White House Watch: Trump 43%, Clinton 39%
IT woz NAFTA wot did it.
Trump should be NAFTA and immigration all the way to November, no sidetracking.
It's good to have the number to shove in the face of those 'lel, Trump is behind 12 points', but the only polls that really matter are the one after labor day.
Wasn't Rasmussen the company that consistently had Romney winning in 2012?
I think the vast majority of Gary Johnson supporters will shift over to Trump's side instead of Hillary when November approaches and they realize the stakes. Right now they're just having a tantrum that some "principled conservative" didn't win the GOP nomination but the prospect of a Hillary Clinton presidency will eventually be too loathsome for them.
I bet (((Jill Stein))) supporters are a bunch of liberal commies who will ultimately for for Hillary, but I have no clue how much support Stein actually has. Doubt it's much.
He was going to, until he stopped campaigning the months up to the actual election. He choked and gave it to Obongo.
I should also qualify that national polls, whether Trump is leading or losing, don't actually mean shit with an electoral college.
The swing state polls (VA, OH, FL, PA, etc) are where this election will be decided.
Radical Islamic Terrorism user
And in another 2 weeks Trump will be behind Hillary again, and then in another 2 weeks Trump will be ahead, and then it will continue repeating until election day.
… and then Trump gets slid by the College.
da fuck are you talking about??? there will be a bombing or shooting on the 4th. Then Trump will get another boost. He will gain Slowly through August. Hillary won't get a convention bump as america sees the freaks their party has become. Get a small bump on 911 if there is no attack, and a huge bump if there is an attack. After that the Ungobungocraps will be completely defeated and it wont matter. Although there will be one more attack in fall, near or on Boston bomber anniversary. Landslide in November.
I don't trust any poll (pro-Trump or pro-Hillary) until September at the very earliest. Even then, the (((media))) will be skewing the polls to drive a narrative.
When will the trump vs cunton debates start?
If Trump takes Kasich as VP, he'll have Ohio locked down.
I think PA is his too, but I might be getting my hopes up. If he campaigns like mad as he did in Indy…
Florida is his for the taking, got the fear vote going for him after
VA is Hillary's.
The same poll had hillary up by 5 last week so you have a pretty tough case to imply they are in the tank for Trump
It is not going to matter. I am fairly certain Trump and Putin are orchestrating the terror campaign right now, as the attacks keep happening exactly as they need them. Because Americans are to stupid to see what Obama has done to them.
If im right a bunch of rich white faggots get blown up or shot in sf or ny on 4th.
No guise don't give up.
Just tell me how exactly is Trump expected to get thorugh the College.
because by December they will be terrified and everyone will be calling for war.
My conspiracy theory is way more realistic than yours.
Yeah, like they were not happening for years already, right?
путинвзрыываетдома is a thing tho.
If Trump loses Ohio it's the last straw for me. I'm leaving this shithole.
These faggots are just supporting the third candidates in order to try to get them in the debates. Once that doesn't happen, they'll gravitate to one of the big two. Lolbergtardian and Green Party always poll up to 10% at time, but usually don't get more that 1 or 2% of the total vote, and that usually comes in States where it doesn't matter (for instance, a Leftist State that they know Clinton will win, so some faggots vote Green to "protest")
im pretty sure 911 was at ~least~ partially an inside job. Why do you think the Republican Establishment is afraid of him? Trump is the real deal, a White supremacist imperial dictator.
We have glory and valor in our future boys!
Not concerned with polls right now. Once the conventions happen and then the debates I'll pay more attention to them.
Hillary is going to receive relentless attacks, attacks that should have been given by Sanders, but we all know he's a cuck looking for a retirement fund
First signs of the Brexit effect.
I think that person appealing to the big part of gun owners may be scary because he is able to destabilise country.
I have not got an exceptional understanding of US politics but the most scary thing about Trump is that he rolls back the progress which globalists achieved and does gain popularity from that.
I don't think he's saying they're shills, I think he's saying they're shit at their job.
I think Hillary got a big bump from the Orlando fag terrorist attack because the Democrats were able to frame it as a "mass shooting" instead of what it was.
I think Turkey's attacks are going to rebound Trump in the solid positive for a while.
Christ these polls are all over the place.The democrats are struggling to control the minds of retards. I seriously hope our democratic process is still sacred enough for these crooked fucks to let Trump win this November, otherwise this country only marches closer to civil war
Kasich just recently released some bullshit on his campaign page about how he mathematically beats Trump and some bullshit on swing states.
Kasich is a fucking retard through and through, and he's a petty, obnoxious piece of shit. He's the kid that gets tagged on the school yard and says "Nuh-uh I had a force field". Not to mention he's got a vicious hidden temper. I guarantee you he beats his family.
They are all over the place because normies are afraid to admit they are afraid of niggers, kabobs and faggots. I have an unusally high tolerance for spics, because they dont bitch and complain the way the white round kids do on the job site. Also they hate the wetbacks more than we do, as they are the main ones getting displaced.
If you listen to Glenn Beck or Dennis (((Prager))) or Mark (((Levin))) (you know, the cucks), they are still stuck in the denial phase of grief. They are still holding out some manner of hope that the (((elites))) will ride in on a white horse and offer up some anointed candidate that makes them awndll warm awndll fuzzy.
Until the convention formally declares him the GOP candidate I'd expect the cucks to continue to poll in favor of Johnson or even Hillary in a desperate attempt to try to derail Trump before the convention. The worse the polls look, the better their "dump trump" argument becomes.
Once the convention is locked up and the cucks' leaders start telling them to pull the lever for Trump, we will have a better idea of where we stand.
What sort of weird alternate reality have we entered?
Trump won't condemn himself to 4 years of having to eat state dinners sitting next to Kasich OR Christie
Trump should just clone himself and be his own VP
Can he do this between now and the inauguration?
Nigga are you serious? you need to get out more.
Bump to make the shills mad.