I would appreciate it if you all would fuck off stop showing off your true colors and censoring our threads we have every right to post here just as much as you faggots do free speech so piss off newfags and Redditors also stop spreading degeneracy propaganda on Holla Forums and 4chan.
To the SJW Redditors and Newfags
Other urls found in this thread:
It's too late
It is never to late.
You only truly fail when you stop trying.
you been living under a rock or something? free speech on imageboards is dead, jim made sure of that.
No i am very much aware that Jim and his fag mods are destroying this place and 4chan isn't much better ether
Newfag here, I don't plan on stopping anytime soon.
Get rekt
Go back to Cuckchan
Lurk for at least two years before making a post newfag.
Then you do not belong here Reddit is that way.
Then go
That's it, now you have to lurk for another year before making a post. Lurk for a total of 3 years before making a post newfag.
I hate Reddit and SJWs as much as the next guy with a halfway functional brain, but you're not making a great case for yourself here.
Naahh man (you)
Please explain more in detail.
theres a difference between asking people to stop talking about something and deleting any threads about something people are trying to talk about.
Very true
Your new home
LOL naawwhh man that is your home.
Holla Forums is doomed to fail.
You pedos are getting too soft. You and your cute little girls are pretty offensive, but it's time to step your game up. It's time to show the weak and the timid what we are really about.
It's time to bring back…
Do it faggot
when did anyone ever post hurtcore here? this just sounds like a moralfag ploy to get something to show how bad pedos are.
unfortunately for you most CP isn't actually brutal rape, unlike what your moralfag friends would have you believe.
for you
mods are asleep
Damn look at her suck that dick
who cares LOL.
What's the point of this?
It's not a fat dick it's a slightly below average dick. Just looks.bigger cuz that's a child. It's an old porn trick
t. Porn star extraordinair.
No thanks.
Did you forget about us grannies?
We want our non- fertile female pussies posted online too!
Oh i am sure you do LOL.
This is true tbh
i can confirm this
t. pornologist
No. We did not forget about you.
We love your pussy too.
I try to forget.
You have no idea, dubs!
little did you know jim is the one posting it all so he can sell all your IPs to the FBI in order to make Holla Forums profitable.
this guy knows
You try, butt you never will.
Merry Xmas!
Explains why it's still up
Illuminati confirmed.
Is this what freedom tastes like?
FBI pls
Yeah, isn't it great?
Pretty sure it is.
She just needs some tits and than shes perfect.
Shes cute.
what a hottie
When you see it you will shit brix.
Shes so hot.
Its still up because despite being more rulecucked than ever the amount of mods we have now is quite a bit less than we used to have.
All the mods that left because of jim never got replaced by anyone, and I'm sure the mods we do have are focused on deleting every picture of a kid on the board so they're too busy to delete the only illegal thing they're supposed to be deleting in the first place.
holy shit good comeback!
yeah, dysnomia should make me a mod :^)
You have no idea how much my old gals and I enjoy showing ourselves off like this.
And the young man said it would help thwart paedophiles too?
How is your 13yo daughter doing?
get it?
seems the mods are still sleeping hmm?
thats kind of why its not that easy to find new mods, a lot of the ones that left were global mods that had an investment in the site by being board owners who had that ownership on the line if they abused their power.
Not that easy to replace them, especially not when theres only a handful of boards with a usable amount of traffic now.
Only niggers like watermelon, 69!
Fine! We do what we want!
most of the global mods were pedos, lowcard and co left after the great pedo purge
like this pic?
Doesn't do much for me tbh
now I'm no forensic expert but I do believe that picture is edited
Why are you posting this shit? What's the point.
You are risking prison time just to trigger people?
Of course it is.
Pedo threads are for debate and discussion.
If he's smart there isn't much risk to what he's doing. If he knows what he's doing trying to track him down will be hard. Does Holla Forums even report this kind of shit to the authorities or just delete it? If they just delete it there's no risk at all to what he's doing.
That doesn't make them any worse at their job, they still got rid of CP a lot better than how it is now.
Plus they wouldn't get triggered by the pedo thread and they could actually look through them to delete the CP like mods are supposed to do.
Dysnomia just tried banning threads all together which just makes them shitpost all over the fucking board instead because a group notorious for living on the deep web isn't exactly threatened by IP bans.
If Only.
Obvious false flag.
Extremely underrated post.
how about this one
ask that to yourself
implying i live in americuck
The servers are in the US, so it's required by law to report CP and any information available about the poster.
NCMEC will forward reports to the proper authorities in whatever country you liive in.
Who wants to bet jim is going to shut it down now that some absolute madman thats willing to post CP has realized theres huge gaps in moderation around here?
I doubt he'd be willing to hire paid mods for a site that already doesn't make money.
Why shut it down? A few years ago on 4chan, CP was posted every hour.
So they will report his IP which won't be of any value at all if this guy is competent with technology.
did you just assume my gender, you bigot?
Yes, I did you niggerfaggot
yeah but CP was also deleted within the hour and the owner of 4chan wasn't cucked yet.
Thanks, pedos. Fuck you very much.
Admit it, Holla Forums is doomed to fail. They won't even allow jailbait anymore.
Nope, this is a falseflag.
It's so obvious but fuck this site so who cares
>i took a picture of a post less than a year ago from someone who reddit spaces so i dont have to make an argument towards a very valid point
OMG this exactly so why are you fucking new friends SJWs and Redditors trying to push degeneracy propaganda when most people 10 years ago on 4chan didn't have any issues with the crap being posted on there.
Stop reading right there
Thanks, FBI!
We weren't as interested in babies as you were.
This is what you faggots get when you evict us.
I just changed my IP.
To be fair jim did stab them in the back first, they had a pretty large community here built over the last 2 years on the basis of the site valuing free speech and then jim comes along and says fuck off because I don't like pedos.
Why change IPs when they haven't even banned you yet? kek
Still trying to push your SJW degeneracy propaganda just stop.
He was posting bare IP, he's going to prison
can't catch me.
Muh degeneracy
dysnomia stop playing video games you fucking manchild
Tyrone will love him
Normies GTFO.
you faggots can quit pretending that this is a lesson or something, you're such hypocrites acting like someone spamming gore or old grannies in a pedo thread does nothing to you but when someone spams CP suddenly the moralfags are literally shaking with how triggered they are.
I see you are still trying to throw out propaganda just stop.
it's one person..
Figure this out.
Give me a reason.
It's dynamic IP hacked from my ISP unlike your static IP your mom's payin.
Go for it!
Probably because opening the Pandora's box got them the biggest boner in their entire life.
Want more?
We get to play in the sand?
That doesn't help anymore. You must know your enemy; and you just plain don't.
Gotcha nigger! V& incoming. Keep an eye on those blinds.
Trust me. You have more enemies than you think you have around here. I would back the fuck off if I was you! But you won't; so, ENJOY!
I know you'd like to think that its just one or two pedos ITT but you'd be surprised.
changing the mac address on your router to get a new IP isn't hacking your ISP
Unless multiple pedos use that trip, it's just one
haha do people seriously use Apple browsing Holla Forums?
Apple takes screenshots and even records audio, basically a pocket spy machine.
If any you're the only one in danger here.
You mean the Wide Area Network MAC?
Yes it works but No. I'm using something else :^)
What the fuck you win spamming cp??
Stop acting like a fucking edgy kid
You're just making us look bad
And no, We're not like you.
Anyone using anything but GNU/Linux or *BSD to browse Holla Forums is a retard tbh
So what did I miss? We being brigaded or something?
I've seen this emoticon somewhere…
I'm surprised this thread is still up. Where the fuck are the global vols? It's like they want Holla Forums taken down by the government.
I think you are looking for >>>/reddit/
Mods are dead. Mods are fucking dead lmao.
It must be a pedo symbol, quick start looking for it in the logos of pizza businesses!
This isn't reddit.
pic related
Come at me Holla Forumsro!
I hate iOS as much as you, but I will use whatever is at hand to come at you Holla Forumsro! What the fuck can and will you do about it?
OP, stop on it.
FBI will get you.
How do you feel having all your granny porn sync'd to apples servers and then uploaded to your 13 year old daughters ipod when she plugs it into your computer?
OP stop
show your hebe folder so everyone can enjoy
Nah m8
Edgy fuckers like him deserve get raped in ail tbh
no. you should be the one backing out because amirucuck ISPs are downloading and cracking terabytes/second web packets simultaneously. Bonus if you're using http://
more vids?
anyone who is using windows, apple, android. leave.
also doubt you redditors even know how to infosec.
That no cool, guy.
Your sexuality is not a weapon.
post some pre-teen stuff
Meanwhile at Pedomasters house
you got some old ass shit bro
Considering no one in my family does any of the above.
Just because I'm stuck on an iPhone tonight does not mean I was born yesterday!
if I was, you'd be sexually attracted to me, right?
got any 10-15yo?
looks like another oldfag.
I'm excited for April.
uhm. my images aren't sorted that way but i will try
can any of you read what's written on her belly?
yes but im not telling you faggot
I don't read russian moon runes
dlya tebya means for you
honestly thgout you were bane posting but thanks anyway
i'd like to see the number of refreshes per second on this thread
post more vids
Is this legal?
Do you even have to ask?
Yep, trips confirm save away my nigger.
nice trips.
the left one is.. you might be able to win in court with the other one