Ywn eat cookies and snuggle with tomoko in front of a warm fireplace on christmas eve

why live?

Because Trump will become the President soon.

But still no waifu to watch the inauguration with

I'm a Marxist Leninist.
I'm awesome.

I don't know if she's ideal but she's pretty gud+

wtf im marxist now

My condolences. I will be celebrating with my waifu.

I lived for 507 years.
I am badass.

yeah I plan to live that long as well, homie

going to break my fasting and go splurge on organic comfort foods for the normie day NAH MEAN

Because anime will eventually be made real :D

Why are you so mad? What are you angry that not one instance of communism has ever worked? Or are you mad you have to cop out when being btfo because of statistics? Saying that is wasn't real socialism.


Fuck me I need some sleep


Define 'worked'

Any government that doesn't implode on itself within 100 years.

Hello Holla Forums. Still mad that you got btfo by 'stormweenies'?

Why live

Dick the lesbo out of her

Pretty go waifu tbh

Incest is best cest

Hello, /turdbrain/. Still unable to let humour have its moment? Still blathering like a scratched vinyl 33 @ 45rpm. you'll damage the stylus.

What was that dumb nigger? You don't know how to create a good joke?

Go back to your containment boards

Still mad, I reckon.

Lesbians are what you call women who can't get a man

if Holla Forums niggers made me mad or hurt my butt, i'd have been institutionalised or buried in 2010. the only things you girls tickle are my sides. i remember the prelapsarian irony from which you were shat. that makes it all so sweet.


you pleb

You have a hot waifu user

think i'll kill myself on new years.

I consider the DPRK and its people friends of Marxism Leninism. Ideological differences aside, they're great allies against imperialism and deserve solidarity against the US aggressions.


every user deserves a tomoko in their life
someday user… someday…

This image reminds me, just recently when playing Arma a comrade commented on the dead bodies being scattered all across our base that it looked "like a fucking christmas market".
It's moment like that making me thankful for being able to mute myself.