Tfw no new memes
old memes are better
you need new memes.
make your own memes.
There are no new memes though. That's the problem.
you need to learn to read.
How does meme make?
time to reveal my normie level
early 2016 memes were the best in a long time.
the dabbing squidward, spongegar, ted cruz being the zodiac killer, jeb being a shit, 'when you go 5 minutes without x', ocean man, 'don't talk to me or my son ever again', views from the 6 edits, early instances of harambe, 'get you a man who can do both', the arthur fist, confused mr krabs, probably others i'm forgetting.
maybe it was just that checking through the ifunny features was comfy at the time. not so much anymore for whatever reason.
we need more memes fam
YOU are the meme
Eternal Memes, memes that will never die
Early 4clan memes
Early internet flash/Newgrounds memes
Mid-tier memes
Early captioned/lolcat memes
Early Advice animal memes
Holla Forums memes
Low Tier
Modern caption/advice animal shit
Reddit Memes
Shit tier
Freech Memes
Beyond redemption/cringe
Holla Forums memes
An agreeable list.
quads confirm i am memed
what do
cumskin detected
Random autism
find something unfunny and shill it on several accounts, social media compilations etc. hope it catches on like hiv to a gay african.
Noticing Trips are for losers
pretty sure i´ve seen pepe on 9gag
New memes have arrived
I can't believe AJ went from losing to Old2J at Wrestlemania to being the champ and face of the superior brand
Wrestling, real of fake, is gay af tbh famalam
even women's wrestling?
user, unless they are women wrestling men, that's pretty gay
You don't say
If you see two men touching each other and automatically assume gay sex, then it sounds like you have your own problems that need to be addressed
If you see two grown muscled men in tight spandex grappling each other and you automatically assume they are not gay, then it sounds like you have your own homophobia problems and I'm going to need you to c-c-check your privilege.
You forgot one meme in the Eternal Memes tier.
i love russian ambassador memes. got any more?
user, you're being really problematic right now, I just can't even, you're literally triggering me right now
here's my tribute to dysnomia.
I heard Barth2032 makes them.
Memes ain't what they used to be.
welcome autist
I am offended, and I shalst be avenged
You've never been to Holla Forums have you?
kill yourself faggot
t. Maisieposter
also daily reminder this is what TruthSeeker looks like, from the google hang out debate