what is wrong with elves again?
What is wrong with elves again?
They are animes equivalent of jews irl.
Conflicted replies
those are dwarfs
Elves literally did nothing wrong.
nothing as long as they are pregnant with half-human babies, or are working on getting pregnant with half-human babies
nothing wrong with actual true real elves
Absolutely nothing, all the talk of them being whores is all the fabrication of those dwarven kikes
the only good elf is a brown elf
Only acceptable if no white elves are around and they are no darker than the one in your gif.
Did someone say "elves?"
no. they said you smell. and they were right. the internet will never cease to amaze me: electronic farts. whatever next?
leave elves alone
All elves do is eat grass and shit from their trees, without accomplishing much of anything. Pretentious, highly opinionated about themselves, and just general cuntiness are the highlights of elvish character. Fuck elves and their piss colored hair.
Got a problem fag?
Forgot the pic
But they're sooo vanilla and boring! Brown elf best elf!
Feeling more risky get a drow. But always wear a kevlar vest.
Elves are nice and all but nothing can beat a catgirl
itt: autism
When they get too big for their boots and think they exist beyond sucking dick.
Also, sauce?
Elves are meant for breeding. All those forest niggers do is sit in the woods and think about dick all day. Without our intervention they would have never been civilized . You guys should consider getting a few of these dick sleeves.
t. Number one slave trainer in several provinces of middle earth
Same problem as niggers, they aren't human. Purebred humans are the mightiest force on the planet. They conquer the world and slaying monolithic beasts. Elves get fucked up by shitty orcs.
They then have the nerve to act superior to us. They hate us and stare down at us from their thrones of ignorance. We will give them a reason for hate.
They claim to be the children of the forest, but us men, we are the suns of the mountains from their peaks our view is limitless, but the dumb knife-ears cant see the forest through the trees.
They are no people of nature, they act like simple creatures no different than the deer we eat. While we are the true inheritors of the earth, evolution's favored subjects. We adapt and thrive everywhere, suffering is nothing but a challenge. The elves have never changed, never advanced further than they are. They fall apart at the smallest of challenge and give up. Elves think nothing of surrender, they are a slave race. Us humans, we think nothing of facing our death. We can not be beaten for our strength is the will of man! The will of our honored gods! Elves know nothing of honor nor sacrifice. So they will always fail while we march from peak to peak raising tattered banners of war. Man lives for eternal conquest, the elves foolishly live in the moment refusing to take what they deem rightfully theirs, so we take it for our selves and they curse us for our actions. If they truly meant it, they would take action. But they don't they can't. They are weak, and the weak must fear the strong. It is perfectly normal to hate those who see themselves superior, but could not even hope to match in the smallest of ways.
If your only redeeming quality is beauty, your only action is submission, then your only future is destruction. Until the elves take action, they deserve nothing but scorn and brutality.
nigga you gay
10/10 quality post
Skyrim belongs to the Nords.
elves turned me into a cocksucking faggot
Remove all elves.
wow that's actually really pathetic
They are somehow more likely to have some sort of mental disturbance. Their ears are also unpleasant to look at. They might look nordic on the outside, but on the inside they are your typical loud, violent latino.
We need white people to become an elite elven caste hiding in the woods communing with nature spirits spitting Socrates and sheeeit for the salvation of the planet yo
literally a downgrade
You like my post, I like your dub dubs. Checked.
You sir are the cancer killing vidya.
human scum gtfo
Try again retard then maybe you can into high elven culture
don't blame elves, you were a cock sucker to begin with.
High elves should be systematically gassed and all traces of their "culture" wiped from history.
elves have way superior civilization, all human culture and civilization is plagiarized from elves
human inventions
fuck off with your elven hate bullshit
bloede d'hoine
Look at this elfag and laugh!
I told you they are as bad as niggers.
fuckin newfag.
who has the nigger features here?
Yeah nah. Sorry your elf wife still counts as race-mixing. Nice try EIDF
it's true, look in the mirror
dwarves seeded the nordic race, they are your ancestors, you wouldn't be here if not for race mixing, and I am not advocating it it was obviously a mistake, you are the living proof.
That explains why there's a chimpout every time there's an elf thread and all they keep talking about is how they want to rape elves
behold the birth of the human race, you were born out of inferiority and such abomination should be put out of their misery.
They always felt inferior and always hated us.
just want to claim our civilization and exterminate us and tell their children it is their civilization like the jews they are.
You're right, how can we inferior humans compete with these beauties?
Elves are for burning, I wouldn't fuck one with a rented dick.
That dude looks like a tremendous faggot, typical of an elf. Orc women could snap you in half.
yet he killed all the elite commanders of humans, killed thousands of human warriors.
apparently you don't know iorveth.
advice , if you see him,hide if you want your head on your neck.
Lel so the only elf worth a shit is a mary sue. Are you guys not capable of being faggots for even a second?
say that to his face, I dare you,he will make a soup out of you.
Sorry I dissed your lover fudgepacker. I'll be sure to tell him his boyfriend corrected the record.
Cry more elf lover.
off yourself
Why did you post a picture of a gun?
kek,wouldn't last a few seconds in battle.
Elves everyone.
who are you fooling?
we are taller,stronger,faster,better than you will ever be.
admit it
you are a faggot
and not the good kind
You really got my blood boiling know you knife eared fuck. Maces are objectively the best weapon for both soft and hard armored foes. I can't help it if your little womanly bodies can't handle proper armor.
You are that kid who thinks he can just run around the tough kid at school, but like him you will find out it doesn't work that way.
daily reminder
well rage moar.
go back to mommy platie, war is for real men not children.
elven satan detected.
Like I said, not all of us are frail little orc cumdumps.
Get fucked you elf sympathizing peasant.
ftfy You can't seem to understand tactics in warfare. May I suggest read a book dumb elfnigger.
Elfs = faggots
Dwarfs = jews
Orcs = niggers
Did I get that right?
what are shields?
We are talking about man to man close combat, why bring your high tech button pushing,pls don't hurt me fam shit into this?
humans confirmed faggots.
Humans : shekel oriented, merchant caste like their dwarven ancestors, multiply like vermin,but expire quickly (quantity over quality fam, no wonder they are so dumb).
Something a mace has no problem destroying. Shields make you slower too… so why not just go native naked by your own standards?
Humans are the golems created by the dwarven jews
Nice try Shlomorynwyn. Nobody is buying it.
They are buying your women though. :^)
Are female elfs OK?
You were talking about tanks,the purpose of a tank is to break through fortifications and crowds of warriors to open the enemy defenses.
a shield wall can do the same.
apparently your knowledge of metals are so primitive that you don't know there are kinds of metal that are very light and very strong.
This is why we are the more advanced race, we have been here since time immemorial and know the earth better than you.
totally, moar
As firewood sure.
Getting your shield arm hit with mace will break your arm, you'd know that if you actually fought man to man you elven coward.
Can't argue with those dubs
I will dodge all your hits and laugh at you when I deliver the death blow between your armor gaps.
calling me elven coward.
I am not the one who fights from a distance or wearing full plate, I fight upclose and personal.
Please, you are embarrassing yourself. Don't you have an orc to be prepping? Your knife eared whore wants her BGC. Don't keep them waiting because you want to prove you aren't all faggots.
also you look funny moving like a robot in that armor.
you turn your entire body to the side you want to look?
lol fail
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little dhoine? Ill have you know I graduated top of my unit in the scoia'tael, and Ive been involved in numerous secret raids on the northen kingdom, and I have over 3000 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and Im the top commander in the entire scoia'tael forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of squirrels across the pontar and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. Youre fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and thats just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the elven resistance forces and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little clever comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldnt, you didnt, and now youre paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. Youre fucking dead, kiddo.
Elves are great
that's why they are used in place of a tank or in this case full plate, but it cant be thrown when they served their purpose, unlike full plate.
by the gods trying to explain to you children how combat works is like teaching a monkey how to read.
Holy fuck elf, quit posting anytime.
might as well become a bloody rock.
Might as well be naked.
Some of them are alright.
pic related a mace and an elven sword, you decide.
chain mail and leather is fine for me.
might as well become a bloody rock.
I was comparing the two. You were saying that faster = better and I was telling you that's bullshit.
faster and stronger, not ruling out strength, but not strength alone, brute force without intelligence will always lose to speed and intelligence.
You cant convince me other wise, I have seen it many times.
That shit will snap into pieces hitting any sort of protection. Its more about strength=speed of swing. Also weight=damage on impact.
Lel flanged master race.
Nope depends on the metal, elven swords never break, that's why elven swords are highly prized by human merchants, they are light and so damn durable.
Is your logic.
Yes, because you can't use brute force and be intelligible. Also, yes, because people can't be speedy and dumb.
what is the special olympics?
I didn't say that, we were talking about specific combat situations not in general.
again we were talking about the orcs, brute force and no intelligence, they just attack and swing.
we elves use tactics.
Watch out people!!! Marvel superman type mechanics!!!
We are talking about humans you dumb elf nigger.
it's true apparently you never tried an elven sword before, they also live for a thousand years outlive their owners.
read the whole thread you double nigger.
Elves are weak sauce.
why? you are not fighting a dragon.
it just reflects that humans lack the courage to wear light-medium armor and make up for the open areas with skill.
No they rather not get hurt, yet we are the cowards.
It is not a question of whether someone is "cowardly", it's a question if you can actually wear the armor and carry it around. Elves cannot. Again, by your standards why not go naked? Isn't using armor too cowardly? Also, a mace would break your bones straight through your chain mail armor bro.
Elves cannot.
wrong we can, we are taller, stronger than humans, an average elf can fuck your shit up without effort, we can wear full plate, but we just think it's too much, you need a certain level of protection true, but not at the cost of being able to move freely because you are too afraid to get hurt.
that if it can hit me in the first place, I can dodge it in chain mail easily.
Elves confirmed too cowardly to run around without armor.
Fantasy land:
You are officially "That kid" I hope you are happy.
we train our senses since infancy to learn and avoid hits, and we do it blind folded.
just admit it you can't win unless you use jew tactics.
Jew tactics like what? Wrestling you to the ground and smashing your head open, like how medieval warfare actually was?
Are you SERIOUSLY fucking RP'ing an elf right now?
On Holla Forums?
nope,like deception and treachery which runs in your shit blood.
No I'm pretty sure all the cool honorable warrior classes are usually Human my dude.
nope,like cowardess and magic which runs in your shit blood
you dodge and hit retard, that's what combat is.
Magic is not used by all elves yet magic is an honorable art, it is passed down by the gods to us, to separate us from barbarians like you.
it requires mental/spiritual discipline.
humanfags kill selves.
how is it cheating, some people fight with swords some with spells, it's a weapon like any other
Also jews can't into magic.
but they can into deception persuasion
I'll remember that when they cloak and steal someones wallet.
he is more likely to try and convince you to "fund" his new venture,promise you a big cut of the profit, so big that you will empty your wallet, then he will not be seen or heard from again.
reminder that when the jews went out of egypt they borrowed gold and jewlery from egyptians and robbed the temples of the gods, the ark of the covenant is actually an egyptian magic artifact.
Just wewlad
but you can regenerate the tissues 1000x faster.heal in a few seconds.
Elves live a long time. So long, that I have difficulty even fathoming the implications of their long lives. Hundreds of years at minimum, thousands is not uncommon, If someone had spent those thousands of years training and fighting, what hope could a human possibly have? In their absolute physical prime, they could have been training with something for thirty years - anything beyond that, they're just looking at a decline.
By the time wrinkles form on a human, an elf is leaving puberty.
Magic can't heal autism.
Elves may live a long time, but its balanced out by how frail they tend to be compared to the heartier races.
wew lad
noyce mass of the phoenix you got there buddy.
I orc!
We better race than puny elf and stupid human.
We strong! We big! We bash skulls in of puny elf many times, we rape elf women, but I like orc woman more.
We're good as long as you keep killing elves greenfriend.
Have a QT Orc.
lol you must be joking we sense you coming from a mile away, you do well against women and children though I give you that.
if this fuckin thread goes for more than 30 mins , I will summon cthulhu
This is now an orc thread - female orcs (orcesses?) only pls
orc women are secretly males, orcs confirmed faggots.
also what's up with the pointy ears orc? racemixing much?
According to LotR orcs were originally elfs - dunno about the lore of other series.
I've never seen an orc depicted without pointy ears.
they are half elves half ogres. in many lores.
Orc woman strong independent bare , elf boy weak as elf girl.
How come then we slaughter your men like cattle?
human and elf hide behind machine like coward.
or shoot at orc with bow from far away.
Orc not coward as elf and human, we bash skulls in with axe or hammer.
barbarians get out of my board.
You are too slow orc, yaaawn and not too smart.
No, you get out.
But yet you still get ensalved, raped and killed by them.
No you are weak, while fast your stab with puny toe clipper just scratch orc armour
Elf and human slave make best sex toy.
This thread lack pictures of human and elf being raped by glorious orc.
you are not doing better human, plus we destroyed many orc settlements.
you just cower in your cities and hide behind your high walls.
last orc I killed will tell you other wise, ohh wait…
manlet elf detected.
Even dwarf have more respect from orc.
well I give it to you orcs, you are tough, much tougher than the human weaklings, but we manage to kill you nonetheless, race mixing is bad kids, ogre blood makes you stupid.
Mano-a-mano - who'd win?
Elf every time
orc already won, we have her head.
or is it a he.
orc can't tell.
feel good orc
not too smart, the elf also have the orc head.
go home orc.
orc come from elf
elf either be raped by ogre or elf fucked female ogre.
Either way fault lay with elf, not orc.
We orc are warrior race, we fight at night shaman tell us tales of ancient battles.
interesting, are you a muslim orc?
summoning cthulhu in progress….
I fucking warned you… bitches.
we are not mudslime.
That's human religion.
oh shit.
don't do it fam, the stars are right… plsssss dont
what happens if you summon cthulhu whilst the stars are wrong?
he just drives you mad because you are a fag that can't into magix.
oh and he keeps on sleeping.
we dun goof'd
dungeon meshi?
that is ntr, fag
I wouldn't know I don't read anime.
That is great, just wanted to let you know that posting that makes you a elf
makes you a c.u.c.k*
fucking mod and their filters
Fuck. Well only one option now, I refuse to be a knife-ear fuck.
Find a wizard and become a cute hobbit.
did somebody say orcs?
Bump for elf girls
nigger elf
More elves, more dubs
french canadian fuck
wut ?
y ?
There is nothing wrong with elves. They exist to be raped. That is all.
They are the fantasy realm coalburners
orcs being the fantasy realm niggers
But they lust after human cock. Are you saying humans are fantasy niggers too?
Orcs at least know how to fight.
don't talk to me or my wife's son ever again
You don't rape elves, you love elves
Humans are jews.
Dwarfs are a proud people who live to produce.
all this elf hate shit is just jelly humans.
wew lad. they can pretend to be pure maidens all they want, but under that veil hides a cock hungry slut
human women are sluttier than elven women, after all, your shitty race invented porn.
Love your long pointy ears and your sexy blush, beauty.
want to have teh sex ?
It's not. Elves can't help it after all. But let's not pretend them to be something they're not.
Fact: The first known documentation of porn was by a human who saw an elven slut getting her snatch stuffed by a forest bear during one of travels. The guy was so weirded out by what he saw that he decided to write down what happened and later illustrated the act. He later made copies and distributed them around his village. And so porn came to be.
This was another history lesson on why elves are massive sluts by Dr. user.
Elves truly are perverted creatures.
Pictures or it didn't happen.
Also humans are ugly as fuck, they resemble niggers in facial features, but have the soul (or lack of) of a jew.
then why do your women want our cock so much?
If you insist.
This is one of the restored copies found in the ancient human settlements. It is believed these copies were later distributed throughout the region through trade caravans, and thus quickly spread the knowledge about the nature of these perverted, forest dwelling deviants.
They don't they think you are disgusting manlets with inferiority complex.
you just are jealous butthurt faggots, so impotent that you have to make up stories.
also shitty drawings painted by a toddler does not count as evidence, you total waste of dubs
An elf girl can be a slut for my cock any day
Elf in denial detected
Hey, a fellow historian!
Don't forget about all the porn that came after.
When that first pornographic newspiece became popular, scholars from far and wide took it upon themselves to fully record the depravity of the elvish women. It would reach every format available at the time.
What I have here is a cave painting made by orcs not too long after your document came out.
if anyone is butthurt, it is male-elves.
They have nice tight boipussies
humans are so inferior and pathetic.
like vermin they multiply and expire quickly.
even nature hates you.
I prefer ice fairies tbh fam
look, okay. In the raids you can't really tell the difference
I love elf girls and I love to love elf girls
I want to play with fairies
all this human butthurt because we are the master race.
stay mad human scum.
Come home human man
Indeed! Not to mention that in the case of the Orcs not many other such paintings were known to be created by them before these 'documentaries' became widespread. Orcs, being known for their low intelligence, never showed much interest for literature. These pornographic pieces may well have spurred on the Orcs to document other important moments in their history through such paintings.
One can see how even though elves themselves aren't much to note beyond their insatiable lust for dick, other races have come to improve themselves because of their lewdness.
Vermin roach pls leave.
need I remind you?
I need an elf girl folder
still being a beta bitch i see
Are you a monster girl elf?
If you like
You're such a joker, user.
wew lad
I want an elf gf to be a monster girl for me
U mad elf boi
well it does matter, becuse if you aren't that means you're no better then 3DPD
Monster girls are entirely devoted to their husbands, that's /monster/ 101
yeah, elves can be monster girls, but not all of them are monster girls, so I just need to know
They only become monster girls when they go after a man they like
telephone: 1-760-805-8768
snapchat: thatbbgun
am so srs guys
not really what I am thinking of, but sounds nice
nothing wrong with vanilla, but I know of a monster girl NTR comic you can read
Why do you fags always bring up NTR in response to that? Anything that tickles a mod's taint can get you b& from /monster/ now.
oh, you're talking about the mods on there
never-mind then
is that JIDF?
Who gives a fuck about /monster/ anyway? Post more cute elf girls
Why an elf slut when I can have a thick qt dwarf waifu?
dwarves a shit
and not qt
r u a homo?
Yeah that sounds nice, but massive beard may get in the way of that.
also this
when will your children learn
Elf women are about the same height as human women
I'd say the correct answer, as usual, is to have both. This is the advantage of being a man
If I am a beta and humiliated you so badly, you were begging for death, what does that make you?
Keep posting elf girls you guys
user everybody knows jews arent human
Nothing. Thankfully they don't exist.
Can't see half of it with that emo hair.
You forgot the part where you teleport behind him.
Because elven weapons never see battles.
Hugging trees and cumming on each other's hairless ass is not "training", you brittle boned anorectic faggot.