Does anyone know a good book or documentary about Joe McCarthy and his campaign against Communist subversives in the United States?
I'm looking for something that doesn't just treat him as some sort of authoritarian lunatic who was chasing shadows.
Does anyone know a good book or documentary about Joe McCarthy and his campaign against Communist subversives in the United States?
I'm looking for something that doesn't just treat him as some sort of authoritarian lunatic who was chasing shadows.
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You could ask the US gov't for copies of the court proceedings under the Freedom of information act like GLR did and draw your own conclusions.
Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy and His Fight Against America's Enemies
by M. Stanton Evans
Yes, I am sure that would end well for me.
I'll look into it.
Thank you user.
If he had completely succeeded, Soros wouldn't have been able to take over the Democratic Party in the 60s and 70s.
It's not like this shit is classified anyway.
Plus, since you're posting here you are already on some watchlists with the rest of us. I hope the FEMA camps are at least in some areas with nice climates.
It's funny how McCarthy is the only person who's as verboten in America as the Nazis. Saying "McCarthy was right" is almost always met with extreme anger and confusion.
I love how twisted the mainstream narrative is around this guy
rip in pease joe, if only someone had continued your work
I have a copy, very nice book.
Ann Coulter's book Treason goes into this a lot as well. Her's may just be an overview, though as it predated this book and Evans let her use his research as he was still working on his book (I have Blacklisted by History but haven't read it yet). Treason also goes into Venona and the connections there.
You should also look into the jewish element of his subversion and eventual destruction.
(ignore Makow's commentary)
Wait are you saying the jews subverted McCarthy himself?
Keep in mind, DeWest Hooker, who was good friends with Joe Kennedy, and who Rockwell credited with first teaching him "to know the cunning and evil ways of the enemy" (pic related). So this isn't just some nobody.
mostly false
That's all you really need to know about McCarthy, specifically.
*Keep in mind, DeWest Hooker, who was good friends with Joe Kennedy, and who Rockwell credited with first teaching him "to know the cunning and evil ways of the enemy", was the source of this information.
I need sleep.
One of the major things that redpilled me was Jews insisting that McCarthy was an anti-semite (and not simply an asshole or a loon). It caused me to look into the relationship of Communism/USSR and Jews. Fucking idiots have probably been getting away with that line for so long that they didn't realize that in the internet age, you can access this sort of information easily and find out the truth.
He was a drunk, but his heart and effort were in the right place.
Those that knew him said he did like to imbibe but enjoyed it more to keep his wits about him.
Although it has been theorized that toward the end and after the hearings he may have turned heavily to booze trying to cope with the press crushing him.
If i remember correctly, Coulter called it the greatest book since the Bible.
McCarthy was right.
The government was loaded with Communists.
excellent work user.