Any celebs tweeting support of the 4th July that had previously criticised the Brexit vote need to have their criticism tweet thrown back at them with full force.
Trying to brainstorm some catchy hashtag ideas to call them out on the hypocrisy
Any celebs tweeting support of the 4th July that had previously criticised the Brexit vote need to have their criticism tweet thrown back at them with full force.
Trying to brainstorm some catchy hashtag ideas to call them out on the hypocrisy
The name implies anti-Brexit you dumb fuck
What business of theirs do they think it is?
Good one. We can accompany it with an image of someone wiping their ass on the Union Jack.
I can almost guarantee that if they didn't like the Brexit, they don't like our independence day either.
The original Brexit was the Colonies leaving British rule.
Why are you posting a derogatory of picture of 'le stupid fat American'? Sage
Good idea op.
Starting with this cunt.
I have no ideas, but the award for irony of the week must go to Sadiq Khan, the Emir of Londonistan. He proposed London should receive more powers, because local governance is best, and the best way to deal with London being outside of the EU, which he wanted to remain inside.
amazing idea
use it on american and british celebs, and also american politicians like obama who opposed brexit.
But some of them will put out "happy 4th" bullshit because they are parasites that have to conform to all the proper signals. This is basically a way to toss that hypocrisy back into their faces (more important doing so in front of an audience).
#FraudsofJuly ?
i like it. no harm in using too though.
and hijack existing hashtags like #4thjuly #4july and #independenceday
it's calling these people out for being anti-independence (for britain).
I dig FraudsofJuly and OriginalBrexit.
Liking these ideas.
so we've got
How many US heifers would become at least Solid 7s if they lost weight?
That's pretty fucked up, who would capture a whale and put a bikini on it.
Seriously it seems like the Worldwide Jewish Conspiracy is fucking real.
Happy Independence Day, brothers.
get in the thread they said
its happening they said
the leaks will surely get her indicted they said
the fbi shitposts on pol they said
so i take it around zero people actually did this?
pathetic to think that cuckchan Holla Forums is actually better at shilling than you lot.