Violent/Sadistic Porn Thread

Well why the fuck not?


No it isn't…



What is the reason behind these gore videos? Back story?

thug got captured by rival gang

Or are you referring to why they are filmed?

try posting porn to a porn board for once instead of shitting up Holla Forums

Do you know where you are user?

Source on both gifs anyone? Especially the first as that's a long-held fantasy of mine

Here's some edits from wonderful Islam.

Found them in the report section of hiqqu, they've been sitting there so lonely…


that first gif was literal rape tho.
where is the bigger version ?

Took me a bit to notice rebecca's eyes.


LOL, I was not expecting to see that asian…

I'm trying to find a kitty video…

He got the stop part right, but not the drop and roll.


what is this reversery?! Gore gets spammed in pedo… Pedo gets spammed in gore…

Found some of it.

Bark Bark.

sauce on 2nd webm?

nupe… Original video name was girl next door.

An American Crime or Jack Ketchums Evil

same plot, dunno which one it was

Can't find my kitten video.

The american title of the movie is "The Girl Next Door"


Backstory on the last two killings?

>>>/wx/ >>>/furry/ >>>/monster/
Normie porn…
Are you retarded?

Maybe I'm curteous to those who don't want to see mutilated women when they're fapping…
Or maybe I just want you to engage in my thread for free bumps.

Oh man that furry shit pissed me off. You are going to have a lot of fun with karma, little bitch.

Self harm and furry shit is not cool.

I seriously hate mexicans.
This also makes me fear human beings a lot more than I'll ever be scared of stuff like Lovecraft. What's the backstory?



On an imageboard



I can totally fap to this.


so Holla Forums






Don't get me wrong, what makes me wonder is how people can just stay there watching without doing anything while a person is burned alive. And that fucking beaner is shouting "Pour more gas!".

saved as mfw no hands

They're not White.

Why can't we have more sadistic porn like this and not shit gore?

It's not like white people haven't done this before, as in centuries ago, or even now, in some of the videos ITT.
My point is, doesn't this people feel the urge to do something? They don't have a sense of justice at all? What I'm guessing is that they watching that thing happen IS their sense of justice, but just watching another people suffering like that regardless should make your conciseness kick in?

I understand that sickos here are used to this kind of stuff, but normalfags seems terrifyingly used to it too,just watching someone roast to death. It's really scary to think about it.

I'm sure you've heard of the bystander effect by now.

And a lot of those places most of the population has been conditioned to know that if you try to help in a lot of those situations, you'll just get your family killed too.

It's why you need a powerful generally altruistic (white) society that want's to stop the few alpha psychopaths from doing what comes naturally to them.

Tell me, anons.

Why would you take something precious like a puppy, and kill it horrendously, when all it wanted to do was love?

What kind of subhuman would do such a thing?

In a world where all of the beautiful things are, those people who do such actions like shoving a stiletto in the eye socket of a dog, do they really think that there is no higher being that will enact revenge?

Our heartbeats count to the last beat, and then death will be ours. The people who are sick in the mind, they will answer for what they have done.

Your response is alien to me. We treat animals like this all the time. You'd shed no tears over anything we have defined as food, even the smarter ones. Why do you think these creatures are any different other than you have formed an attachment that exists only in your head?

If that bothers you why not the food animals? Say what you want about the vegetarian nutjobs but at least they are consistent.

I think other anons confused the violent part in the title with gore

this is what the jew actually believes

wow bro real edgy ur a fucking pedo on 8ch wow!