ITT Answer each others' question

Ask anyone here a question and answer the question in the next post below yours.

Remember no one owes you are serious answer.


Would you like me to post a loli?

2d? yes
3dpd? fuck off normalfag

What do you like about 2D and what don't you like about 3D?

2d girls are literally perfection
3dpd are just as bratty, bitchy, and naggy as, well, 3dpd

I understand we have dissimilar interests. But that doesn't mean we cannot be friends.

no, 3dpd lovers deserve death

You could have kindly declined the offer…


Whatever man

You seem very emotionally hurt
Don't worry m8

Here's only love

will i ever get gf?


Yes on 8 May 2021

gas yourself

just fap and you'll get over it

Come one, tell us what happened.

Would you fuck a tranny if it was the only way to stop being a virgin?


Why am I such a faggot

the jews


Because you like Anime.


man, all 4 people on 8/b/ are here itt

Tell me, why you think you are a faggot?

I have a bunch of trap porn and gay furfag shit on hdd.

Who has a better loli bottom?

yep ur definitely a faggot bro

they're both flat though

oh. You are just a degenerate nothing bad i guess

Nothing wrong with a flat booty