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looks like a mix between "we wuz starwars" and "we wuz guardians of the galaxy".
It's like they want to be ridiculed.
don't forget we wuz hobbits
>it's a work that has taken six years to make
This isn't a comic. It's art project.
You know, I'd be more accepting of this if it wasn't clear that this was some fucking outsider coming in to do this.
I don't really care. As long as it's not shoehorning it's own agenda into a pre-existing comic, then I'll give it credit for being it's own thing.
You're not being forced to buy it and I don't see the waves of progressive retards lining up shouting that 'if you don't buy this you're racist'
Nothing wrong with trying to promote African history, especially if it will bring an end to revising European and Middle Eastern history, so that all races feel included. Besides, it might be a breath of fresh air. Relying on Arthurian, Norse, Christian, and Roman/Greek mythologies is not very original.
it isn't out yet, so that hasn't begun, but it will. watch the sales go poorly and the author will blame it on racism as well.
It could be interesting but i am not sure about the art.
Could be good. They're not leeching of something else, so it's fine.
I didn't say it doesn't have an agenda. What I said was not shoving the agenda it has into a comic that's already been established.
Which one?
>>>Holla Forums
>>>Holla Forums
Same. I don't see how someone doing the comic they want to do is a bad thing inherently. I mean, if it's shit, it's shit. If it's good, it's good. Africa should have a lot of interesting mythology.
Yeah, doesn't immediately grab me either. But this quote has my interest:
As many see comics as a form of modern mythology, it could be pretty interesting, if done well.
Too bad OP is shit at making threads, cause I'd like to have a real discussion about mythology and comics. But as usual, OP is a faggot, and can make a thread that encourages real discussion.
Great job, kid. Register for classes.
I like moral ambiguity as well, The Wild Bunch, Watchmen, and Falling Down were my favorites. Modern folks don't do it well though. The meme devolves into "minority is objectively correct and triumphant in committing violence against whites/patriachy/bigots/homophobes/blankity-blanks".
mite b cool
Do niggers do this on purpose or what?
It's like having the black guy be the black ranger or the Asian girl be the yellow ranger. It's only racist if you think about it in that way. Think about it this way. Let's say it was an Irish guy with the code name monkey, no problem. Now change the code name to potato, racist. Or a different and simpler way to see it is that the code name monkey might have symbolism to it and it also happens to be a racial slur.
Of course. Said it was to 'own' a racist term. Because everything is race to them. They have to put this kind of shit everywhere.
Have a few black friends, and they occasionally pull this shit on me. Showed me a video once of a black chick making some summer treat on Fox News or some shit, and tried to convince me it was so racist when one of the white hosts innocently mentioned it'd be good with kool-aid.
Everything is race to them. Imagine an Asian person who got offended every time someone asked them a math question. That's the mindset of plenty of black people I've met.
Sounds pretty cool, honestly. I wanna see where it goes before i buy though.
Seriously though, if you want to give it a chance that's fine but ignoring the conception of this is purposefully turning a blind eye. It's obvious the guy wants to create something in the same vein with other renown works but just how far do you think "inspiration" goes? This may not be exactly WE WUZ KANGZ but it's not far from it at all. This guy could easily be taking the Eragon roundabout ways of doing this and have it be an easy success, soak up muh bold brave minority monies, and be known for the guy who innovated the WE WUZ process. Also looking up what this guy has also done, he's mentioned that he furtively believes ancient Egypt or Egypt in general was always black. That's the baptismal layer of WE WUZ thinking.
The only reason to worry about whether or not it has an agenda is because anything with an agenda usually sucks because they're too busy circlejerking to their own beliefs to make an entertaining story that can stand on its own.
Okay Holla Forums, you can come out now.
We know it's you.
It's not an issue that they are making comics. The guy is allowed to write and work on whatever he wants. At the end of the day, what should matter is if it is a good read or not.
If it's another authorial soapbox, then it deserves to be forgotten and ignored. Like that shitty Princess comic where the author said, "I'm going to make my own fantasy story about a Princess who don't need no Prince!" and then proceeded to use the entire comic to bitch and whine about fantasy tropes and cliches while using every one of them.
Now, if Space Niggers is shit and critics praise it anyways, then we have a problem, because the concepts of quality and taste are being subverted for the sake of pushing an agenda. It would the Ghostbusters reboot all over again, which was yet another example of a long trend of ideologue pushing shitty media on audiences because they value SJW virtue signalling brownie points over the actual quality of media.
Eh. It's been done.
Has anybody told him admixture study is a thing?
Hey turbo-faggot, unless they're blackwashing a creation that isn't theirs you have no ground.
Actually, Egypt was under African control for temporarily.
How dare they make stuff I don't care about! Nobody should make anything that doesn't interest ME!
Damage control right on time.
Maybe if people stopped using it they wouldn't need to, faggot.
Hey that sounds neat
Quality post, friendo.
… uh, okay? He's making his own shit which is exactly what I've wanted out of them forever?
We're not all offended by everything involving black people Holla Forums, put down your autism.
Dear God this autism, the NAZIs would sterilize you in a heartbeat.
How in God's name can you mix those together? That does not add up to a thematic whole, it makes a great big mess.
How many time do niggers need to be reminded
No you weren't KANGZ, no you weren't FAYROHS
You're not Egyptian
You are niggers, always have been, always will be
This. Who gives a fuck what people do with their own creations? If he really was a dirty SJW, he'd probably get a job and Marvel and say "give me a white character, I will improve them by making them black". People taking the risk to make NEW things however the fuck they want is exactly what we DO want.
…easily? I don't know what direction this person will go with things, but there are elements from all those that can feed on eachother and I could probably hammer out something pretty interesting. And I'm not talking about elves and dwarves mixed with the force, I mean how the worlds are structured, how the story is told.
Shit, maybe I'm just lucky. My class has a guy come and tell us a few African folktales when I was a kid in the 80s. Stories of clever foxes and fickles gods. I never looked much into it afterwards, but it was immediately fascinating stuff.
Good enough.
Holla Forums, i love you since you're really the only place i can discuss comics, and i know the odd thought of blackies doing something original excites/confuses you, but when the guy starts off the bat listing his inspirations, and specific ones at that, you know that he'll default to said inspirations when out of ideas, which depends entirely on african mythology.
now, had the jersey dindu said something along the lines of just "space opera epic based on african mythology" i don't think anyone would even bat an eyelash at it, and all be down for it. but, citing lotr and sw just shows you basically what you can expect.
The funniest thing is that there were actual african kings who did shit, literally hundreds of them. Yet SJWs and other progressive types don't give a shit because they're relatively unknown.
Do you think some french guy gives a shit about Oyo, Sokoto, Mali, Abyssinia and a plethora of other african kingdoms? Nope.
there were kingdoms and empires entirely within the continent, but dindu historians would have you believe that they were bigger than the HRE and alexander's put together
I remember a story about a king knocking down mountains and smashing his enemies with his dick. I'd pay good money to see that.
Holla Forums has been making real progress lately. i'm proud of you guys!
I'm gonna need more information on that. He's a legend, right? That means public domain, we could all make stories about this Dick King if we wanted?
You don't know about the rich history of political cartoonists drawing Micks as apes, do you?
Blacks aren't the only, or even the first, race to be compared to apes. Have a free Italian chimpanzee, while I'm at it.
Yeah, the fact that we aren't a Holla Forums circlejerk is actually good.
Alexander died during his conquests, he never really got a chance to reign. The HRE was the laughinstock of Europe and only Germanophiles lend it any credence.
And Francophiles trying to build up Charlemagne and his Paladins into a frog Arthurian cycle.
Yeah, I read Bullfinch. I know my shit.
Every country has idiots with a little too much education who jack off their own mostly mythical history into a legendary holy kingdom.
I was being sarcastic.
This is Holla Forumschan
If that doesn't sit well with you, let me give you some directions.
I'm aware, that's why I said that; to mock your pathetic circlejerk desires.
I wonder if anons will still get butthurt if this thread was posted without a b8 title.
I miss the days when saying nigger on imageboards was just a run of the mill thing like saying faggots.
Yeah, it still pushes pro-black and pro-african agenda, so people would get butthurt. Just way less, because the title is getting their attention.
But you know what's funny? 4 or 5 years ago, Holla Forums would have loved this comic. I remember a thread on old/co/ where OP pointed out that Nordic or Greek mythology is used as a theme in every fucking piece of wester media, while christian and jewish mythology is everywhere in animu, while nobody touches stuff like african or hindu or native american mythologies.
It then devolved into a few parallel discussions where people actually were coming up with ideas on how to incorporate those into a story.
I'd be curious to talk about that sorta thing still. I might have to look up a few different mythologies for some inspiration for another project.
This is nothing new to chans but fucking hell is it constant these days.
I did not know that sir. Well, ya learn something new everyday I suppose.
While I don't know much about nigger mythologies, I think DESIGNATED mythology is actually cool as hell - in that it is almost literally anime. It would make for a great autism-filled superhero or shonen story.
To quote wikipedia's "List of mythological objects":
Brahmanda astra-(…)it is said that the weapon [an arrow] manifests with the all five heads of Lord Brahma as its tip. Brahma earlier lost his fifth head when he fought with Lord Shiva. This weapon is said to possess the power to destroy entire solar system or Brahmand, the 14 realms according to Hindu cosmology.
Okay, that is fucking badass. I'm going to gather some stuff and start a thread about different mythological shit, maybe we can all get ideas for things to add to comic ideas some of us might have.
Wait, did ancient Hindus know about the structure of the Solar System? And why would they imagine a weapon powerful enough to destroy it unless… ALIENS
Holla Forums is Holla Forums, and Holla Forums is Holla Forums. Wanting to control the culture of other boards is just going to backfire. You can do epic raids like how Holla Forums threw a tantrum and turned the Perturbator Q&A on /mu/ into cuck jew shill cuck cuck day-of-the-rope cuck cuck cuck, but that just makes Holla Forums look like a bunch of retards that stifle what the board is actually supposed to be for.
So they make themselves look like what they actually are?
You'd have to expect they'd know who Jack Kirby is, first.