Fat hat thread

I hate fat people so fucking much

Lemme load up some stories


Now for some more general stuff



Marriage. Always

If you haven't seen Shay's story before I'm so sorry


This has to be intentional.

1. She's too young to let that happen to herself unless she has ZERO fear of him leaving her.
2. He HAS to have a goddamn good reason not to leave her.

Dumb fucker forgot to get a prenup, and she's TRYING to get him to leave her so she gets half his shit + Child support.

shit like that 2nd pic are what convince me that facebook is actually entirely populated by thousands and thousands of 'supportive comment' AI programs

It's pretty unusual to see a couple where one of them is obese and the other is fit. It's usually both are fat or both are skinny.

I'd say it's betas that are trying to get some poon, but then again there are plenty of skinny sluts to go around, too.





Must be an open marriage, she get's to have a handsome kid, money and maids etc. He gets to go and fuck whoever he wants. Who know's he might mostly fuck dudes.


She must have had some condition or other. No normal human would shit themselves so much and at least if they did they would clean it up.

Shit all over couch seat cushion, no problem, just flip it upside down. There, clean and as fragrant & fresh as a summer meadow.




she'll take most of his stuff
