As you all know, originated as a 'home' for Tibetan fingerpainting enthusiasts.
This ancient art form originated in Tibet, where it was practiced by Buddhist monks as both an aid to their enlightenment, and to give as tribute to the Finnish hordes to prevent them from raiding their monastaries. Although the monks were also practiced in the art of Kung Fu, they were all strict adherants to the non-aggression principle, and as such refused to fight.
The practice has since been in decline, kept alive only in obsure internet communities.
Feel free to discuss Tibetan fingerpainting and share some of your own artwork ITT.
Tibetan Fingerpainting Enthusiasts
Other urls found in this thread:
General Tibetan culture thread as well, Chinese not welcome.
Thanka 4 allowing other kinds of Tibetan paintings here.
Not at my computer where I have loads of cool Tibetan art, but I'll see later, if this thread is still around, if I feel like dragging out some of my own OC thankas and photographing them with timestamp of course!
In the meantime, PLEASE post moar Tibetan fingerpainting! I saved several of those, OP!
Is that Lord Kek at the right foot of the Guru?
Unashamedly bumping with a random Green Tara thanka. Wish to see more Tibetan fingerpainting. Still educating myself on the topic.
Guys ever hear about the tibetan copper mirror that you meditate with and allows you to see into your own blood vessels among other strange things? of course you haven't
Another form of Tibetan art which can often be confused, sand painting which involves sand of many colours being traced in to create complex patterns.
Yes, I have, user.
If this thread outlasts my work shift I will post more knowledge on the subject, unless you have something you wish to share.
Keep the Tibetan mandala sand painting shit coming too! Awesome!
Not a painting; but Mt. Kailash, Tibet.
Take that, China!
Thanks, user.
Here's another.
Oops! Quality!
Phone is a potato.
Taiwan fingerpainting allowed up in here, considering the political climate?
Oops! They watermarked it!
This works for me, for some reason, dubs.
9th Century, Tibetan Plateau.
I think the Tibetan fingerpainters and thangka painters may have actually been the real masterminds behind infinitychan.
And Polyandry is still practiced in Tibet!
What kind of women do they have over there in Tibet anyway?
amazing fingerprinting art
what is it it looks amazing
amazing photography
wow amazing sand bending
amazing looking women
amazing post
see these guys are actually good at painting, I just do it for fun.
Didn't know they were planning on moving it.
Honestly they should put an end to buddhism and the monk parasites. Keeping it just to watch them like animals in a zoo isn't worth the hazzle. It's not a culture worth preserving or evolving further.