I don't like living in Germany anymore tbh

I don't like living in Germany anymore tbh


remove kebab

then leave

Move to Austriasthan

ok. you`re welcome here.

Didn't masterchan have a hard on for this bitch? what was her name? elisa? they were sharing a video of her masturbating i think.


what does going full 8ch even mean?



Considering how youthful she looks, she has really, really nice tits. I won't post the nude because if she actually made this thread she'll stop posting again. The accent and depression and all that… She acts like a moody depressed neet but I'm sure she's surrounded by hovering beta anons, and cams with the cream of the crap.

What could ever be the appeal of masterchan, though?

post her tits or GTFO

the pic OP posted is old as fuck.



No timestamp. Nothing suspicious here.
Deutschland geht den Bach runter.

its an old pic not even her.



I don't even remember which folder I have it saved in.

It's a collage of four images, one's a topless shot, one has her panties pulled to the side showing her pussy, another is her pussy visibly wet through her underwear and the other is a cleavage shot.

It used to be on that site I forget the name of that's basically just imageboards with galleries of porn, I think it went down, and it's been so long since I've looked there the name escapes me.

:^) oh I think I know which one you mean


how big is his dick?


not big enough to satisfy me.

Wow, you're a pic related



benis or GTFO