 18 because your brain isn't mature yet then.

Learn logic. Then post.

Idk user, why do you think? Or, better, why do they not think this is going to lead to war when it seems it is? Hint: pic related

Or, maybe even better, why do you think voting "works"? Why are you blaming this on Democracy when we know scientifically Democracy isn't working? And why are you blaming it solely on women when 40+% of men vote against? Why are you even looking at voting statistics when, in the US at least, 40-50% of eligible voters choose not to vote?

What you are saying, user, actually opens up more questions than answers. Perhaps we should start with those questions – the things you are really worried about – before we debate your conclusions (which I find erroneous, but may have some truth to them)?

I can't handle this reality.`

Think about it. With a completely male electorate, would we have an immigration problem? Would we be subsidizing and promoting the production of bastards? Would the government be primarily concerned with tearing down all social institutions in the name of "equality"?

Why should I think when clearly you don't?

Not an argument. :^)

How about no

A Wyatt Mann is drawing Pepes now.

What a time to be alive.


There's no use arguing with stupidity. You can't just say, "I don't like the things that are going on and if I just arbitrarily don't let this group of people have any say in society whatsoever then everything will be fine…. at least on this issue, for now."

It's fucking stupid, and shows just how dense these people are.

Anyway, like I said, I'm not interested in sitting here and being swarmed by ignorant stormfags on an issue that isn't going to change anyway.

So, please answer the question here about this pic. I'm not going to respond to any more retarded stormfaggotry (or Holla Forums trolling – its often hard to distinguish the two)


aren't the hi-res color versions of the merchant hashed and tracked to map out white nationalist information networks?

there was a thread a few weeks back referencing them being posted on halfchan


No, the real Ben Garrison is back. You can't even sage.

What is stupid about saying women shouldn't be allowed to vote? They vote for destructive policies and frankly are not cut out mentally for politics. Women's say in society is exerted through mate choice and childcare. The moment their brains and bodies function like men's, they will be capable of not voting like giant children. There's nothing hypocritical or dumb about saying the franchise should be limited based on the likely voting habits of particular demographics.

That fourth one is new. Saved.

I'm pretty sure if they wanted to do that they could do it by other means. But, this is why I suggested we used sockpuppets to just post this shit everywhere in one big burst – possibly on twitter where hypothetically anyone could get it.

That would destroy any possible information they think they might gain by tracking these pics. As usual, no one listened to me, so if you're right then we're just playing right into their hands.

So is the second, but save them all, they're much better quality than the ones from Resist.com.

filtered. I told you I'm not arguing with retardation.

True, but you gotta appreciate the classics.

Holy fuck, jackpot there user. Thanks for the info. Loved those new merchants he dropped on us a month ago. Great to see him reworking his classics for modern times. One can only hope he finds the time and motivation to create some new OC for us. I know, greedy little kike, ain't I? 88/MAGA!

it was saved in the name field


This seems like a timely one. Keep them coming, brother Wyatt!

Women have had the vote for less than a hundred years. Man suffrage in America is less than 200 years old. The Founders deliberately looked to Classical Greece and the Roman Republic for inspiration rather than to late-stage womyn-voting fag Emperor Rome.

Why should women be able to vote?

I don't get the last one. Baron-Cohen is jewish as fuck.

Just that they look similar. There's a better one with examples of kikes who changed their names.

He's probably still at a stage where he hasn't realized how damaging women's suffrage has been to our civilization.

I never knew Judge Judy was a kike

I should have known with her last name being Sheindlin

I've seen a few where she tears degenerates a new asshole

We didn't vote ourselves into this situation, and we aren't going to vote ourselves out of it either.


See, I told you you're not very smart.

I've already thoroughly refuted this argument, but you retards just ignored reasoned argument and keep repeating yourselves.

This… at least the "we didn't vote ourselves into this problem" part. The US political system (particularly in its Jacksonian variant) has been systematically dismantled by "Progressives" and fellow travelers. Then, these same "people" come to you and say, "see, voting doesn't work just give me all the power, goy, don't worry."

Don't be fucking stupid. You're being manipulated. If voting worked half as well as it did in 1896 when we had 89-98% turnout, the whole system would look differently. Notice that in the UK the vast majority of MPs, both Tory and Labor, were strongly against Brexit, yet it passed.

Democracy is not the problem. The Merchant, and other foreign influences are the problem.

Since no one will have the fucking decency to answer my question about the pic, I'm out. You people are not only fucking stupid, but lack any moral sense whatsoever.

The 1st one is a t*rk, not a jew.


I still stand by those pictures not being his, the writing style was of someone who has never used an image board in their life, can't trust it.

So? That fits AWM perfectly.

I think the point is that he's in character as Borat.


These are such great drawings. Schlomo has a lot of character and nuance.

I was in that original thread and the autism was off the scale. Probably all shills but still, apparently, there are some here who are terrified of anyone who doesn't post in low attention span sound bites full of chan lingo. It was embarrassing.

Posters like A. Wyatt Mann, who have sophisticated vocabularies and syntax, are automatically categorized as shills by these dumbasses. I don't get that at all. Most oldfags have better language skills than millennials do, because our educational system has gone to shit in the last thirty years. Aren't we all aware of that by now? And not being into chan culture doesn't make you an enemy of Holla Forums.

As an aside, a lot of you younger guys would've loved the world the way it was when Mann or I were young. I wish I had a fucking time machine and could really show you what it felt like without political correctness and identity politics.

Everyone was sassy and funny. Even black people were almost cool. The bants were fantastic and nobody got offended, and many white people, even Democrats, talked like Holla Forumsacks all the time–more than you'd ever believe now. Archie Bunker wasn't unusual at all, he was the norm. Even liberal Jews, like Norman Lear (who produced All In The Family) didn't hate men like Archie, but presented them with compassion, humor, honesty and complexity. Everyone was saner and happier. I hope someday we'll roll things back at least that far. At least.

I read that the files contain child porn secretly and the feds might bust you for that.

the merchant looks even more disgusting and menacing in color

I wish he'd do some new "Tales of the Holohoax" type stuff. There are so many bizarre jewish stories that just weren't common knowledge when he and Michael Hoffman put that together.

5 C M O F W O O D




There's a group of Holla Forums posters who are legitimate tin foilers. Morons like for example.

trump is going to assrape hillary in the future and then you will get better than ever before government. the only person who can afford to take on this bitch in the world is trump. he's not going anywhere other than the white house or possibly his hotel but only to the hotel as president. trump, the guy who plays the best political game and rapes the other side, the guy who is the best. hillary, of course, the first bitch to try to be the president, will now be the first bitch to get raped by her husband and political opponent on a regular basis and then finally at the end of the year.


all i see is someone posting the pictures, lots of folks suspicious of them, and then OP posting another picture as proof…

you're trying too hard


facebook tier pepes

wtf is that shit

Is that ol' Benny? looks pretty good

The words on the 4th image changed.



>these are JIDF abd ADL astroturfed forced memes DO NOT SAVE THEM



The ride never ends.



Smiling woman guts the atmosphere.


I knew it.


As much as I hate king nigger, he was the lesser evil both times he ran.

Post proof immediatly that

protip: you can't

Kikes shills btfo

Higher res version posted by the user here

polite sage.

It's the thought that counts. The Mormon might have at least resisted the march of social degeneracy while he sent goyim off to die for Israel.

What don't they ruin?

Can we get a dump of all the pictures in that thread?

nvm it looks like all of them got posted here

Hello Chaim….how's the weather in Tel Aviv this morning?

Holy shit

There we go.

While thankful that the original Ben Garrison is back, the Trump cartoons aren't exactly helpful…

muh PR

Nice answer kike.

Show me the proof where

You can't
These are asteo turfed JIDF and ADL pushes forced memes and disinfo

Now post proof or fucking kill yourself you slimey kike.

There are no proofs that you're a legitimate h8chan user, and not a butthurt kike or leftist.

Prove it.

Or what? Binwalk shows that files are perfectly safe.

What? Get out of here, outsider. >>>/facebook/

I'm probably not quite as old as you but I too remember a time in America when people were laidback and personable and you could strike up a conversation with a random stranger and possibly even share a laugh. Nowadays, it seems like everybody is so fucking uptight and neurotic and distrusting of each other.

Vid related is the America I remember from my youth. It hurts my heart to know that there's no going back.

You guys sure are good at trying to replicate our format and talk our talk. But what exposes you is your constant name calling with no evidence or proof to back it up.


Keep squirming

The proof is in this thread. If it's not enough for you then that's too bad, kid. After I hit reply, you're filtered. Now fuck off.

I don't know how to feel about this.

What if Benny G KNOWS A. Wyatt Mann?

I was in that thread and there is no proof, it was you fags again trying hype so (((OC))) with everyone suspicious as fuck

Post a screen cap where A Wyatt Man proves he is posting

Go ahead
Real easy
Takes about 5 mins

It's basically gotten so polarized that the only solution left is all-out war.


Now screencap the part where A Wyatt Man proves he is on 8ch making (((ebin OC)))

Fuck,even the kids born as early as '97 can see the change.
I know I can.
I miss the world I was raised in.
What happened to the friendliness that used to be found everywhere in America?
If that video was made today,the dude would get his ass beaten by some nigger for the camera.
Why did it become like this?

It's obviously him. I used to read his posts on Jim Goad's forum, and the writing style is exactly the same, ellipses and everything. The posters saying it's an NSA agent probably have legit schizophrenia.

Anybody can imitate ones writing style. And if were even on Holla Forums for more than a week you'd realize that is not sufficant evidence.


As someone in their mid 20s, I can say that even I remember shit like this from when I was a kid. People used to be really personable and nice. I didn't fear strangers as a child. I was reasonably cautious in the right circumstances, but I almost never felt endangered by a regular person.

Now when I go into a 711 I feel uncomfortable with everyone in the place. I watch my wallet like a hawk. I don't like people to come within a few feet of me.

Feels bad, man.

I just wish we could go back to how things were in the 80s/90s in terms of social climate and selected norms. This isn't one of those "UGH THE MUSIC WAS BETTER" or "UGH THE TECH WAS SO A E S T H E T I C" feelings. It's a "dear God, we're better than this–We WERE better than this" feeling.

If you did this today - walked into a store filming - you'd be met with brash hostility. If you tried asking people what they were up to then they'd tell you to fuck right off.


I grew up in Texas and lived there for 16 years, currently living in Nevada.
Here are some of the changes I'm talking about:
When I was really young, I used to be able to ride my bike to school or to Blockbuster at the other side of town without being worried at all.
I remember renting Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, all that legendary old-school animu, and renting the Metal Gear Solid games, I played the shit out of those along with RTS games on my PC.
Nowadays if I even attempted that as an adult like I technically now am, I would get jumped by a pack of niggers for my bike.
I lived pretty close to the woods, and my best friend lived full-innawoods, used to go over to use house every weekend growing up.
We used to explore the creek and woods, had a few close encounters with venemous snakes, but other than that we were completely safe.
There were occasionally coyotes and hogs, but we usually had one or two big friendly dogs that lived in his neighborhood following us around, so no coyotes or hogs ever tried to fuck with us.
Nowadays if I tried that, there's about a 75% chance I'd get shot by Mexican drug traffickers.
America just doesn't feel safe anymore, this isn't the country I grew up in.
I don't even leave the house without a knife anymore, if I was old enough to conceal carry, you bet your ass I would.
I swear if things keep heading like they are, America is going to be South Africa-tier in 20-30 years.
We might as well start calling ourselves "Amerikaners".

You're trying way too hard to fit in, jewboy.

It was pretty obvious that it was really him right away wasn't it? I just knew him as Nick for years on the netjerk lounge before I had any idea about the Wyatt Mann stuff.

Was like getting a letter from an old uncle.

His documentaries and compilations are also a fun watch if you can stomach the satanist aspect of it all


They actually did a follow-up video in 2014

Hence why you communicate differently here than you would in the real world. The paragraph that was written in the OP was classic "sales pitch" material. This is likely why a red flag was thrown up. This type of approach could either be from someone genuinely not familiar with the concept of "image boards" or by someones shitty supervisor with the CIA that was told, "Get these kids monitored, I don't care how, just give them something to download." And then after some brainstorming choose schlomo- while the ignorant supervisor writes the "sales pitch" post like a classified ad.

Not saying that it was, but it definitely was legitimate to be skeptical until some basic analysis had been done. OPSEC can be life or death.

Looks like he discovered that people were reflecting on MAGA using his video and some spergs went after the video-uploader a day ago.

I never asked for these feels…
Hell, I even remember just half a decade ago where you could fly the stars and bars freely without having to fear the possibility of some crazed leftist vandalizing your property.

Just a faker, these cartoons are over 20 years old and some Jew subversive is coloring them in and claiming to be Mann.


The whole "alt right" is a psyop led by kikes such as Sinead McCarthy, Kyle Hunt, Andrew Anglin, RamzPaul etc.

There's a difference between skepticism and being an autistic paranoid dickbag. Hell….it got so bad that it became clear that at least some of the people going after AWM were shills themselves.

Sorry for the delay user, internet was acting sketchy.
This first one is about Anton LaVey, a good friend of Nick's

Around 2:57 Nick has a small cameo if you were wondering what he looks and sounds like in the early 90's flesh

This second one is the last in his "Murderers, Mobsters & Madmen" series. You'll most likely have a bit of a hard time tracking the others down as they were just VHS releases


Nick is also responsible for this old gem


This one follows the life and times of "The Goddess Bunny", a deformed transvestite midget cabaret performer from L.A.

About as degenerate as anything you can imagine, but also one of those "must see to believe" types of things

Backtrace this nerd. Report him to cyber police.

Indeed, just posted the whole thing for maxium degeneracy

Final one for the night, "When the applause died" a type of more recent "Hollywood Babylon" if you will

Ben. I don't know why he continues to fight his destiny.

Because that's what this is, DESTINY.

A "mentally ill" kike troll larping as an ebil naazi originally altered his drawings.

Now, yet another juden is dragging his name through the mud, for simply existing.

At some point that Red Pill supposity is going to dissolve in lower intestine and he will assume his rightful place in the war.

Mr Garrison must embrace his fate. Mr Garrison must become A Wyatt Mann's replacement and commence dropping red pills all over the MSM.

It's time. Destiny.



San Francisco needs to be aborted from reality.

Hell is forever!

The faggot you're replying to shilled the fuck out of the original thread.

he's ID: 878a18

CDU ist Frau Merkels Partei, ja?

So is your virginity :^)

The problem isn't suffrage in general, but universal suffrage. There should very much be a limit to who can or cannot vote. The Romans knew this, the Greeks knew this, and the founding fathers knew this. The people who vote *need* to be well informed and have some vested interest in the welfare of the nation. Will women be able to vote in this system? Maybe, if they meet the criteria, but no person get the vote simply for existing. The concept of voting as a human right is a very new thing , that unless the majority population all of a sudden becomes enganged, intelligent and aware, needs to go away.

Now, granted, this isn't our biggest problem with the system, only an exacerbating situation. "Well informed" only describes a very small amount of people currently voting. Even people that end up voting for the right thing, oftentimes do so out of faulty information.

While it won't be something that gets fixed first, or second, at some point though, we have to find a system of voting that is more in line with the vision of the people that made this nation great to begin with.



WTF is the deal with niggers using speakerphone, but still holding the phone up to their face and shouting into it?

I live three floors up and can clearly hear both sides of these niggresses "conversations" several times a day.

Who is this (((Nick))) person and why is he taking credit for Ben Garrison's original cartoons?

The blew out their hearing with loud rap music and hanging out "in da club". They can't hear the normal earpiece anymore.

Right on, brother. Life was better back then. And AWM's cartoons are just as relevant today as they were back then. I like that he's bringing some of them more up-to-date, but they lose a little character when he uses the computer to do the text as opposed to lettering it by hand. I get this, because lettering is hard and takes a lot of time, so it's not a big deal.

Also, you're right about some of the fucktards on here. They really can't help it. They're either not taking enough of their meds or too much of their meds, etc. Or they're unemployable scum who are being paid a pittance by George Soros and friends to shitpost, harass, derail, etc. Either way, everyone of value knows to simply ignore the autists and shills. We'll have plenty of rope for them when the day comes.



There Is Still No Proof

Anybody can write like a different person

Anyone can shoop a xerox of old images and claim they are from the original author


Be weary of the 9000+ posts defending and shilling this disinfo and forced meme.

It really doesn't matter if it wasn't A Wyatt Mann who made them, new content is appreciated by everyone but Jewish Shills who dislike more things pointing out how they ruin what they touch, like a Midas who instead of turning things into gold, makes it rot and fills it with disease.

The fact that he did make it, though, is pleasant.


You're trying too hard

Can anyone post ALL the new merchants? I was too paranoid to save them when the original thread was up.

It looks like they're all ITT.

eat shit

Hey Fellas,
Thanks for the astute observations, honest assessments and extremely kind words. I’m completely new to the “radical avenue” of the Internet landscape and, lemme tellya, it’s been a real amusing ride. I can only take it as a profound compliment that the shameless shilling has been out of control on every thread I’ve contributed to so far, with a couple of pages even getting mysteriously pulled … the (((swine))) who have been doing most of the inane splattering have ultimately proven pretty lazy as they just keep repeating the same tired, silly claims rather than attempting any truly clever disruptions. As for the reason why I’ve been using professional fonts rather than hand lettering of late … it was simply to thwart the far-lefty media critics who were incessantly dismissing all my work as “crude” due to the hand lettering … I suppose it’s like when you handwrite a letter to a corporation rather than type it … the sniffy recipients can then readily label you a “knuckle-dragger unworthy of serious attention” and file it in the ashcan. Ever since I dressed these images up to where they appear more “publication ready”, the “crude” references have ceased and they have to now slam them due to their individual content, which, I feel, is how it should be. The comments about taking the current crop of resisters back in a time machine really hits home … it’s discouraging to realize that today’s kids have never known REAL freedom of thought, action and expression. When I first started cranking out “political” cartoons some 30 years ago, they were intended to be a kind of wake up call that time honored tradition and enduring values were being severely threatened. In a way, I’ve spent decades trying to stuff the uninitiated into a kind of illuminating time machine, myself. I found it particularly comical that one kid innocently observed that I had changed the caption on the cartoon about White men becoming extinct from “It could happen” to “It’s happening”, without appearing to understand why. Sadly, the horribly distracted folks of today seem to have to spend more and more time on this rocky sphere before they start to see the destructive patterns emerging. In many tragic cases, it grew too late for any corrections to be administered. I’m still heartened to see that there’s a rapidly rising number of youngsters willing to grapple with the essential issues and defy those who would seek to rob them of their birthright and heritage. To win the current struggle for (or more truthfully, against ) the heart and soul of America will require Herculean effort … the computer keyboards have proven to be quite mighty mind-swaying weapons, but it will also take physical engagement in the real world to herd sufficient numbers of bodies to the polls for a solid victory. Hail to you, young warriors … don’t give another inch. My most fervent wish for you all is that you never even need to take a time machine in order to view a better world, for you’ve carved out a comparable, or perhaps, better one for yourselves through sheer determination and effort.

Note 6:48.


AWM, please, tell us your thoughts on seeing Le Happy Merchant becoming such an internet meme. I know you don't like to chit chat, but please, for posterity.

I always wondered what happened to the originals of these? You ever consider selling any?

Just a thought…maybe you could do a FAQ once and for all and avoid us bugging you for answers?

Even if you don't answer any of these questions, it's fantastic to see you around. Your work has been unbelievably relevant to so many people.

Welcome again to Holla Forums. Don't mind the shills, we get a few from all over the place, whether home grown from Holla Forums and Holla Forums, the recent crop of political shills during the election season, or just plain JIDF.

Thanks for the post, AWM.

Once one develops the sense of discerning the shill posts from the authentic ones, it actually becomes very satisfying to see them give up and go away. I used to become very frustrated at shills, now I feel a great sense of satisfaction every time they show their complete laziness at subversion. Jewish laziness over the internet is frankly quite puzzling because the ones I know in real life are studious, though that perception could be largely attributed to myself being a lazy spoiled brat.

Lefties, similar to the complete lack of grip they have over politics and common sense, have a complete lack of grip over humor. For many of these caricatures spread over the internet, the crudeness of it, the nonchalance, the likeliness to the crumpled note with a crude drawing passed around during school class, is the essence of it's humor. Many of the people here have seen their beloved jokes become perverted through the unnecessary increases in graphical quality, and a stunning decrease in the quality of the jokes -the punchlines, the sense of irony-, as rendered by leftist idiots. This leftist behavior of ruining memes is highly correlated to their attitude of pretension, shallow understandings of quality and art, and general lack of charisma. These idiots, at the same time, will praise the utter rubbish that is modern art for being supposedly deep, abstract, esoteric, and intellectual. I like your cartoons either way, words typed or written by hand, colored or sketched.

I used to feel utterly hopeless and depressed in regards to being politically incorrect, but things like Trump and Brexit are cheering me up by loads. I do my best to not hide my political opinions.

timestamped pic of yourself or GTFO

gonna shit brix if it is indeed you




You kikes are that desperate huh
Nobody is buying this

Yeah, I'm sure he's going to take orders from a disrespectful cunt such as yourself.

Reminder that b356a7 is the same faggot who shilled the fuck out of the other thread. He's not from here. He's an outside shill sent here to shit up our board.

No evidence this is A Wyatt Man
You pathetically try to post some new (((OC))) with a wall of text and claim it is him.

Anybody can so that
Even kikes like you


here, have a bump

fuck off

I suppose many of you have no way of knowing this, but the Mann art represents a very miniscule portion of my overall youthful output and there were many far more demanding interests that I feverishly pursued during my 30 year stint in Clowntown (Hollywood) … but with the unexpected shift in the current political climate there has been a renewed interest in the messages of the Mann art, so I’ve been inspired to spend a few spare moments to help that welcome circumstance along. To see how brilliantly that The Merchant has been used to combat (and stifle) the once constant, ear-shattering whines of the professional “defamation hucksters” is immensely satisfying. They’ve been so resoundingly steamrolled by the unsavory (yet truthful) essence of that image that their atrocity bean counters can no longer keep a faithful tally … hence, there’s no effective way for them to CA$H IN like in the old days when “evidence of hate” was so sparse they had to actually pull hoaxes for sympathy from the press and public (“Hey Rabbi, Watcha Doin’?”) Nowadays, as the really lame shilling on this board well illustrates, these repellant gargoyles are beginning to flounder on how to wage their battle on the common decency and natural order they so loathe. Just wait until Big Daddy lands in the Oval Office … there are indeed fun days ahead. As for the original Mann artwork, it is all safely housed in a private archive, awaiting the magical day when it can be resurrected and perhaps viewed by adoring throngs in a casual gallery setting. That may (ahem) … still take a while though. I’m certain I won’t live to see it. Other than that, I don’t feel there is anything earth-shaking to share … like I’ve stated before … the cartoons speak pretty well for themselves. Thanks for the sincere interest and shared aspirations.


Timestamp nao

Seriously. Fuck off back to 4chan.

It's great to see you come around here and talk with us, Mann. We really do appreciate the artwork you're making and updating for us. Love the new fonts too. Keep it up

Evidence is the only thing that matters here.

No proof?
Straight to trash.

It's hilarious how desperate you guys are.
You're narrative is crumbling and your are exposing yourselves.
Give up


Nice digits- I think Kek approves of your thievery

Keep up the magnificent work. I hope to see more OC- your talents are too great to be retired

You clearly weren't in the first thread where Mann showed up, so shut your fucking mouth. Wyatt made a tonne of OC of Happy Merchant using the ORIGINAL sketches which only he could possess. He's also made tonnes more OC directly in his style since then all the while interacting with us. His typing style, with the use of many "…" is also similar to how he wrote on his original comics.

If that isn't proof enough for your autistic schizoid ass, then look here. He's also edited the second image in this post to have a smartphone instead of a button phone which was in the original

Desperate for what? We're telling you to fuck off with your bullshit because you're blatantly wrong and trying to poison the well
Literally what narrative? You haven't done anything to "expose" anything except shitpost about how this isn't really Wyatt despite all evidence being against you.

I say this again

what narrative is that? I'd like to hear your fucking argument. humor me.

Actually he was.

he's ID: 878a18

He did everything he could in that thread to derail discussion and drive AWM away. It's clear this faggot isn't from here because of two key errors on his part:

1) he repeatedly uses the term "POZZED JUDENS". I've never heard anybody say that before.

2) he calls The Happy Merchant a "forced meme"

Jesus Christ. What a dedicated fucking shill

Fuck those guys. Hand lettering looks a million times better that typing. They're probably just jealous that their handwriting is illegible. Feel free to use hand-writing in your future cartoons; I'll spam them all over the internet regardless.

It's just really nice to have you here. Your art is one of the cornerstones of Holla Forums memetics, all the bits of information in a neat package that can spread easily between people.

This reply means a lot, thank you for your time to write it.

It's amazing how many people your work has been able to reach with the internet.

I hope Holla Forums continues to make you proud!

God speed you glorious man.

I wasn't planning on getting my feels rekt today.
Didn't know it was possible to feel nostalgia for a time before I was born.

This is how things were supposed to be, and in the back of my mind, for years, was this nagging feeling that things aren't meant to be this horrible.
Life is truly unfair.
We need to find a way to turn back the clock

Glad to hear it brother. You've lived a very interesting life and your artistic and creative talents are legendary here (and many other places too). The trolls and shills are really a badge of honor for you, knowing that you cause them so much butt-hurt that they feel the need to ceaselessly spew their moronic bullshit everywhere you go. They don't do that for just anyone, for sure. And know that you always have many friends here who admire and appreciate your work and encouragement, most of whom simply remain silent for not being able to come up with anything worth saying that hasn't already been said. Cheers, man.

Time machines don't exist, user, but we can make the future better.


Welcome and many thanks for hearty laughs and encouragement! You were the first Holla Forumsack meme magician.

What a time to be alive!

ps CONSTANT shilling at all times on Holla Forums. always be on guard, white men. any demoralization is just that. strengthen your body and mind and take heart - Brexit happened, Trump is happening, Austria election fraud has been exposed.

train your bodies.
train your minds.

die Flut kommt.

Hey Nick….a bit off-topic but what was GG Allin like? I've seen pictures of you two together. Did he smell like shit?


What was once memed will now become reality. Kek wills it.

Things like this make life worth living.

awm, did you do the "tales of the holohoax" drawings?


He did.

His signature is on the second page.

He also did the cover for Hoffman's They Were White and They Were Slaves, if I'm not mistaken.

Egregious Mr. Mann, would you be so kind as to redraw this particular sample of your user-customized work?

GG, who wouldn’t hesitate to knock a brash or presumptuous female groupie flat, was a surprisingly calm and humble fellow when in the company of folks he truly respected.
He once asked me to do the official flyer (see images) for the Halloween concert event where he intended to take his life on stage, but an unexpected prison stint put the kibosh on that mad plan. I also did the attached fantasy piece depicting a battered GG waking up as the King of Hell after the Halloween show. The two portrait images seen here were from a tribute T-shirt … the skull Tattoo on the rear of his noggin was inked shortly before his death. The last time I saw him, just weeks before his passing, it was easy to see the toll his lifestyle was taking … his spirit was intact but his skin was the color of a manila envelope. But for all his reeking, leaking and pleasure seeking, he was the very definition of a true individual … the kind that only graces this sphere once in a lifetime.

he sounds like a total degenerate. Not the kind of man Hitler would want.

Well. I’ll tell ya, I have to disagree there, Moshe … I believe the Fuehrer was just forward thinking enough to put all his best scientists to work cloning GG and unleashing a massive torrent of crazed Outlaw Scumfucs on the unsuspecting entrenched enemy.

this kike was the manifestation of degeneracy, more proof you skinhead types are a fucking joke, please keep existing though, we need trash like you to throw in front of enemy bullets.

hoity-toity moralfag purists, such as yourself, need to fuck off. People like GG and other roughneck pro-white motherfuckers have their place in the race war. You, on the other hand, can continue hiding behind a keyboard and computer monitor like a coward. We don't want or need you.


Of course the interloping shill takes the 88.

we don't need drug-addled degenerates on our side in any war, faggot. They'll hang along with the kikes and lefties after their very minor usefulness as canon fodder has been expended

Whoa, don't pop a rivet there, Mordecai … Boy, I sure learn a lot about myself when I hear from these judgmental shills peddling their phony outrage. Now I’m a skinhead … a guy who’s had shoulder length hair since the Summer of Love. The fact that you can’t extract even a shred of humor from the mental image of soldiers hastily retreating from a platoon of poop slinging, howling, buck naked GGs advancing on them, indicates that you’re either a humorless buffoon or, more likely, a 24 carat, grade A lefty troll whose about as transparent as Saran Wrap … and WHY are (((you guys))) suddenly so obsessed with what Hitler would or wouldn’t tolerate? We all well know what he REALLY had no stomach for, now don’t we?

You realize you're insulting A. Wyatt Mann, right?

Please fuck off.

You mean Ben Garrison, user.

You know Hitler allowed degenerates to do his bidding, right? He worked right along side them. He on a personal level disapproved but he knew that they capable of serving a greater purpose. Meanwhile. you two soft stooges wag your finger behind a computer screen and preach to those who actually take real actin how to conduct themselves.

Fuck off.

There are certain people on here who would stop eating carrots if they found out that Hitler didn't like carrots. It's autism but these people are in the minority. Most of us are united behind fighting marxists and the World Jewry. Everything else is nitpicking.

Now look where we are.

The Long Knives were not enough.

You don't know what the fuck you're even talking about. Hitler wouldn't have involve dhimself with the methhead, criminal, wigger, bottom-feeding scum for a fucking second. These sub-nigger iq junkies are the bane of the WN movement's existence. These are the kind of people that keep WN from being more favourable to young white people. 40+ of "real action" and what the fuck has it achieved for us? Make a fucking mockery of what real nationalism can and should be. Disciplined white men with pride and purpose fighting for their survival. Not a bunch of worthless highschool-dropouts high on drugs who listen to nigger music.

Stop trying to justify your disgusting and shameful lifestyle. You're an embarrassment to our race.

Fuck off.

40+ years*

Is AWyattMann from Dailystormer the same as Awyattman from TRS? If so why should I care about this Anime masturbator?

awm existed long before the turdstormer and thecuckstuff

if you're even slightly jew wise, awm is most likely responsible for that

Appreciate your support, but, believe me, there hasn’t been anything I’d seriously regard as an “insult” delivered here. There was a time when pride and honor were integral parts of the combat experience … like when plummeting WWI pilots would give a respectful wave to the enemy pilot who had disabled their craft. I wish just one of these pasty pansies could actually muster some breathtakingly potent remark worthy of a tip of the hat, but I’m afraid they just don’t pack the gear. That’s precisely what is beginning to make the future look so bright. Whether they realize it yet or not, all indications point to these weasels being in a full emotional retreat … it’s like they can’t come up with anything that’s cleverly savage or savagely clever. It’s like a hammer vs. a marshmallow, anymore. It’s only their neurosis and self loathing that drives them to keep getting publicly humiliated. As Trump would say … SAD.


kill yourself tbh

Do you even know who Oskar Dirlewanger or what the Dirlewanger brigade was?




Have you ever met up with Dr. Pierce in person?

Pretty good pun, but I think most people here probably won't get the reference.

"MUH PR" does not refer to people who don't want disgusting druggy wiggers acting like apes and making a mockery of our entire movement. It refers to the faggots who want us to keep quiet about our beliefs for the sake of PR reasons. The difference is huge.

I want multitudes of strong, proud, well-groomed white men making a stand for our people and beating up lefty degenerates in the streets when necessary. Not wigger drug addicts who listen to nigger music, shoot up heroin, and act like bottom-feeding filth.

Believe me, Guys … you’re expending energy uselessly by sparring with this pack of shills … these aren’t really rabid Hitler devotees … just classic (((Tribal Members))) yanking your chains … particularly the one pretending not to know the difference between yours truly and an anime fan with the same handle. Who is really that fresh to the feast… huh? I saw all these same tactics in other threads … it’s primarily designed to eat up posting space …when you reply, they achieve that modest goal. I’ve only been exposed to this forum a short while but have already seen ample proof that these guys are well schooled in all the trivia surrounded board culture and its personalities.

What's your favourite anime?


not everyone is a shill, Wyatt.

I meant the VW commercials that used to air in the early 90s.

That's when most of these were drawn, mostly.

I don't know where you live, but the Midwest/Appalachia are still like this.


No, but you must concede that the ones who rush, in a corny intolerant fashion, to raise the spectre of an ultra pURE master race and an unforgiving hitler are very likely phony baloney meddlers
going for an effect.


You're a shill, that's for sure. Either intentionally (JIDF/leftypol/intl) or unintentionally (a well meaning but retarded schizo)

They're capable of many things, but the liberal mentality just helps make them what they are.

that's not an argument, you kike-stooge. Go promote your skinhead garbage elsewhere

Clever. After a ctrl-f I think I'm the only one getting the reference.

Go back to your skinnerbox.

You do realize the irony here, don't you?

Don't want to sound like a greedy kike, but if you're planning on making more Shlomos, soap and lampshade ones (like in "Tales of the Holohoax", but with the Shlomo face) would be powerful weapons in the meme war.

I was trying to explain to my wife what your return to us is like, and the best that I could do is that it's as if Elvis turned out to not be dead but was alive and well and decided to jam with some kids who grew up idolizing his records.

I hope you spend some time learning our ways and can enjoy the indescribable impact that your cartoons have had. Even if it's not a direct influence, the irreverence and stark, hilarious honesty of your cartoons are bred into the artistic dna of most of our memes and content. A small example is this video, I don't think there are any direct A. Wyatt Mann references in this parody, but I know that the creator was very strongly influenced by your work.

Take heart that the seeds of your cartoons from years ago have given birth to a mighty forest of media; we are creating our own culture and institutions and you had a HUGE part of that. I wish you the best friend.

Hey Nick, it's fucking awesome that you are here. I've been a fan of your work since the ANSWER ME! days. I'm probably almost as old as you. Did you know that the jews did a 31 page special report on your kike cartoon a few years ago?


Who ate all the fruzen glazen?… (cough) I mean Fahrvergnügen!

Caring about your appearance to the outside public qualifies as public relations. Stop being so dense about current context and look up what the abbreviation actually means.

Let me let you in on a little secret. The media will never cover Dr. Pierce. They will never cover Rockwell. They will only spread our message through the most damaged vessel. However small the fifth column is, rest assured it is all they will focus on to give a bad image, and if it doesn't exist, it will be planted for the sole purpose of co-opting the image. Trying to look good is counter-productive when you are up against the overbearing, robust (((media))) smear machine that has discrediting political ideologies like ours for decades. Turning away potential allies and D/Cing the movement is not worth the PR.

can't tell if new or shitposting

I understood, I just didn't express very well (or at all) that I did.
I appreciate the new images, they're great.

So archive.is will archive 8ch again? This is news to me.

I'm not sure AWM understands the significance of "IT'S HAPPENING" but I'm glad he changed the line to it.

Isn't that entrapment?

yay for GG. Thank you Nick. Did you ever get a chance to meet him?

So fucking what? Why the hell would you want your movement to look like a bunch of knuckle-dragging degenerates? "MUH PR" meme is not the same as looking respectable and inviting. Fuck off with this false-equivalency
I know what it fucking means. I'm referring to how "muh pr" is used in the Holla Forums context.
Rockwell was getting tonnes of press during his short time, and he didn't act like a degenerate druggy. The well-kept, reserved, articulate, charismatic nature of Rockwell is what we should be trying to emulate.
Yes, and that bad image is the skin-head stereotype which is extremely effective at removing any support for our cause. We want to distance ourselves from that shit, not embrace it.
I'm not trying to look good in the media's eyes, I'm trying to look good in the eyes of potential allies. If we look like low-iq hollering niggers, then we will never gain traction, but if we look like strong symbols of authority, order, and pride, then we will grow in popularity regardless of the media smear campaigns.
Why would we ever want to ally with these worthless wiggers for any reason other than using them as canon fodder against the lefties and shitskins during the RW. We definitely do not want them representing us, and we definitely do not want to associate with them

If A. Wyatt Mann has returned to us then the Prophecy has been fulfilled. Truly these are joyous times, brothers!

Trump will be president. ZOG shall be diminished. The white man shall reign for 1,000 years yet.

This post will get dubs. Kek wills it!

This year just gets better and better.


PLEASE draw something roasting the weebcucks.

How about you keep him out of your petty D&C shit?

Do you even know about the kinds of stunts Rockwell pulled to get press?

From Fame of a Dead Man's Deeds:

“I am forced to walk a careful line between what I should like to say and what the enemy would like to hear me say. Unless I deliberately sound at least halfway like a raving illiterate with three loose screws, such an interview would never be printed. This is another thing that most people fail to understand about my “Nazi” technique.” – George Lincoln Rockwell

Fug, I copied the first paragraph twice.

How about you find a proper community for your degeneracy and stop clinging to our balls. Here's an idea, stop expecting a hugbox for weebs to be the state of every board.

especially boards labeled "news, politics and current events"
just saying. sorry for double post.

sounds like pretty hilarious fucking stunts

I don't see the comparison between them and druggy, degenerate, criminal, wigger trash, though.

Why are you pulling shit out of your ass?
God forbid people enjoy one of the few forms of entertainment not infected by jews.

Jokes on you nerd I like this kind of stuff.

I'll bet you do, it's degenerate.



Why does this appeal to me?

Because you've watched too much porn

take a break and your sexuality will return to normal

You don't really understand why so many people here post anime girls and cartoon frogs? It sends our opposition in a loop! They don't know how to react to it except with disbelief and denial.

THAT is why it's so effective. There's no response to it! If we only used the more "traditional" fascist imagery they'd have a cookie cutter response ready before we even posted it, but if we keep doing things they don't expect, they won't be able to know what to do.

Outliers are so easy to spot.


As the former user said, it's because you're a degenerate that lusts after the very abuseable figure that is Sachiko.
Lucky enough for you I have a cure.

pretty much this

Still, this thread is too important to just flood with images until image limit for we may acquire more rare merchants and pro-white cartoons here lest we've scared AWM off. Please refrain from doing so.

sure sure, I was just shitposting some old stuff from my /jp/ folder to scare off a D&C shill. AWM's a fuckin' legend.

Do you even know what that word means, anymore? The only issue with "anime" around here is people like you having an apoplexy and derailing threads any time someone dares to post an anime image - any anime image - in your presence; absolutely nobody else outside of your clique of "everything on Holla Forums must always be super-duper cereal 1488% of the time or the Jews win anime is a Jewish MGTOW conspiracy" jackasses gives a shit if /britpol/ has GuP as their OP image or if someone posts LOGH in a webm thread or if someone like me decides to get a rise from someone like you by replying to you with pic related.

If it bothers you so much then feel free to either migrate or just go the whole hog and make your own board where posting an anime reaction image gets you permab&

Can confirm. I don't give a shit whether anons post anime unless they get extremely obnoxious and spam it Holla Forums style. It's been here literally since the beginning and i've gotten used to it. You should too

Year I was born that. I'm a bong anyway.

dat 80's cokehead

Notice how the butthurt weebs sage the thread.


I was saging the thread because I don't want to bump the thread while posting off-topic replies so I don't derail the thread further.
You know like what sage was originally made for?
You do know that sage isn't a downvote, right?


Nice try Chaim

user, you've spent too much time on here. I think it's time to take a break.

Found a good source.


Nick, would you do me the honor of "A Wyatt Manning" my shit up?

It's been 24 years since I first saw some of your work, and have been following it ever since. Between you and Zippy the Clown, you are like my godfather of inspiration.

Oh shit hold on I a bit slow, Wyatt Mann Nick Bougas is friends with leftist SJW Patton Oswalt and degenerate GG Allin. Tell us that people who promote virtue are just purist shills. At the same time NRx jewry and Richard Spencer blatant pederasty and hi-res color merchant hashed and tracked to map out white nationalist information networks?


Some of us leave the computer and do things out in the real world, you know….

oh you mean being a knuckle-dragging, chest-thumping, meth-addled, criminal, low-iq, wigger like you were advocating in favour of? Great job making a fool out of all of us!

Sounds like you need to get your Jewish doctor to scale back the dosage on those psychotropic meds you're taking there, Sparky. From the looks of your convoluted post, you must be tossin' 'em down like popcorn. I can't quite follow the logic of your creepy blathering … something about your being the voice of virtue …or pederasty or sumthin". Who knows or cares. Just like was the case with GG, Patton was an early fan of my artwork which appeared in an array of popular underground mags throughout the 1980's and 90's. As John Lennon found out, you can't pick your fans, but you can certainly find cause to greatly appreciate them if they happen to be engaging and talented folks. I don't really see what kind of "guilt by association" stigma you're going for here. I crossed paths with hundreds of celebrated performers, writers, comics, artists, etc. during my Hollywood years and would be willing to risk a wager that my creative heyday was a Hell of a lot more productive, colorful and personally rewarding than your own, whoever you are (Please feel free to provide evidence to the contrary).You seem obsessed with the notion that GG was a degenerate … yet he once gifted the world with a brazen, uncompromising race-tune that brought a smile to the lips and warmth to the heart of many hard-core Nationalist types. It was a ditty that openly mocked the futile efforts of the African food drop campaigns and featured perhaps the most delightful showcasing of the word "Jigaboo" in all of music history. I only bring this up because it illustrates that even a "degenerate" can occasionally provide the strict realm of racial purity with something of undeniable merit. Now here's my challenge to you, cupcake … share with us ANYTHING that you've EVER done that is remotely comparable to the single aforementioned recording … C'mon, seriously, we're hungry for it … but, if you can't, then I'm afraid this forum will sadly be forced to regard you as a "sub-degenerate", because in these circles, product is paramount. Oh, you've got lotsa thoughts and words, obtuse ones at that … but where's your precious product, Chuckles? We await your (hopefully) bountiful reply.

Not this one I hope

This is the song Nick is referencing.

AWM: in board culture it's normal to be trolled….after being here a while it's water off a duck's back…they just want any reaction…they're *really* out in force here, I don't know if I've ever seen an attack like this before….

I only wish you had time to write a book about your fascinating life…your writing style is incredible, and I can't even imagine the people you've met and places you've been….

They were originally in a WN / Just-bein'-contrarian-lol magazine during the second wave of really hardcore PC, in the late 80's and early 90's

It was 20cm actually, user.
It still bleeds, even today.

Dear Mr. Mann,

Have been a big fan of your documentaries ever since I saw Death Scenes as a kid. Seeing your artwork grow and mutate across the internet in the past years has left me smiling everytime I see a merchant.

A Wyatt Mann has been dead for years you fucking idiots. If you don't believe me ask Tom Metzger.

You're the fucking idiot.



user: 1234 "Wolf"
Nice work!

not original - google search it goes back to 2009

this one is new to me, I have never seen it before

Holy shit…the real A. Wyatt Mann posts on 8/pol/

What a time to be alive, fellas.

What happened to the time when people weren't insufferable cunts?

That's an abbreviated version of the original … here's an updated one with the text intact. As for all you fine folks who are asking specific "interview styled" questions, I'm going to have to respectfully decline getting too chatty as my central aim from the start was just to occasionally drop off some updated artwork … and that's been going very well. As we've all seen, when an individual that the cretinous shills consider a worthy target spends time "dishing" on here, it only gives those lame jackals a good excuse to make asinine remarks and burn up good board space.

Thanks for the content, AWM

Hey Dr. Mann, former faggot here with a idea for an antifaggot poster.

Faggots rarely ever attach to one guy for long, and will throw them away if something slightly better comes along. They are only interested in your cock, and their biggest dreams are all varients of this one: bent over an object and assfucked by an endless line of men.
Doesn't matter what or who they are, any will do.

Only thing that varies is the windowdressing. I've heard blindfolded and chained down to a bondage sawhorse, I've heard full body 'pup' suit and custom gas mask, I've heard forcibly high on Poppers and weed/meth/cocaine/whiskey/mdma…

And I've heard of having all three at once from a very freaky canadian paramedic in Brampton Ontario.

I wonder if you can put this disease transmission vector into the public eye somehow? I'd like to see faggots forced into the light as the sick fucks they are.

Oh by the way you might find these Degenerate faggot links fascinating for that purpose, as fags hate themselves for being men so much that some get hard thinking about removal of their genitals.





Nice seeing you around. Always love your work. Keep up the good fight.

chill out Ben, this is an taiwanese image board not prison. We might have ID's but we don't often care much for ego. So when someone starts namefagging your going to get some shit. Man you old heads cant handle the banz. Loved when you drew that picture of CrippleKike. I have the screenshot of the fake one, but I also made sure to save the original!

wrong cartoonist dude

Been thinking the same thing for ages after reading just a small fraction of his many colorful life stories back on Jim Goad's forum. I wish I'd taken the time to copy them before it went down.

A modern day renaissance mann to say the least.

Holy shit, get off your meds dude.


I'm not even a no-fun-allowed type and I genuinely like GG on some level but I really don't think that acting like him is anything to be emulated.

Me neither but people like GG serve a purpose for our cause. He's our own boogeyman, an immortal figure that scares the fuck out of normies and marxists and kikes.



For fuck's sake.

That was one of JIDF's most successful raids on the board, it actually convinced a lot of us that the images were malware or some government thing to track the spread of memes, when really it was just fresh dank memes.

(((You))) should have known by how she acts.

Not entirely as "Based" as you're thinking it is. Pic related, it's one of the guys in the video.

Why are you guys talking to "Mann" and not Bougas? Only thing I don't understand here.

Many of the newer images are completely original, read the thread.

You're doing god's work, A. Wyatt.
Still feels kinda surreal that you are back after decades and now posting content here of all places. Sure makes sense, tho.
I'm glad you are here.

It's funny and his pseudonym for those works, so why not?

Definitely hope the shills and mentally challenged don't ever dissuade you from posting here. They're just part of the imageboard culture at this point, along with a ton of die hard fans. Just something we have to deal with. I like to think it keeps us sharp having to constantly question anonymous motives and focus on their reasoning.


Sounds exactly like something Weev would say. god I hope you autist realize I was joking with the Ben Garrison and Tinfoil hat shit




Looking forward to more of your cartoons in the future, Mr. A. Maybe something about SJWs and feminism?

underrated post

Very nice

ITT: shills talking to each other

What a time to be alive.

Why don't you fuck off? You've contributed nothing but retarded troll bullshit to this thread.

It's just stupidity on his part. He's too much of a braindead liberal in his middle age to realize that his 1987 video was only possible because White America wasn't a fucking mess back then.

I still don't get what "Bix nood" is supposed to mean.
Could you please shed some light on this, Wyatt?

Please redraw this merchant, Wyatt.

Pics nude.

Moon Man Jew Pizza


Ben Garrison is Moonman's dad?
Holy shit.


that's pretty good Old man, keep up the good work

Nick Bougas' wife is Jewish. Nick also made a tribute documentary about the Jewish founder of the Satanic Church, Anton Lavey.

So it's no surprise that Nick Bougas sucks Donald Trump's kosher circumcised dick.

Oy vey! Here's your (((you))), Chaim!

But Trump is a Kike puppet, so that cartoon makes no sense.

Nick Bougas is either an idiot or a troll.

Good one, Trump nigger. Keep drinking that kosher Trumpstein kool-aid.

More like the other way around, Shlomoshe.

shilling is even more obvious last couple days


Coalburner Sinead pls go




He posted more at the stormer forum.



I love these

I've addressed him as both

Going far back quite a fucking bit, and I would never have got were I not a petr/o/lhead. But yeah, it's a clever bit of punnage for sure.

1. Nick Bougas' wife is Jewish.

2. Nick Bougas worked for Hollywood Jews his entire life.

3. Nick Bougas' personal and professional network is/was almost exclusively Jewish.

3. Nick Bougas' "A. Wyatt Mann" white supremacist cartoons are a multi-decade satirical troll project.

literally 9fag tier.

Here are the other 2

5. Le Happy Merchant is one of the most known memes of this decade
Even the normalfags have laughed about the kike maymays so he's doing to work for us. More than enough for me.

this is Holla Forums, not fucking club penguin.
fucking terrible.

Still trying, Shlomo?

Nice psycho eyes faggot, want to take your selfie ass off of pol?

How long until we get an animated version?

OH NO … Shlomo’s been ‘Shaded! That evil Dr. Mengele gave him the choice between being made into a bar of soap and a lampshade. Shlomo replied, ”I’ve always been a dirty Jew, so the yutzy idea of being a piece of nudnik soap makes me verklempt, already.”
And here we are. For all you folks out there who would like to purchase your very own Shlomolamp, we have six million of this style currently in stock in our warehouse.

tfw hesitating to save all these new high quality merchants

You're a gullible retard. There are some pretty damn good artists on these boards.

All these supposed Wyatt Mann memes look like clever edits.

The new ones I mean


A true work of art.

You're both retarded.

If you couldn't tell from the original thread, this one proved beyond any doubt that it's him.

I don't give a shit if it's him or not, there's evidence that some new high quality merchants have been tampered with.

(Checked, Satan)

What sealed it for me 100% is when he talked about his friendship with GG Allin and showed off never-before-seen artwork.

Somebody made some semi-transparent (still a little white left) pngs. That's it.

I really shouldn’t have drawn that horribly insensitive image of a human lampshade for it’s bound to cost me big time … That’s because, as I’m sure you all can imagine, my life is PRECISELY as depicted by the masterful missives of those impassioned, crusading Hebrew gentlemen that you’ve been hearing so much from … I know that it will be hard to convince you all that these highly articulate critcs of mine haven’t been presenting you with certifiable facts but, truth is, they actually did flub on a minor point or two … here goes my feeble attempt to set the record straight:

1. Regarding “My Jewish Wife”: (Sol Rosenberg voice) “Oh, goodness … when my Jewish wife sees that lampshade cartoon, she’s gonna slap my assy nipples somethin’ awful.” These (((Shills))) do remarkably shoddy research … for the record, I’ve never been married and my girlfriend isn’t what any sane individual would label Jewish … in fact, her mom has the distinction of being the most stereotypically whitebread Catholic lady I’ve ever known.) Her father had German and Russian roots and was born half Jewish but converted to Catholicism quite young when he married her mom. Unless your mother is Jewish, or if your male Jewish parent converts, official Hebes won’t regard you as a true Jew. No tribal discounts at the Holocaust Museum for you. My lovely gal pal of over 30 years was raised Catholic and had no more access to Jewish thought or tradition than the Yidshills on this board have to female genitalia. She is the most loyal and thoughtful partner a fellow could ever be blessed with. I absolutely couldn’t get a single project done without her happily standing by like a dutiful nurse. All the married folks we’ve known have split up long ago but we endure … and with more than just love … we also harbor a deep respect for one another. Hear that, shills … Respect … you have none and, given what I’ve seen of your twisted behavior, are unlikely to ever gain any, either … such a pity. I do find it a fitting irony that the sick and bitter fools who have been blindly trying to slander and belittle my beloved here will never know a partner even a fraction as ideal.
2. Regarding “My Countless Jewish Hollywood friends and associates”: Yep, when word gets out about this awful Lampshade cartoon, NONE of my many Jewish Hollywood employers and business partners will ever speak to me again.
Why are these miserable shills so obsessed with “who’s a Jew” … don’t they have any mirrors in their shacks? Here, for all the world to consume is the shocking true story of my associating with the evil hook-nosed rulers of Hollywood. Are ya ready … sitting down? During the early portion of my 30-year stint in Tinseltown, I worked on a few stray projects with TWO half Jewish guys (“… but, together they make a WHOLE Jew, the shills will shout!”). One was the lead singer for a gothic band called Radio Werewolf that eventually dissolved because he kept trying to push his reluctant band mates to go full-blown Nazi (with SS uniforms, Hitler worship lyrics … the works.) Just before they split up, I sang backup on a song they did called “Triumph of the Will”, a tune that I’m fairly certain will never be a standard at Bar Mitzah events. The other half Jew is a well known publisher of counterculture books who has been plagued for years with whispers that he, too, is a (you guessed it). He earned this rep because he loved publishing otherwise forbidden material like the 1923 novel ‘Michael” by Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels and the only pro-Charles Manson biography (another Icon of the Neo-Nazi set). Hardly what you’d call your average run-of-the-mill Hebrews, eh? There are skinheads who have best friends less Hitleriffic than this pair of half Jews that I knew long ago and haven’t seen for well over a decade. Outside of that, yours truly was always a maverick filmmaker, CD producer, illustrator, writer, etc., etc., largely generating my own product. Then, as now, I lived in my own little well stocked bubble, and stayed quite busy with ahost of projects I’d devise on my own … never needed to interact with the “Hollywood ruling class”.Now, something the trolls don’t know is that all their yammering and badgering about White Supremacy and racial purity is kind of wasted on me, as I’m definitely no Germanic storm trooper type … I’m just a mutt, myself, but proud to hail from the Deep South. I do have a lovely pair of sparkling blue eyes from a smidgen of Nordic blood, but I’m mostly Greek … armed with that info, you pathetic Yidshills can now start bombing the board with Greek jokes. Hope you’ve got some fresh, clever ones … I’ve heard all the standard fare. By the way, the whole world agrees that the Greeks established a far more glorious culture than those grim and greedy freaks from which you sad sacks hail.) … cont. ……

3. Regarding Anton LaVey : I personally feel Anton LaVey was one of the most amazing individuals to ever grace this planet … not everyone agrees and that’s fine… I only know, from my own experience, that I could write a completely riveting book about any one of the many weekends we spent together. Over the years I’ve heard about some big mouths who love to bellow, “That Anton LaVey guy was a Jew!” … as though he was a practicing Rabbi or something. I was always mystified by this, for during the whole time I knew him, the detractors of that period were always complaining that LaVey surrounded himself with far too many “Nationalist” types like Boyd Rice … the really curious aspect of this is that those detractors, just like the ones bellowing here, were most likely all Jews themselves. Strange, ain’t it …relentless anti-Semitism from Jews? I personally don’t know if Anton had any Hebrew lineage, nor do I care… it was never an issue because he lived his life as though no religions existed. His philosophy was all about living well by accepting personal responsibility for your actions, seeking and administering true justice and indulging yourself fully, but wisely, by applying moderation and common sense. In other words, truth, logic and self-control were the chief elements. Hardly a Hebrew ethic … Look at these unhinged, scatological Jewish louts who have been wasting their day viciously attacking me here with a laundry list of pointless lies … not much truth, logic or self-control goin’ on there … and why? They only make the regulars here loathe them. It’s pretty plain that these baffling individuals actually hate themselves … so much so, that they are perfectly content being universally regarded as intruding, detestable pests. What an unspeakably sorry life goal. Shills, do you know where I was all that time you sniggering creeps were feverishly typing out all that impotent tripe? I was at a scenic lake having tranquil fun in the sun with a treasured companion. Seriously, get out of the basement once in a while you nasty, neurotic gargoyles, it’ll do ya some good, I promise. Or consider this kind offer … you brain damaged douche-nozzles are apparently obsessed with Internet related glory… but, to date, all you’ve managed to do is disrupt the glory and progress of others …why not grab some of that starlight for yourself, ya bulbous buttworms … Let the Mann make one of you idiots FAMOUS. I’d like to do a cartoon depicting one of you losers doing some of your lame shilling at the computer, so we can pass it around and post it in the countless places where it would be appropriate. All I need is a good snapshot of one of you pizza-faced pumpkin heads. No kiddin’. I want this rendering to have that all-important “kiss of truth” so I need an actual photo of one of you repugnant ass-hats to draw from. Now keep in mind that I’m the legendary Shlomo’s creator and this image is certain to catch on like wildfire …you could be the next Trigglypuff or Carl the Cuck. C’mon, I’m beggin’ for one of you flabby, pimple peppered Yidshills to send an authentic photo of your thoroughly abominable form and face so the rest of us can have some well-deserved fun … imagine folks actually caring about you and sharing your image all over the world. For once, you’ll get some honest attention and won’t have to sit around and annoy people you don’t know with your half-baked thoughts and opinions. You can just sit back and bask in the glory of being a true Internet sensation. C’mon shills … Don’t chicken out … Let’s see one of your big retarded pasty pusses. Why go to your grave a clumsy, uncelebrated schlub? This may be your ONLY chance to really sparkle,

Nyuk, Nyuk

1996 here.
My generation is the Omega, we are the bell that marks the end to the age of the nations of the world. We are the breakers of social norms and members or a collective machine that burns everything it touches. However while we are also the end of the age, we are also the start of somthing new. We hold the potential to bring about the rise of a new superpower that is, for the first time, truely defined by a people. We have realised the lie of globalism and learned to live with the uncomfortable side effects of it. Yet in the eyes of young men I see the fire that has been burning long since before you or I were born. I see the ember of Rome burning in their eyes, smoldering like a coal that reaches out for nearby branches to ignite. The scream of the rotten wooden frame of the NWO as it burns cries as it feels the cleansing flame of Rome, a world order that pushes the strong to the front, to lead.

Do not fear user, the Legion of Rome still exists. We only wait for our Caeser to command and lead us to our victory.

Are you fucking retarded?Tell me, even if someone injected a "tracking device" or "virus" or whatever the fuck you think that those .pngs have, how would it execute itself from inside the packaged file that is inside the png?

Ben Garrison is our enemy.

He blatantly plagiarized your work and turned it from healthy, pro-white cartoons into deracinated libertarian garbage.

I hope you have nothing but hate for that man.

Do you know where John Metzger went?

I can't find anything about him post-2000. He seemed to have just disappeared.

Oh shit…I forgot all about that.

I am afraid you are wrong

Caesar, Napoleon, Hitler, Herman, Leonidas, Alexander, Genghis, Ragnarr, Sulla

inb4 projection incoming. im speaking in generalities

Ever single great leader of men came from an era and place where men were men. 98% of western men have no idea what a man is. We have figured it out here in this vicious pit of ideas, but only conceptually.
How many of us have had to watch family members die in unspeakable cruel ways?
How many of us have had to starve ourselves just so our wife and children could have a few more scraps to eat?
How many of us have had to bash a skull in to save our own life?
How many of us have seen a brother in arms die in unimaginable agonizing and drawn out ways?

What do we know of how terrible the world is?

The memory of the strength, Honor, Fire, Courage, Anger, Brutality lives within our blood. But it is only that, a memory.

We have grown up raised by women, we have been raised to act like girls. Our food has been poisoned, our water spiked, our souls tainted, and our minds controlled.

Does western man still have the strength to resist the parasites within and the barbarous shits without? I pray we still do.

It will take a great reawakening of spirit. Of the spirit that connects us all. The blood which runs in mine runs in yours. My ancestor fought alongside and against yours. Can we be the men we must be? Can we remember what it is like to be men?

If we cannot, then this is all just a pretty light show as we await our drawn out slaughter. The rest of the world has no love for us and they outnumber us nearly 5 to 1.

I will probably die choking on blood, ankle deep in spent brass. But im sure as fuck going to die only after i have searched the depths of my soul to see if there is anything left there worth saving.

I encourage you all to do the same

Godspeed anons, Ill see you on the other side


Kikes on desperate suicide watch.

Desperate tl'dr wall of text with still no proof

timestamp picture is all it takes.


No proof A Wyatt Man posts, or has ever posted on Holla Forums

But the only true proof is a timestamped picture, or a validated twitter confirming the presence like Ben "Hang the kike on a pike" Garrison did.


You're still filtered, punk

Great posts.

Let's take a look at some other great posts you've had ITT


You're a shill, that's for sure. Either intentionally (JIDF/leftypol/intl) or unintentionally (a well meaning but retarded schizo)

You know Hitler allowed degenerates to do his bidding, right? He worked right along side them. He on a personal level disapproved but he knew that they capable of serving a greater purpose. Meanwhile. you two soft stooges wag your finger behind a computer screen and preach to those who actually take real actin how to conduct themselves.

hoity-toity moralfag purists, such as yourself, need to fuck off. People like GG and other roughneck pro-white motherfuckers have their place in the race war. You, on the other hand, can continue hiding behind a keyboard and computer monitor like a coward. We don't want or need you.

Great contributions

>actually shilling for the poster boy of degeneracy GG Allin


C'mon, Shmuley,
Quit dickin' around. You saw my offer to make you famous.Now, send a picture of yourself so I can immortalize your flabby Jew man-tits. let's go, coward … send the picture.

Bitch knew?

It was 25 cm you goyim! It's like I'm back on the Auschwitz Rollercoaster!

Daily reminder that we have no proof you are Jewish, but if it looks like a Jew, smells like Jew, shitposts like a Jew, trolls like a Jew, then it must be a jew. Fuck off kike. Or better yet, kill yourself.

Because no one appreciated his work before now.

But how do you explain the Israeli ip?

can confirm

Wow, AWM, you have answered the questions we've all wondered for years now. It's just amazing to hear from you…Holla Forums has been your biggest fans for years…

on that note, since at least 2006
urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=bix nood
we've been memeing bix nood….can you shed any light on what it actually means, if anything? Thanks for the all the new work that you've given us. If you ever decide to write an e-book and put it on Amazon, you've got at least one guaranteed sale. Have a happy 4th, and thanks again.

Sure, there are lots of Ben Garrison cartoons that are similar in theme or visually appear to be based on old works of mine … I found these four examples in about five minutes of poking around online … but how does it matter? Nearly all of my cartooning is free of copyright (Imagine how sweet life would be for yours truly if I had received even a nickel royalty for every Shlomo ever posted worldwide). All I’m asking of you kids is to quit pestering Ben by altering his work and mindlessly trolling him for cheap yucks when he’s working so hard at present to promote Donald Trump for President. It’s absolutely idiotic to try to interfere with him now … stupid in the same way that the misguided establishment Republicans are pushing ahead on their suicide mission to derail Trump’s bid for the oval office. I get it that the new breed of Internet rebels find it kicky to pester people but the stakes are too high to put online pranking ahead of this nation’s very survival. Ben’s on the Trump Train now … I'm tellin' you guys, you need to let Ben be Ben and leave him alone … every other stance or action at this time only supports the enemy.

What is your opinion on meme magic?

Do you accept drawing requests?

I’m surprised to have heard from a couple of folks about the meaning of BIX NOOD when the cartoon is pretty self explanatory … it’s indecipherable gibberish. You see, if you could understand it, the cartoon wouldn’t have a point. But I did like the speculation that it’s perhaps a reference to “Bitch Knew” … here’s a project for one of you creative souls out there … How about someone actually formulating a probable transcript of what the phone girl’s saying …we already know there’s a couple of the inevitable MF’s in there … the rest should come fairly easy. On a reverse plane, there are some hidden elements in a few Manntoons that require some surgical study to fully appreciate … like in the case of the old cartoon that introduced the Shlomo figure … it doesn’t plainly state who is being depicted … it uses wildly stereotypical cartoon figures to represent a Black and a Jew. That’s where there’s actually a hidden Bomb for liberals who would glance at the image and be horribly offended. To take issue with the cartoon each viewer has to first acknowledge in their heart and mind that the blatant stereotype depictions are actually their own understanding of what a Black and Jew look and act like. In other words you have to admit you harbor authentic racist sensibilities yourself, in order to detest the “racist” message of the image. Fun, huh?


at some point, you simply have to acknowledge that AWM is the coolest person on earth

I wonder what his reaction was when he realized that all his old drawings found new life online and is being used all over. Must have been thrilled.

Well that's degenerate

Judging by this thread and the previous ones, he's at least close to being that.

That's asking a lot from the plebs that lurk here, but thanks for pointing this out. This particular cartoon would make an excellent "are you a racist" test. Any answer other than "I don't get it" would mean you are in fact a racist, which as we all know, all humans are.

The real irony is that civilization as we know it likely could not have occurred were it not for racism (i.e. the desire to associate with those of similar genetic makeup). After all, some group of humans had to leave Africa 60K years ago, and we all know what became of the ones that stayed put: absolutely nothing.

Thanks for posting, always good to have someone famous (at least on Holla Forums) show up.

Man, and I thought it was about Somali African-Americans.

I never thought about it from that perspective before. You…you know what you're doing. Any suggestions on how to create more effective memes, books to study, etc? I want to learn to draw because of how effective your work sends the message…but I'm realizing there's a lot more to it than just that.

I always *thought* Bix Nood didn't mean anything…but people have have speculated forever, so I'm thrilled you cleared that up. I was in my early 20's around the time of Rodney King, and had no idea of the jewish question, so I love looking at your art and seeing what savy people knew at that time. I've no idea how people were made aware of these issues pre-internet. It's incredible how your toons, for lack of a better word, were all proven right, and are just as relevant now as they were 20 years ago.

I remember years ago when we'd tried to figure out who AWM was, and got it wrong heh! Then I thought we were geniuses for finally getting it right. The number of people you have reached with the AWM cartoons must be staggering.

Thank you again for your time.


I love the way you write. I second what somebody else said and think that you should write a book…maybe an autobiography about your life. Just a thought….

it was widely-known elsewhere before anybody on 4/pol/ figured it out. The threads comparing the handwriting on the comics to Ben's were hilarious though – we were all so sure it was him.


Lemme tell ya, fellas … One gift yer 'ol Uncle Wyatt has long possessed is the ability to look over a vast field of diverse media-generated material and mentally milk it down to the single essential core element that lies at its heart. When I review this page so far, with it's hundreds of provocative images and statements and the raging battle between the resident resisters and the invader trolls, I see one entry that tells the complete tale of why these shills are getting increasingly manic and unhinged … take a look at the post I'm responding to here …this one is the keystone of this whole page.The simple cartoon I posted of Trump causing the Yids to have a major emotional breakdown apparently spurred the exact reaction from the trolls who routinely attack this board. It sent them screeching desperately into overdrive. There is some magical aura that Trump exudes that somehow causes the Hebrews to lose their frickin' minds. A couple of months ago I made up a simple photo image of the God Emperor (attached image) and the couple of places I posted it, caused one of the most harsh reactions from liberals I've ever seen.The sight of Big Daddy gloating in the Oval office was all it took to make them absolutely swallow their tongues. The same with the cartoon of the liberal reaction to Trump I posted here. Anytime you show the enemy some kind of smart-assy image of Trump gaining ground or looking victorious, it instantly causes their brains to melt. I just wanted to pass that info along as I feel it's important that you all fully realize just what kind of "happy situation" we have taking shape here.

It sure is great, isn't it?

A smug picture of Trump is the ultimate Rorschach test.

Even though I appreciate your work, you wont dissuade my support for Ben "Kike Killing Kommando" Garrison.

There's a new "Memetic Monday" thread over at DS, might be a good time to share your latest masterpiece with the Stormers.

Dropping a few new ones in case the kids here missed them over at the Stormer. Really nice work, Wyatt. Keep it up, we need all the help we can get.

Nice. Definitely appreciate you posting these here, I'm trying to collect all these new HD works of art. I don't frequent the stormer, so great to see them posted here.

Here are some more.

It looks like the Memetics thread ate a couple of them, so, if you're reading this Wyatt, you might want to re-post them their if they don't show back up.



By special request … Shlomo's PISSED … he must have just seen a new poll showing Trump in the lead or something. introducing: Mean, Mad Shlomo !

I tip my hat to you, for it is a good one. Verily this Shlomo shall be used in many a derivative work of art. I was not the man who requested the art, but I was nevertheless hoping it would be drawn.

My pleasure, sir … I found time to do a little more detailing on the mean mad Shlomo …this one may be a little better. Thanks.

Did it frustrate you seeing your Schlomo meme'd from a 3rd generation xerox copy? It's always been impossible to find good copies of your work until recently.
Thank you for angry Schlomo, btw.


Them damn yids are pissed. This thread is fucking glorious. Wyatt, you are an inspiration to us all.

10/10. Never change AWM.
Thank you for your contribution to make this world a better place.

In my opinion you are THE founding father of Holla Forums memes. That happy merchant Shlomo definitely has gone places.

Pic related. Can you confirm this is you over at rightpedia?


Thanks user

Love all these new Shlomos. Great work.

All these years I've been using pic related.

Pretty sure that's that faggot weeb from TRS.

I've never even heard of Rightpedia or Metapedia until your message. I read some entries on this board which talk about a couple of different people who post a lot of comments online while using variations on the AWM identity. Maybe that's causing some confusion somewhere.

From what I seen of his posts here at least. I don't browse TRS forums or use twitter.

Welp. I'm going to Hell.

I see. That is what I suspected. Shame on them.

Earlier I forgot to post a companion version of the Mean Mad cartoon that has his eyes looking straight ahead rather than at the viewer. This will come in more handy when you want to paste him reacting to something specific .

Looks great.

Do you know of 'Russian - criminal - tattoo 1-3' and 'drawings from the gulag' by Danzig Baldaev, AWM?
I think they would make for some great and yet untapped meme potential.

Personally I snatched all four books and can recommend them to anyone interested in this part of history, as well as the art and tattoo drawings itself.

Here an example, although I do like many others far better.

And a semi related webm with Bobby Fischer about the devil.


Now that Elie's gone, the ever tenacious Tinki is one of the last authentic Death Camp survivors …

Hey Wyatt Man, any chance of getting an updated version of those "Miracles of the Holocaust" comics?


Mein sides.

He posted the two Weasel comics on the stormer.

In my spare time, I've managed to digitally clean up and font-caption all my old single panel cartoons but never tackled the Hoax booklet because it's so very wordy and would take more time than I've had to give it of late.
To commemorate Elie's overdue passing (notice he has the word LIE built right into his name?) I did a couple of quick reworks of his two panels from the comic … those are posted on the thread about his death.

…and thanks to the kind gentleman …also directly above .




Excellent. Thanks.

Since you wanted a picture of shills, check out the case of Joshua Goldberg.

He was a troll that had all kinds of personas online until he got vanned (busted in chanspeak) by the feds for posing as a member of ISIS and foiling an FBI faux bombing plot.

Here's his picture and an entire thread about him.


Also, if you could expound your opinions as to what LeVey would've thought about our usage of "meme magic" around Pepe/Kek and, to some extent, Trump. Here's some screencaps/pictures in regards to what some folks on Holla Forums and other places have come up with.

On /bane/ (a board whose entire basis of being comes from a single scene in Batman: The Dark Knight Rises) believe they helped crash a plane through shitposting their memes.
There's also the case of our Pepe and a few others.
This video provides some context.

But we didn't really create any kind of a religious aspect until Kek was discovered.

AWM cartoon of Putin BTFO-ing the (((West))) and installing a global WN hegemony when?

Now, that said, as a self described anarch by way of Ernst Junger and a few others, I'm skeptical of such things. Sure, I can account it through a nietzschean "Will to Power" direction, but the energies are quite tremendous and immensely fascinating.

But back in December, an archeologist found this interesting object in Bulgaria. A hyper-rare 8,000 year old swastika Pepe! The memes are becoming awakened and powerful indeed, but we must be careful to not fall into a trap of a propter hoc fallacy in which we believe our memes are actual spirits or manifestations of our will or power (or worse, we see patterns where there isn't any patterns, just another shade of ourselves in the chaos) More than anything, it's largely psychological mind warfare.

At any rate, your presence here, along with some other factors, is creating a sense of lulz and chaos that most oldfags (myself included) have solely missed in our browsing habits online.

And as such, this concludes my dump for you, Nick.

If you have any questions about chan nomenclature/how this subculture of the internet operates, I'll try to help you out.

More than anything, I'm inclined to believe that the world is in a constant state of flux and our leaders' hubris will eventually catch up to them.

While I acknowledge the presence of a certain (((tribe))) I believe they are just several pieces of conflicting ideologies on a much bigger, grander, and complex game of geopolitics than most folks on Holla Forums appreciate. Believing (((they))) are a single group hurts us more than anything from what I can tell.

But oh well, I'm just a simple user on a chan. Take my word at arm's length. Appreciate them, but don't fully accept them. Always remain a skeptic and find your own path in life, Anonymous!

Oh dear, I forgot to include the link about the swastika Pepe in that post.


Hell, an Idahoean guy by the name of Kyle Odom had an…. episode and killed a support of Lyin' Ted Cruz by shooting him several times in the head with a .45 caliber.


Here's his manifesto. The third image is his "Martian." Not too dissimilar to our precious and beloved Pepe, eh?

Thanks for the fine work Wyatt Mann. I'll help to spread them around

I was looking for this one, thanks.





Heil, brother.


There is no proof

Anybody can imitate a man's artist style
Anybody can imitate a man's writing style

Anybody who is responding to b54ac3 is either a newfag, retarded, a shill, or all of the above

When Ben Garrison graced us with his presence, he created OC and confirmed it on his official twitter.

"A Wyatt Man" who is supposedly posting ITT, has done nothing to confirm his identification. and there for until proven, is an imposter.



you idiot. those merchants were made by Israelis

theres mal-ware encoded in them


Proofs or gtfo.

did you summer friends miss the entire shit storm it caused not 3 weeks ago?

im sure other anons will info dump for you poor goyim

I was in that thread and there was no proofs that these pics have "mal-ware" or some other shit.

There is just one fact: threads about AWM are shilled by faggots like you.





I'll give ya some proof you to take to the bank, Shmuley … (pretty good Jew joke, eh?) Just quit jerking us around and send me the requested snapshot of that disaster you call a face so I can draw you and make you an Holla Forums star. Seriously, you pusillanimous pustules are such a disappointment on every level.You never deliver anything golden … just loads of repetitive meaningless blather. For once, cough up something of value …we wanna get a look at that knobby sloping brow and banana nose of yours. Are you the weaselly Anthony Weiner types or one of those slovenly porky Yids with the frizzy beard? Either way you must smell like stale Lox. C'mon, J-boy, don't be shy … let's have a look atcha … remember, FAME awaits.

You can't put malware in an image you computer illiterate fuckhead. It's data. It's like saying there's malware in a text file.

Timestamp or gtfo.

Here's the cleaned up version …

You can, the malware won't work on it's own though.
lmgtfy.com/?q=rar in an image

it is possible to make a "bad" png file with payload, actually. But they aren't that hard to spot. For example: cvedetails.com/cve/CVE-2014-9495/
Also see cvedetails.com/vulnerability-list/vendor_id-7294/Libpng.html

Just to let you know, the shill who's been posting about my cartoons being "virus laden images" is just a leftover troll from my first appearance on this site. All these claims were effectively knocked aside over a week ago and nobody is now buying into it except a few tech savvy guys like yourself who probably didn't see the how the first thread evolved and want to debate the science of it when they see the issue still being brought up. Truth is you're just rewarding shills too lazy to device a new attack strategy and eating up board space over a dead issue which is most likely what the shill is angling for. Just letting you know so you can save your energy and expertise for a more worthy battle.

I only meant it in the purely technical sense, I'm not buying into it. The malware would be useless anyway unless you manually dig it up. This is an exception, a vulnerability in the libpng library.
I saw the first thread too and I find the images to be good quality although I liked your older work more.
I'll stop derailing with Holla Forums posting.

One reason Anton and I forged such a close bond was that we had independently approached life in the same uncommon manner … we had each veered away from the popular culture and began seriously mining some of the obscure gold from the past. We both happened to have settled on exploring virtually all the same type of subjects and personalities (Burlesque, Film Noir, Tin Pan Alley torch songs, etc.) so when we met, it had the same effect of two American strangers meeting in a Paris café and discovering that many years prior they had fought in some of the same battles throughout Europe. Being that he and I had similar takes on the current trends and “technical advancements”, I believe the Doktor would have seen the Internet of today as a fine source for rapid research and a great way to stockpile personal data for easy retrieval, but with his being such a sensory creature, I believe he would have seen much of the social media as unhealthy and confining. Anton was an incessant tinkerer who loved working with his hands and spent spare time building clever things like “Artificial Human Companions” and furiously playing his stacks of keyboards … and Doc loved nature and wasn’t at all the gloomy recluse that some folks think. We spent many a happy hour strolling with our gals through picturesque wooded parks. You can’t do that on a computer. Overall, I don’t think Anton would suggest that anyone get too immersed in online chat room drivel but the Memetic aspect would have appealed to him greatly as he took sardonic delight in disturbing those who really deserve it …after all, every Merchant that’s posted is, in effect, a miniature “destruction ritual”. But the way that the Internet is trapping people emotionally and causing them to spend their days obsessing over trivial matters and unsolicited opinions is pretty sad. When I think of how the dedicated trolls on this board just piss away their existence daily. I mean, these pathetic souls are young adults, in the prime of their lives … they should be bursting with plans and dreams … seeking excitement, adventure and romance … yet some low grade, lazy shilling is all these sick puppies can muster. They don’t know it but by wasting their heartbeats on such meaningless pursuits, they are punishing themselves in fiendish ways that we, their enemies, can only envy. But, that's their folly. Our mission is clear and when the fates prevail and a new dawn arises, the gnats of today will vanish on the first cool, incoming breeze.

Here are a few I don't see here.

A few more.

Appreciate it mann, saved.

>Thoth became associated with the arts of magic, and the judgement of the dead
Instantly thought of the first pic related when I read that. There's an updated version with even more deaths of those who speak ill to Trump.

Thanks for the eloquent response. While you obviously lack a lot of the Chan dichotomy in your writing style, your art (OC as we call it) is quite appreciated.

I'd argue that it's the lifeblood of most everyone in my generation (late teens to mid twenties). As such, we're tied to our instantaneous communication devices in our pockets or on our desks. With normies, they're content to post and browse on social media, but in the case of those on chans, they immerse themselves in a subculture that's wholly draining. Sure it's vastly more entertaining and informative than, say, (((facebook))) but it's still a time suck to many here, Nick.

I don't exactly know why I'm attempting to explain what life is like for us on here, but I feel a strange compulsion to describe the contradicting zeitgeist on here and other sites.

At any rate, take your time in lurking here and observe the myriad states of white folk today. We're despondent, yet our lulz, bants, feels, and comradery unite us in a vast comforting blanket of "anonymous image boards".

The earth is ever in states of change and flux. There will come a day soon when a faggot I shit posted with on here is in a nice position of power. And when that day comes, I don't know if I'll be elated, distraught, or simply laughing at the joke. Probably the latter :^) Top Kek indeed, huh fellas?

ITT: shills making TL;DR wall of text to distract the fact




Aw, C'mon, Shmuley … that ain't no picture of you …that guy, although thoroughly repugnant, is much too handsome to be you. I'm only assuming you're trying to pass that off as the picture I've been so breathlessly awaiting, since the last image you had in that spot was of Spiderman … y'know, I see why a creepy J-boy nebbish like yourself would feel a close association to spider/man hybrid characters … many illustrators throughout history, including yours truly have made that same connection when depicting people of your bloodline. Try again, nitwit … I want a REAL picture of you. oh, by the way … make it a time-stamped one.

You're losing kikes.

You can write all the shit you want, post all the shooped (((OC))) you want. You're not fooling anyone.

You are not A Wyatt Mann.
You are an imposter and you have an agenda. Clear as day.

You can disprove of all of this by posting a timestamped picture, but for obvious reasons that is impossible.

You are wasting your time and who's ever money is investing in this operation

Unless of course you Do it for free
Then you guys are the biggest faggots on the interweb/


Mann, you are an inspiration to all of us. When I was first starting to figure things out, you're comics really helped to solidify my worldview. A few more ideas for cartoons: talk about how the ZOG constantly rants about the racist white babyboomers voting for trump, brexit, and anything that could remove zog control. Abortion pills…hehe goyim take your abortion pills so we can make more room for Somali families. Assisted death (basically abortion for old white people). I can't remember if you've done any about sanctuary cities but I think that topic is relevant too.

Thanks again for your incredible work.

Another thing to make a comic about: how the EU which was supposed to be a monetary union and currency union ended up as an attack vector for demographic warfare. The same thing is happening here in Canada… we're getting into "trade unions" with countries like Romania and Mexico and removing visa requirements. Same shite. Say something like "isn't it funny that if you want to do trade you have to take in millions of shitskins. What's the deal with that? Can't a country just do trade with another country or is that too simple for the ZOG".

That's not A Wyatt Mann.
There is no proof

Read the thread.

Hate to say it but this guy has a point. Timestamped pic would be good to confirm identity. It would also take away the main complaint some people have with this thread - the fact that there's no confirmation.

I believe it's the real AWM in this thread, but a timestamped pic would prove it beyond any doubt.

you're a disgrace and you should shut the fuck up

The EU was always meant to be an attack vector for demographic warfare.


Great cartoons! White Nationalists around the country need to print them out and distribute them at Trump Rallies. Red Pill the normies.

That's Okay, young man … I appreciate your defense of me but … Well … I … I guess the Jig is up … you dauntless skeptics have proven to be just too much for me …there’s no use going on with this unholy charade. You were correct all along … I, in truth, am NOT A. Wyatt Mann, but I knew him quite well before his untimely death in 1996. My name is Morrie Lipshitz. I’m currently a cook at the Waffle House in Hawkballs, Oklahoma and, years ago, I was Wyatt’s best, or should I say, only friend. Why would he have a Jew for a best friend, you ask? Well, he wasn’t that bright … he thought I was Irish. I suppose it won’t hurt to tell you all about the man so many of you admire. He wasn’t the affable, good-natured soul that my impersonation of him has led you to believe. First off, he was bipolar … and syphilitic … and a hermaphrodite … plus a raging alcoholic … that’s right, a bipolar, syphilitic, drunken hermaphrodite … who was addicted to Japanese puke porn. On the rare occasions when he was sober he would chatter incessantly about the film Mary Poppins … he really loved that movie. In fact, his fondness for it actually played a role in his death. Wyatt always dreamed of floating down from the sky while holding a big festive bumbershoot like his beloved Mary. One day he bought one of those huge beach umbrellas and replaced the canvas portion with an old Nazi relic that he claimed was Hitler’s original “Blood Flag” from the historic Beer Hall Putsch. We then drove up to Pike’s Peak where we found a perfect high spot that had a sheer drop of several hundred feet. He waited for a good wind and then leaped off of the cliff while happily singing "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious“ and …well, it didn’t go so well … let’s just say the old Blood Flag got much bloodier that day. Weeks later, much to my surprise, I was informed that Wyatt had willed me the key and contents of his secret underground bunker. It was essentially just a lot of old VHS tapes with Japanese labels on them and a couple of large scrapbooks full of his classic cartoons. I didn’t know what to do with them, so they remained buried in a hall closet for years, but I recently dredged them up and began to wonder if I should try to share them with other drunken, hateful people like Wyatt. I know in my heart it’s what he would have wanted. I wound up posting a few of the cartoons on various right wing sites and many people began gleefully celebrating Wyatt’s return. I found myself reluctant to break the hearts of his adoring fans with the truth of his demise, so I began posing as Wyatt. Soon there were many requests for new art from the master so I began to study his work and found that it was far more rudimentary than I had initially thought …upon close inspection, his artwork was basically just glorified stick figures with some scrawly detail heaped on top, so I began to practice copying his drawing style. I even went to a local art store and bought an inexpensive primer on how to sketch. Within hours I had completely mastered his techniques and began doing a series of those merchant figures in color. They were enthusiastically received and once I began getting a steady flow of praise and adulation, I couldn’t help but continue the ruse. It took those crafty and persistent Hebrew gentlemen to finally badger me into submission. You mean, you thought those were real Nationalists demanding I send a time stamped picture? No, they’re Jews alright … I know the tone and tactics of my Hebrew brethren … they always demand hard proof from others over even the most trivial matters but they themselves never surrender any proof of anything in return, even regarding subjects as doubt-plagued as the Holocaust. I’d also like to apologize for filling all your heads with fanciful tales of the legendary individuals who Wyatt supposedly knew. In truth, the only celebrity he ever met in his whole life was Dick Wilson, who used to play “Mr. Whipple” in the Charmin TV ads. He was making an appearance at a supermarket opening down the street and even he told Wyatt to “fuck off” So there you have it …all I would ask is that you allow me to humbly continue posting the cartoons from Wyatt’s scrapbooks as I know many of you enjoy them so. As for myself I won’t pretend to be Wyatt any longer but perhaps I could adopt a similar identity that has that same clever ring. Hey, I’m a cook … so why couldn’t I be “A Fry-it Mann” or something. Maybe I’ll just stick to Morrie … Morrie Mann is nice, though. I’ll leave that up to you kids. Do keep a lookout for more artwork postings. There’s plenty of pages left in these ragged old scrapbooks. By the way, do any of you guys like rare Asian adult films involving regurgitation? Just thought I’d ask, I’ve got quite a few, I’d let go for cheap.

To the retards who don't understand what's happening:

The new happy merchants being posted are being edited from a scan OF THE ORIGINAL INK DRAWING. There is only ONE MAN on the planet that would have access to them. Asking for timestamp proof of a man who has clearly spent his entire time trying to stay anonymous (or at least pseudonymous) wouldn't fucking work with a man who has always operated that way.

Now that is some top tier bantz. Sorry some of these idiots are giving you a hard time. I do wish you had been able to learn a bit more about the culture/posting style of imageboards before going to all this effort to make new content, because then your first thread could have been a legendary sticky instead of a paranoid shillfest.

Though, it's possible the demand for timestamps and whatever else would still have occurred, because at least half of this site's was forcibly migrated here during an event in which the idea of "trust but verify" was king.

trips of singular truth demand that you give us all the gook puke porn you have.


Just in case you don't know yet. You can filter specific ID's like the b356a7 for example of said proofster shill.
Pic related, although I must admit that I like to read your bants and posts.

Hey, believe me, I'm beyond satisfied with all the tremendous progress to date. This little mission of mine has been a rousing success. In fact, my initial aim was actually surpassed within mere hours of the first image dump thanks to a handful of board regulars who went right to work on the first batch of Shlomos. they had them converted to handy PNG images in no time and set up custom pages where others would have ready access to them. I'm most impressed by how those fellows boldly soldiered on, in spite of a chorus of shrill cries from the enemy trolls that the images were tainted with fatal viruses and FBI tracking codes. In any battle zone like this you're going to have all types of soldiers on the field: focused, determined iron men, sincere but wary foot-draggers, frightened do-nothings and occasional spies and traitors tirelessly spreading deception. Mercifully for me, on this occasion, the iron men stepped up and promptly got the job done while others wagged their tongues and wrung their hands from a distance. I'm very grateful to get a break like that … it was the chief element compelling me to hang around a while. I saw some hard evidence early on that a lot of the rampant shilling is very likely sour grapes from an old (((nemesis))) whom I bested in a sticky highly public situation a while back. I certainly don't mind crossing swords with that sorry pack of gumboils … as you can see they're remarkably squishy and have nothing original or damaging in their Nerf ball arsenal.

That man… is Adolf Hitler.


*gulp* I-i don't know what you're talking about…

Is there anywhere to buy your works or a collection thereof in physical format? As far as I know, most of them were only ever published in underground magazines or publications of a similar nature and as such I haven't had much luck running them down.

A great many folks have stated that they'd love to purchase a big definitive book of my work but even in this age where quirky publishers love to court controversy and routinely push the "bad taste envelope", it's a thoroughly dead issue. I'm perhaps the only ink-slinger alive for whom a gallery show, anywhere on the planet, is totally out of the question. As you know, there are "acceptably decadent" exhibits with urine and fecal matter smeared on religious icons at major museums and galleries worldwide … deranged serial killers can openly display their gory scrawls, but the thought of a few Manntoons that honestly depict sociological conditions and known troublemakers is absolutely unthinkable. There's definitely a lot of material here … enough for one of those big impressive "complete works of" coffee table picture books. But as we all know, even in this "land of the free" there's this huge, lurking (((beast))) out there that has a vice-like stranglehold on what the world is allowed to see or hear. The one thing that will let me know that there is some hope on the horizon is seeing a book like that released in my lifetime. That would be a solid indication that the beast's grip is slipping. If there are any long time fans (a friend once quipped that my faithful supporters should be referred to as "Mannsters") out there who have any ideas on how to get a quality book project started feel free to share that info here.



There is no proof

Anybody can imitate a man's artistic style

Anybody can imitate a man's writing style


Anybody who is responding to b54ac3 is either a newfag, retarded, a shill, or all of the above

When Ben Garrison graced us with his presence, he created OC and confirmed it on his official twitter.

"A Wyatt Man" who is supposedly posting ITT, has done nothing to confirm his identification. and there for until proven, is an imposter.


Aw, can it, Shmuley, we've pushed past all that lame guff …Love, Morrie

No Goyim! These comics aren't by A. Wyatt Mann! Please don't save them!

Please prove these new(((edits))) are done by the man himself and are not just shooped copies of the old xeroxex


You can't

These are being forced, Hard, for two are three threads. Suspicious right off the bat
Then you have some faggot claiming to be the artist, but having no proof. Suspicious again.

Nothing adds up, therefore it should not be taken seriously, dismissed and discarded.

You may as well save your bagel scented breath Shmuley, the folks that truly matter have already seized the ball and are running with it. You can't shut down this fruitful enterprise using such tired Yidly tactics as unfounded fear mongering. Everyone that's "tuned in" has already tuned you out … Shlomo's on the march and there ain't a thing you sorry rats can do about it . Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Love and kisses, Morrie

Jews don't know when to stop poking at a hornet's nest: the thread


Awwww…you changed ID's….how cute….

Fuck off, dipshit.

Well done mate.

Don't vote Trump. Vote third party, both parties are controlled by ZOG


I still say you should draw a piece making fun of the weebs. Funny how that's one openly degenerate group of people who somehow aren't allowed to be criticized. You know what Voltaire said.


How dare the goyim watch media not controlled by us!




I can see your new is showing.
Didn't they train you about the internet before putting you on the job?

Also the fact that Holla Forums digs for the truth.
No true Holla Forumslock would discourage someones call for more evidence.
That is why this board exists. To discuss and dig.

That is how we know this thread is filled with shills.
You're are discouraging digging for truth.
That is why you guys look suspicious right away.

That's why there



Anyone can imitate another mans drawings
Anyone can imitate another mans speech
Anyone can print and scan an image and call it original



you're not fooling any one, shekelberg


Very nice. Well meme'd

All of these works of art will be shared for years to come. Thank you for doing what you do.

Y'know somethin', Shmuley … a picture of YOU would be A LOT more telling than a picture of me.
Know wad I mean? Talk about PROOF! BWA HA HA HA … Love, Morrie


I am an anonymous poster

You are claiming to be someone and being an attention whore.

I don't need to prove who I am
You do.


You're not THAT anonymous, darling … you are VERY obviously a big, fat neurotic Hebrew monster, with absolutely no life … what do you care who's producing this work? It's getting utilized and appreciated by all the people that matter, unlike yourself, who doesn't matter at all. If you weren't a grotesque hook-nosed Hebe and had anything on the ball you'd be taking these images and making hay with them instead of repeating a tired, monotonous mantra that nobody cares about. You're a pathetic loser the size of the sun and, sad thing is, you know it and do everything in your power to let others know it … Have you no shame, Shmuley? You're just a sad, silly uncelebrated little sub-twerp … and, I suspect, quite jealous of all the "attention" this accomplished old whore is getting. Much Love, as always … Your Morrie

Did a little more work on this one …reinforced some weak lines, etc. This should reproduce more cleanly, so use this one.

(Heil Hitler)
Vid related.

Fuggin saved. All of 'em. Keep it up you magnificent "bastid".

You got it, Hoss … Thanks, A.W. Morrie

OOPs … sorry …posted the wrong "final version" of this one earlier …THIS is the real final revision on the Aryan Girl …


America is cucked beyond all repair …it's 2 A.M. and the news is doing live coverage of the Dallas police massacre that occurred earlier tonight. 11 cops shot … 4 killed …the snipers had set up triangulated gunfire from buildings overlooking a Black Lives Matter protest march route. And the news keeps taking the greatest of pains to stress that the demonstration was "peaceful".Ummm - yeah, right … and my ass is a typewriter.

The (((media))), along with Obama, want a race war.

fucking gold

wow. I've seen people try and colorize this one before, but this, this is amazing. Thanks, AWM! It's very powerful.


The first one I posted of this new cartoon picked up some blobby spots in the transfer … here's how it should look :

Nice, but CNN's saying 5 were killed, so you might want to update it.

Your new work is excellent. It's all really appreciated

Here's the Dallas shooting cartoon updated with the latest body count …save this one …chuck the others.

Would love to see your take on The Wall.

Maybe one day we'll see a book by A Wyatt Mann. Perfect coffee table material

no he was not.

the only criticism I've seen of Romney is that was too similar to Obama.

I assume we all know that "Wyatt Mann" is Nick Bougas.


Here's one I recently did regarding the Wall …

I like that.

AWM cartoon featuring Moon Man when?


*NEVER* thought I'd see up to the minute original content by AWM.

Oh for Trump's sake please god let America come back to this time period.

Would be better with flies around the mexican.

his work is good. I don't think it matters if he's really A Wyatt Mann or not.

If he starts producing content which specifically hurts our cause, then we can give him shit.

Those Abrams look a little off.

doesn't matter who did them. What matters is that they're quality and they help us.

You're just like the kikes who scream "don't read the protocols, they're a hoax!" Does it matter who wrote them at this point? Their wisdom is eternal.

There's a logic which dictates what dress elements are appropriate in an image … flies wouldn't have time to form around Pedro if he were being briskly moved through the air … especially at high altitude. And believe me, in this image, Trump is whisking him home in a hurry.

Does it matter who the author is?

The cartoons are highly effective meme material. That's all that matters.

My sides.

Added some text to this one …

The news is still at it … here's my favorite sentence today :

"The name of the suspect in a shooting at a peaceful protest that left five police officers dead on Thursday has been released."

When Holla Forums (then called /new/) started to form as an entity around 2009 your drawings were the first trolling material we had. One person would post a news story about niggers or "oven magnets", another would post a relevant cartoon from that zip that was on resist.com and the posters would remember the pattern the next time. What's more, there was very little in the way of racial caricature available back then, so yours were all we had. I don't think it's too much to say that all of this wouldn't have happened without you.

One of the greatest threads in the history of Holla Forums.

I'm surprised so few anons know he's here. This thread should've hit bump limit in an hour.

Nah, this is more comfy.

I've been posting the new cartoons on 4chan since the start of the first AWM thread here but few people there seem to even realize it's new material.

That it is.


How is this not getting pinned?

The Dallas thing is just surreal, I've seen media try to shift blame away from the blacks saying that he had a white grandpa. Thankfully AWM comes through and puts things in perspective in a very timely manner.

"The big lesson in life, baby, is never be scared of anyone or anything." - Sinatra

He was firing bullets of peace. Look at how peaceful those cops rests in a pool of his own blood.

This is the last edit of this image, I swear … but I just HAD to add that (((news))) comment about "The peaceful march that left 5 policemen dead". That ridiculous sentence is so tailor made for the whipped down normies who have abandoned the use of their brain's natural assessment mechanism.


Great work as always.

I don't have a lot to contribute to this thread, but I love your comics so much. Please enjoy this cover of John Denver:


Enjoyed that, many thanks …I've always been a sucker for a good song parody.

The fact that you post here makes me so happy


Top tier. Thanks

Then you'll probably like "right wing death squad entertainment". Sadly youtube has (((shut))) his account down, so there are some tracks missing.


Morrakiu's parodies generate some hearty keks as well.
Here are his channels

And of course our fam Murdoch Murdoch with his music videos and stuff in general

This was (((shut down))) on his channel.

Forgot to include this gem.

If you have time, can you talk about your view of our current memes and WN/Pro-White media output? I'm a little older than some posters(early 30's), and the current explosion of young White people making videos, podcasts, and other artistic venues is totally mind blowing. Were there similar bursts of activity in your lifetime? What do you like to watch and read from our generation? What's effective and what's ineffective in our approaches in your view?

This feels pretty unprecedented to my naive eyes. I kinda thought I was alone in my views before I found these image boards, and recently I've been meeting up with guys from the TRS forum and it's been great.

Looks like some fun stuff … Thanks.

can you re-do this one with American flag shirt, kike teacher, and black students?

Also have a look on redpanels, goys.

and replace the writing with "whites are privileged" "whitey is holding the black man down", "all whites are racist", "blacks can't be racist", "blacks can't be racist", "violence is an important part of the struggle for equality"etc.

Why are you asking him to re-do somebody elses drawing?

because he's good at drawing.

Yeah, I also think it's already fine enough this way.
I certainly wouldn't mind any content AWM is doing, though.

Anyways, AWM has even given a good example here, so we can do OC and edits ourselves.

As of now I really appreciate that AWM is rereleasing his old stuff, as well as doing fitting caricatures to the current year.

Still is something pretty fucking lame to bother a legend like AWM with.

I'm really, really new at this board culture business and haven't been exposed to enough of the flow of material from the past several years to make any intelligent "overview" comments, but from what I see of the immediate landscape, it's like a dream realized. Having loads of motivated and enthusiastic young people tell you that you're considered a spiritual father to their highly effective movement is beyond gratifying, as well. I started churning out my quaint little paper bombs in the mid 1980's when Political Correctness was just beginning to rear it's ugly head. I was a young southern boy with a flaming rebel heart residing in Commie-laden California so my natural instinct was to mightily resist the creeping liberal trends. To my knowledge, I was the only guy addressing the current array of sociological ills in such a raw, no-nonsense manner, so the cartoons readily found much favor with dispirited patriots nationwide. Back then, the only way to share the cartoons was to make Xerox copies and even that became a risky adventure if the nearest copy shop was run by any of the type people routinely featured in the artwork. I didn't get with the Internet myself until fairly late in the game and wasn't even aware that the Happy Merchant (Shlomo) meme had been wildly popular for years until a short while ago. I now see cripplingly funny and staggeringly clever original memework and GIFS and short films parading online every single day and can't believe what a high standard of quality the kids have achieved and established. I'm immensely heartened about the dynamic course this movement has taken and for the first time in a long time, suspect there are some truly great things ahead.

Sorry, Podnah … no offense intended, but that one just didn't move me … as you can see I'm mostly a "one panel" art guy and rarely do strip cartoons, so that one has limited appeal for yours truly. Feel free to try again … as you may have seen, I've done a slew of requests on here already, when the folks ask for something I feel I can really lend something to.

Quite heartwarming.

I checked my jew folder and I have like 2000 variants and parodies of this guy that I've collected in about 3 years.

Thanks for sharing those … I hadn't seen any of them 'til now.

Well spoken. Yuropoor here. I am also fairly late to discover Holla Forums on my own and was awestruck when I first discovered what a wide reaching movement had been established already. I felt relieved to see people from the whole world working to together to fight this ancient menace and to witness some of these fruits live myself, as well as taking part in it.

Vid related for example is produced by a guy from Spain.
Some more

As well as his classics

Or this huge success produced by a german with the nickname Gexter.

Here a regular video by him on his channel
I think you will like his works

We must not despair in times like these. More and more people are waking up every day.

Pic related is a great encouragement of said Gexter.

Thanks … Love that kind of stuff. In fact, I've been intending to do some poking around online to see how I might best be able to upload and share some pretty neat video clip compilations I made decades ago that feature the same tone and themes found in my paper cartoons. I 'm not seeking suggestions on how to do this … I'm confident I'll be able to get it done myself when I find enough serious spare time to pursue it. These reels were quite infamous among those folks with whom I would network in the old days and I'm sure you guys will get a huge kick out of them if and when I can make them accessible.

Sounds awesome mate. Just do your thing and take all the time you need. Needless to say I'm looking forward to it, but wouldn't mind if I would never get to see it either. You've already contributed a shitton and your new (re)releases are top notch. Thanks for that.

On the off chance that you can use some help, many talented people on Holla Forums or maybe
>>>Holla Forums
Just a quick guess. I've never really used that board myself
etc. are always eager to do so.

The flood comes.

You ever read this one, AWM?

How does it feel to be the creator of "the most widely seen anti-Semitic image in history" and compared favorably to Philipp Ruprecht?

Ffffuuuuuuck, how did I miss this thread? The real A Wyatt Mann, the godfather of Holla Forums and mentor to Ben Garrison himself (we really need another cartoonist to complete the holy trinity).

Archive that shit, lad. The internet condom is mandatory for filthy sites like these.



You a stylish MFer, AWM!

shit, sorry, didn't think, obviously. Thnx user.

There is redpanels. Great stuff

What a glorious day it will be.



There is no proof

Anybody can imitate a man's artistic style

Anybody can imitate a man's writing style


Anybody who is responding to b54ac3 is either a newfag, retarded, a shill, or all of the above

When Ben Garrison graced us with his presence, he created OC and confirmed it on his official twitter.

"A Wyatt Man" who is supposedly posting ITT, has done nothing to confirm his identification. and there for until proven, is an imposter.


DAILY REMINDER …that Yid vermin are REALLY disturbed, triggered and intolerant of AWM cartoons … what a (satisfying) revelation!

Where is the proof this is A Wyatt Man faggot?

answer my fucking question.

By the way …if you needed any further proof that our "Daily Reminder" friend is a certified member of the tribe … notice how I posted two groups of Coontoons and he has no reaction or comments …but the minute I post a group of Yidtoons … HERE COMES SHMULEY shrieking in like a hook-nosed hawk. Isn't it fun to know that what we're doing really tweaks their beaks?

Wyatt, it's a shame there hasn't been a "merchant" thread lately. While somewhat childish, they are nonetheless amazing in that they display a nearly limitless number of variations on your original shlomo. A few years ago, hardly a day went by on 4/pol without one of these threads, but they are now a bit less common. I'm sure one will turn up though, they seem to occur about every month or so. Be sure to have a look when you see one because you will be amazed at how many wild variants of your shlomo there are. Here are just a tiny few of my favorites, and keep in mind, this came from your original merchant. I have yet to see any new alterations of your latest that haven't been done by you, but all in good time, I suppose. Cheers bro, you do great work.

Thanks, those are great … particularly impressed with that Shlomohawked punker.

I am looking for proof

all i see is a flood of images

I see no proof

You might be able to trick 4/pol/
But here on 8/pol/. Evidence is king


Hey Shmuley .. do us a favor … walk east 'til your hat floats.
Love, Morrie

why not?


Do us a favor

Prove you are A Wyatt Mann and not some pathetic paid imposter.

love, Anonymous.

Because there is something suspicious with them.
Not that there might be malicious code, but just ignore them.
They are being forced for two or three threads under the pretext that they are A Wyatt Mann OC.
Even though there is no proof.

Do not save them, because you might accidentally post them. And there is no reason for these to spread.
Something tells us that's is (((there))) intentions.

Hey, YOU don't have to tell us about (((THEIR))) intentions, Shekelsteinberg. What a crappy shill
you are …can't even spell "their" … must be a bit unfamiliar with the language …from Israel, perhaps?

"Something tells us that's is (((there))) intentions."

- ummm, define "us", Shmulster.





this picture entirely wrong for the following reasons;

Kikes like yourself hate evidence and proof


Holla Forumslocks encourage research and hard evidence.


Should have lurked moar before they assigned you for the job, faggot.

This ridiculous shill :

"Caution! Images on an Imageboard?! They could totally kill you!"

Sounds like someone's got an old case of centipedes in the nosegina

Yeah (yawn) that's very interesting my sad 'lil Shmuley-doo … By the way, J-boy …you know how I've been totally owning you from the start on here … you know, by countering your tired repetitive rhetoric with fresh and witty repartee and getting you to get shrill and go off the rails and stuff … that's the very same way Donald Trump is gonna lay waste to your lame old hag Hillary during their debates, so brace yourself for a big defeat come election time. Your days are numbered, you yammering Yidshill.

Why are the jews so assblasted over AWM joining his spiritual children Holla Forums?

Makes ya wonder, don't it?


Now this is just getting plain funny.
Here's an image of your shlomo in Poland. The other banner says "Death to the Hooked Noses".

You're retarded

By the Way, Shmuley … Here's a 'lil Sabbath day gift for ya …

Fucking nice. This one has a lot of potential. If I can make a humble suggestion, I know you've probably been bombarded with more media than you can consume, but these podcasts are all pretty top-notch and TRS is friendly with Andrew Anglin. I like to listen to these while I work, there's a good mix of highbrow, earnest stuff (KK, FTN) and fun, goofy stuff(TDS, Fatherland). So, you can listen to what the Kikes are up to now and laugh along with the audio-shitposting, or listen to a detailed discussion of Machiavelli or Socrates. Thanks again.
P.S. Were you influenced by Fips? Who influenced you as an artist the most? Your style is so distinctive I'm really curious.

Whoops, forgot the link:

As a Southern Boy, you might really like Rebel Yell, I'm a Yankee, but it's a top-notch podcast.

You talk of evidence but you yourself have none to support your theory that he isn't the real Wyatt.

Only if they can draw too.

Why would the kikes track down an artist, have them practice drawing in Wyatt's style, have them practice typing like Wyatt, and then send them to shill like all the other shills? All they would've done is create a slightly more effective shill. The OC being posted does nothing to further their interests in any way, it serves the exact opposite and the only possible "negative" outcome is that someone calls us racist.

You think normal Whites will be 'educated' by these cartoons?

Or help the Jew narrative of "Whites are Racist"?

Great rhetoric, but it will not work here.

If someone brings forth a topic, they must back it up with evidence.
Our job is to question the evidence brought.


Ok, it's not AWM, so what? It's still good OC.

Go shill in other OC-rich threads, because every new pic can be extremely !!!dangerous!!!.

Nice rebuttal. You can always spot a quality post by the meme pointers.

If your job is to question the evidence you did that with your first post. Now you just go on and on pushing your position with the veracity of a shill.

Another JIDF technique to discredit someones opinion.

These are images are being shilled hard for the past three threads.
These images are being attached to a well known author claiming they are original

Why someone would go out of their way to imposter someones artwork on an anonymous imageboard is up for discussion. But in the mean time, it should be quarantined until things are figured out

Anybody who has been on imageboards long enough would know that this is suspicious and disregarded it

So you are either really new, or a terrible shill.

GTFO or lurkmoar

The kikes must have also sent the Mossad to break into the real A. Wyatt Mann's house to steal all the originals, as well as his correspondences with GG Allin.

It really is a Holocaust-tier conspiracy theory. He must think we're as mentally defective as his tribe.

You're trying too hard.

Once again: if pictures can be so dangerous, you should go to other threads, because that's where the real danger. Just think about it: ANYONE can post a rare pepe with super dangerous niggervirus.
What a holocaust!

There's no need to quarantine the pictures, we had a thread when the new Schlomos came out discussing the technical possibility that anything was done to them. It was debunked and the anons pushing those possibilities further were ridiculed. I remember because I was originally one of those anons.

Paranoia can be good in small doses but you've taken the whole bottle, friend.

Kill yourself.

lrn2read faggot

Upvoted. And thanks for the gold, stranger. :^)

But seriously I keked

My point remains. If any image can be infected with dangerous and invisible %BAD_THING%, then what are you doing here? Go save other anons from dangerous memes.

>Why someone would go out of their way to imposter someones artwork on an anonymous imageboard is up for discussion. But in the mean time, it should be quarantined until things are figured out

Read you pathetic shill.

shoo shoo

First of all faggot many of the images posted here are brand fucking new.

Secondly we know that basically nothing can be done to them to harm us, and nothing has.

Third and final, kill yourself.

PS I like the way you address only the posts that don't tear your argument to shreds.

If these images are safe, why are you so butthurt?
Even if they were created by a impostor, they are still perfectly safe. If I'm wrong, can you name the reasons why these pics are bad?

Lets get a rundown of what's going on ITT.



lol really?

This. Even if this guy were a really elaborate impersonator, what's wrong with people creating new OC?(and a lot of OC at that)

Great work, saved.

Let's get a rundown of what's going on ITT.

This user has run out of arguments because they've all been trashed. He is extremely assblasted over Wyatt's new cartoons and is accusing everyone who doesn't agree with his deluded and paranoid perspective of being a jew and a shill while shilling really hard for his own position (or perhaps (((someone))) else? It works both ways, faggot

288c75 do you want to know why you're getting all this backlash? It's not because of a slow day at the JIDF. It's because what you are doing and saying in this thread are retarded, and like some retard ranting and raving in public you are getting mocked.

Go ahead

defend all this

trash all these arguments

try it


You've already been trashed and your linked post contains no argument.

Are you done crying yet or are you going to stick around and take up space still? At a certain point I'll have to leave because of real obligations but for now you're a welcome and amusing distraction.

Sounds like someone has no counter argument

try harder

B-b-but if you post new high quality OC, our enemies win! (somehow)

If I can hazard a guess here: this guy is looking for a new original pic of AWM so that he can cobble together a shitty click-bait article. Something along along the lines of "The Father of Internet Antisemitism Has Returned! And look! It's on a horrible racist nazi image board, maybe it's time to shut these things down for good, eh goys!?"

Anyways, assuming shillstein is really legit concerned and only has the best of intentions at heart it wouldn't be hard to get in contact with someone like Jim Goad and have him ask his friend if he's posting here, or even just have him glance over the thread and offer an educated guess.
But then again that would require him to do something other than bitch and moan here so I'm not holding my breath.

Thanks for sharing all of these, Wyatt, and especially for drawing my lampshade request. They'll all be put to good use.

Hopefully we can have another thread like this in the future.

He posted dozens of comics we didn't haven, higher quality versions of ones we did, and letters from GG Allin - things only the real AWM would have.

You even admit that you haven't been able to come up with a believable motive as to why one of your racial brethren would be impersonating him. Give it up nickel nose, you lost. It really seems like you're just trying to push the thread to the bump limit at this point, "G-d" forbid he posts any more OC.

said no Holla Forumslack ever

This is up for discussion. Since someone seems to be elevating their status by impersonating a respected artist in the community it brings big red flags.


This guy isn't just trolling, he has a purpose. I bet he's a Buzzfeed writer or Vox writer or one of those faggots…we know they're here. They're looking for a scoop.

You got it bro. Those cocksucking kikes are everywhere. I used to think there were SOME jews that were okay, but anymore I'm convinced beyond any doubt whatsoever that all jews are evil and should be exterminated. Jews are literally the root of all evil in the modern world. Even shit like that nigger shooting up the cops in Dallas is ultimately due to the goddamn jews and their media. Fuck jews. Fuck shitposting jews. Fuck troll jews. Fuck all jews. May all the fucking jews everywhere die in the most miserable way possible. And have some more merchants at no extra charge. And remember, hate jews.

Well he's not giving you the evidence you keep crying for, is he? (He's actually given plenty of evidence that matches up with what I've read from him on Goad's forum back in the day) So go do something more than concern trolling here, ya goof.

You have no reply for my very sensible idea. Goad knows him better than any of us and is more qualified to say. Or do we need to hear that "posting images might be bad and serve some sort of other shady purpose that I can't disclose!" for the millionth time?




Shill kikes will defend this

Fuck, they ruin everything. I hate them so goddam much.

Lmao. You didn't even link to an argument you moron just more of your spam.
If you want me to tear something to shreds, hand me a complete thought instead of the shreds.

Where was the shit storm from VOX or whatever shithole news website when Libertarian Ben Garrison posted on Holla Forums??
Exactly there was none.

What makes you think that some ring wing artist posting an a right wing imageboard is going to make breaking news?
Exactly it wont. Pissing in an ocean of piss.

You changed discrediting technique isn't working.

He's not even the one who accused you, dipshit.

Also since you like evidence so much you just saying that this isn't news doesn't prove you don't work for the media. Things that are not newsworthy end up on the news more than real current events.

Ahahaha, well meme'd.

great rhetoric again

I am one calling for evidence with nothing to gain except truth

Someone one is dishonestly posting as someone else. They have something to gain. They need to post proof so we can get the truth

see how easy that is.


You have no proof of this, and your "call for evidence" has actually just been you shitting yourself and screaming in redtext up and down what was once a nice thread for posting OC.

I will now state what many other anons already have in some terms I hope you can understand.

You have no proof A. Wyatt Man is NOT posting here.

It has been proven that the new images being posted, regardless of origin, are harmless and perfectly fine to save. It is not our fault you missed the thread.

You have yet to actually rebuke anything stated. You just keep using le meme arrows, spamming, and posting in circles.

Kill yourself immediately.

The difference is that 'Ol Benny draws Kosher Kartoons and our friend here doesn't. That's why Ben's article didn't cause a shitstorm and this would. I think the term is overused, but you're a D/C shill and I want you to fuck off and die. Even if this is just a larper(which I don't think it is), he's producing great OC while all that you're producing is suspicion and bullshit. Jesus was right about you Hooknoses, I see the fruit that you're bearing and it's shit. Since you've fucked this thread up, I'm just going to go back to reading Alfred Rosenberg on my porch in the sun. Enjoy your isolation and fleeting victory you stupid faggot.

I am fucking Queen Elizabeth II
Go ahead and prove I am not.

See how this logic is flawed.

There is a reason why hotwheels had a PGP signature so people would not impersonate him.

Your logic is flawed, heeb. Why on earth would Queen Elizabeth be on Holla Forums? If she were on Holla Forums, I seriously doubt she'd be throwing a fucking temper tantrum the way you have.

Well, you may bot be Elizabeth …. but as for the queen part ….

- Love and hugs, Morrie

We see Schlomo everywhere, AWM!
we don't need proofs, it couldn't be anybody *but* you.


lol, should have taken a closer look at the thumbnail

Like I've stated many times before … these lazy Yidshills are only laying down their lame form letters trying to eat up posting space… and they do succeed at that. However it's a hollow victory because as soon as one thread bottoms out another promptly opens and the fun resumes … yet these neurotic sad sacks are wholly dedicated to just wasting their time uselessly splattering here for hours on end … the only positive aspect to it is that it keeps them tied up from engaging in more meaningful and destructive Kikery elsewhere. These vicious gnats will always intrude wherever folks like us gather to share laughs and ideas. What they don't know is that, when the climate soon shifts, they will find themselves facing rough expulsion and not mild ridicule as they do now.

lol k

Maybe you will post some proof in the next thread?
It has taken 9 days to get to the bump limit

if you had been the real A WYATT MAN this thread would have bump limited in 1 day tops.

Everybody on the board knows you are not real
Nobody cares about you (((OC)))
you are wasting precious 8ch kilobytes with your terribly shooped garbage
quit wasting our time.

The kikes are scared.

You are obviously not from here, Chaim. Why don't you crawl back into your rathole like a good little rodent?

Why do you guys bother talking to these retards?

They're all over Twitter posting Flat Earth / Chem Trails horse shit and pushing obvious traps - twitter.com/MiyazakiNoise/status/748039118253330432

He's right.

((( They ))) are not sending their best.
Yet so many of you waste the time.

ALSO : Thanks to all who posted Wyatt art. Good stuff.


"Nobody cares about you'

(sob,sob) You're so evil, Shmuley …crushing my self worth like that … but actually, some pretty nifty people have found me to possess a smidgen of value.

For someone so new to Holla Forums
you know about the bump limit?
Are you going to be the OP of the new thread you are talking about?
How do you know there is going to be a new thread?

How long you guys plan on astroturfing /pushing/forcing these (((new memes)))



Actually let's correct that.

288c75 = (31)
b356a7 = (27)

Oh shit, should have been bumping the thread too.

This is incontrovertible proof you are who you say you are. Will be interesting to see if the (((shill))) shuts up now….

Naw, he'll just revert back to his "LaVey was a Jew" shtick. I'm tellin' ya …these guys are just eating up space with the laziest of claims and tactics … but it doesn't matter. They ultimately lose because the toons just keep flowin' and growin'.

Very easily photoshopped, and still offers no solid proof.

You can tell the TO NICK is different color from the rest of the document
someone with photoshop skills can emulate that perfectly

Still offers no proof.

NICK is a very common name too.

Or official twitter or website recognition. Same applies to every person wanting to confirm their identity

Not some scans of some possessions they own
that is ridiculous that you would even think that could pass off as proof.

Why do you think there is still speculation that Eric Trump posted on Holla Forums
He posted some money and a credit card with TRUMP on it. But it is not for certain that he actually posted.

Exacty same proof you are putting on the tabel.


AWM posted even more sufficient proof like that before. Either ITT or this one.

Still not Nick, but post related, obviously :^)

Yup. Reminder it's always possible to filter their ID's. The ID+ option hides even the responses to blocked shills.

Also notice how quick he changed his IP and thus ID after this post. Good thing it does only take a second to do it again.

Shmuley, my lad … you can waste your full day pissing and moaning and making futile demands all you want. Batches of truth like this is what you're tryin' to stop but can't … each of these little nuggets will be saved and distributed by all the folks who are fully awakened to the threats and suppression you represent … and these images will ultimately aid in awakening those whom your kind have managed to disorient with a vile and steady stream of malicious deception. From this point on, I'm going to avoid responding to your idiotic posts as you've really become an insufferable bore and the remaining space on this thread is tightening. I do wish you would have sent a picture so I could make you the Internet's "Yid of the Year". Farewell, Cupcake. Your Morrie

What the fuck are you talking about it's the same ID.

So guys are terrible at your job
even when it did change, I have a fucking dynamic IP. It happens.

Nigger please. Stop and think for a moment.

think harder nigger

Do it. Prove that literally any user "can take an old xerox and shoop it".

Great artwork, Nick. These pics are weaponized truth bombs.

That's the only way to deal with these dipshits…deprive them of the attention that they so desperately seek.


Is this your first day on the internet?


church of satan confirmed redpill distro center

I just want to see your AWM-related OC.

is that first one Milo?

implying a nigger can think about complex subjects…..
don't bother user

Why not instead read about the most famous case involving Obama's birth certificate?



The (((shill))) is scared

Here…have a bump and a merchant, you fucking kike. This one is (You)

To commemorate all the BLM protest marches taking place today and to help thwart Shmuley from eating up every last speck of valuable posting space here's another batch of Blaktoons …


That last one really boils my blood. There was a nigger serial rapist/killer in my area who muh dikked and murdered 4 or 5 white women. The story got buried REAL quick. When it was reported, the (((media))) all of a sudden forgot to bring up race. SHOCKING.


Just a heads up, we're about to hit the hard reply limit.

Might wanna double check those, Mr. Mann.

New thread is here:

Nice catch


Second to last episode had a really good discussion of the history of folk music with Paddy Tarleton. I haven't listened to every ep, but it's much better than I assumed it would be. I'm sorry that you ragequit Natt, but there's no reason to lash out at others.


Thanks so much for catching the "Diminished" typo … as for "Crave" did you feel that's grammatically wrong and should be craving … I believe if you're pointing out where the "crave for" something originates it may be proper. Any English professors out there with any insight on this?


This thread is about to reach the post limit, man.

A new one is here

I don't have to agree with everything a person/podcast says/believes to enjoy it. What podcasts do you enjoy user? Help me out here.

stuff thats not gay and retarded lmao


Oh fuck yeah.

Get a throwaway YouTube account and post it here when you have the content you want to share uploaded. The rest of us anons will download your clips and make sure they never get lost to the memory hole.