Is children Holla Forums's guilty pleasure?
It is kinda tsundere around here.
Aww, this girl is kawaiii desu ne!!
Why can't you quit cute girls Holla Forums?
Is children Holla Forums's guilty pleasure?
It is kinda tsundere around here.
Aww, this girl is kawaiii desu ne!!
Why can't you quit cute girls Holla Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's like why can't you quit breathing air kind of question for me
why don't you breathe water like rest of us do user?
Its like a culture war right now on Holla Forums, half of them are normalfags from 4chan that want it to be exactly the same here as 4chan and the other half are pedos and other people who enjoyed the free speech Holla Forums used to have that are butthurt they're getting banned over jims feelings now.
what's your guilty pleasure, op?
i liek a shot of paint remover and then 10 minutes of industrial solvent on a rag. do you want the recipe?
Who the fuck is jim
This was never about cute girls, it was about pthc
Jim Watkins (NT tech) owns Holla Forums.
what is pthc?
Use bing, buddy
no, use startpage
Jim owns Holla Forums now and not howheels.
according to jim its about all images of kids, he got all pedo boards that allowed images nuked the day he became owner and demanded all pedos be banned.
Fortunately all the mods thought it was bullshit and left because of jim so there isn't even enough moderators to ban all the pedos, especially not with all the proxies they have.
Thats why that CP stayed up so long and caused such a shitstorm.
dysnerdia and 5 vols make 6. for a board with more or less 120pph at that hour, half are enough. it's 30 secs a post, ffs. how long does it take to recognize a pizza?
it seems like theres maybe 2 mods actually doing shit and they're both gone at the same times so theres gaps that can last hours where people can post whatever they want.
About 2 hours. Then set the board 1 to page max and leave again while moar cp gets posted in the sticky and sits for hours.
t. user that was there reporting the shit last night
board to 1 page max**
How many of those 120pph are on the Pony thread? They self mod pretty well so it's the rest of /b that the mods have to watch.
There's a difference between liking cute girls and liking hardcore child pornography, believe it or not. I wouldn't really expect pedophiles to understand complicated concepts like that, though.
Aren't there supposed to be global vols separate from board vols whose job it is to respond to reports of illegal content? Are there not enough global vols to actually do a proper job, or something?
I have no guilty pleasures. I avoid other people so that I don't have anyone to make me feel guilty for things that I like.
Yeah, but for some reason the only person that showed up to clean it up was dysnomia and he stayed for about 15 mins before leaving the sticky to get spammed by cp and the 1 page catalog by horsefucker anal vore shit. The entire board was one giant pony thread, with a sticky that had cp.
I know, I was there too. Did dysnomia just go to sleep, or something?
busy fapping
Pro-Abortion = Pro-Murder
was getting BTFO in the last thread you tried to turn into an abortion debate not enough for you?