Good fucking god lol. This board is going to textmode until I'm done fapping cleaning this shit up…
Never seen the report queue so full in my life.
Feel free to post ASCII cancer here.
Good fucking god lol. This board is going to textmode until I'm done fapping cleaning this shit up…
Never seen the report queue so full in my life.
Feel free to post ASCII cancer here.
Other urls found in this thread:
I wanted to upload an image of a gallon that looks like it has a face.
Lol how many reports do you have?
Is it the one that looks like this?
/16 ban that clown
delete this thread..
stop giving him attention, a big sticky like this is what he wants..
no sense in banning an entire range when he can just go to another service.
ayy lmao look who finally showed up. That fap you were having sure took a long time, its almost like you're used to the material or something :^)
What happened? I can't upload.
He just told you in the OP you stupid faggot holy fuck I wish I could post a smug anime girl reaction image just to showcase how much I hate you.
that's the one.
So we reddit nao?
Imgur and shit.
Nice dubbs
Maybe try actually moderating the board so this wouldn't have to happen?
Yes, I love it, for some reason.
OP didnt say what happen tho.
I'm okay with this.
Post a smug anime ASCII instead.
I had a feeling you would day that. Fixed.
nah fuck you
legit my 4th or so time coming here (newfaghehe) and this is what i get met with.
now watch me whip
_/¯ ¯\_
now watch me nae nae
\ 😳
|| \_
_/¯ ¯\_
that stick figure better be over 18
Well that's what happens when you have a site that can't properly filter pedos. You have to have mods do it manually.
I don't browse this site 24/7
what the fuck happened? CP?
Merry Christmas dysnomia, the lolis are singing just for you. :3
Don't we have global mods or something for this reason?
No, PC.
Gid fucking damn and I always miss it
Was it good?
One of my personal favorites.
Just because they're spamming more CP than usual doesn't mean you temporarily kill the board by disable the posting of all fucking images. I doubt it was even real CP, probably just laura b spam.
Whatever happened fuck this
It was cp.
Looked pretty real to me and it wasn't Laura B shit.
Did someone archive that thread? I wanna know what caused Holla Forums into it's current state.
pedo detected
It was hardcore CP
some tripfag posted a bunch of CP, whats to archive?
Still, mods should just delete it as it comes. They're called imageboards for a reason.
i was taking a shit, what happened?
Do CPfags get reported to any authorities?
A butthurt pedo tripfag spammed a thread with CP for like an hour.
No, it was actual CP. Strangely, it's the first time I've seen actual CP posted on Holla Forums. That shit was a semi regular occurrence on 4chan.
It was real cp. WebMs of a little girl sucking and fucking.
Nice trips.
I think that's what the global vols are supposed to do.
CP used to be posted every hour on 4chan
I do, but when I have 5 mods on Holla Forums and nobody is doing anything, we have a problem. I shouldn't have to sit here and play cat & mouse with ban evading pedos when I could be doing something more productive like playing videogames.
i always miss everything
I've seen a lot of CP on Holla Forums, but it was mostly from spambots.
you signed up for this when you stuck around when all the other mods knew it was time to leave.
Makes you feel any better it was all pretty young stuff, really disgusting baby shit. People should be shot for that shit.
Funny, I've never seen this happen on 4chan, but they get shit through all the time on Holla Forums.
This was pretty bad, it went on for 2 hours or something.
I wasn't really counting spam bots, but actual posters.
Not really
were they spamming new threads or did they manage to dodge the 10+ threads I had open?
Ages 5-11
which tripfag?
It was just one thread I think.
It's ridiculous that a human being is risking prison time just to troll an internet image board
Pedomaster 8/zirKFc5M
Keked and cried that you finally came online.
the pedo thread with the creepy realistic pedobear as the OP.
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^most of you rn
I think it was just a trip that the spammer used for that time only. I don't recall seeing the trip before.
RIP macfag
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the risk isn't even there if you don't live in the US and the person posting the CP said they didn't.
If you actually looked in the thread and opened anything he posted then you'd be more at risk than he is if you live in the US.
If that's true, that's messed up
People that do that should certainly hang
if he actually has on his PC as much CP as the others have said, he must be 'behind 7 proxies'
girls name?
I have no idea, I saw the garbage in the thread but I didn't click on any of it. I'm not into that stuff in the least.
If you saw the thread you're already dead.
found the pedo
I like a good pedo argument thread as much as anyone but that went way too far tonight. That was just plain wrong.
user, pls
We'll by that definition anyone who is even in the thread when someone posts CP is guilty of 'possessing'. If it's on your screen, you have the ability to save, edit, or print it.
At least some courts have tried to argue this.
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the FBI isn't ingrained into Holla Forums like it is 4chan, and even if it was what do they have to go on, the IP they changed a couple times in the few minutes they were spamming CP?
If you actually click on an image and open it then it saves it to your computer, even the thumbnails you see are saved too but that doesn't count as possession since you can't avoid it.
kek thanks user.
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lmao if anyone clicked it without using a proxy, have fun in prison getting constantly targeted with the guards turning a blind eye
Just 'clicking' could get you in trouble?
Isn't it saving the files that would be the problem?
You techically save them just by seeing the thumbnails.
opening images saves them to cache, some browsers even have a 'temporary' folder where to oldest files are deleted to make space for the new ones but these folders are usually 5-10 GB and an image just a few KB
I'm a law abiding pedo
>implying there's anything wrong with liking little girls
This user is correct.
They better purge their cache/offline data. also clean the white space of the hard drive using bleachbit or some shit.
Hey dysnomia, when will I be able to post my laura b again?
But the old ladies, fetuses and everything in between were ever so much fun! and just like old times
Just a small suggestion/question, legally…
Can you call mods "Board Volunteers" and still maybe give them donations in BTC or something? You need more mods.
Thanks sir
And so it begins…
It's not like he wouldn't have figured out file uploading was enabled again.
They consider that 'possession'?
The problem is this is an image-board. People can post literally anything they want. Unless those images are tagged by authorities or something like that, how would they know what people are opening?
uh oh…
Wow you fuckers don't miss a beat, Holla Forums is going to end up in text only mode forever isn't it
O h Y e a h
It doesn't matter.
If you "saw" them, then that's evidence.
A record is stored somewhere with your ISP.
You can have a lot of fun with just text, though.
I don't think anyone is that autistic to keep on doing this.
Also, can they keep on posting the same picks? If they store the hash, they could just block people posting the same pictures right?
I don't think the spammer has that much cp…although he can easily edit it, the points to make it harder for the autist
Isn't it encrypted sicne it's https? At least to the isp. They can tell you visited the site, just not the pages right?
I know there are other methods, but I don't think it'll stand out as a red flag.
You don't go to Holla Forums very much do you?
It's holiday week. Too many redditors
I mean we got them to leave once, right?
Even the masterchan spammer stopped eventually (although I wouldn't be surprised if it was him again)
And someone on this very thread could post something illegal at any time and if you 'see' just a thumbnail on your PC, which isn't even clicked but 'saved' to cache, you can get in trouble? Sounds silly.
Problem, faggot?
This is true. ISP and default DNS can blow your cover. Especially on any 'five eyes' country
Look around, does it look like they left?
I know I never left.
So we need a VPN just to safely come to Holla Forums now?
Because the data travels through your ISP.
It's going to stay there for several months after that.
So hope no one has a reason to look into your history.
But it's https?
If you visit a cp site your fucked since they know which site you visited that site, but they're not gonna be able to see what you did on there.
If I'm wrong on this call me out, since it's better to know. I know they can still compare shit like "image size" and sometimes the headers aren't secure, but the second one doesn't seem to be a problem (and if it is that's jim's fault, not https).
The law in America reads with intent to view cheese pizza. If you’re on an image board and click on a thread and it contains cheese pizza like tonight but you don’t click on the images or the webm’s it’s pretty hard to prove intent. Law enforcement has better things to do with their time then try to go after drive by viewers.
We should all just kill ourselves then?
What happened to all the threads? He only spammed 1 thread
Holla Forums uses cloudflare, which is a man-in-the-middle, they'd have the full logs.
We all know you intended to view those thumbnails, you're going down faggot.
jim deleted those before the CP spam
I know fuck all about internet security, when you saythey can compare image size, does that mean they can see image sizes you downloaded and compare it to ones on the site? What does it mean if a header is insecure?
Even VPN companies have undercover NSA employees so move out of your shithole cuntry.
If you clicked on the thread that's intent.
"I understand your frustration."
Where did all the threads go?
Kekitty kek kek
A smash down is needed, or the fish spam needs to return.
russians hacked the server and deleted all the threads
Well, that certainly demonstrates intent
But being on Holla Forums, even in the presence of CP that someone else posted, doesn't demonstrate intent
That's why don't have anything to do with VPNs located in the USA or any of their puppet states. Get one located somewhere in Asia. And definitely one with a 'no-log' policy
(There's really no way to know if they really do or not. You just have to take their word for this)
Doubtful unless the thread's OP image is CP and it's clearly labeled as such. But someone can post it in ANY thread at any time.
We need a VPN just to come here now.
This is what we get for choosing the Chaos Candidate. We should have listened to Jeb.
ur welcome lol
Pepe is cute. CUTE!
Jim was clearly right to kick them off of Holla Forums. They're like termites.
It would boil down to how good of records old Piggy Jim keeps then. If it based on IP’s visiting Holla Forums but not by board then everyone that visited Holla Forums tonight would be guilty. Maybe just the ones that visited /b. Who knows and that’s why law enforcement goes after the posters if they can.
pesos need to be banned. Holla Forums cannot take much more of this shit
I agree that something must be done about the pedro menace.
dedicated containment thread for them to post in; im sure some autistic anti pedo anons will keep it open in the background to report as soon as something illegal shows up, and it would probably stop them appearing in random threads and starting posting
Fuck pesos
What happened to all the threads? Did they just delete everything not currently active or what? That was quite the pruning.
Damn, user. Too soon….
we in /safemode/ now
He was such a good guy nevar 5get
Did I miss it?
Total lockdown
Lol no
Go back to when lowcard was running Holla Forums in the board logs and see how many times him and his mod team had to ban for "posting pedo outside the pedo thread"
that was totally unnecessary
If you are just getting here now, yeah you missed it
if that was the case, ill take ur word for it
Yeah, you're late to the party.
Words cannot describe how much I hate chan pedos
I dare you to ban me fugthelug.(YOU CAN'T FUG THE LUG)
Use a image reaction
You only hate chan pedos? Not non-chan pedos too?
non-chan pedos are the ones who actually abuse children IRL. The chan pedos just stay home and fap to candydoll & other things
I hate them too but they don't bother anybody unlest they actually molest a kid.
THESE FUCKS fucking live to go to places and deliberately fuck things up
All threads were deleted except the pony thread? This place is garbage.
What might those "other things" be?
Instagrami pictures
And you realize this just now?
ACII art
The stream shill and webm threads weren't deleted.
And spam a site into oblivion and have gigantic victim complexes that makes everyone DESPISE YOU
Whoa, all the threads got nuked? Well… this is depressing.
Im sure we're all aware of the underlying story, but thank you for again pointing out the Goddess Eris / Lord Kek connection!
its dysomnia, what do you expect
Maybe YT videos?
This fag volunteer overacted
It was just delete that single thread
He's trying to make it look more ba than it was
Degenerates. Ponies are scared.
this tbh
sacred. computer assumes.
at least IRL pedos have the fucking decency to leave my board alone
Well hopefully everything will be back by morning.
Hello newfag !
pones are pretty fuckable tbh
We chan-pedos keep you guys busy.
nigga ive been on 8ch since 2006 how bout u?
I swear to fucking god, there is not a higher teir of faggotry on image boards than pedos.dweeb? Fag. Furry? Double fag. Retard? Eh. Leftist? Kill yourself.
Boy its like the drama literally never ends on this site and this board specifically since jim took over.
I can only ramble with some seriousness on this when I drink. This sites really lived a crazy life span.
ftw missed the cp
damn right thats wat i thought
What avatar? Post pics please.
I think by that I mean
you can kind off tell which image you might have downloaded.
Also, https headers are actually not insecure, that was my fault.
this is true.
searxed it.
Ayy mods since you're around in this thread anyways can you give a nuke to letting people advertize their shitty streams here? I know you guys have better things to do right now what with the spam and such. But there's objectively no good reason for keeping those threads.
The last airbender you fuck
why the fuck is there only one page?
Blame pedos
Yeah, sure.
Can we also nuke the brony threads? Those guys are a sick cult or something.
I've been fighting the good fight for a long time now.
FUck you
I always hear about the fbi uploading images to see who downloads them, but what if someone just screenshots the picture? Wouldnt that null any efforts? Would also give the picture a unique identifier when it "changes hands".
All Pedos are to be blamed forever, no exceptions. They should just put a bullet in their head and be done with it. Would help the world a lot.
Of course the shitty peso doesn't know anything
if you use ubuntu and based distros also clear your local cache, I believe .thumbnails folder in your home directory stores thumbnalils
They get the IP by the url, not by knowing who click on "save picture".
Yeah, since you're in the thread could you maybe like pull down your pants, pull out your itty bitty tiny little peepee and, with a flourish, cut it off at the root with a cleaver?
nah, i minimised that thread once it became clear it was a containment thread, and since then, havent seen a single pony on Holla Forums. why would you want to rock the boat and risk them flooding out onto the rest of the board?
You people don't even realize yet that dysnomia was the idiot posting CP in the first place.
Wow pedophile are fucking stupid…
What a twist!
Don't you see its part of their plan?
Its always an inch here and then an inch there, next thing you know its 24hr pony fest.
Also, we should nuke them on principle. Why should they get preferential treatment?
Now THIS is autism
No shit?
That seems a little extreme. Why not just the tip?
go fuck yourself
they've had a containment thread for months, and havent been an issue since. idgaf about principle, i'm viewing this from a pragmatic perspective, and by getting rid of the cyclical, they'll contaminate the rest of Holla Forums
oh boy here we go again
I'm censoring the CP from my pics, calm down.
Circumsize yourself with a meatcleaver
Stop giving him attention
It's all he wants, and you fucking stupids are giving them all.
Dysnomia please stop posting this shit just do you can troll us. You got your message across.
You know you shouldn't say things like that user.
Friendship is a virtue, you need to be taught to get along.
Ponies are impervious to nukes. Let them be.
They had their own damn board. Why the hell do they need a thread in public where we have to witness their filth.
Fucking hell, you sound like one of their cult members.
actually, they were banned from /pone/.
I don't want you to feel cheated of your money's worth.
That's not exactly building a case for them.
Like saying the fanatics were too fanatical for the fanatical cult.
no I'm not here for attention. until this tryant mod steps down and deletes that pony thread. read
I just think it is funny how assblasted everyone gets because of ponies.
I laughed.
Dysnomia, why did you make this board only 1 page?
They don't even have hooves, just stumps.
To troll us. That's why he posted the CP and nuked the board. It's just a big fucking joke to him.
Slide the pony thread into oblivion while there's only 1 page. This is our chance.
wow, right i say that i've never seen mlp stuff since the sticky, and now it starts getting posted right as im in an argument with someone about said issue, WHAT A FUNNY FUCKING COINCIDENCE, ALMOST LIKE SOMEONE IS MAKING UP THE EVIDENCE THEY NEED TO BE RIGHT
I should have known. Back in June, he pulled a similar stunt when he made Holla Forums only 5 pages.
Another one will be made, gr8 idea m8
I know, I kind of gave up at this point. I rarely see ponies out of the thread though (besides one guy. solaire? Some tripfag was posting recentely).
Also, none of the shit they post isn't even relevant to ponies. It's just a bunch of autists talking to each other while posting ponies.
Every now and then, I troll those idiots by posting an image that says "This thread is cancer" on it. Whenever I have gone into that shithole to troll them, I see exactly what you just described.
hahaha what a trol xDDDDD
so funny xddd
remove dysnomia
remove ponyfags
make Holla Forums great again
The current pony thread has been up for too long
You have a point. It's not exactly trolling per se, but more "trying to get them butthurt".
What purpose will that serve other than getting a different OP image?
So, I've been around since around the time of the great exodus. I think I pay attention, but one thing I'm not sure of.
Why all the hate on dysnomia? Is there anything specifically that he has done?
Its almost like we need a champion to fight back against the pony threads. Someone who isn't afraid to go full autist on them for hours at a time.
Pedos are butthurt, nothing more, nothing less.
Give pedos a cyclical, take away pedos cyclical
thats all i know of, + he was the only mod that didnt leave after Jim happened
So he bans pedofags like any decent mod should?
"Everything I don't like is a Pedo Butthurt"
I don't know. That person isn't me. I can only go at them for 30 mins tops.
no one cares about ponyfags but you and who you are replying to (who is probably you also)
A decent mod would ban legal stuff because makes his anus prolapse?
Ok ok
That makes no sense.
Say it couldn't happen!
I was molested, pedos are twisted and I won't forgive them for a long time.
inb4 404
Should all Heterosexuals pay for rapes that some sick fucks do?
I don't need a response, I just wanted you to know.
No, we are two different people dingus
I need you to answer
Your logic is pretty stupid
If my logic is stupid, then there's no need for words.
Everyone knows that once you start allowing images of little kids to be posted for the purpose of perverts to look at them three things happen:
1. Pedofags push the boundaries until they are posting legitimate CP. They ALWAYS do this.
2. Having a bunch of images of kids in suggestive poses automatically undermines the board culture. It makes it trashy, scares away decent posters, etc. Like allowing just one house on your block to become a crack house is going to fuck up the whole neighborhood.
3. Suddenly EVERYTHING becomes about pedoshit. Pedofags, once they feel free to be perverts just go full bore and everything becomes about their perverted desires or has to relate to it in some manner.
screenshots prove nothing, i can inspect element or play around in ps too
he's a self-confessed redditor and the one started that ponypropaganda which destroyed the old Holla Forums.
a shill
I've also warned the pony thread that you may slide them, so dont even bother
holy shit you really give zero fucks
He's a coward, don't encourage him.
Dude, seriously, do you see how you have a problem?
You get your thrills from images of a childs life being destroyed, and yes it is being destroyed. I've dated enough girls who were fondled as kids to know how it permenantly fucks them up.
At your point why not just have an obsession for murdering people? Its not that much different and at least the pain eventually stop.
Sorry. Maybe we should stop making light of this.
Jesus, user. Just have a bit of decency.
The "Free speech" culture?
Ok ok
I don't know how new you are, probably very new as I'm reading.
We are here for 3 years without ANY problem, the Official Pedo Thread worked and mods delete actual illegal post rather than fuck with everyone.
THIS is the way that a real Chan has to be.
But no, you are fucking SJW why literally wants to ban everything because you don't like it.
I bet you can't even triforce
4chan is a real chan, this one is a joke, mods are unmotivated and negligent.
Maybe the pedos will back the fuck off when we ban all proxies.
i dont have a problem with you posting like you are now
ur slow i was quoting the spammer try to keep up you fucking retard
what makes a chan real, enlighten us
newfags and normalfags are always triggered. no wonder this chan went to shit.
pic related. you are a newfag
is this where you wanted to be in life?
that was a well thought out and sufficient answer
I guess you not wanting your mother raped and murdered makes you a moralfag too.
lmao keep spamming, you'll just push all the good threads off and make everyone hate you. im determined to make sure the pony thread stays up as i recognise the important role it plays in keeping peace in regards to bronies on this board
Posting digital pictures = rape
chan culture is dead and you all blame the oldfags when it's the newfags who ruined it.
All the thread are gone besides the pony ones. This is too funny. Night guys. Hopefully Holla Forums will be normal by tomorrow.
Holla Forums really is retarded. at least the people in the pony thread provide intelligent conversation
what's the point in posting CP??
I hope when you reflect on how shit your life really is that you take the next step and kill yourself.
Because he's immensely butthurt.
pedos are butthurt
dlete dalet
m8 there's no reason to get butthurt
they're playing with fire, and i really hope they get burnt
Joke's on you, I get off on that too
win win then, you get off and the world gets justice
You think I care what happens to child molesters in jail?
damn pedo fags, too far faggots.
You ruin every chance to be accepted and that the userbase treats you as mature people.
kill yourselves.
it could be you if you post cp
m8 there's no possible way that pedos return to 8ch
They don't want an 8ch users neither
But I don't
also dysmomia no teleport behind me pls.
well why the fuck did you reply to me when i clearly wasnt talking to you ffs people like you get on my nerves
why are they spamming cheese pizza then?
sometimes I think pedos like to roleplay like children considering how much they force innocence and their attention whoring.
I can reply to whoever I fucking want tho
Some autistic fucker who wants trigger people
Damn… dubs wasted
he nuked the whole board.
hail kek
what's so glorious m8?
This is bui pretending to be pedo, or a pedo pretending to be bui.
Having one extra pony thread probably wasn't your greatest concern right now; considering that currently exactly 2/3 of the threads on Holla Forums are complete gibberish. Very random, at least!
The hat is too large.
Can't see text.
Maybe bui and the pedo are working together.
or the same person.
Don't make me post uncensored.
you went full retard, autistic animalistic buttblasted rage.
crymore pedofag
You seem mad m8
well, I am not the one spamming CP
neither he
stop spamming
this is not spam. totally Holla Forums material.
What hat?
How do I safe children?
buy chains
Go on…
Dys, you failed here bigstyle
you are just not up to the job
you and the 5 vols should quit, now.
leave this shitpile to collapse onto jim's lap,
oh wait, you can't because you were tricked into owning the board.
don't say you weren't forwarned. moron.
the fact that there is no valid competitor to 4chan or 8ch is a failure of the free market
Wait, what? Dysnomia ==owns== Holla Forums?
Fucking shit.
moderation is a real shitshow no matter where you go. I think you've been a solid mod so far since you managed to curb the spamming autist who assaulted this board 24/7 for most of 2015 and into 2016. I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to leave though.
4chan feels safer somehow…
Then go there and stay.
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░█▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒██▀▒▒▒▒▒▒██▀▄▒█░░░░ GTFO
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i might just go since pedos are ruining the website
pedofags ruin everything
there is endchan and .pl
but pedosfags should go to mustardchan
They're slow as fuck, so not viable. If the free market supply and demand meme was accurate, 4chan would be dead, 8ch would be dying, and we'd probably all be posting on 16chan right now, or one of the two you mentioned if 16 failed regardless.
I'm gonna shill for nextchan and finalchan.
There's also 314chan but nobody is there.
Part of wants to start a list of chans
slow? wtf are you talkin about dubs, they are working 3fast5me
in regards to post speed, its like 1 post per hour
also, shoutout to the antipone crusader - in his attempt to save the board from the pone menace he pushed some legit threads off
yuck I just checked rules for finalchan
ahhh post speed, okay.
yes I agree, but if we get many people to leave 8ch we can increase post zpeed.
also what's the difference between nntp and zerochan?
What has happened to Holla Forums…?
mostly pedos but also horsefuckers
we're waiting for the medics to arrive. looks like a kiddy porn overdose to me, but i'm just the gardener.
no idea what nntp is, and i dont think 0chan exists anymore, it was one of the many failed exodus chans after jim happened
Testing, haven't done this shit in years tbh
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0CHAN is a p2p chan, it will not be taken down.
I don't know how to interpret that facial expression
im not overly Holla Forums literate, is there a link to 0chan or does it exist purely among users if that makes sense?
nntp is some decentralized chan thingy.
It's on zeronet.
I don't know how they'd get large enough to the point where you can have a reasonable post speed if there were alternatives which you just need to know the URL for. Maybe I'm just retarded but they seem like they take a bit of time to access.
anybody can tell me what the fuck is going on?
God speed, We berieve in you ningen!!
block all vpn
Somebody please I wanna now what the fuck happend here?
If your dick looks like that then I recommend seeing a doctor
Yeah thats why i wanna know.When this shit started?
pedos spamm
ed Holla Forums
CP was spammed, dysnomia disabled image posting, then reenabled it, then nuked the whole board save for page 1, to which the page limit was set. Meanwhile someone who hates pones tried to use this as an opportunity to slide their thread and generally turn people against them by spamming and making it look like they did it.
Holy shit Thanks user
8ch u are too drunk go to sleep
What is happening? Why is the custom css have black science man in the background as a gif? Why are all of the threads on Holla Forums gone?
bedoz pls go and stay go.
the fucking bo was here two hours ago. he nuked the board and disappeared. there's now been grade 4 cp in this thread for 90 minutes. what could possibly go wrong next?
more CP?
Hillary win ?
not be a cunt but do you need BV's?
LOL thats fucking funny
What happened to you guys Holla Forums. I thought Holla Forums was supposed to be the lowest quality board on the website.
Is so easy to fuck up a webpage?
10 new threads can be created in the next hour, make them good Holla Forums
If it is run by incompetent morons, then yes.
pedos can make ascii CP.
wesa fukt
is this the end of Holla Forums?
Dysnomia is the Super Saiyan we need for boards like Holla Forums and Holla Forums
Thing is, neither Jim nor Ron are morons regarding website management. Jim has made and blown so many a stoned herring would have wised up by now and as for Ron, if you look back to how he handled all the attacks on 2ch when pop grabbed it from hiro, he clearly has skilz.
wew time to fap
you idiots don't know a false flag attack when you see one. this is all just a big fucking game to him
My what a trickster dysnomia is.
dysnomia is the gayest person on the internet. There are no gays who are gayer than him.
wew thats a clever image i get the joke that that guy did that show about pedos and it looks like hes a secret agent and hes going to get those pedos with a gun shot can i uses it next time i want to be as clever as you?
thanks this will scare them good because we realy need to teach those pedos whos the boss around here
There is no fucking way that CP isn't being deleted in a STICKY made by the MOD himself
This is just a ridiculously stupid moderation
Gee, I wonder who might be behind this post…
Really nobody even cares but you. Maybe try reddit, I doubt there's CP there.
Nobody cares. Only you. And whiners. If you think this is 'incompetent' in someway, perhaps you should go back to Face-chan or some other ultra-mainstream platform that cares for your sensibilities. I bet you complain about gore too.
all i know is that you and the other pedos need to get off of my Holla Forums
image is to emphasize my disdain
pedos have been on Holla Forums since day one, faggot. Get used to it.
wrong if that were true then there would Holla Forums no Holla Forums
you're just new, I get it. You were a little kid back in 2003 when pedos were shitposting on Holla Forums.
Gosh you really are a god goy.
pedos get banned and when they get out of control they get banned harder until they run out of internet address numbers thats what happened to liberchan and that Holla Forums is gone forever
if you want to pedo then go to the darkweb Holla Forums where the fbi will get you in a honey pot so your ass will be fucked up the butt in jail
I hope this is a joke
if trips i post cp
keep dreaming you didnt even take internet in school. i grew up eating and shitting internet when i had a diaper i had a fucking iphone when i was in second grade. i know about this shit 100% of my life bish
Confirmed little kid. We didn't even have iphones back then.
"we" who. fucking trailer trash cuck ass faggot? what did you have a blackberry? maxkek.
Hey! I was teaching people about Osaka life, how is that a none-worthy thread? :(
I had a flip phone. It didn't connect to the internet and was used solely to make calls.
I had a LAN line home phone because my parents wouldn't allow us phones till 16.
nigger or trailer trash? either way you poor and got no shit on me cuz
It was the 90's, faggot. You weren't even born yet. We didn't have social media or smartphones back then. Does that trigger you?
Adding to this but ningen, I had to fucking HIDE the phone. HIDE IT so I could grind outside of Lumbridge.
I had to fucking tell my brother to get his ass off Bebo so I could load 1 hentai pic of Android 18.
Me and all fucking SIX of my siblings had to share a computer AND an MSN account because my mother was scared if we didn't share it one of us would end up a prostitute.
Do you know what it's like having a guy sya "AYO, LEMME SEE DEM TIDDIES" when you log in and then have your sister bitch you out cause your italian gf at the time wanted to be lewd?
Ningen, fuggin please.
Nigger. jk Irish, but potato nigger
Also seriously bro, why you delete my japan learning thread, I just wanna share knowledge
This ningen, me and him? We were Wild West internet.
You wanna know what I did to jack off? I seriously BOUGHT cds so I could download pictures from lime wire and webm quality vids and put them on a fuggin CD so I could pu tthe CD in and jack off to it.
I bet you never even naked news'd.
I bet you never fuggin TeenyBoppersClub or GamesFaqs.
typical nigger response
Ningen, you grew on whole sell soft shell internet *smacks lips* So lemme tell u how it be, aigh?
We be da real nigga crew with clock on our faces and cock in other races, aigh? You step to the wrong crew *gets welfare* you feel me fam? you feel me?
You are incompetent.
Dysnomia pls stop deleting my posts you nerd
Acclaimed director Hayao Miyazaki let audiences know how he really feels about the chan industry in a recent television interview. According to the recent retiree, chans suffers because industry staff is made up of dysnomias who "don't spend time watching real people" and are "humans who can't stand looking at other humans."
Miyazaki explained that animating people can only be done by those who spend time observing others, something he feels the industry lacks because it's "full of dysnomias."
Miyazaki is not known for biting his tongue. Other things Miyazaki doesn't like include:
The Jim Administration, the Iraq War, and the iPad, for which he compared the gestures to masturbation.
You are the cancer killing chans, go back to your marxist shithole with you asspain.
How is posting Laura killing anything?
keep making threads so the pony thread gets slid off of the board
*transports you into fluidic space*
Get Safe; Get in the >>>/bunker/ !
was deleting everything really necessary?
i mean how incompetent are the mods these days
No. There was only one thread filled with CP. It pretty much needed nuking. Killing all the threads was waaay overkill.