Does melanin cause retardation?
Why are niggers so stupid?
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I'm black and I seem to be capable of basic communications
No, if that were true than Indians wouldn't be able to go full pajeet. They'd just stay on africa level of progress.
It's really bad though that the government fucked the blacks so hard with welfare. I don't feel remorse, but they shouldn't be surprised with their current crimerate.
And their answer is only more gibsmedats.
Remorse wans't the right for me to use, it should have been pity*
when you never have to use your brain, it will become lazy and not develop anymore, just like with any muscle in your body
The main reason why minorities act retarded is because they grow up having shit education, and shit peers.
Let me explain in depth: has anyone here grown up in a poor area?
Did you go to a shitty, public school that was understaffed and poorly mantained, with your peers being kids that came from troubled homes, spending most of their free time in the streets?
Do you remember "the cool groups"?
Do you remember how the cool kids, in that environment, were the ones that made fun of anything that wasn't "the norm", any person that had interests other than sports, getting high, fucking bitches, listening to gangsta rap talking about all of the above?
Do you remember how quickly everyone would fall in line with what was considered cool, or became "invisible people" that tried not to piss anyone off, or tried to survive bunching up into mini-groups of edgy, bitter nerds with an us vs them mentality (anons, hint hint).
Do you remember how being curious and having creativity was actively discouraged and seen as weird?
So imagine this, multiply it for an entire city.
For an entire region.
For a whole nation.
This is why certain cultures, or people that grew up in certain places in nations that are otherwise enlightened, end up being dumb as shit.
It's a domino effect of stupidity.
This is why people from the US should, in theory, be reasonable and intelligent considering their technological advancement, yet when you talk to them for 5 minutes, a vast majority of em will seem like the dumbest motherfuckers on earth that believes the stupidest shit and can't grasp basic common sense.
Improve education and enforce good behaviour.
Also fucking fix your economy and give people jobs.
If they still don't want to work, kick them out.
I'm a fucking white male and I seem to be capable of ADVANCED communications
niggers have access to schools in america as well. They even get in unis with lower scores
You cannot magically transform a fiat into a ferrari
They're a different subspecies (race). It's just like how some breeds of dogs are smarter than others. Only, it's not politically incorrect to say that a border collie is smarter than a dalmation.
You're blind to the obvious truth in your very post.
That's the issue.
No handouts, no shortcuts, make anyone work hard and focus on self improvement if they want to reach the top.
Obviously a black kid living in the ghetto with an alcoholic mother beating the shit outta him every day and then going to a shit public school where the only people that seem to have their shit together and survive as individuals are gangsters flashing stolen guns tucked in their underwear, isn't going to grow up as a sane, rational and productive individual.
Raise police presence in ghettos.
Train them better.
Try to foster new job opportunities in poor areas.
Your own ignorance and short sightedness is the result of poor education and hanging out with the wrong crowd.
You, yourself, are a victim of a broken system that isn't working as intended.
In order to accomplish that, we need to be able to leave people behind. We need to be able, as a nation, to look at individuals and say "You will never become anything, and no state resources will be spent to further your existence". Until we can pull of the will to do that, nothing will change.
Poor environment result in poor intelligence. Usually the one who do become smart are born into a financially stable place. And the one that become smart that were raised in bad environment are usually the one that become self-aware of themselves. However people tend to act the from how and where they were raised.
I grew up in a town house in the heart of Chicago, my schooling wasn't up to par so in my free time when I was just entering the 3rd grade, I read dictionaries for fun. I read novels meant for high schoolers when I was only 10 years old. Sure I suck at math but that's only because I never paid attention in class and just goofed off with the brodies. Nothing factors into someone's livelihood and education besides their own laziness so what you're saying is ignorant
First off, in Highschool, you don't need to be smart to have good grades, you just need to do your work.
I think you've missed this part. Maybe i need to be more specific next time.
When you acknowledge the physical differences such as skull structure and brain size and the differences in IQ, it becomes clear that the reason blacks do so poorly is because of genetics. Environment is only a small factor and it will never close the IQ gap between blacks and hispanics and blacks and whites.
I read that part and it incured that response, like you said I'm not stupid
[citation needed]
Personal accountability and base line intelligence have more of an effect than environment.
I also never said how smart.
I'm sorry, but races on average, do not perform the same physically or mentally. It is a harsh reality of nature and biological evolution. Environment is only a small factor in someones intelligence, while genetics is the primary result of someone's cognitive abilities. It becomes clear when you acknowledge the physical differences of brain size and skull structure and the differences in IQ test performance. Even when blacks and whites were raised in identical environments, the black-white IQ level gap still existed. Source:
Jewish-American average IQ Level - 113
Asian-American - 106
White-American - 103
Hispanic-American - 89
Black-American - 85
Sub-Saharan African - 70
Australian Aboriginal - 62
I'm not a rocket scientist but I'm not Homer Simpson either
HATE FACTS!!!!!!!!!!!
You should pick up the Bell Curve this season, user.
what's your point
This data falls into categories of either
A) Out-Dated
B) Misrepresentative
This is just another example of people from the past trying to make sense of something they fully don't understand.
The fuck are you talking about? Do you even know what the Bell Curve is, nigger?
Do you know where the information for the bell curve came from, nigger?
Yes, I do, since you are asking.
Some niggers aren't dumb
some are gay
Wrong. Blacks are scientifically proven to be genetically superior to whites. Whites tend to be more inbreed.
IQ tests are soft science.
You never go full retard.
It's a mystery of how they got those statistics IN THE FUCKING 80S.
I know right? Everyone knows they didn't even have stats till the 2000s!
Checkmate, atheists!
I hope for your sake this is some low energy trolling.
Why are you even citing this source? It undermines your argument.
"The results of the longitudinal follow-up continue to support the view
that the social environment maintains a dominant role in determining the average
IQ level of black and interracial children" (p. 133).
Well damn, i guess blacked people aren't really reasonable for there actions then. They're too dumb to understand ethics. What a shame, they don't have any choice in the matter.
Superiority in terms of evolution is not an absolute measure, but rather is dependent on the environments we live in. Superiority in this way, in the game of natural selection, is based on survivability. While, say black skin is useful in places of high solar radiation, white skin may be useful in the more northern areas. Thus, evolutionarily, white people are more survivable than blacks in the north, and vice versa around the equator. This hence does not translate to one race being "better" than the other, but rather shows how the individuality and variation of mankind came about. Everybody is well adapted to their respective environments, and absolutist concepts like superiority can not arise scientifically. So, the idea of "nothing special" special about humanity, which you used, also means there is "nothing special" about men, or whites, or whatever. And overall, the degree of variation amongst races, and between men and women is very small. When you decide superiority, you can only decide subjectively. So while you may consider men to be superior to women etc, the concept does not exist in nature. And the method of preventing racism is to change the subjective criteria with which you decide human superiority to things that we have in common, like intelligence, shown scientifically to be independent of race, rather than skin colour. That's the only way modern society can continue in stability, with our cherished values intact. Equality, superiority and inferiority don't exist in genetics. Subjective equality isn't an assumption. It is a goal to change the way we judge equality to make subjective equality a fact.
Yes OP
Better put that strength to good use in the workforce then :^)
Is this a bait thread?
Niggers are not stupid don't you know about all their brilliant inventions like peanut butter? That's what i thought you fucking racist!!!!!!!!
Back to leftypol jew
b but we wuz kangs and sheeeeit
gib me ur bike X-DDD
this thread is racist dude
He's trolling you dolt.
actually, >reddit spacing
I've got a date with one tomorrow in the deep south. Profile said she went to college, i'm certain she'll be a reasonable fun individual.
asphyxiate yourselves, my men
I'm curious how many of you Holla Forums types have ever met a black person? I'm guessing most of your haven't.
If you have, I'm guessing it's because you're a dumbbass who went to a state school. If you went to any sort of half-way decent school you'd run into plenty intelligent people of all races
Black people aren't stupid at all, OP, they are responsible for basically every single accomplishment that "white" "people" falsely attribute to themselves. When will you racists finally get off your asses and actually accomplish something other than masturbating to anime (a Chinese invention) and worshiping either Odin or Jesus (both Black men that primitive white cavemen mistook for gods)?
Holla Forums pls
That's hilarious
Having a low average of 62, which is the average of aboriginal Australians doesn't mean they are all stupid, but it would be rare for an Australian aboriginal to have an IQ of 100, which is the average for Europeans. Jews on average have smarter offspring, as they have an average IQ of 113. This is all due to genetics within that species.
These facts should also be taken into account IMO
IQ tests only measures someone's ability to recognize patterns, which are used in problem solving. I would like to see an IQ test with memorization and efficiency.
On a non-related note, how can I find porn compilations between men and women of different races, without all the men being black? Like, I want to see all the races mixing.
I fucking hate the taboo-effect on sexuality. I don't remember being like this before I was serious about my National Socialist convictions
Are you a nigger, because only a nigger would have that first hand knowledge.
t. chink
melanin isn't the cause. but it is a very effective predictor.
I'm black and experienced what he's talking about. He sounds white though.
That seems cruel.
If blacks are so dumb how come they make the best memes?
You ever seen Gattaca? You're going to be the genetic underclass.
Oh boy, we're dealin' with a real maymay master here, do you get all your memes from Holla Forums?
Cause I don't wanna be mean or nothing, I understand you're on a quest to be the best meme lord there ever was, but it shows. I'm sorry, don't mean to break your little underage preteen heart or nothing, you're probably too poor to afford good memes, but it really, really shows.
There's hope for you yet, though. Dank memes are everywhere, you just gotta go out and find em. For you, I suggest reddit, 9gag or facebook, as memes there are usually on clearance. Maybe get some of those Advice Animals and lolcats while you're at it, they're old and maybe just a little moldy, but they'll still work way better than your low powered meme starter deck.
That's just my advice, don't have to take it or nothing, no pressure little guy. My advice is also that you should fucking kill yourself - no, actually, that's not advice, I'm fucking telling you to end your life you little bitch. No homo.
t. libfag
take that, blackos
so can chimps, nigger
sorry, Holla Forums, but when you control for all kinds of factors, like income, geography, parents' education, etc, you still see that niggers act like fucking apes.
But, if you add in the fact that niggers everywhere are stupid and violent, then you realize at least most of the problematic behavior of niggers is genetic
the standard IQ test you to see how many numbers you can remember and recite back, and then how many numbers you can remember and recite back while putting them in numerical order. It also has a verbal portion and a spacial portion and a timed portion to test your cognitive speed
you clearly have no fucking clue what you're talking about
non-state schools don't recruit smarter people you dipshit, they just keep idiots out, except the 25% that are legacy and buy their way in, oh and the niggers and spics they let in. I was in a doctoral program and there was only one nigger and he was dumb as shit (for a graduate student).
Maybe. What if the more melanin one has in the body, the less the prior for it in the brain?
it's a bit more complicated than that. it's a cyclical thing that began with the concept of "the white man is teaching us wrong". I can't pin point when that became the predominant view point within the various black communities, but it has led to a death spiral in the education of the blacks. once the idea that the "white mans education" had no merit set in, more unruly and disruptive behavior began, and as the disruptive behavior and in-attentiveness worsened, the more difficult it became to try to provide even a basic education. this cycle has been at work for atleast the last 3 decades and is a self reinforcing perfect storm of cultural degradation. melanin has nothing on purely cultural retardation when it comes to the plight of the negro.
To the trash it goes and here's why:
-Hannibal was Phoenician (tanned white man)
-Jesus was a semite (again tanned white man)
I don't know who rest of these people but there are sure cherry picked examples of black men, because I saw this black samurai somewhere as example of we wuz samuraiz and shiet. If blacks are so good then why they constantly loot stores and are more likely to commit homicide?
I love fat black girls, I LOVE THEM!
Well my ex was black she was pretty childish and religious, but I can assure you not all black are stupid even if she was.
Jesus was Nubian you uncultured swine.
Hannibal was batu.
you don't even know the others? Yasuke? Septimus?
Psh…you're so asleep you drooling
wake up
I'm a fucking white male and I seem to be capable of advanced communications.
(them digits)
It's American Black Culture thing.
Question: Why Blacks Stupid?
Answer : That was their way of being smart for centuries of being white owned slaves.
1.A housenigger was looked down on by the rest of the slaves as being Masters number 1 pet and he was the most educated could read and handle money and influence master. Which brought fear and envy of his black brethren and also resentment.
2. Am uppity nigger would be beaten or chastised by Master or other whites for say speaking more intelligent than a white. E.g. Why do Blacks stammer so much from Mississippi and Louisiana ? Because they were owned by poor stupid whites fleeing taxes in Georgia so they had to learn to speak more ignorantly than them.
3. Afraid of animals (squirrels) another smart move to keep Master from taking them hunting with them, telling them to go fetch something they shot in a swamp. By putting on some shenanigans making noise acting scared stupid Master would leave them behind
3. Lazy, Slow , Ignorant more defense mechanisms as above to deal with slave life 'Saw-we Sah dang chickens bust loose of da coop last night , fox musta got'em, I knows I locked it' Meanwhile he ate chicken dinner last night while Master was away
E.g. Jimmy Cracked Corn song
don't believe a single thing this lying piece of shit says
Anecdote. Even if there were 100 niggers with 130+ IQ all in one room it would still mean nothing.
Reminder that intelligence is 80% genetic, with economic background being hardly a greater predictor of success vs SAT scores.
Mixed children actually have shit-tier genetics, and upwards to 40% of niggers have European DNA
Arabs don't count as niggers user. No kangz existed; come on, try harder.
Diversity is not our strength
This /leftycuck/ image is so autistic I can't tell if its a joke, or they are actually this retarded.