This board has gone to shit…
What about a YLYL thread to lighten the mood?
This board has gone to shit…
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The best ideology.
hey check this image i just found out
the guy was on a show about catching pedos so they put his head on a secret agent with a gun so it looks like hes going to shoot pedos haha
At 13 I went to SomethingAwful.
Moot made Holla Forums so I went to 4chan.
Moot was gay so I went to Holla Forums.
Holla Forums was gay so I went to redacted
But I still shitpost on my past.
.. ..
I guess she couldn't keep it 100
Two things which I believe would be beneficial to the state would be adding the unfit/genetic duds to the remove list, as it's important that the populous is superior in both body and mind, and also ALL religious groups, as they have loyalties above the state, and as such cannot be trusted.
Until we develop the capacity for automated manual labour, we must also keep some inferiors alive to serve this task, maybe even breed them into their own separate species idealised for servitude and unable to produce viable offspring with the populous due to excessive genetic deviation.
I want to die
there's more. i think it's called the autobiography of a 4channer. do an ris if it interests you.
If I were a gay man I wouldn't call my boyfriend "baby". That just doesn't seem appropriate
Abortion is wrong. Trump will destroy planned parenthood.
Killing children is my motivation to become an abortion doctor.
me too. I will never be in an awesome relationship like that ;_;
Not in it for the pussy?
Minecraft lead me to support abortion. The kids on those servers are so annoying.
The pussy is more of a benefit than a motivation
So Minecraft was good for something. Good good…
Getting rid of autism, one step at a time
Month One: Mommy, I am only 8 inches long, but I have all my organs. I love the sound of your voice. Every time I hear it, I wave my arms and legs. The sound of your heart beat is my favorite lullaby.
Month Two: Mommy, today I learned how to suck my thumb. If you could see me, you could definitely tell that I am a baby. I'm not big enough to survive outside my home though. It is so nice and warm in here.
Month Three: You know what Mommy, I'm a girl!! I hope that makes you happy. I always want you to be happy. I don't like it when you cry. You sound so sad. It makes me sad too, and I cry with you even though you can't hear me.
Month Four: Mommy, my hair is starting to grow. It is very short and fine, but I will have a lot of it. I spend a lot of my time exercising. I can turn my head and curl my fingers and toes, and stretch my arms and legs. I am becoming quite good at it too.
Month Five: You went to the doctor today. Mommy, he lied to you. He said that I'm not a baby. I am a baby Mommy, your baby. I think and feel. Mommy, what's abortion?
Month Six: I can hear that doctor again. I don't like him. He seems cold and heartless. Something is intruding my home. The doctor called it a needle. Mommy what is it? It burns! Please make him stop! I can't get away from it! Mommy!! HELP me!! No…
Month Seven: Mommy, I am okay. I am in Jesus' arms. He is holding me. He told me about abortion. Why didn't you want me Mommy? We would have been so happy together.
You need to eat the fetuses, trust me
Spoiler alert: Aborted babies get to go straight to heaven without having to endure the real world and all its problems
Thats like pure protein and stem cells, shits good for you
So that makes it OK?
Old asian women eat them for beauty
Yes, killing terrorists is OK because it saves democracy and western society. Killing unborn fetuses is OK because it saves them for life itself.
We're a postmodern society, user. Get with the times.
It's not your decision or the mother's decision to make. Whenever you have sex, you are acknowledging that a child, a new being, may come into existence as a result. You don't have the fucking right to kill it "because it's convenient," or because it "saves them." How twisted do you have to be to view another person's life in such a way? If a pregnant woman is murdered, it counts as a double homicide, but if she gets an abortion, she gets no criminal record, and a pat on the back from society for being so "brave." I urge you to watch this video and understand what abortion REALLY is.
The vast majority of people having sex are doing it to feel good and not to make a kid, why ruin the life of the parent who isn't ready for a child and ruin the childs life by having parents that can't raise them right just because you feel bad for a fetus?
this always makes me giggle
People who dont have sex to have children shouldnt be forced to have children.
People die every day, unborn fetuses are no different. Peoples lives shouldnt be destroyed because of one mistake.
Well they shouldn't be having sex then, should they? And because of welfare, the "it's inconvenient" argument in invalid. Besides, why are you putting more value on the adult as opposed to the child? Both are living beings, and the mother has a moral AND biological responsibility for the child's well being.
No one doesn't know that sex can lead to children, that is not an argument. Abortion is immoral, simple as that. You are taking away the life from a being who wanted to live for no justifiable purpose.
Like the mistake of having a mother who wants you dead?
Its not that people dont know that sex leads to children, its the fact that sex isnt about creating life any more. Its about fun. Having children now a days is just two people deciding to have a kid, sex is just two people swapping bodily fluids.
The drive to have sex is the strongest drive humans have aside from eating and drinking to survive, you can't tell people they aren't allowed to have sex unless they're ready for an 18+ year commitment and not be seen as a lunatic.
I don't know how you can even take the life of the mother whos been around for years thats completely independent and can act on their own and compare that to a fetus that would die if taken out of its mother and takes years of investment to actually start behaving like a human and say they're worth exactly the same.
This "abortion is immoral" argument is no different than vegans saying "eating meat is immoral", saying "I think this is wrong therefore its wrong" isn't going to sway anyone.
If we lived in a world where humanity was on the brink of extinction then yeah people as a whole would consider killing a potential new human as immoral, but in a world where overpopulation is a serious issue bringing a new life into this world that you aren't prepared to take care of is the thing thats immoral, waiting until you actually have the means to raise a child is the right thing to do.
Yes, shitty things happen to good people every day. Some people die because they got run over on thei way to the soup kitchen, some people get aborted. Deal with it.
People have to take responsibility for their actions, and when you take a risk and human life is produced as a result, you don't have the right to take it away.
You're not addressing the moral aspect of what gives them the right to take away a human's life. The fact it can't survive outside the mother is even more proof of the duty of care the mother has. Also, it is wrong, murder is wrong, period. Just because it's convenient for you isn't an excuse. Aborting children won't solve overpopulation either, not an argument.
So if you had to kill someone in order to stop them from murdering you you're telling me you'd just let them murder you because you don't think its right to kill them?
Face it when you're a mother and you realize if you keep this kid you're going to invest the next 18 years of your life caring for it when you might not even have enough money to care for yourself you're going to value your life over the potential life the kid could have.
Not all situations are moral absolutes, sometimes theres such a thing as the lesser of two evils being the only choice.
a debate on abortion is at least an improvement on a shitty 4chan tier thread like this.
Rewrite this, it makes no sense.
Not having enough money isn't an argument. We have welfare, there's adoption, etc. It's their fault for being irresponsible, you don't have the right to kill someone because of your mistake.
And killing a child because it's convenient is one of the most twisted things one can do.
dw fam i started this thread ironically when catalog was nothing but pony spam.
Yes, killing terrorists is OK because it saves democracy and western society. Killing unborn fetuses is OK because it saves them from democracy and western society.
YLYL is cancer tier content anyway, you massive faggot
You keep saying you don't have the right like you're the arbiter of who has the right to do what, I'm sorry but your opinion that people don't have the right to abort babies isn't proof that abortion is wrong.
I'm sorry but your opinion that aborting a baby is one of the most twisted things one can do isn't proof that abortion is wrong.
Also I was pointing out that if you had the choice to let someone kill you or kill them you would choose to kill them even though killing people is wrong just because you value your own life more than theirs, you aren't just going to let someone kill you because its wrong to kill them.
abortion should be legal up to age of majority (of the child)
in which case i would have not had to read your cancer
I really don't know where to go from here if you can't see how killing a child is immoral, inhumane and wrong. Human's don't have the rights to one another's lives, the only person who has a right to someone's life is that person.
Are you saying that in regards to mother's being killed through childbirth? That is one situation I agree with you on - if the mother is going to die as a result, then that is a case where I would support abortion.
Thats why the argument against abortion is failing, because you can't convince anyone that abortion is wrong when all you have is moral arguments that only work on people who already agree with your point of view.
Thats the same reason veganism is failing in their arguments based on killing cows being immoral because a cows life has exactly the same value as a human life for some reason.
lmao, I won't be surprised if that happens considering the decay of morals in our nations.
Any sentient life is equal, why is it not? Why is an adult more valuable than an unborn child more valuable than a cow?
The lives of people who are alive are more important than the lives of people of arent born yet. Thats it.
More important to the point that they get to decide if the unborn lives or dies?
They decide if their life get ruined or not, so yes
They made the decision to have a child by having sex. Whatever their intention in doing so is irrelevamt - vaginal sex is for baby making. It doesn't matter if they did it for fun, the mechanism they were performing was for making a baby.
Having sex =/= having a baby
Any purpose other than to have a child in regards to sex is a social construct.
theres a built in primal urge all humans have that makes them want to fuck even if they consciously don't want children, denying that urge for long periods of time does things to people psychologically.
Just look at all the neets downright obsessed with getting a gf even though theres so much more to life as an example of that.
This urge exists for the propagation of children, it's directly linked.
yes but its not a conscious thing, the urge doesn't go away if you don't actually want children.
Not everything which uses the words social construct is related to feminism, pal, but I get it, you've been watching sceptics on YouTube and think that's all there is to it - WRONG.
All it is is a concept designed by a society, and having sex while also not wanting to have a child is one such unnatural behavior which can only be explained by being a social construct.
Because society has been warped and childbirth is no longer viewed as the ideal for a woman and sex is viewed as something casual which should have no real meaning.
I also love the irony that you are arguing in support of abortions while suggesting that someone who opposes them is some sort of progressive. Did the irony go right over your head?
It swooshed right over
society is shifting away from everyone having tons of children because we already can't support the amount of children we're making, why encourage women to make even more babies they can't care for?
whether you look in the past or the present people are fucking constantly, its just reached critical mass like bunnies breeding on an island until theres so many bunnies that theres nothing left to eat and they all die.
It's arrogant to think you can stop overpopulation by giving women abortions.
Protip: you won't.
The reality is that eventually, war is going to happen due to resource scarcity (a country isn't just going to sit back and wait to die) and from there, it's all speculation - will the world be destroyed due to our nuclear capacity? Possibly. Will large powers form an alliance to take resources from smaller nations? Possibly, but eventually they'll turn on each other. Will massive ammounts of the population be wiped out, and then we're back to square one? Likely so.
The fact is, killing children isn't going to stop this.
I've got to go now btw, so don't expect a response from me for the next 5-9 hours.
thats all just speculation, but overpopulation is a reality.
according to capitalism
the great thing about overpopulation is that it'll fix itself
when the population becomes too much for the world to handle, people will start dying off. this will continue until population is back to a manageable level
Yes because obviously to save the lives of unborn fetuses the better option is mass starvation.
Won't somebody think of the fetuses?!
Congratulations on your baby, Mr. user.
Overpopulation is reality, as you say, but this is whether we have or don't have abortions, so we may as well maintain our morality by not doing abortions if we are destined to suffer some kind of unwanted fate at the hands of overpopulation.
good plan
thats like saying the earth is going to die from the sun super novaing so that means global warming is something we can just ignore.
theres preventative measures we can take, theres no reason to ignore them just because its an inevitability that we all die in the end.
Unless we're about to go to war we aren't solving overpopulation. It's the same with global warming - is it an issue? Yes. Are we going to solve it if we don't take drastic measures like all driving electric cars, banning fossil fuels, all going vegan, etc. etc? No. And even then we'd still have China to contend with. Neither are issues which we can just "solve" without near impossible changes or without mass loss of human life, simple as that. So why turn our backs on morality in the process? All life is precious.
condemning future generations to mass starvation because you value the life of unborn fetuses more than them is turning your back on morality.
abortion alone may not completely solve overpopulation but it will buy us time, just like shifting more onto renewable energy won't solve global warming on its own but its still worth doing.
So you're just condemning the generation that comes after the generation that I'm condemning.
The world is going to shit, I just try to preserve my morality as it goes by having respect for life, respect for nature and respect for myself.
Abortion violates respect for life, so I am opposed to it.
having an entire extra generation to invent ways to avoid overpopulation or make food widely available for everyone is worth thinning out the babies everyones having that they don't even want in this generation.
if you buy anything containing animal products you're violating your respect for life as well, clearly your respect to life only matters so long as it doesn't inconvenience you too much.
if you actually were a woman with an unwanted pregnancy I'm sure that inconvenience would override your respect for life at that point too.
That generation won't solve overpopulation or global warming, trust me. They're taking us out eventually, like it or not.
I don't buy anything containing animal products.
If I was a woman I wouldn't be so promiscuous - they bring it upon themselves.
clearly we should just give up as a species now because this shit is just too hard, we should all just nuke eachother until earth can no longer sustain life, doing anything else would be turning out backs on morality.
is it too late to be aborted?
I never said that, I'm just being a realist that thinking we can change anything is arrogant and a waste of time. Over 99% of climate scientists agree on global warming, yet governments do jack shit about it. We have countries like China and India with massive populations that aren't going to shrink anytime soon. Once they hit breaking point, they'll go back to the historical way of getting resources when you're unable to produce them yourself, and war will start. I never said I want any of this, just that it's going to happen and we may as well maintain our morality.
Pretending you're a prophet and being a realist are two entirely separate things.
Just as we've grown from previous generations failures the next generation will from ours, and technology is advancing at an amazing rate.
Theres no telling what kind of breakthroughs we'll have, so you can't say its all over just based on how things are now.
I'm not pretending to be anything, everything I say here is true.
The advancement of technology is great, but it's also what will lead to our destruction. People live too long, it puts out copious greenhouse gases into the atmosphere which accelerates global warming, and has given us enough weapons of enough power to destroy the earth many times over.
Overpopulation will only be solved if a lot of people who are on the earth right now cease to be on it - either we need to have a crazily large space program to get at least a billion people out of here and somewhere else, which begs the question where? Mars is the best bet, and it will take centuries for it to be made habitable. The other option is global war. As for global warming, massive changes need to take place, but they are almost all contrary to corporate interests, and if the people with the money aren't interested, give up. It's not in business interests for everyone to go vegan, for example. Renewable energy sources cannot compete with fossil fuels. Fear mongering about nuclear means that it won't become a viable reality, and even if it does, that's just one piece of the puzzle.
but you end up in hell
Hello Holla Forums.
Last time I spoke to you, I was eating a bowl of cashews.
They were unsalted, and not crunchy enough.
Today I speak to you with a bowl of peanuts and almonds instead.
They are salt and vinegar flavoured.
They're crunchy enough, and have great taste. Would recommend.
nothing you say is true, its just bullshit speculation or downright lies like saying nothing you buy has animal products in it when almost everything has animal products in it.
You ever think the previous generation imagined we'd be walking around with supercomputers in our pockets that are all connected together allowing you to communicate with anyone instantly across the planet?
The possibilities for the future is shit beyond our imagination, we can't just hand wave it away as impossible to solve anything that we can't currently solve.
You can chose to believe me or not. At the end of the day I don't care.
Your optimism is commendable, but at the end of the day, you're wrong.
And you wonder why anti abortionists are a constantly shrinking demographic, with zingers like "You can chose to believe me or not" how can anyone think abortion is okay?
OK, you want to bring it back to abortion now that you're being presented with some uncomfortable truths. Humanity got to where it is today at a great cost the everything around us - does this mean I see humanity as evil? No. But to act as though we can just innovate our way out of every problem ignores the consequences that innovation brings with it.
Here's a graph of CO2, going back 400 million years. They measured it by examining the CO2 in ice cores, and the data speaks for itself. Humanity has something big coming for it, be it war or the consequences of extreme climate change. Don't act like we can just live in peace singing kumbaya for all eternity - we can't, all we can do is indefinitely postpone it, and our time is drawing near.
Not 400 million, whatever it is on the graph, my bad.
indefinitely postponing it sounds good to me, this is still just all baseless assumptions that its impossible for us to invent something that can reverse the damage we've done to the atmosphere by pumping co2 into it, terraforming isn't unheard of when we already know more trees = less co2 and more o2 in the atmosphere.
Just planting shitloads of trees alone would help and thats something we can start doing now.
There's no monetary incentive in planting trees = it won't work.
OK here, have this. It's OC. Hope you enjoy.
you have to go back.
theres no monetary incentive to having children yet we haven't gone extinct as a species, wonder how that works.
Biological urges.
no comment
post some shit pls
wow so you mean people don't need monetary incentives to do things? who woulda thunk it.
how about you stop posting fuck off to 4chan if you love YLYL threads so much, this shit thread was only made ironically anyway.
We don't have a biological urge to plant trees, unless you have a plant fetish.
there's more of it.
kill it with fire
we will when if it means the difference between life and death.
this generation will be long dead before global warming has any impact, thats why nobody gives a shit right now.
Not sure about your final statement, but I don't feel like starting arguing about the technicalities. What I do know though is that when many people in the western world are dying because of it, it'll be too late to do anything about it - it's not the sort of issue you can just snap your fingers or implement a carbon tax for and solve.
There is global cooling somewhere around 2030. TBH we're living in the past because we were all frozen that is why a time traveler went back in time to save this timeline.
Who cares?
Basically the time traveler machine turns people into Higgs boson particles hence they can only travel once. The problem is the time traveler caused a time paradox that's why we got stuck in a time loop although the Gods are fixing it right now.
Maybe not right now but technological advancements aren't just going to halt for the next century.
Who knows maybe we'll have the ability to terraform not only earth but mars too by then.
I saw something in a magazine a while ago about making mars inhabitable. Was quite interesting, and feasible from the sounds of it, but it would take close to 1000 years before the environment could survive on it's own, until then the atmosphere and everything would need to be contained and artificially managed.
Here's the pic I'm talking about.
just looks like someones imagination of what teraforming could be like, don't know why you're taking the 1000 year figure like its based on anything tangible.
maybe the secret is just to bottle up all our co2 rich air in empty 2 liter coke bottles and then open them up on mars, we could solve the over abundance of plastic litter on earth and the co2 problem in one fell swoop!
Enjoy your despair code
It wouldn't be able to happen in an instant, it would take a lot of preparation and money, maybe an impossible amount. You'd need to have entire forests grow all over the planet to sustain the atmosphere, and it's all based on the idea that mars has water. 1000 years would not be unrealistic, if anything it's optimistic.
idk what you mean so ok
if you think terraforming mars completely into earth 2.0 is possible based on some dreamers infographic then why do you think its impossible to simply reduce the co2 levels in our own planets atmosphere back to normal levels?
I think it's possible, but very unfeasible. Definitely not by the time that we've destroyed our own planet. And I don't think it's impossible to reduce our CO2 levels, just that it won't happen because there's no economic incentive. The only reason I mentioned it is because you brought it up.
you're still just thinking in the small scale of your own insignificant life where everyone around you and you will be dead before global warming is a big enough threat for people to take action.
Theres nothing to show that at a certian time the co2 levels will just reach a point where its impossible to reduce it and we're all fucked, its just going to get worse before it gets better thats all.
Climate deniers are like someone who went to a hundred doctors, 99 of them who told him he had cancer, but decides that all but one of them are lying as part of a massive conspiracy to get him to quit smoking.
When did I say I don't care about global warming, or that I only care about those around me? What I said demonstrates quite the opposite, for example not supporting animal agriculture. I'm just accepting the fact that it won't be enough, and that a few women having abortions isn't going to solve it. Nothing any individuals do will solve it. The only impact we can have on the issue is at the voting booth, but because we vote for candiates, not issues, it means that issues which don't have a direct impact on people, i.e. climate change, get left behind.
I think the buzzword for people like you is "defeatist elf".
wew lad rused again by world filters thanks dysnomia you fucking candy ass roody-poo
were you trying to call me a сuсk? I'm not defeatist, I'm realist. In my own life I make choices to reduce my impact (it makes no difference though because I am but a single person, and the majority of people don't try to reduce their impact) and answer any questions people may have about climate change. I'd also like direct democracy or liquid democracy to be implemented to allow for issues like climate change to possibly get the attention they deserve, but despite this, I acknowledge that it is probably all for nothing. A defeatist would say "it's probably all for nothing, so I won't bother."
getting abortions reduces your impact on overpopulation, why shouldn't people be into that?
because your feelies tell you its a no no?
regardless of your actions though you're still saying its all for nothing so why bother and that makes you a defeatist.
We already talked about this - I have a respect for human life and abortions violate this. Do your feelies tell you it's a no no to murder people?
I'm saying it's probably for nothing, so no, this isn't defeatist. Defeatists don't try to solve or support the solving of the issue at hand, they say why bother and leave it at that.
A lot of things tell me that murder is wrong, but killing a fetus and killing some 20 year old guy on his way home from work are not the same thing.
you mean like you've been doing this whole thread saying that its impossible to solve any of the big issues that the next generation will be facing?
What tells you murder is wrong?
Can you fucking read nigger? I said:
>I'm saying it's probably for nothing, so no, this isn't defeatist.
>I'm saying it's probably for nothing
>probably for nothing
I put it in fucking italics and you still didn't pick up on the nuance.
Read the thread fam, I did it ironically.
what so bad about ylyl threads anyway? 4сuсk has 4 of them up rn? /sarcasm
except the times when you said its INEVITABLE, thats a little different than probably.
Well the person I'm in the process of murdering if nothing else.
If cows were pleading for their lives in english they probably wouldn't killed nearly as much either.
So if you aren't told by the victim that they'd actually rather not be murdered, it's OK? Cmon, you can come up with better than that, I'm sure.
Theres plenty of reasons, for example murderers do way more harm than good to society where as abortion actually helps modern society by not putting more strain on it with kids that have to be raised by the state and live on welfare because they weren't raised well.
Or the fact that murder being made legal would end in disaster but abortion being made legal ends with saved lives at best and less unwanted children at the very least.
I could go on but I'm tired and need to sleep, can't spend all night arguing about morality with some anti-abortion defeatist :^)
What harm is done if I kill a homeless person, or some NEET on welfare? Why not make that legal? What consequence could it have to remove people who don't contribute?
Except for the aborted child, they're worse off no matter how you look at it.
Sleep tight, and don't forget:
And don't forget that abortion means Jacob was never born.
if a life of suffering is better than no life at all then you should be a huge supporter of the meat industry for the billions of cows they give life to
I'm in favour of life when it is created, I'm not in favour of creating life for the sake of life (or exploitation).
isn't that convenient
Are you trying to imply that I adopted that position just then? OK, I can't help you with that, but that is my position, convenient or not. I gtg for an hour or 2, so if you haven't gone to sleep when I get back we can keep talking.
Why ruin the life of the children by killing them?
Life isn't just about being happy all the time either.
Lol is this how Communists and Socialists actually think?
i'll raise you pic related
cant tell if you edited it or if its real kek
just to be clear the one i posted is edited, but i bet if you showed it to a feminist they'd try something other than completely disagree with it
Nice oversimplification buddy, clearly you understand fucking nothing about morality
The problem with pro-life and pro-choice is these are the wrong adjectives to use. Most rational people believe in a mother's choice to do what she wants with her body, and most rational people believe in a right to life.
What we must look at is why we as a society deem murder as wrong. Its taking away someones life is it not? Well that is only part of the story. By killing someone you are ending their lives and denying them of a future of value to experience pleasures and feelings. We can see that we do generally feel this way because it is far more tragic to see a young child die compared to an elderly person. Compared to a 10 year old, most would say that a 100 year old 'lived a full life' therefore it is almsot to be expected they will drop dead any time now.
With this in mind I clearly seems that the bigger crime in murder is that you are denying a person a future of value-therefor having an abortion is morally unjustifiable and essentially the worst murder one can commit.
Prove me wrong faggot
wtf, I love christelfery now.
Why is it ChrisCross Cristophersen?
If you don't believe in anthropogenic global warming you should read a chemical physics text book and stop being a gigantic retard.
Dumping a bunch of nitrogen in the ocean could create massive algea blooms to offset co2 levels. That will fuck up the oceans and also not deal with other greenhouse gases but it'll probably be the first step once powerful governments start to feel the impact of what we did
The ocean is nearly saturated with co2 so even if we stop making co2 the ocean will keep putting it into the atmosphere. Additionally reversing global warming will probably take very long time. The carbon we released has been in the ground for millions of years. We've released all that endergonically over the past 200 years. Time and the laws of physics are really against us. I wouldn't hope we pull out of this cleanly
better implement international socialism before it kills us all!!!
stop being a gigantic retard.
stop being a gigantic retard
That Hit-Girl cosplay is bretty gud
I flubbed endergonic vs. exergonic but if you weren't pretending to be retarded you wouldn't care
This man was murdered over his involvement of preserving the national souvereignity and integrity of the Syrian government and you dipshit make a fucking unfunny edit of his assasination.
Pieces of shit like you need to be send to Gulag and reeducated with a metal pipe hitting you all over your body leaving you crippled in some freaky never to be solved accident.
pass the bottle vlad. an empty one i can break your skull with. drink up.
Says the Pentagon shill FSA dicksucker.
Go back to sucking Obama and Trump dicks.