Tfw another christmas without a gf
why are you complaining? you still have a friend!
t. woman
lol it's like having a bar of chocolate but you can't eat it
that can be a good thing if it's a Three Musketeers or some other nasty chocolate
Tits or gtfo
it'd rather have literally no chocolate over figuratively no chocolate. :///////
year of the gf
yes, soon brother.
will update when time comes
What is tits?
Hey Holla Forums, I'm a girl gamer.
No I'm not fat. No I won't make you a sandwich. No I'm not ugly. No I don't go out with guy gamers, because they're usually socially retarded and ugly. Yes my boyfriend is a bit of a jock, so what? No I won't show you my tits, so don't fucking ask.
And finally.
Yes, we do fucking exist, so stop saying otherwise. And we enjoy games (SHOCK HORROR) just as much as men.
if you insist
Miserable sacks of flesh, but enough talk- have at thee!
Is this tits?
Hold up, those are moobs
that's my point
They're pretty okay.
make me unsee it….
timestamp you dumb faggot
You just want to see another angle of her tits.
and i'm a fireman, fit as fuck with a 12 inch penis and loadsa cash. we should meet up and swap bullshit.
girls are so easy to get if you're moderately handsome
i dunno wtf is wrong with you guys, if you have "approach" anxiety just buy some diazepam or propranolol, or both, take them one hour before going to school / mall / cafe / beach / anime convention / library / whatever, and just go hit on girls for 5 hours and ask them out after a few minutes.
Seriously benzos (diazepam) is crazy for giving you confidence, relaxation and calmness. in the 90s people used to abuse benzos to commit crimes because it took all the stress away lmao
t. 420ch /benz
what if you look like ?
hippos mate with hippos.
Holla Forums, I laugh at all you faggots who are imprisoned in a relationship. They are worthless. The only men who need their better half were half a man to begin with.
Look what I get to do. I wake up, and go surfing in the morning before work. Then I change in my car and head off to my job where I make 110,000 a year. I work for 6 hours, then come home. I can listen to music, and even go on Holla Forums if I'm ahead schedule.
Then I get off work, and get to come home and relax in front of my 21" LCD monitor, which has a custom build, Quad-Core Processor, and have 2 8800 ULTRA video cards. 8 gigs or ram. 1 TB HD for games and other progs, and an external 1 TB HD for porn, and movies. I've also got a $500 chair, that is comfortable as fuck, and a 9.1 surround system, in my room and my living room. I can run Crysis on Very High and get 50 FPS. Every other game runs flawlessly. I also have a t1 internet connection for downloading anything I want within minutes. I never lag in a game.
I've got a Fleshlight, and have a 10 grand real doll I'm considering buying. Yes, I've had a gf before, and this feels pretty damn close. 9/10 to a real pussy. I recommend the wonder wave to other anons. I've got a 72 Camero I rebuilt, and put about 50 grand into. It's fucking bad ass. I've also got a nice 2 story home. Have been making 90k-110k the last 5 years.
I have absolutely no stress in my life. No worthless cunt nagging, no worthless cunt expecting me to buy her shit, entertain her, etc…It's amazingly relaxing. If I had a gf, or a wife I would not have half the cool shit I do right now. All the time I spend on hobbies and other things would be sucked up. Women are fucking worthless money grubbing, attention whoring…WHORES
I encourage you anons to do the same. Become successful, and live a wonderful single life. Don't take those bitches shit. They only cause stress. Relax and enjoy your life Holla Forumsrothers.
That's a great life you've got m80
I fucked a unicorn today while some pigs flew overhead
I'm just the messenger giving you the secret to a fulfilling life. Take it or leave it.
I am saving this post for future reference, thank you.
I am tired as shit of listening to this normie meme crap.Suddenly anyone who mentions that they have a girlfriend or facebook gets saged and called a normie.I also have heard of pedos here justifying their fucked up preference with the normie meme. Now suddenly all non pedos here are called normies.The normie meme is supposed to make fun of those robots from /r9k/ which is a pretty omega place full of socially awkward neets who dont go outside often. Now that shit spread on other boards, and all of a sudden Holla Forums turned to /r9k/.And you know what the funny part is? Under your definition of normies, I would bet more than half of the users here would be called normies. They only pretend to be neets so you fags will reply without sage and not sperg out.If you want a beta sanctionary full of neets, either stay in /r9k/ or go to wizardchan where you belong.Because guess what? Boards like /soc/ are full of normies, you better complain there how they are "ruining" Holla Forums with "normie shit". This fad got out of control like Tits or GTFO, where any fucking resemblance of OP being a girl is all like "TITS OR GTFO WHOOOOOORE" instead of targeting at fucking camwhores.
If you spergs can't handle somebody having a girlfriend on this site, consider suicide
everytime i reload my browser that shit comes back, ive gotten tired of continually changing the theme
Yeah, you have to delete your cookies often when you're posting CP non-stop
halfchan is that way normie, you'll fit right in, now gtfo
I hear ya bro. changing one setting is really hard
I'm glad you understand
I'm not saying its hard, I'm saying its annoying
fuck off, Reddit
try googling some of it normie, no results. Its not pasta, its normalfaggotry trying to infiltrate
keep telling yourself that you can fit in here if you have a gf
It's pasta and you fell for it.
Just admit that you are from reddit
It's not pasta because pasta shows up if you search part of it.
Just admit that you don't know how search engines work.
Yeah, popular pasta does, but not shit like I posted. It was posted here ages ago but you don't know about it because you are new.
This is what grasping at straws looks like
You know what. Fuck you. Fuck all things.
This fucking trans-fedora, ultra-cynical, le-go-back-to-reddit, and now "no memes allowed" shit has just got to stop. It's a black hole of fedora tipping "post-ironic" shitposting and it has rotted into the most cancerous faggotry around right now.
This is a fucking imageboard. We do memes here. Occasionally they are funny.
Being perpetually bitter and lashing out at anonymous posts does not make you edgier, or anti-edy, or post-post-ironic, or whatever other substitute for maturity you're seeking. It make you a faggot. And not a "thing-fag" kind of faggot. It makes you a daisy licking, hip wobbling queer who would suck a dick for human recognition and weep about it afterwards like the desperate tsundere faggot you are – Intellectually speaking.
Stop trying to "outpost" people on the internet, and go get fucking laid.
wow you actually took the time to write that, go back to halfchan faggot
This is what retards look like.
lmao, you cant prove that you're right so therefore you're right. lrn 2 logic
My point is that you'd have to be a newfag to not recognize the pasta. You are a newfag, just embrace it.
is it just me, or does every thread now degenerate into two autists screaming at each other?
my point is that you took the time to write out 2 spergy responses to me and cant accept that you're wrong. just embrace it
I'm responding to you to point out that you are a newfag. I will continue to do so until you accept it.
i've been using 8ch since 2010, im pretty sure i've been here longer than you faggot
I started browsing Holla Forums in the 90's, try harder faggot
how retarded are you? it wasnt even made then lmao. at least fact check before you blatantly lie about how long you've been here
Grow up, faggot. Do your research
you're actually retarded lmao, it was made by hiyoruki nagasaki in 2003
dub dubs confirms it
It was processed then, it was made back in the 80's
you're talking about 4chan beta which preceded 8ch
4chan was made in the 70's you fool
internet explorer didnt exist back then so thats impossible
i had a mac and it was incompatible
what a fag
at least i didnt look like a nerd
I look like a gremlin on a good day.
but you looked like a retard
i had bitches all over me in an instant whenever i pulled out my macbook air back in the day.
Relationships are not based on equality. There is always the one who dominates and one who is dominated. More pain you inflict on them the long term the harder it is for them to live without you.
There will always be the one who directs the relationship, asserting their will over the other. Cooperation is ultimately just control with soft hand. Compromise will lead to the death of the relationship.
It's like having a bar of chocolate, but when you peel back the wrapper it's 100% bitter and gives you constipation.
I hate raw chocolate too
that fourth image is a dude, just fyi
Here's a gif
My Xmas post today was a letter saying I have to go to court in January.
Thanks police…its like they took their time in sending it to me just to ruin Xmas
why is Piccolo assfucking Postman Pat?
I have known this feel for far too long.
The government likes to wait until the Holidays to send you these things because they want to remind you that they have all the power and fuck you.
went for interview months ago, thought it might have been done and dusted…fuck it Ive been through worse. Im just probably gonna develop a Xanax addiction in the meantime…fuckkersss!
what's that stand for?
Hey girl, Holla Forums here! I'm a nice guy and would totally respect you and adore the ground where you walk. Please send me your contact info and/or KIK so we can play games together.
You're just jelly cuz Reddit has the best meemees.
Typical nigger.
Ask your little sister
I don't have one
It's the one redditfag LARPing as le oldfag and a brave Holla Forums defender
considering that lovebots aren't a thing yet and I can't get a 2D gf, then that is a rather good thing
it's been 2-3 years for me. It's actually pretty alright, im not even unattractive. I think i intimidate the opposite sex continuously unintentionally.