drumpfags btfo
Drumpfags btfo
(((intelligence agencies)))
Also a lot of them are being misquoted
you mean the same agencies that started a phony war in iraq? and organize bloody coups in other nations? and fund terrorists in syria? who wouldn't trust them!
"Intelligence agencies"
Did you also trust them when they said Saddam had WMDs?
Got em!
Spic here, we all know here that the internet and tv are propaganda, if you really believe that any non censored channel is telling the truth then you have retardation or maybe you are american or eurabian.
"intelligence agencies" in the sense "agencies that have a lot of intelligence"
Would help if it was relevant intelligence.
They can't even run a post office
Fagfags BTFO
FBI is in there, dumbass
Exactly what part of the info released is "misinformation"?
gullible brainwashed retard
Why won't any of your so called "agencies" testify before Congress? Or even reveal themselves? Because they don't fucking exist. Once again you have fallen for the lying media. You will never learn.
And yet he's going to be our President. I don't even like Trump, but someone here is BTFO and it isn't his fans, friendo.
You have been banned from /r/pol
Shit dude I guess I work for an intelligence agency now.
INSIDER INFO: Hilldawg is an ayy lmao
Georgia, Kentucky, and West Virginia were hacked by the Department of Homeland Security.
Barry Soetoro is not a legitimate president.
Michelle is a man.
running nmap against a server isn't hacking.
Kek. even if it was the Russians, that just means Russia are the good guys.
Those agencies aren't claiming it was misinformation. It was correct information that certain people didn't want getting out. It is very important that we learned that the Democratic party was trying to rig their supposedly democratic primary elections. That alone disqualifies them and the candidate they were trying to rig it for from leading a democratic country.
this has been bugging me tbh.
why didn't everyone just brush it off as bullshit?
even fucking hillary chose not to deny it. WHY?
That's PRESIDENT Drumpf.
The CIA claimed it was Russian hackers but the FBI contested it, you fucking retard. Also note that they have produced no evidence whatsoever that it was the Russians and that even then, they accuse them of hacking, not spreading lies about how much of a crook Killary is.
not yet it isn't
Trumpet seemed to think it was the ruskies before the vote. He even invited them to release the missing emails. Now the intelligence community agrees with him, da man calls them fools. The point isn't that the hacked docs should or shouldn't be made public, it's that a foreign power or other actor employed hacked data to influence the outcome of the us presidential election. Don't lose sight of what this means in your hurry to defend the orange saviour.
quality, not quantity.
drumpf bumpf