Brexit was a mistake
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Thunderneck vs Sargon of Mossad
thunderfoot has shit politics but is good science man
Thunderelf is a frustrated depressed shoulder manlet. He's also in love with Anita Sarkeesian, that's why he puts so much effort into debunking her shit. His opinion on things is not relevant in any context.
kevin logan btfo of sargon
and of thunderсuсk
Sargon basically said that Trump was the "lesser of the two evils". That's not necessarily endorsing someone. Sargon regularly hated on Trump.
Watch Logan's video, tells you all you need to know about Sargon, here are some quotes:
That's why they call him Sarelf of Blackdad
Absurd being said in context of referring to Trump
Yes yes, very cute. Now back to leftypol you little scamp.
thundeelf still triggered?
lol, leftypol memes.
Even as an American, I can't understand how anyone would think Brexit was a bad thing. What level of cognitive dissonance did that require? People actually believed it was racist, racist to not want to be ruled over by a corrupt bureaucracy. Not that Britain is any better off otherwise but its still better not to be part of the EU than to be part of it
stay mad nazis
lol, im not a nazi or a communist. I just think leftypol memes are stupid.
but to correct that shit, actually the working class gets fucked, in the ass. real hard.
the first 2 memes i posted werent even leftypol, they're "fuck off Holla Forums has no ideology" memes
Commie flag=retarded faggot
commie flag equals i saw how triggered you got by a meme with no ideology so decided to trigger you some more, im not even a commie, but i am if it triggers u
and check those digits too
anyway im out of commie memes now
Having you country's policy's decided by unelected bureaucrats is undemocratic you stupid twat
Marx was a Jew. Your image contradicts itself
No, i was laughing at you…should i use a rehashed meme in order for you to understand?
very well than.
nah he is alrite
Something I noticed in one of Sargon's videos about Islam was that he claimed there was a problem with Islam because they commit 95% or so of suicide bombings, yet he has berated feminists for saying that there is a problem with men for committing 95% or so of shootings.
Islam is an idea, a shitty idea that can make people into zealots, thus sandniggers are killing people becuse of Islam
male is a gender, and there isn't anything about being male that says you have to kill other people
Fair point, it's not a direct comparison between the two, but it's still making the same kind of argument - men commit more shootings so men are violent, Muslims commit more bombings so Muslims are violent. There are better arguments to use against Islam as well, like that blue circle chart of how many support death for apostasy and all that.
Open your eyes. The EU is killing competition. For the truth about how the EU works watch Brexit the movie.
I don't think you want to go down this route, m8…
You can go into an EU office with your company and force tons of paperwork for any competition in your line of business. So you can run a monopoly. Watch Brexit The Movie.
Nigga just watch this and see if you still respect him. He's a proven hack.
I'm amazed that, after all these years, he still makes those feminism videos. Truly this is the power of autism.
Thunderfoot is an okay guy when he sticks to physics, that's where he delivers quality content, and occasionally if bourgeoise feminazis are interfering in his field, but besides that his videos are fucking cringe, repetative talking points to milk the anti-SJW viewers for youtube money. You can watch one or two videos of his hole series to that topic and have heard everything he goes on about in every other one following.
In general i despise channels of people shoving their face in front of a crowd to become representatives in some personalized internet drama. It takes away from the message itself.
If that's what they're about then stick just to the fundamentals and educational material on the issues rather than giving low effort and quality video replies on the current hot topic adressed only in a slight variaton of shit you've already said a dozen fucking times before.
those aren't Holla Forums memes, those are from the old Holla Forums. Holla Forums isn't capable of making creative memes, they can only mock Holla Forums memes.
Whats up with these leftist commies on Holla Forums?
Cant we get some sort of heavy duty rope that can lynch them faster?
It's just one or two flagfags who come on here to try and spread their retarded propaganda. Just put on a commie flag and mock them.
That dude looks familiar. Wasn't he caught on To Catch A Predator?
This, but what better way to mock them than posting genuine communist propaganda? :^)
better start posting actual soviet military and propaganda music.
Sure thing, "comrade" :^)
hehe, you got the right idea lol
stalin did nothing wrong! xD
i'm not even a communist but i have to admit this is fucking beautiful
wtf, i'm a commie now!
Have some more, there is no scarcity on soviet culture! And as always true Stalin era soviets are delivering the most plentiful!
Unlike in imperialist decadent consumerism they produced real art :(
(do i sound like a real commie yet?)
Holla Forums stands for bolshevik!
Trips command it!
We're all proud Bolsheviks now!
Glorious day, this calls for celebration, tovarish, haha! ;) This is our board now!
Yeah, but you can't chose the condition of your enemies and show pitty when smashing in their nazi faggot faces.
What can i say, reactionaries are whimps.
trump is president and he's going to build a wall you kike dick sucking commie
the soviets were jews faggot, and the US was awesome and ran by anglos until around 1970 – that's where i'd like to live
I like the second one, but yeah, leftypol can't into memes
t. pol i'm dropping the slashes because I don't care what bee calls me
All I know about it is that my farts smell like rotton cheese.
My farts smell like latex sweety.
Meine Fürze riechen nach warmer Butter.
Nobody does
Just say yes to these sorts and they go away
You really triggered me with those images, I just can't even right now
I'm saying that the argument is invalid either way, your example is further proof - just because more women murder their kids doesn't mean that you shouldn't trust women with parental roles.
whats the solution?