nothing is more painful than childbirth
this scan from a scientific journal confirms
nothing is more painful than childbirth
this scan from a scientific journal confirms
I heard getting kicked in the nuts is similar if not worse
What's a del?
Also, I'm told that passing a kidney stone is worse.
appendicitis is objectively more painful
Getting shot several times in warfare is worse and something cunts will never experience with their privilege
Getting kicked to the balls is far worse.
every woman would say after one birth, they would likely give another birth.
You´ll never hear a man saying he would like to get kicked to the nuts again.
needing an anesthetic to give birth. how weak are contemporary white women, ffs? 100 years ago they shat kids out behind a hedge and went back to pitching hay. the survivors were none the weaker for it either.
Will Trump bring back motherhood and natural selection? Will Putin enforce the 10 child rule on Californian transsexuals? God moves in mysterious ways.
You're beyond stupid. Women have many privileges, but not getting shot isn't isn't one of them. No american, m or f, has been shot in warfare involuntarily for 50 years. Women are denied combat roles. Men have been privileged to have the opportunity to shoot and get shot by the enemy. Most female gunshot victims just get shot by their husband. Fighting and dying for a cause or an ideology or a nation is a privilege reserved for men.
this is bs. it hurt yeah but
- it depens from person to person
- its not the worst thing, it's the worst thing "to women"
- some things you just can test like getting sawed in half from the bottom up for example.
so yeah without torturing people it "MIGHT" be one of the most painful experiences
The G-spot is there for that reason. The more women masturbate g-spot the more childbirth becomes painful (due to increasing sensitivity)
nonsense, cunt has never tried to eat a frozen Toblerone
your wrong retard
Once we get CRISPR-Cas9 going, and considering LGBTQIAP3D+ transhumanists, I hope we can at some point in the future settle the question of "what hurts more, childbirth or a kick in the balls?"
whole? before or after the wider spacing?
omg. frozen….
Well that's an exaggeration.
I'm sure that flaying is much more painful.
ok so the human body can bear up to 57 del of pain
We all thought the same thing ITT, but it's from Facebook, so normies will graze through it as long as it is in their algorithmically-generated paddock.
if giving birth was the most painful of human experiences, women would run at the merest sniff of cock, when in fact they pull down their panties and moan. either it's a lie, or cock is more fun than childbirth is pain.
One event is 9 months apart from the other. Female causality comprehension span is like a few hours tops.
This is completely BS. Pain is relative and also cannot be measured. A broken major bone is worse than giving birth. The whole child birth is so painful shit is guilt tripping feminism.
Nah. If pregnancy is so bad they would stop after the first kid.
Some women don't feel any pain by giving birth- it is instead like a mega orgasm. It's all about if the woman is suited to child birth. This is why males (and females) are attracted to & lust after wide hips and big tits/asses
As a general rule, bigger women (by this I don't mean fat) have an easier time with giving birth. A Tigress has an easier time mating with a lion and giving birth to a hybrid than the other way around because size.
That doesn't even make any sense. If we can only handle 45 "Dels" of pain, then childbirth at 57 "Dels" would mean that people could not physically handle it.
that's why all women are insane, the pain of childbirth drives them crazy
Females are born to carry and birth young.
For that to be the most painful thing inexistence doesn't make evolutionary sense, also pain relief exists.
Females nowadays in hospital get pumped full of pain meds during labor unless there are exceptional circumstances, so this is irrelevant for mothers in these times.
Anybody who has gotten pepper juice in their peephole knows that child birth is a fake.
do you have a story you'd like to share, user?
My mom said it wasn't all that painful.
Your feminist argument is invalid.
I think smears bullet peppers over my hand thinking it would increase the sensation, it was the worst sensation ever, but when it went inside I started fainting, the blood was leaving my head and I and my vision was fading out, it felt like I was OD'ing, as such I went to the shower on cold mind you this was after sticking my sick head in ice water not working. The pain was so bad that no matter how okay I tried to feel my body was no having, I thought my family was going to find me dead in the shower from a toasted sick.
Again, the time span is too large (more than several hours apart), so a woman can't make the emotional connection that would tell her not to want a child again.
This is the same reason why you can't punish a dog long after he did something wrong.
That sounds like total bullshit. It has to be painful. Maybe an extreme masochist could like it. Also the wide hips thing is because head size is an evolutionarily limiting factor. Bigger brains require wider hips to pass a skull through.
Just thinking about it makes me feel bad for them, it must be horribly painful. Still not a kick to the balls though.
women lie about everything basically
if they aren't a TOTAL FUCKING FRIGID RETARD they might experience orgasmic birth
what you need to do is fist your useless animal slut to make the process easier
I have CRPS, which subjectively is rated higher than pregnancy for pain. Also unlike pregnancy, the duration of flare-ups can be years.
Do people not understand that women have endorphins and painkillers made by their own brain during childbirth? Sure they are suffering a fair amount but the body releases all the chemicals they need to endure the pain unless they have some other problem. That is if they aint lazy cunts who just get the snip or as we call them in the uk "too posh to push"
How about being disemboweled?
That's a good name.
I'm sure both are very painful, but see above examples.
I'm sure both are very painful, but see above examples.
Low energy trolling
i'm going to have to insist that my logic is sound and valid unless you can point out any flaws in it.
inflicting pain on someone by going after their balls - how's that for practical use?
Also, demeaning to the gender - way to sound like a spastic SJW warrior
not sure if troll or retarded
you quote me saying it has no pratical use
and then ask me how it has a practical use
are you going to argue that it isn't demeaning to the male gender? because if you are id argue that you opinions are inline with extreme forms of feminism
not sure if troll or just illiterate
I guess we can safely conclude that you are both illiterate & trolling at this point.
I’m still not convinced you aren’t mentally challenged retarded as well, but I’m sure you’ll come around and remove all doubt when it comes to that as well.
Wait, do you guys read it as O-P? All this time I've been reading it as Op.
bait you fucking newfags.
They're built to do this so ur argument is invalid
funny thing is just that cunts don't produce any children anymore. Why would you pay someone his wage when he is clearly not working anymore.
HA! I'd love to see a woman who thinks childbirth the worst pain get stung in the clit by a bullet-ant.
getting kicked in the balls is much more painful than giving birth
jooos joos joos joos joos joos joos joos joos joos joos joos joos joos
we got'em now, boys
Challenge accepted.
lmao true
A del is not a real unit of measurement. There is no unit to measure pain. There are so many factors that go into how painful a childbirth is that, even if there were a unit, it'd be damn near impossible to predict how painful a birth would be.
Why is it only human females that bitch about periods and birth? When our cows give birth, even if we have to pull the calf (done by reaching in and tying a chain to the front legs and pulling it out, sometimes we use a jack that sits on the ass and cranks the calf out) the cow seems to be in a little pain but that's it. While women whine and butch until they're drugged
The g-spot releases hormones to dull the pain when the baby moves against it during birth.
If that was true wouldn't childbirth be 100% fatal?