There are people here that aren't attracted to chinky women
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not a big fan of tiny, brown-eyed chicks who wail like there's no tomorrow during coitus…
Don't like what I don't like.
lol most american women look like Pence.
Fuck south asians (not literally), they are the niggers of the asian world.
I've wasted too much of my lifeforce on chinky whores
Going to have to eat a lot of children to regain it
according to >>>6528541 sperm is children so you can start there
posting on chans is pretty degenerate too imo
marriage is a societal concept
hwo do u figure?
Take a look around
I'll stick to western sapphic erotica thank you very much
marriage, like your stupidity, is inextricably rooted in biological reality
1st ty for not including sound (rly) just imagining makes me cringe
2nd fake
3rd tetris genitals (btw there is tetris fan fiction)
because you decided user?
I'd say marriage has more to do with scarcity of resources, the need to survive and reproduce.
Marriage in modern times is hardly necessary, though it still remains convenient.
For whom?
- People who want a family
- Non-rich people
- Women
The Neural Basis of Pair Bonding in a Monogamous Species: A Model for Understanding the Biological Basis of Human Behavior
tl;dr: monogamous behavior is linked to the distribution of oxytocin and vasopressin receptors in the brain, which can vary significantly even among closely related species
Don't see marriage mentioned there, m8
You are either a fucking retard, or just trolling - I hope for your sake it is the latter.
the fuck does this even mean? You're just saying monogamy leads to certain chemicals in the brain.
Also, I'm pretty sure there was a point where 17-1 females ended up giving offspring from humans, so I wouldn't necessarily say humans are monogamous.
there are two species of voles (a mouse-like rodent) of which one exhibits monogamous behavior and the other does not. Scientists took the gene responsible for distribution of vasopressin receptors from the monogamous vole and spliced in into a mouse. Lo and behold, the mutant mouse was monogamous (while normal mice are not). Furthermore, they injected vasopressin into both sets of mice and, while there was no change for the normal ones the mutant ones became even more monogamous.
But did they marry?
If you had said monogamy is, in some animals, an inextricably rooted in biological reality, then you wouldn't come off as a complete fucking moron.
that makes more sense.
still doesn't mean humans are monogamous due to evolution.
it does however support my assertion that there is a biological basis for monogamy
Wait, wait, wait - you said marriage was inextricably rooted in biological reality
What gives?
what is marriage?
A ceremony & a law-binding agreement between two, or more, consenting adults.
so… a group of friends deciding to go out to the movies are said to be married?
You might need to be more specific
Does that require a ceremony & is it a law-binding agreement?
ah, I didn't read legally-binding, sorry.
so we have
can we narrow that down at all?
And so far we have found out that you:
Can we come to a more complete diagnosis?
I've many things but not assburgers. As for trolling, how do you figure?
Takes one to know one I guess
Actually, I don't think I've ever pretended to be a Marxist, so I don't know where you've got that from.
and, implicitly
at least that seemed to be the gist of what you were defending
Marriage is a social construct & mormons & mudslimes can have more than one wife, so it seems I was quite correct.
Also, I never said that.
not explicitly, but in your definition any reference to having and raising children was conspicuously absent
you can marry without having children, marriage to-day is too much in the favour of women when it comes to divorce at any rate, and it is more of 'clever' way to deal with economics tbh.
see what Jewish cultural Marxism has done to you?
what the fuck's wrong with divorce? I think alimony can be a bitch and when you have kids it can be rough on them, but if alimony was equal and no kids I honestly don't see a problem. People shouldn't be forced to stay in a marriage that isn't working.
catholic elf detected
easy divorce disincentives couples from working on their marriage, and makes it harder to persist beyond the infatuation stage, which lasts but a few years at most
raise kids till adulthood then get divorced and find someone younger - stop being a fucking cuᴄk.
You point out that
but the problem is that "working" has been redefined to mean "your partner is hot (especially per the standards propagated by the media/porn) and you're infatuated with them and you're having fantastic sex regularly"
Or just maybe, make the right choice to begin with
right you are!
stop derailing the thread
What is her name?
dont know
why is she so perfect
Holy shit it's Hamstyrup
She's not. That's a 6/10 at best.
define chunky.
Or you could not marry at all. I don't really see myself having children or marrying someone. Doesn't mean we won't live together or be a non-married couple.