Reminder that aborting your baby is bad.
Pro-Choice = Pro-Murder
Civilian casualties does not count.
anything that keeps helps keep the number of niggers & other lowlives down is ok in my book
Not an anti-abortion fag but how do surgeons that work in abortion clinics live? I'd imagine you'd have to be seriously jaded
Doctors see a lot of vile shit on a daily basis so it goes it without saying they get immune to this stuff
you're just jealous of those fetuses because your mum carried you to term (I know I am)
I guess, must be pretty terrible getting called a murderer despite saving lives though
spamming your opinion all over the board doesn't make you right, everyone is wrecking you every time you bring it up.
I am too.
i doesn't really matter to me if abortion goes one way or another.
if at any point i choose to be a nigger and try to get out of an 18-year hole, i'll just use pic related.
what would happen if a man were to drink that
no idea, but frankly i don't want to test it.
i'd say best case it just tastes good, worst case you start bleeding from your dick.
no u
go back to tumblr faggot
i am a natural man in my natural element. that element is pussy.
excuse me for liking the idea of nutting in a fertile lass
getting eaten out / fucked > fucking
that's gay
I hate feminists but i will die laughing if they catch you.
not if you get your balls removed, benis cut open and flipped inside out, and bags of saltwater implanted in your chest
that's even gayer
Murder is bad, why?
only if you sex another grill
getting the operations is super gay.
anyone who does it, wants to do it, or supports beople who do it should be KGB'd in the back of the head in a dark alley or the middle of the street.
What if it makes you pregnant instead.
how's it gay tho?
gays are repulsed by the female form (especially vaginas). It'd be sheer torture to do that to a fag, while a tranny would be immensely grateful.
You could make an argument it's sick/unnatural/whatever, but it's not gay
i was carrying on the meme of 'gay' being synonymous with all bad.
but what i said stands, any and all people like that and who support that should die as soon as possible.
so getting those operations has no upside at all?
trannies report feeling much better as a result of them, so there's clearly some benefit.
that's not a benefit, that's a sign of mental illness that needs to be purged.
it's not a benefit if it 'helps' people who shouldn't exist
except that's not what i said.
however, you are correct, now you're starting to get it.
retards and disabled people should be purged too.
I'm guessing you're not OP then
Women have killed more children than America lost soldiers in all wars by a factor of 80x.
Think of all that loli pussy wasted. At least make the cunts give birth then you can throw the boys off a cliff or eat them.
Fuck 'em. If you're not prepared to pay to provide fro someone else's child, it's none of your business whether they kill it or not.
People are ready, it's not a problem.
So you're opposed to abortions for blue-eyed blonde healthy babies? Ok, I might be able to support that. Because those are the ones that fly off the shelves. The others, not so much. Of the many things this planet is running out of, babies aren't one of them.
Women are demonic whores, who could have guessed?
I guess we've gone full circle
pedophiles are sick in the mind
this is why i come to Holla Forums and used to go to 4chan. there is always some weird but insightful information.
nigga got his own abortion elixir lol
So? There's lots of people I'd like to murder. But you know, the law and such…
unless its genetically deformed
abortions are a necessary evil
abortion is murder
While bait, I will go ahead and take it. What the hell, may as well start off the year right by getting taken for a ride by a faggot named OP.
Anyway, even as an atheist, I am on the fence with abortion for little other reason than "it's one of us". Terminating an embryo is no problem, neither is an abortion at two weeks. However, the more time passes, the more reluctant I am to condone it as the fetus becomes "more human" (even though it is already human). Second trimester, forget it, let alone aborting the baby weeks before delivery.
There's a point when the baby is no longer sole property of the mother, that it becomes an actual life that deserves protection like any other. Also, the father should have a say no matter how far into the pregnancy, even as soon as the first baby bump appears. It was his sperm that fertilized the egg, so it's just as much his child as the mother. I don't believe the mother should have supreme authority over the child's life just because of some biological happenstance that appointed her as an incubator for a developing lifeform.
Anyway, I took the bate and feel bad about it, but what the hell.
How is abortion/murder bad, but keeping degenerates like us alive isn't?
when i'm feeling more misanthropic, i see abortions as great; too many people alive anyway, most of them are cunts who will never achieve anything (not trying to imply i am exempt from this btw), so may as well slightly slow the population growth while also getting rid of someone who will almost certainly contribute nothing of worth to society and be nothing but a drain on resources
honestly, no one in this thread needs to be alive, if we were all aborted, the world would only have benefited from out non-existence, why is this theoretical baby any different?
Maybe because unborn babies arent leftists?
So you prefer damning millions to degeneracy just because "maybe" and im a leftist.
Banning abortion makes female rape victims unable to abort an unwanted child and it places an undue burden on them.
personally im pro abortion and pro making women feeling guilty about it with morals/religion/feels/bogus arguments…
Babies aren't people, so it's not murder.
niggers(you) aren't people, so you cant murder property
No, they arent degenrates yet, thats the point, stop projecting please.
If your point is right then i have rights over her because my taxes paid her whorism, if not then i want my money back with a compesation for that thievery.
You arent capable of living without welfare/mommy, you get the idea.
Do you eat meat, OP?
If so, don't try to tell me that my "morals" are worse than yours
Fucking cuck
Not your life, no.
No life has any value, you tard. Get off your high horse.
Killing a human just because you're a lazy slut that couldn't use a condom or the morning after pill, or the coil, or the regular pill, or a uterine cap, does actually work out worse than eating the meat. Weirdly enough.
Killing your own genetic flesh and blood because you're a lazy slut is even worse. You literally committed murder because you're lazy and irresponsible. You're worse than a meth-head or crack whore.
No, seriously, that's just your life you're thinking of.
Then again, why not prove to us that your life has no value by live streaming your an heroing right now.
I guess you would, if you weren't a larping, low-IQ edgelord.
If you are going to have a baby from rape, you know it's going to have a horrible disease all its life, or anything along those lines, I think abortion makes sense. If youre just too fucking stupid to wear a condom or for god sake pull out, then that shit's on you.
Not only are you a moron, but you appear to be a weeaboo as well.
reminder that killing flies is murder
Sure OP.
Wait until the child is born before you ignore it and let it starve, right?