BO and mods = fags

how the fuck am I supposed to read anything with their gay ass "le cringe" clip playing

Post more egyptian catgirls



last batch :(

Go edit your Hosts file. Add this:

The world needs more of this, thank you very much


actually I have one more whoopsie doopsie :-)


This thread is the gift that keeps on giving, this is what Christmas is all about

if you look for "bastet" and "anubis" on sites such as gelbooru you should find far more than I have saved

dump it please







Stop being a downy, OP.
Nice catgirls though. Keep posting those.

















God damn.




















image 4

image 2/3 and 5

img 1

and the girl from the earlier posts liike this one

Don't let the damn imgur script to run in your browser

I got them from … Just type in "dark elves" and you should be able to find the image/info I think.

Dammit why is brown so perfect 2D but unattractive in 3D

That's the reason why it's called delicious brown and not shit brown

delicious brown = exclusively 2D

the chimps irl are what are known as 'niggers'

more brown plz

Is it the contrast from 3D brown that makes 2D brown even better than normal?

2D brown isn't literally the color of shit, it is far more gentle usually.
niggers generally have very unattractive features while 2D are generally designed beautiful

This, there's a reason why most artists never use nigger-tier brown. Also it's the fact that it's a generally attractive design but with a shade of brown, making it seem more exotic

The common human endeavor is to get a brown gf
unfortunately most irl brown girls are nasty.

get uBlock origin

These are a must have

already have it, it doesn't block the gay image

just change the CSS you fucking retard

already did retard, you're not the first to suggest it

Great thread OP. This is my fetish. I changed the CSS back just for you, although it might take some time for the setting to go through.

Here, have my favorite picture from my elf folder.

Don't let this script run and you'll be fine, nigger


now make me mod? :)

maybe, why?

literally all i did was go in and select a different theme.
end yourself before you overlook a cliff or something.

tbh fam smh

it wasn't the hats i took issue with, it was the massive shitty overused meme in the background that was slowing down my browser and making it impossible to read half the stuff on screen.

for funsies

Hey, that's actually a pretty good reason. We could use some fun around here.

you do know there's an options button in the upper right corner, right?

but I haven't used it since hw fixed posting so I forgot

gee golly mr perfect thanks for gracing be with your presence

Do you pinky swear?

let's talk bb

i was saying i take the easiest option and i was in a rush you perfectionist tard


Better fix that shit.

good dump

first OS you sad sack lol

Anywyays, I'll tell you a secret. Every Windows after XP should have it!

snipping tool

post more delicious brown

