This may be the answer to stumping this racist supremacist.
Hate Trump - Considering Islam
Challenge accepted
Either bait or you're genuinely retarded
Yeah but that's not true.
1/10 low energy troll
u w0t
did Holla Forums think about infiltrating islam and subverting it for their own cause? It would be much more effective to achieve their 1488 paradise:
>growing a beard and smelling badly is acceptable maximum neckbeard
this is literally a gold mine but they are too retarded to use the oppurtunity
I don't know what's more retarded… your strawman or the fact that leftypol openly excepts islam (which is excepting all the things you've stated) with open arms while pol actively doesn't.
Islam isn't a race.
Check mate.
Just gotta love those liberal tears
so tell me why does pol not subvert islam and use it for their own agenda. You studied jews for so long now and you should be professionals at their tactics
Double dubs confirm, all muslims will be deported
Islam is owned by the Jews, they're just too stupid to see it
its not possible to tell who's a muslim and who isn't
You are nigger tier sjw trash. Back to >>>/4chan/ you fucking autist.
whats next ? every American is christian ?
i know Holla Forumsypes aren't bright but you could make some effort ffs !
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! You dumb nigger.
omg i haet drumpf nao :^(((((((((((((((((((((((
those are sikhs
He isn't going to deport the muslims…. That was just to trick stupid white people into voting for him. he's a business man. He knows EXACTLY what he is doing, and being "retarded" was his tool for appeal. When 90% of your voting constituents have double digit IQ's you use pathos. The only "Vote" we gave was between pathos used for people who are NOT the majority in america in an effort to stammer up "white Guilt" for existing VS pathos used to build up the idea that white christians (who founded and generally controlled the country since forever) are better than the "enemies" created intentionally as a tool to control who wins what when.
in other words, Trump was just playing chess on a larger scale.
god damn it, can Trump stop playing 4D chess already ?
I get the feeling that you are trying to be deep, except that last sentence just reads like mumbo jumbo.
Trump did exactly what he set out to do, get elected.
Now, we are watching the results of that election come to fruition.
So far he has managed to bring jobs back to Ametica, create a great working relationship with several countries leaders, and is continuing along with the plan of 'draining the swamp'.
Yeah, he is most likely not going to deport every muslim, but you mark my words, he will deport the ones who commit criminals.
Criminal offences*
Well damn niggah. I dun goofed.
if that last sentence sounded like mumbo jumbo and if you think im trying to be deep, You're just dumb, if it clears it up im talking about the MAJORITY VOTE. not people who actually care about what they say they want to accomplish outside of internal social issues. trump cares about REAL issues like jobs and foreign relations BUT had to use the game of Pathos to get to the top. Im shitting on OP and explaining why the way he voted was retarded because OP fell for the leftist voting technique. On the other hand, Trump as a person, is actual complete scum. But if that scum can make jobs and create livelihoods for laymen, I don't really care how he feels on social issues, seeing that this is a land that can't throw people out or discriminate against people by law-abiding methods anymore.
If it ain't white, it ain't right
Anyone who thinks that a religion is the answer to political problems has never studied history. There have only ever been two effective solutions to political problems. War and epidemic disease. Everything else has failed every single time.
So, OP, with actual historical facts in mind, which are you proposing?
Telling someone that they are dumb when you can't even use proper punctuation or capitalization in forming a proper sentence establishes quite clearly for everyone who it is that is intellectually deficient….you are.
cool story bro
bump, so where can we meet to show solidarity with our muslim bros?
hores benius
they are, they just has no power yet
they are extremists, some of them were our brethren once , but they got poisoned and corrupted by ideology and dogma, they became what they hate the most (jews)
half of Holla Forums's population are from stormfront 25% from reddit and 25% anons, but even the anons among them got poisoned and corrupted by ideology and peer pressure, since in image boards everyone is anonymous, they didn't know that the extremists were from stormfront and thought that Holla Forums Holla Forums risen from the chans organically, which is not the case.
simply put, we have been infiltrated by stormfront, which was infiltrated by the feds in order to execute a complex plan to bring about the new world order after a period of great chaos and turmoil through polarization and divide and conquer.
I am no leftist and I am no right winger, I see and observe, I agree with Holla Forums on things and with Holla Forums on others but I hate ideology on either faction.
tl:dr : Holla Forums are not just savages, they are savage extremists driven by people with an agenda that successfully infiltrated us and using us to bring about a one world government.
evidence Holla Forums is infiltrated by stormfront.
hoo boy should have thought that one through.
Really though, muslims should be sent back to the middle east, blacks should be sent back to Africa, Jews should be sent to Israel, and fags should be sent to Canada
americunts thinking they are the center of the universe.
you faggots are actually responsible for this mess in the first place.
That image is from 4chan, this is Holla Forums
Oh really, you dumb cunt, you debunked the shit out of it like that (slow clap)
how old are you,7?
By far, the most intolerant group in the world is worried about Trump, the west and everything good?
I'm saying that the assertion that Stormfront subverted Holla Forums doesn't apply here because this is an entirely different Holla Forums from 4chans. You faggot
bullshit, it's the same, they migrated here too, probably claimed Holla Forums too.
If they migrated here it means Holla Forums is just Stormfront, not the victim of a scheme by Stormfront to subvert it. Stormfront in this case was always here.
Subversion, bribery, inside deals, and consistent manipulation have had some luck before.