dressed girls
Dressed girls
wew lad..
is that april?
where do you guys get this shit? I thought with the downfall of Librechan all of it would be over.
You'd be surprised, haha :-DDD
There are only boy pedo sites on TOR.
yer bein logged, friendo
Not true.
install freenet, fap, get v&
yeah it's on freenet, not TOR
There's shit on tor too. If you can't find it you aren't very good at searching
What's with that background?
it's not like TOR is the easiest thing to search
It's right on the uncensored hidden wiki it isn't even really searching as much as moving your eyes left and right enough times that you find it
Just torrent it, it's safe :^)
If you have javascript enabled on tor you are doing it wrong and deserve to be v&
the Freedom Hosting take down was in 2013. All of those sites were on 1 server. Why don't you post the most recent cases?
But don't you need javascript to play any media?
I don't know. Is there anything more recent? I haven't seen it.
2012 - Pedobook
2013 - Freedom Hosting
2014-2015 - Pedo Empire, The Love Zone
2015 - Playpen
2016 - MK, Giftbox
doesn't even work
hidden wiki is all
forget it
Good idea, post links!
Anyone who runs a CP site is an idiot. They will always be compromised.
The Pedobook guy had a blank admin password on one of his sites, the cops logged in and did a query to get the real IP. He was running them at a server farm he worked at.
For 2 weeks, you could connect to Playpen with a direct IP.. anyone scanning IPv4 space could have found it. The admin payed for the server with a personal paypal account and SSHed from his home IP 9 times.
There are multiple censored/uncensored hidden wikis. The one I know of works
very safe
isn't it weird how cp is a racket and the illuminati only want to corner the market?
It's literally the same thing with arms, drugs, and sex trafficking.
Why would people risk looking at cp when you have nudism and child models? Much better quality content.
lol what
>he fell for the reddit spacing meme
Alot of these gubmint officials who like cp for their degenerate reasons also dabble in demonology, that's just the name of the game sonny. Careful, now.
I dunno, why do you want to look at children in the first place? They have no features worthy of fapping to. A boy and a girl are basically exactly the same besides penis or vagina and maybe longer hair. So if they aren't naked they are basically exactly the same. Girls are only worth looking at once they develop some curves, so there is absolutely not reason to fap to children
okay faggot. you are a reddit fag here. here's my evidence.
>direct IP.. anyone scanning
you ellipses using reddit cucc. fuck off.
Did you know that in alien abductions, they bring out the children so the mother can watch OR have sex with it? Happens a lot.
Must be the rapidly developing youthful hormones, a source of metaphysical power…
Really makes you think.
I want reddit to cum in my asshole.
ask the denier
i love it. it reveals you fucking cancerous cuccs for what you are.
I love how tryhard newfags like you actually think reddit spacing is a thing. It was a meme created on Holla Forums to derail threads, and you use it like it's the gospel. You are a newfag from reddit and try to hide it by posting like an autist.
Also, I never used ellipses, you dumb faggot.
go back to reddit
I remember being 14