This video is fucking true, but the SJW's are faggots.
Jehovah's Witnesses use a anti-gay cartoon and LGBT fags are buttheart
Nice find OP.
Good cartoon. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Mormons used to put stuff like this out all the time. The fact that this is controversial now says everything you need to know about society. Religious standards or behavior isn't what's changing.
I'm not into semitic religions. But there's nothing wrong with this video, it encourages positive things.
Why do liberals always call things "creepy"?
It's a mystery.
who the fuck is Jehovah?
do they mean yeahway
But it's always "creepy"
He is the Juan and only
That was nicely animated.
No, sometimes it's gross, or problematic, or nasty, or ugly, or racist, or a helluva a lot of other things. They've got just as many slurs as we do.
Because they are the arbiters of all that is "cool". For example black males are "cool" crackas are "creepy", especially when they dance.
tbh fam most WP dance like shit
Seriously though, these boot licking cultists need to be purged.
People, don't buy this, they are against faggots, but don't give any good arguments WHY faggotry is bad, besides "da bible saz itz" and then they outright promote racemixing!
It's just another semitic cult, designed to undermine White racial purity.
Pretty funny that they think alienating and disparaging white males will somehow help them in the long run. They are doing our work for us, everytime they insult white men in the media a little bit of their armor falls off. I remember when I was a kid in middle school and my friends wanted to see Inglorious Bastards, I didn't know how to articulate it at that time, but something about the movie was inherently unsettling, like it was attacking me.
I think Jews and Marxists are better at redpilling the masses then we are.
You really think that?
All I know about JW is an Asian female and black male came to my door and gave me a pamphlet showing nonwhites being murdered by God.
I wish the cartoon showed that.
Not only that, I honestly think people who use faulty or bad arguments to spread their ideas, might actually be spreading their opposites, like enlightenment philosophers, who would pretend to show both sides of the debate, but purposefully used terrible arguments to promote the other side, thus making their own position seem more reasonable.
Jehovah's Witnesses used to be neutral on the nazis too. Only afterwards did they jump on the holohoax meal ticket.
They're very race inclusive whilst against faggotry, adultery and remarrying for any reason other than adultery. They're more of a moralist sect than a moral one. The fact they reject the festivals and celebrations that bring any joy at all to christianity shows how jew they really are.
Still, funny as fuck.
They want to burry the truth. Either shame or silence.
OP's (((youtube))) comments demonstrates shaming tactics and here's an example of silencing tactics.
This video is the same kind of logic employed by Mudslimes. In the end, they are all closet faggots.
White people suck at dancing because that kind of dance is not how white people dance. When left to self determination, without the poison from the jews and other alien peoples being inject into our cultures white people will dance very differently, more like this
I went to see Inglorious Bastards with a Jew.
I figure he'd love it. Afterward he looked shaken, and said that he found it very disturbing. I asked him what the matter was. After all, the movie showed Hitler being killed.
He said that he didn't like the movie because it wasn't historically accurate and because it made Nazis look cool.
I thought that was interesting. There is a contingent of Jews who oppose all irreverent depictions of Hitler, even those which portray Hitler in a negative light.
They fear meme magic. They fear even unintentional meme magic.
Humorous depictions of Hitler break the spell. Getting people to laugh at Hitler is step one of the long deprogramming process. At first people feel horrified about Hitler, and don't allow room for any other emotions about the man. This is a state of hypnosis. If you can get them to make a small concession for irreverent humor, you've put a crack in the dyke.
Shitskin mother…
Absolutely disgusting.
They fucked it up with the racemixing bullshit. So much wasted potential…
Somebody webm this before they shut it down
Same reason they use words like "shitlord" and "pissypants" without a hint of irony. They want to insult things, but their own braindead rules stop them from saying anything "offensive"
why doesnt Holla Forums make propaganda like that
that was kinda cute
their production standards have gone up since the last one of these i saw
Problem is that we found the vid too late.
All we need to do is give it exposure.
Here's the original link:
Pic related, I usually crop the other stuff but this time you might give it a look.
It's kinda weird though. None of her facial features look black. She looks like a white woman with an excessive spray tan.
She looks like a brown mix of Mrs. Incredible and Coraline's mom.
most WP trying to dance like niggers dance like shit, because niggers dance like horny gorillas.
call me when a bunch of negroes can waltz to classical music without griding their asses against eachother
She got a tan. I remember her from a really early soundless webm.
I know it's summer, but people posting without the webm/mp4 really need to learn.
It needs to be made a board rule that you either post the file in the thread, or you ask for help doing it, should you be unable to figure it out yourself.
Giving youtube videos views, attracts more views as it's boosted up the totem-pole. Whether you give them ad-revenue or not is irrelevant, because the next guy likely will.
They are death addicts.
It's like casting heal on zombies. What is good and delightful is creepy to them.
What is warped and perverted is beautiful to them.
Send all fags to Israel.
It's babyspeak inherited from Goon proto-SJWs. Notice how they also frequently use base level words like "gross" and think the word "butts" is deserving of being giggled over at their age. This type of behavior is what you end up with when you police your language out of fear of offending someone.
Shitlibs are so indoctrinated to the system of images and storytelling they effectively larp NBC primetime wherever they settle.
God bless ye, OP.
When they eschew mainstream narratives, it is only because they've found a more pure concentrated indi form of the same faggotry.
Jehova's Witnesses are alright. I talked to a couple on the street the other day, and did my best to stump them with typical liberal bullshit questions.
They were polite and courteous, and always brought the argument back to what the bible had to say. They even had an app that showed what it had to say in every different translation, which I thought was nice.
10/10 would witness again.
You'd get an entire arm up your ass without lube.
I guess it's not that different from being gay after all.
Jehova's witnesses and mormons aer heretical sects. Please don't use shitlibs as a means of comparison for who's good and who isn't. Ideologically shitliberalism is a form of mind control and nothing more. Everything looks good compared to it.
It's deeper than that. They think that submitting to the will of a higher power is scary because it takes away their personal freedom, but they don't even know what it means.
It's always typical fear of the unknown.
Please provide details beyond your one liner, or be considered henceforth as a shill.
I'm tired of people on this board that attack from nowhere and retreat without clarifying any position. Be a man, state what your religion is, and describe why these people are heretics in detail.
I got a pamphlet from this cult a while back that was full of borderline government worship. It suggested that Obama was anointed by God to bring gibs to his children or something along those lines. Not surprising considering that JWs are mostly spics and niggers.
"How come these people aren't as degenerate as I am? BIGOTS!!!!"
t. the average liberal
Christian here. Mormonism and JW are cults formed by charismatic snake oil salesmen who added to the word of God which is warned about in the bible.
well they're not wrong
Sodomite infiltrator detected.
The left promotes sodomy to prevent whites from reproducing.
Christians and Jews hate each other.
Go back to twitter, Milo
Mormons believe
Jehovah = Jesus Christ
Elohim = God the father
Don't know if Jaydubbs are the same or not.
Nice one liner, please provide specifics or fuck off.
dubs of oh (((CNN))) you did it again
What evil right wing bigots, this is hate speech.
Shame about the race mixing promotion though.
Mormons believe in Mormon Jesus.
You mean there are people who will never accept my AIDS ridden bum hole because their deeply held beliefs entail that I am denied paradise or sent to hell for being who I am. I can't even. Wow! How can there be people who don't accept me for who I am? And these people vote? I can't. I literally cant. People should not be allowed to have opinions that make me feel unwanted or uncomfortable. I mean, it's 2016 for fuck's sake. We were supposed to leave this all behind last century. Wow. Like, what ignorant idiots. They should obviously go get a real education that isn't their smelly old book. I mean, I am literally shaking in fear right now that a small insignificant religious denomination thinks I'm not a good person. Everyone, everywhere for all time MUST accept me!
These people should be killed. Because they are not tolerant of other peoples life choices and beliefs.
What makes me the most ill is that I haven't read the comments, but I know damn well there are already hundreds just like this. Very predictable.
All those anti-Christian comments. Someone needs to make a muslims version of this, just for the salt it'd create.
Its a social group psychology thing. Its normal, modern, hip, and sociable to accept gay parents. Its weird, outdated, "creepy", 'outsider' to have a problem with it (especially if you are devoutly religious too).
can somebody tell me what jehovah's witnesses are exactly? I've heard the name before, but I never found out what they are exactly, I used to think that they were jewish christian-converts
I guess I really need to learn some fucking ballroom.
Thanks, vague marketers in this thread.
We all know they started out white and the person in charge realize they need to be minoritized.
So they darkened the little girl's skin and made the mother's skin even darker.
Hey, they'd just be following the example of your original kike cultists who just broke off the big kike groups.
The cartoon is alright, but even a broken clock is right twice a day. Your religions are still a joke, and to watch you niggas fight over minutia like a bunch of animufags is hilarious.
It is pretty creepy. I hate low quality 3DCGI like this.
Friendly reminder that while the thread moves on, my posts asking for evidence of claims have been fucking ignored.
Should I claim victory?
They are the resulting mess of childhood extension. Highschool is the new elementary. University is the new highschool.
Personally I blame longevity, back 300 years ago you got married at 13 and a few years later had your first children, and 15 years later see your first grandchildren. You were forced to grow up.
Now everything's like fucking preschool! In fucking thirty-year olds!
I love how lefties and faggots call this "indoctrination" while sticking shit up your ass and cutting your dick off is completely natural.
Either way, they are scared like shit of positive propaganda in form of cartoons. We need to start our own series. Is anyone here talented enough? We could assemble something.
They are a cult that believes that nonwhites go to hell.
or like this
Nigger dancing is basically just dry humping.
interesting you say that since the only jehovahs who have ever come to my door were spics. also I went to middle school with a spic who was a witness.
They are christians with no holidays no birthdays don't allow their kids to recieve blood transfusions, and await the Final Happening in which this world is burned to ashes.
They also are annoyingly evangelist and knock on doors and hand out tracts at transit stations. Good toilet paper in a pinch if you ask me.
A Christian Cult of shills. You see them walking down the streets and they always try to push their shit onto you. I always try to move the conversation over to how Hitler did Nothing Wrong. They usually leave at that point.
I suppose we could use Blender to make propaganda involving qt brown girls…
False prophets, my friend.
The fact that so many Christian churches actively celebrate this absolute abomination is proof of how much of a failure the religion has become.
a pseudo-christian cult with some very large pros and cons
most Christians consider them heretics
where's my porn faggot
oh and i'm pretty sure the (((official holocaust narrative))) says Hitler had them killed, so take from that what you will
JW started out from a evangelical preacher who wanted gibs from his congregation. He started a bible study class where he said that most of the bible was in fact crap, but that the pyramids were created by "jehovah" as guides to the truth. He used the term "jehovah" instead of god because the mormons who ran coca-cola had copyrighted "God" the previous winter.
Among accusations of the usual cultist bullshit of fucking 9 year olds and demanding people sell their homes to give him money, their leader promised the end of the world in 1914. When that didnt happen he said he forgot to carry the two somewhere while measuring a pyramid (no I'm not making that up) and said it would actually be in 1915. When a bunch of farmers who didn't plant that year because "lol end of world" tried to gut him, he said "Sorry thats just the end of the GENERATION" that will see the end of the world, my bad. No I'm not giving you back your money". Then he said the end of the world is coming in 1956. World didn't end, so now the watchtower (their grand council of bullshit) says that the world will end when the last person who saw 1956 dies.
They shunn people from their families who arent "active members". You are an active member by either giving the watchtower a shit ton of money or filling in your timecard for evangelizing door to door. Those poor fucks who always ring your door arent just doing it because they love god. If they dont punch the clock the watchtower society will declare them "in default" to their spiritual obligations, and make their families shun them.
tl;dr its a fucking cult ran by loonies. The cartoon is just an example of "a broken clock is right twice a day". pic unrelated.
Dunno about these liberals hey, fam. As far as I can tell, "indoctrination" means imparting a certain morality to children, and as far as which is actually bad goes, I'm pretty sure worshiping skydaddy, not being a fucken degen, getting married and having kids is probably better than classically conditioning sexual perversion and gender dysphoria, then permitting the kids to shoot up on hormones and chop their own dicks off.
Groups that cause damage promote miscegenation, persuade people to not have children, persecute their own people, or promote hatred of their own kind. It is not beneficial to support such groups.
came here to post this…
Glad I'm not the only one who noticed
Are you being serious? Name me one other group on the face of the earth that sucks jewish dick and sends money to muh chosen people in israel than christians. Sorry christcuck but we dont want depraved faggots or your deranged NWO racemixing cult.
Really, what gave you that idea, the fact that I use the term faggots or the fact that I belittle the video for not actually giving any reasons WHY faggotry is bad?
Christians not even once.
This video fucks up, instead of expalining why marriage should be between a man and a woman it just says 'lol u shouldn't be gay becuz jehovah says so'
it;s the main reason why so many people go against christian teachings later in life
Christians are the absolute worst controlled opposition. They simply can't comprehend the fact that anyone could have have a problem with sodomy and not be part of their cult. Their are countless reasons why to be against poz degeneracy ranging from biological standpoints to mental health and even plain instinctive disgust.
But whenever you debate with a christian about why their christcuck cult is garbage their immediate response is to call you a faggot. Even funnier is when you debate with a queer about how they're mentally ill they always assume you dislike them because you're christian. Christcucks insane hypocrisy and stupidity completely flung the gates open for turbo faggotry by reducing the argument against homosexuality into "christian view-fags bad, not christian view -fags good because muh god"
but getting kids to swear on fuck h8 videos is a-ok!
That's why Er Ist Wieder Da is such a great movie. If you haven't seen it yet, you've gotta watch it
How about this?
that's Christian Identity
All smiles too, I bet.
Some others
Mein Negger. Do not forget to read the book
What's Borut doing there, brate?
None of the other replies are getting it.
Its because the more liberal somebody is, the more completely they reverse every kind of normal sense of aesthetics. (Ugly is beautiful and beautiful is ugly) due to critical theory.
In this case, that gets applied as "everything that is happy and earnest, but that I disagree with is 'creepy', but things the represent reality as dark and bleak (what you might actually call creepy) are actually 'earnest and brave'"
Another example might be liberal disdain for classical music or art, instead favoring visually scarce or outright hideous modern art or experimental music which can only very academically be defined as music.
Spray tan my ass, the girl is lighter than her mom and darker than her dad
JW confirmed for cuckolds
Picture of the kid on the right reminds me of this…
Which describes christianity.
“If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple." -luke 14 26
They value social acceptance and collectivism the most.
"Creepiness" is often associated with shady unknown possible dangerous intentions.
A libtard outing someone as "creepy" puts everyone in the tribe on the look out for the creepy person, so they can protect themselves.
And since most people don't like feeling insecure, these people often joke about that creepy person either to mask their instinctive insecurity to others and keep the social acceptance going or to shame the creepy person and make him/her less assertive and has lower self esteem so that if they try anything they are less likely to do it.
Its a religion of cucks. Joseph just let God put a baby in his loli wife, and we're supposed to look up to him for just taking it and raising Jebus.
Only former kikes could come up with a religion where the most important guy ever was the product of a cuck marriage and God himself is the bull.
I don't know about all the other responses, but the animation really is pretty offputting so I get it in this case.
Tbh I never understood why she had the body of a mature porn star instead of the same body she had at the start of the movie. If she has complete control over her body shape/elasticity you'd think she could easily pull off looking like a young woman forever.
Maybe Mr Incredible just likes big thighs and saggin tits. Sage for offtopic autism.
The same reason Mystique stays a blue lizardskin chick when she's at rest, instead of the hottest girl possible. It takes some sustained effort to maintain a certain shape.
SJWs are just angry they cant match the production quality with their horseshit like steven universe
I want to Witness that Teacher's Jehovah
How is this cuckoldry?
Mormons are better animators than the cucks at current yearCartoon Network
That's all nonsensical. Christians (and I assume JWs) don't believe God had sex with Mary. And there's similar stories all throughout pagan mythology (except in those the gods actually are fucking the women)
Miscegenation leads to extinction of the white race, it's no better than homosexuality. Cuckoldry because you are selling out your race for "muh multiculturalism," "we're all the same on the inside," "one race, the human race." Are you new?
Yes. Jehovah and Yahweh are two different ways that they anglicize the Hebrew word for God's name.
Don't forget progressive SJW friendly powerpuff girls.
As a christfag, I agree that the christian churches that are still opposed to poopdick need to give better reasons for why faggotry is evil.
"Because God said so" is good enough for some christfags, but if they actually gave stats about STDs (especially AIDs), the rampant orgies and anonymous sex, the pedophilia, etc. they would be able to convince people much more effectively.
I miss the old Watchtower that had pictures of white cavemen riding dinosaurs while the black cavemen were being eaten by lions and being sucks into hell at the same time.
Being anti-LGBQTBBQ is anti-white and jewish.
Don't be jewish :^)
Embrace the poz, because gays will keep the white race pure!!
Why is this a bad thing faggot?
Yeah man, we need to be more secular, if we were more secular, we wouldn't be in the situation we're in today.
We'd be a pure white nation, where people can fuck each other in the ass in private.
don't be a bigot, you don't want to be jewish now do you?
As much as I fucking hate the Jehovah's, they're right in this case.
Proud of that one are you?
The truth is not even the majority of christians are convinced by the "God said so" argument anymore.
We should focus on disease and perversion in our rationale.
This is pretty tame, honestly.
I'm not really sure why fags are so butthurt about this.
Everything terrifies them.
I never want to hear christ cuck again not saying you neo pagans aren't cool and don't have a place in the movement just saying don't talk shit about us christians ever again
not dcing just saying no more dc from pagans
This is why people call you christcucks, just so you know.
At least its not some more white woman shitskin male anti white male propaganda
Yeah, I watch people that aren't shit. I don't sit around watching channels for homosexuals like the OP links too.
Nice selfie tbh though fam.
So it's slightly less disgusting than the single most aesthetically offensive sex on earth by half a margin, you want a fucking medal?
You still get mixraced kids, you fucking (((dingus))).
Because their discourse is driven by women, their polemic usually sounds like a teenaged girl wrote it.
The comment section is beyond depraved and cancerous
Yeah, nah.
Some of you obtuse edgelords need to pick a coherent argument.
Pozzed degenerate attacking this video. Make sure to dislike and comment
The problem is that the child is being given no reason for why homosexuality is abhorrent other than "the bible says so" and consequentially that belief will collapse like a house of cards and take on the patina of falsehood if and when the child ever questions the bugfuck crazy cult they're surrounded by.
Right. It's a cartoon for children. Are you expecting the mother to go into explicit detail about procreation and why faggots can't do it?
If anything the video is basically stating that one's love for God should be greater than any sort of sexual self-satisfaction. I mean honestly, with Christianity as a whole kowtowing to degenerates, it's refreshing to see someone come along and lay the smackdown with a cartoon.
Bottom line: You can't call yourself a Christian if you don't love God or follow his commands. It's exactly that simple.
You got that right. You think just because got didn't put his dick in Mary that he wasn't cucking Joseph? Grow up. Jesus is the proof that Joseph is a cuck.
Or not. If Joseph isn't a cuck, then the whole religion is a joke because Jesus was just a human. Either way, Christcucks are shit and so is their religion.
I don't want gay people raising children
I don't want mixed race couples having children.
I fail to see the lack of coherence, (((friend))).
The luciferian generative principle is a good one, but a little deep for Sunday sermon.
you're such a kike
JW think Jesus isn't God and they don't like to use God's other titles even though he said to use them.
what other titles?
Literal NU-male faggots
Even faggots hate beta males.
She's mestizo, father's Brazilian of a slightly lighter variety of mestizo. Also oil drilling wouldn't even be as bad since it makes tacos into aryans over time.
God's name is only spoken once I think and its only rendered in text as YHWH which is hard to pronouce so we replace it with LORD so it's readable and refers to the same person without actually saying "Jehovah" since no one knows if that's correct.
They never committed his real name to paper so as to avoid using it in vain and so it's okay to replace all but one instances of JHVH with LORD instead.
Link has more of you're curious but Jehovah's Witnesses basically translate in a retarded way and replace all the Lord in the Bible, even uncapped ones To Jehovah so theor Bible's messed up big time.
Ayy, it happens when your colonizing shit and your wifes preggo or at home in Europa.
It's not right but it's preferable to Jewish coal-burning with Niggers.
There's a severe shortage of good breeding-tier white women out there. Blanda-ing up is a fine alternative for low SMV men as long as they have a large number of kids.
No, it doesn't, you fucking faggot.
No, it isn't. Racemixing is never okay.
Yeah, dude, creating smarter nonwhites will surely help the situation.
[hand rubbing intensifies]
Oh, did we do another bear universe shift? Is it the fucking 1400s again? You hard up for white pussy out there conquering the world for mother europa, you LARPing asshole?
Maybe where you live, hombre.
It's almost like you have some sort of agenda.
cringe as fuck, fam.
Faggot, for all you know the mom got a tan from being outside but the girl wore sunscreen.
they could really had just had technical difficulties, the media is ten times more deliberate with silencing Ron Paul, if they didnt like what happened, they could have done this
Faggot, leave anytime. Homos are parasites in need of the rope. Enjoy AIDS.
Not my people. Maybe thier seed is better used making those places whiter than in someones dragon dildo.
Provided the white guy is merely donating to the wife of a eunuch.
fucking Holla Forums nigger.
Doesn't work like that, friendo. You just give the enemy white genes, making them more of a nuisance. North Americans killed their natives until they weren't a problem; South Americans did what you suggest and created the abomination known as Spics. They will never fucking be white. This bleaching meme needs to die in silence with a bullet to the back of the head.
No, kill the nonwhites. Stop thinking with your dick instead of contemplating "Maybe whites in the future will be inconvenienced by brown people with an average IQ of 95 instead of 70."
Have an entire hour of /christian/ hero pastor anderson lusting after the BBC. On the house, you fucking eromenos.
I want to return to the nation states being racially homogeneous. I don't want to wipe out other ehtnostates unprovoked like some genocidal Jewish retard.
Go fuck yourself.
He's a shit meme either way tbh
If you have 8 kids, the whitest acting and smartest can marry actual whites to give you a large number of almost-white grand kids. Better than no grand-kids at all.
Who you quoting Rabbi?
Who's that spic? Pastor "Dynamite in ever Sodomite" Jimeniz?
How long have you been on Holla Forums? A day?
What a great idea, rabbi. Let's continue until there aren't any whites left. That will solve white extinction!
There is no such thing as almost white. Smarter enemies is a bad idea. How can you not understand this?
No, it isn't, you stupid fuck. You betrayed your race and created smarter enemies for people who weren't as weak as you. Nice fucking going.
That shouldn't be surprising since they have already been forced off of the mainstream for their beliefs.
Let me ask you a question, do you want to be part of a religion that doesn't believe in taking holidays or having weekends? If you do, then JW is your deal. JW doesn't have a morals problem, it's just that their beliefs were formulated by a guy whose lack of understanding Greek meant that the Church had been hiding the true meaning of the Bible the whole time. You wouldn't believe a guy who seriously fucked up a translation of Mein Kampf into his own personal interpretation just because "he wasn't a libshit".
It's possible for us to miscegenate non-white populations while keeping the pure white population stable or growing. We just need an emphasis on white women actually having large families. Until then we do what we can and for some social rejects that might mean out breeding. I won't judge them though I plan on having a white family myself.
Eventually? Sure. But right now we need every white man trying to get into a viable same-race relationship right now. The population crisis is growing and there aren't enough white women having kids and not letting them get indoctrinated with (((Common Core))) education and (((Social Media))).
Just like it's possible to amputate your leg or donate the US' entire nuclear arsenal to Israel. It's possible, but it's fucking stupid. Who would you prefer to be fighting? A buttfuck retard with an average IQ of 70, or a swarm of organized savages with an average IQ of 95?
You're advocating the second option, which leads me to believe you're a Jew. Why the fuck should we make shitskins smarter?
No, that means they don't breed. Stop making smarter enemies. It is a fucking stupid idea. Do I really have to explain this to you?
How wonderful. Don't fight against the creation of your descendants' enemies. Just let it happen.
No, eventually we should have a white-only world. Maybe a few Japanese and high-tier Chinese populations if we think it won't be a danger in the future.
I should add, since apparently it isn't obvious to some (((people))), that this goal is not facilitated by donating white genes to shitskins. The best way to have a white only world is twofold:
No intermixing ever. This was the strategy followed in North America and it gave us the most powerful European nation on Earth. The intermixing "Hehe bleaching works goy" strategy was followed in South America and gave us a looming threat to white extinction in the Americas.
Except right now women create the choke point limit on white children, not men.
uncanny valley.
Off-race women and mixed race children can be used to grow our population more rapidly, as they did in America during colonization.
95% white distant descendants who have inherited the better parts of our intelligence and demeanor are as good as pure whites.
Is there a scientific basis for this graph, or is it pure conjecture?
No, they can't, they are foreigners, and therefore enemies. Nonwhite population growth doesn't expand the white population. Why is this hard to understand?
This never happened. America during colonization expanded by killing natives, grabbing land, and having large actually white families because they could afford to.
Spic detected. You're going back, and no matter how much you pretend you aren't as good as a white man.
It also doesn't fucking work like that, see pic related.
Stop being a Jew.
This. Its like (((people))) itt forgot about the dumbass spaniards fucking around and creating the mexicans
Assume about 10% of white men never procreate because they're rejected by women. They go out and have lots of mixed race kids. Their male sons are Elliot Rodgers-tier robots and die virgins and alone. Their daughters marry more of the aforementioned rejects or of their mothers race, but a few of them do mate with the reject white-males.
Through this kind of process the actual core of whites never decreases but there becomes a build up of ever increasingly white mixed race kids. Because successful traits are predominantly white, and whiteness is universally admired, whiteness will be selected for in the mixed race society and whiteness of the society will increase over time.
In not too much time you have further 98%+ white children where there otherwise would have been genetic dead ends.
Well look at it
Also the hybrid swarm depicted assumes both initial variants are identical in capability of surviving, and place similar values on each race as sexual partners.
The fact is that IRL whiteness is absolutely universally admired, which means that whites are more likely to maintain a genetically unique core, and means that low quality whites have the option of out breeding while low quality men of other races will become genetic dead ends (generally even low quality women can find mates if desired regardless of race so that's a non-factor).
Our problem these days is very specific; the fertility of white women. This is what has to be focused on and fixed. If White female fertility remains high the white race will remain forever, even in a multiculti society.
So it's conjecture. Doesn't mean it's completely wrong, just that it may not be completely accurate.
You're borderline retarded.
Yay, now we have smarter enemies.
Exactly. A growing existential threat to white survival.
Just like in fucking Brazil, you Jew?
Yep. Instead of just working for their societies, they've now created a whole new group of people that need to be fought against, lest they overwhelm whites.
Your method was tried, and it gave us some of the shittiest places on Earth. Genetics doesn't work that way. Nations do not work that way. Racemixing doesn't work that way.
Stop advocating it.
No, you moron, it's based on observations in reality. Your method gave us Spics. A hoard of semi-organized savages now poised to start bloody wars on European soil.
Get that through your head.
No, what happens is Mexico. You get a white-ish elite class ruling over a broken, violent, and barely civilized mulatto slave class. That's what fucking happens, and if you want that you're a Jew.
So we'd better compound our problems and perpetuate nonwhite existence. That'll solve the problem!
lel ok thanks for the tip JIDF
This never happened you slimy kike. White people had large amounts of white children in mostly uninhabited land while Natives continued killing each other, being killed by colonists, or dying from diseases their immune systems couldn't handle. Only 5% of white people in the US have some non-white DNA presently.
That's why I watch "Heil honey I'm home!". Check it out.
I would hypothesize that if you tracked the percentage of white genetics in the darkie population of Brazilians you would find that it's rising over time. Right now the vast majority of blacks in America have a sizable amount of black genetics.
White male settlers vastly out numbered white female settlers and they had to settle for native brides in many, many cases. It happened a lot where I live. About half of whites and half of natives here are actually mixed to some degree, yet there's no expression of native genetics within the white population at all (or it's extremely minimal) and we're the highest IQ province in Canada.
It also happened a lot in Quebec.
Says the man who wants me to worship a literal dead kike. King of the Jews. Literally tracing his bloodline to David through mary, like that's something to be proud of.
No thanks, nigra.
Hey christfag.
I consider myself to have a personal relationship with god. I do not attend church. Am I condemned to an eternity in hellfire?
Even if that was true (which I doubt, because genetics doesn't work that way), it doesn't fucking help at all, because Brazil is a shithole that needs to be culled. It doesn't matter if they're "getting whiter" (they aren't), because not only are they doing so so slowly as to make the entire mechanism pointless (the white population could grow a hundredfold by promoting and enabling white families in the time it takes to make mongrel Brazilians one iota whiter), they're majority nonwhites that need to be purged.
Even assuming that's true, that's because those mongrels went and interbred with the native populations, not the white ones, because whites aren't interested in spawning mongrels no matter how much you'd like them to be. Again, all that happened was creating smarter enemies.
That explains it. Can't stand being the only pozzed country in NA?
Sounds fine to me.
I'm not Jewish at all. Blond Nordic/Saxon/Finnish. Feels good man.
Well, at least that you've admitted you don't care about higher civilization.
Enjoy being on top of a heap of shit, instead of becoming great.
Not entirely. A couple generations of promoting white fertility and culling the dumbest, most violent and most compulsive of the blacks and you might see significant improvement. Straight up mass genocide of blacks likely won't ever happen in our lifetime. We need to be more conniving than that.
The Greeks and Romans had slaves within their societies. Not every element of a society has to be great for the society to be great.
Trudeau, is that you?
We don't live in Greek or Roman times, genius. We're progressed beyond the point of needing nonwhites to exist.
wow, this video has opened my eyes. I need to post a comment to youtube and thank the channel for spreading this message.
That's heresy, user.
This is literally not ok and you'd better believe I'll be retweeting about this later tonight. I mean it's white supremaCISt bigotry like this that causes things like the Orlando Tragedy (pbuh). When will making videos like this be classified as child abuse, because the makers of this filth seriously need to be in jail like rn. #UGH
One of Carrie's mommies is secretly seeing other women (and men) on the side, because she refuses to give up her bisexual, meth-driven promiscuity.
Nutty cult that takes pieces from a million things, notably Judaism and Christianity. They're fully capable of brainwashing someone towards hating their family for not being in the cult.
Topkek though.
No "we" don't. "we" aren't a hivemind, you faggot.
And frankly, the video is the worst kind of hypocrisy.
Shit's gross.
Nice dwarf post
Because liberals, fags, and feminists know that the gravy train will be over when the populace stops endorsing and encouraging their bullshit. They fear the natural law.
Odd choice of gif for someone criticising tastes in television, faggot.
Depends on how much scientific basis for "human response to visual" you demand, because it sure as hell can't go beyond asking a sample of people to respond to specific images/objects.
The graph describes a pattern that appears to fit for humans. Exceptions may or may not apply.
I always wonder why Holla Forums puts Jehovah's Witness so low, if their way of life is Holla Forums's wet dream.
And as we can see with this video, causing so much buttblasted faggots.
Out of all the religious people I talked to those jehovah people are the best to talk too.
You see, those people at least know how to discuss something properly, every claim they make they can back up in the bible, this makes it easy to talk to them and prove them wrong if they are.
It's not like this with other religions. Muslims just claim that their book was translated wrong and bend it the way they need it.
Christians are even worse, many of them just deny the bible entirely and believe in a god they created in their head. Now how the hell to you argue against that shit?
Absolutely not, seeing as have their own Edited Version.
Their dogmas keep getting edited or "interepreted in different ways" more often than migrant sex crimes, too.
Some traditionalist things about them are good, but my beef with them is about being a cult that does culty things - expecting absolute obedience and separation from non-cultists eventually. Also
More of my beef with them is bullshit theology. That's not Holla Forums-related, but along with the above is enough to make clear that JWs are absolutely not the right religion.
But this is only a recent change, at least here in Germany. Up until like, idk 2005 (?) they used the original translation. It was only later changed to make it easier to read, but I doubt that they changed anything.
I've just had a thought about the blood transfusion thing, and why it might not be a bad idea.
It ensures that you will get on with the fucking and passing on your genes, rather than imagining that you can live forever with your cats and DVD box sets.
Can we agree not to go there?
What original translation? Name it.
So you admit they do have their own version.
And if they have their own version, as young as 2005, then this is useless and does not hold under historical scrutiny: using a possible forgery as a source.
How does making sure you don't bleed out when you break a leg (or get stabbed by a nigger) get you to not imagine you'll live forever? Even worse, wat do if a woman is hemorrhaging out after birth? Letting her die is not exactly good for increased natality.
Should be the Luther Bible, the same one the church was using.
Yes but it was only translated to fit our new language. The original is a bit hard to read.
If a thing they said was wrong, what is going to stop you from quoting the actual bible and telling them that they are wrong?
Look, people hate those guys, if they were using a obviously fake and rewritten version people would have pointed it out.
Looks lame
Is there a religion where I get endless celestial sex in the afterlife?
Doesn't the islam promote free sex or something like that?
Are you familiar with the term New World Translation? Because that's the one used by JWs for ~50 years.
Current year lmao.
I have articles detailing how JW theology is false on many accounts. Here is one thing: JWs do not use the cross (who does this remind me of…) and deny that Jesus died on one, saying it was something like a stake instead (remember the kike on a stick maymay?). That contrasts with the Bible both directly and through symbolical imagery.
Why is it creepy?
You mean 72 virgins? That's false and a miss translation.
Used to be 7, then 12, then 20~ virgins, then 40 and new we are at 72.
It's actually bread that you get when getting yourself killed for Allah.
most underrated post of the thread
Holy Shit.
If you'd ever been outside your cave you'd know there are people who can and can't dance from every ethic creed.
I go out to clubs with a few freinds every month or so, I personally don't enjoy it very much but I enjoy the company I keep while I'm there.
They will only realize that White males is the only thing keeping them unraped when it is too late.
2/10, would not operate with
Nigger that pic is wrong "on so many levels :'(".
He wasn't it's been edited.
A cuck couldn't ask for a better church. According to Pew only 36% of JWs are white. It is one of the most racially diverse religions in America. If Brazil was a religion, basically.
If anything about the video is creepy, it's the soulless animation.
The military actually shut it off, it was later explained. Soldiers aren't supposed to give opinions on what the army should do publicly, this guy was dishonorably discharged for that
This. When you're in the army, you are expected be completely apolitical, regardless of your feelings. Once you're out, do whatever the hell you want.
Not to be "that guy" but if you have a serious issues with translations, you've got worse problems.
Meanwhile,in the sidebar…
Source on that webm?
I fucking love that video.
Sorry we didn't catch this one sooner. Reading tgat comments section on the youtube page was absolutely fucking infuriating and this is coming from a pagan. There was literally nothing bad, bigoted or wrong with the the Jehovah cartoon with the exception of the mother being a bit too dark for comfort. Marxist faggots need to die.
just so nobody gets the wrong idea about this religion
He look, the mother is whiter then the son, even though children are usually paller then their parents, so his mom married a man a lot darker then her.
Again they are promoting racemixing.
If your a racialist, then darkies ARE a big problem, secondly, the video doesn't actually give good arguments WHY faggots are bad, thus indirectly its promoting faggotry.
Racemixing, means constant racial chaos.
Expected for any other normal white person
Marry your family off to niggers.
Allows degenerates to take over and promote homosexuality.
Allow your enemy to rape your children.
Defile your body with racemixing and then don't stand up when an army comes to rape all your children.
This is why I support muslim immigration.
That varies by denomination. If you're talking about what the individuals in the Bible, then it doesn't count, simply because it states that the individuals performed those actions. The Bible doesn't tell Christians to practice those actions at all.
In addition to that, the act of practicing Christianity varies differently among denominations.
It's incomprehensible that you assume that the lack of strict religious doctrine would prevent or limit these things, when they have bolstered it:
Only secular society can produce these things:
You're probably going to propose, "Show logical proof", but "logic" never works with people that value cum over safety. There's thousands of studies that state the above, and you know what people do? They disregard it. We in a society that doesn't truth, only lies.
It might be annoying to be called a "faggot" by internet Christians, but it's way better than having your cranium filled with 7.62 rounds from Islamic militants, having med-resistant disease from homosexuals, or being sued up to six figures by trannies for not using proper pronouns. You'll heavily regret your animosity towards them since they're passive people.
That depends on the denomination of Christianity. Most Evangelicals and Catholics are support Israel. In contrast, most Baptists and Orthodox Christians don't support Israel.
His point was that minorities follow a good doctrine by peaceful to their neighbors and having jobs. You're pretty irrational for justifying that those good actions are bad. So you want violent, undisciplined, and jobless people who act disruptive to neighbors instead? Get real.
So you don't like it because it was made for Jehovah's witness children instead of directly made for you. Got it.
Everyone note the shills trying to get us to stop making webms of youtube nideos and archives of news articles.
Which I indicated when I said, Christian Fundamentalist + atleast one of these things.
Weird, since I never said any of this?
Oh wait, it's real in your mind!
Also, nice going to actually awnsering any of my criticisms, clearly you think racemixing is alright.
Alright, let me take this to it's logical conclusion, you are basically saying that, truth is subjective and depends on the person you adress it too.
They're modern day Arians (they believe that the Father, the Son, and the, Holy Spirit are different gods). In the 19th century, I believe, they put out a "translation" of the Bible that basically edited out some parts that disagreed with their preconceived conclusions. Since then they've been essentially cashing out on it as a corporation I'm NYC called the Watchtower Society, occasionally shitting out books that are more or less canon to their heresy. They even released an interlinear (Greek and English and their NWT translation) New Testament and had to pull it out because of how embarrassing it was for their translation since it contradicted the exact translation.
Some of their beliefs, at least the ones off the top of my head:
- Jesus is Michael the Archangel
- Jesus died on a stake
- Yaweh is actually "jehovah"
- only 144,000 people will get to heaven
- forbids pretty much everything fun like parties (not nigger parties, birthday, Christmas, etc.)
- I'm not sure if it was them or Mormons (another cult), but one of them predicted the second coming of Jesus like twice, He never came and then they claimed He actually DID come, but he was invisible and it was a spiritual second coming
look no further than biology
no legal definition of marriage uses the word love
right? where the lawfags at?
is this real life?
That's something that needs to change. They wonder why we call them zogbots. Military should be to protect yourself and your homeland. Without brainwashing, conditioning and conformism who would fight for this insanity. This is the type of thought that led to CEOs as dictators and HR directors as executioners.
They will refuse to fight in any war whatsoever. If that isn't degenerate I don't know what is.
you mean wars which WHITE people have killed eachother in droves? to serve whom exactly?
Haha all cults have fracture points to separate them from other folks. It's just like muslim and jew dietary laws.
Wanna answer? or you lack the proper response?
To be fair those are both names of god in the original translations. Well yahweh or whatever is uncertain because semetic languages are too stupid to use vowels.
I see, so you refuse to awnser my objections.
Are you saying that truth is subjective and depends on the person you address it too?
This is true. JWs are pretty shit. Of course compared to the degeneracy we have today they aren't that bad. They have strong communities and discourage modern sexual liberalism. But they are completely cucked when it comes to race. They also encourage complete dissociation with government. They don't vote, protest or take part in the political process. Just pay taxes and wait for 'armageddon' which never comes.
It's quite low on the list of things which need to be removed but it still needs purging.
>being so autistic that you believe you are owed an answer to a strawman you set up
Literally the very next thing he says:
No, promoting faggoty in schools is child abuse you degenerate piece of shit!
There is literally nothing wrong with two people of the same gender loving each other. Holla Forums might be right on some things, but not this.
Oh, I see, so you CAN'T awnser my questions.
I guess that makes you stupid, doesn't it?
lol please post these.
She got nice tits, I would.
You guys are fast lol
oh boy. that's good bait.
Not an argument
I'm an atheist and I understand homosexuality is a mental illness.
They shouldn't be fucking accepted, they should be treated, just like how you treat someone with schizophrenia.
Being homosexual puts you at a higher risk of suicide and depression.
The counterargument though is the negative effects on the brain are a result of the social stigma and shame that gays get in their early childhood.
Plus, most are molested.
Jesus was God.
There you go jw. You're part of a cult. They contradict the bible. I can give you other clear verses that claim the deity of christ if you want to see them.
That would mean that english speakers went 400 years without an accurate bible.
No, you don't have to board. I don't care. It's not like I gave everything for you. You don't care about what I think! You don't love me! I wish I never gave birth to you!
No kidding, I hated that movie but I didn't know why, just seemed gratuitous. Was a (((Libertarian))) at the time shaking the scales from my eyes thanks to the housing crash and detoxing off of being a full-blown Marxist for several years. Holly shit time flies
I'm not a Christian.
Secondly, there's absolutely no need to go into detail because there are any number of justifications that can be made, even to a child, beyond bullshit cop-outs and circular reasoning. My point is that teaching a child to bleat "God said so" is just lazy parenting setting them up to swing harder to the left than otherwise during a crisis of faith because if everything comes down to God then once he's removed from the equation the child will have no guiding principals whatsoever and most likely lap up whatever progressive drivel they encounter to fill the void - especially if they're going through a rebellious phase.
I'm speaking from experience here. I NOPE'd out of Christianity as a teenager and while all of my beliefs founded in religiosity evaporated, the ones that had a foundation outside of that - even when they overlapped with those largely founded in my newly defunct religious education - remained more-or-less intact.
Goddamn autocorrect
That wasn't supposed to be an argument, it was be an invitation to one. If you go around chanting about how two people of the same gender loving each other is wrong, then you better have a good reason.
Perhaps homosexuals are at a higher risk of depression and suicide because dumb fucks like you go around dehumanizing them for NO legitimately good reason.
No, not hellfire, but if your personal relationship with God doesn't push you to search for answers to the questions you choose to ignore, then boy do I have bad news for you.
Humans don't have genders, retard.
you are infinite levels of retarded
6/10 for effort but try again JWs.
JWs definitely aren't Christian
They don't believe Jesus Christ was God
When was the last time you heard about a straight-pride parade, you filthy sodomites?
Proverbs 8:13 The fear of the Lord is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate.
Malachi 3:15 And now we call the proud happy; yea, they that work wickedness are set up; yea, they that tempt God are even delivered.
Because they operate within a highly feminized system.
"Creepy" is a standard female term, intended to signal compliance to other women, informing them of what to shun, without specifically saying it.
Same reason they call men they have a personal dislike for ",creepy", the intention is to ruin reputation with all other women.
It's totally normal to force everyone else to think that your craving for spreading disease and poopdick is good.
You deserve to be ostracized because you're parasitic individuals who value genitalia. I hope ISIS militants give you free skydiving lessons in order to finish the job entirely.
Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your lord and savior? If no, then you are going to hell according to the bible. That's literally all you have to do to avoid hell.
I'm uneducated. I have no idea how that verse contradicts anything JW's stand for. You'll have to explain it to me. I'm not shilling for them, I spoke with two JW men the other day and they seemed like good people. I'm only hear to listen, I have nothing to prove.
Can you explain that verse for me?
Seems pretty hardcore, why not? The more devout a group is, the closer they are to god, no?
I don't exactly get how being gay is considered a natural thing.
I mean, biologically speaking only a man and a woman can reproduce. And that's the basic goal of human life, and by being gay you're exempt from that goal. So what's a gay person's "natural" purpose? Is it like a sex thing or are people just lonely enough to have nothing left but to peruse their own gender for mates?
In that circumstance, being gay is as far from natural as it gets, and it sounds kind of pathetic when put this way.
I may be of some assistance.
After Jesus was killed and resurrected, he appeared to hundreds of his believers in the following weeks, strengthening them and assuring them of his he and Father's support. Jesus many times said that he would "sit at the right hand of God." Jesus never spoke in weird 3rd person allegories in reference to his Father and taught his follower to pray to God, not himself. It is also given to Jesus the right to judge humankind.
Therefore, as Stephen, who professed faith in Jesus Christ, was dying, with his last breath, was asking for Jesus to accept his sacrifice in death being faithful to the end. Knowing this, in verse 60, he even begged that the crowd stoning him not be damned by his innocent blood.
Acts 7:59 doesn't prove Jesus is God as much as it doesn't prove Jesus isn't God. The use of context in this matter is purely by means of what Stephen said.
Hope that helps.
So are you for getting a vasectomy or only having sex with condoms and deciding against having kids.
Read above.
Not clear enough, talk to me like I'm a fucking retard.
Jesus is the Middleman between humans and God. The other user is stating because Stephen asked Jesus to accept his spirit, that means Jesus and God are the same person.
Ok. I just don't understand why that is important in ANY context.
Why does it matter whether or not the son of god is also god?
le "it happens in nature, therefore its natural"
le "umm, not everyone has innate desire to reproduce, ever heard of asexuals you ignorant bigot? go read a book, smh."
Jehovah's Witnesses want people to read their bibles and not be in fear of superstitions or unsupported dogma that's has no basis in the Bible.
Following is taken right from their website about belief in the Trinity.
Matt. 26:39, RS: “Going a little farther he [Jesus Christ] fell on his face and prayed, ‘My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt.’” (If the Father and the Son were not distinct individuals, such a prayer would have been meaningless. Jesus would have been praying to himself, and his will would of necessity have been the Father’s will.)
John 8:17, 18, RS: “[Jesus answered the Jewish Pharisees:] In your law it is written that the testimony of two men is true; I bear witness to myself, and the Father who sent me bears witness to me.” (So, Jesus definitely spoke of himself as being an individual separate and distinct from the Father.)
Ok. That sounds like a good thing. That sounds biblicaly sound. Why does this make JW's heretics?
It doesn't. But that's only if you ask Trinitarians like Catholics and others.
But as far as I can tell, JW's are the only religion I know that promotes family worship, raising children to be respectful, and help people get closer to God by developing a relationship with him based on the Bible and not "feelings."
That's why this video has so many SJW's triggered.