White Americans are VERY white

A recent genetics ancestry survey by 23andme found that White Americans (European Americans) on average are: “98.6 percent European, 0.19 percent African and 0.18 percent Native American.”

The USA historically has not been a hotbed of miscegenation as Cultural Marxists like to tell us. Your eyes and common sense should tell you that if there were widespread miscegenation, there would be hardly any white Americans but rather large mestizo/mulatto-like populations such as one finds in many Latin American countries (and even there, small white upper classes still exist).

The people in USA tended to cross the color line in only one direction: white —> black. Mulatto people would identify as black and then reintegrate into the black gene pool.

Which brings us to another question, why do mulattoes almost always identify as black?

The standard Cultural Marxist answer to this question is because of culture, such as the one-drop rule. But the reality of the situation belies this half-truth.

The most straightforward answer is what Oxford zoologist Jonathan Kingdon suggested in 1996: black looks are dominant while other looks are recessive. Observation seems to bear this out. A person with only 1/16th black ancestry will still often have visible black characteristics, whereas a white person with 1/16th Japanese ancestry would probably pass for 100% white.

In other words, the reason why most mulattoes identify as black is at least in part biological. Perhaps the white phenotype really is recessive and is easily diminished.

As philosopher Nick Land succinctly formulated: White + Color = Color.



Other urls found in this thread:

books.google.com/books?id=8o51AAAAMAAJ&q=herbert spencer the eventual mixture of the allied varieties of the Aryan race, forming the population, will produce a more powerful type&dq=herbert spencer the eventual mixture of the allied varieties of the Aryan race, forming the population, will produce a more powerful type&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjX0orJ0NDNAhWIChoKHbzjAm0Q6AEIRTAH
israelect.com/reference/WillieMartin/BILLYE-4 [A].htm

This thread is a thread of hope. Thanks OP:



Too bad half of them have potatonigger genes.

Why are blacks dominant and whites recessive?

Well no fucking shit?

The vast majority of burgers are descended from Ellis Island rejects.

The greatest irony in all this is, this makes them even less responsible for shit like slavery, which even back then in its peak was barely a few percentage of the population. You stupid burgers better uncuck yourselves.

And they all have at least a single drop of Jew blood, otherwise it would be annudah Shoah

feels good man


pretty interesting, even the Latino genetic percentages is significantly European (mainly Spaniard/Portuguese though).

so does that in turn mean that spics and huehues have moorish dna?

Look up what those terms mean in genetics if you don't know.

You could dive into all kinds of hypotheses involving the evolutionary biology and whatnot, but for our purposes, it simply is what it is.

Maybe that's why some of them adopted communism in the same fashion one would jihad.

DonaldTrumpWall [email protected]/* */ Jun 25

Why is #Nationalism okay for #Israel but not for us?



M8, you're the only cuck in this situation.

Texas spics must be different. I'd be surprised if they're more than 35% on average.

Remember it said that people 1/16th African would look black, not white. So your pic doesn't go against that.

>tfw .9% native


Mexicans truly are the shittiest of them all

Its pretty chilly tonight, bro. Here I have a blanket you can borrow my dude.




Do you also get upset when people call blacks black instead of brown?

O-okay user. You aren't trying to ruse me or anything, are you?

Getting a DNA test done soon, will show you faggots how nigger i am


That's just our blood and muscle/fat tissue etc being seen under our skin.

White skin is translucent. This is why we can see our veins.

The skin itself is white. (Unless you're tan)

No I get upset when bigots use racial slurs for Basketball Americans.

I thought I was browsing Holla Forums - politically correct.

The EU is breaking apart while King Nigger is moving toward a North American Union. The yuros are doing their part - you should too. If Hillary wins your continent is doomed.

I want one a well, how costly is it and how would I go about doing it?

Yeah and that's a step in the right direction.

But Europe is still chucked regardless.

(Including our mother country)

I did one of those DNA tests a while back to check and see what I was made of and to see if that "Americans are mutts" bit was true.

I'm 78% English, 17% Irish, 5% other Western European.

Feels pretty damned good

Depends on which one you want, AncestryDna is 99$, 23andme is 199$, I think 23andme is more extensive, but it's ridiculously expensive though, I'm going with AncestryDna, it was on sale earlier down to 89$ and now it's back up which kinda sucks.

Post how white you are bros, what are your lineage' nationalities?

Go into a windowless room close the door and turn off the lights. If your vision turns white, then you are correct in claiming white is colorless, but if it turns black…

I am hesitant to do a DNA test because I hear they purposely tamper with results to make people non-white in order to game up sympathy for shitskins. This is not even mentioning the fact that my DNA will then be stored in some sort of file.


Here user. Have this OC I made for you.


get back!

Do they both give you the raw sequenced DNA? I think there are tools online(GEDmatch I think is one) that can give you further details once you insert the DNA data, so even if the first one is cheaper you can always use third part tools to go into details as long as you have your DNA sequenced.

Depends on what kind of Jew, if your ancestors were ashkenazi it means they were German with the possibility of some shitskin DNA mixed in

But the real question is are these DNA tests trustworthy?

or are they made to confuse some whites and make them think "oh Im a mutt, imma fuck & marry that spic"

I really don't know, my grandmother was a Jew that converted to Christianity.

Actually I just checked a bit into GEDmatch and apparently both 23andme and ancestry.com give you the raw data so they are both good for further computations.

Step off your high horse or tell us what you are, kike?

tbhlad I have no idea, but from what I've seen 23andme is way more extensive.



if you wanna look into it

it checks out

Your best bet I think would be to get in touch with a genealogist about you and your mothers' surnames That is how I know so much

dunno if that's the goal, I do know that the conspiracy/theory Holla Forums had about 23andme adding jew results to make people subconsciously more empathetic to jews was false.

As I said before, Scottish/German
just like God Emprah Trump

What I want to know is whether 23andme considers your DNA to be their property after you pay to have it analyzed (or whatever their legal jewery is)

I know ancestry does. That's what was behind those stories where Ancestry users got added to the FBI database and interrogated if some distant relative committed a crime.


That sounds good, source?

My gene results.

you still have to go back

Wouldn't OP's post directly contradict that?

I used to have perfect blonde hair and blue eyes, until the English drunkard in me came out. Now my hair is brown. French is only evident in my family name, which really passes for English because it came over in 1066. Bassett, with Basse or Bass being the French base

Oh well, I mean no doubt they wouldnt do it to everyone. And it doesnt necessarily have to be Jew, you see that 0.1% African and 0.2% Middle Eastern. Well within margin of error.

These tests also have a margin of error of about 3-4%.

If that wasn't a redpill, I dunno what is

I think you know which side of the wall you will end up on…

My bad, let me fix that.

Also I'm sure the african shit is either an error, or the rumor of there being a spic in the family tree are true, not surprising as I am in a border state and my ancestors have been here for generations.

Anyways here's the open view of european side, as you can see there's no jew blood.

There's more to the Latino population than just Mexicans. The Latino/Hispanic population is a language group, not a racial group, and it therefore covers everything from Dominican mulattoes to Guatamalan indios to Argentinian Spaniards. Mexicans are typically mestizos, which puts them at about 50% White and 50% injun.

pretty sure they put a little bit of nog in every test for the muh out of Africa

>commonly mistaken as an outsider mistaken as American or European

get pic related

I know they are fucking with me



Oh yeah, that (((theory))). Honestly I've thought it was bullshit for so long that I completely forgot it was even a thing any more


Yeah bro, you're basically Tyrone. This song is for you.


wew lad

Not bad though, half Brit half Euro-Mongrel

I'm sorry

the right side

Are gingers white?

German last names of relatives : Specht, Mann, Böpple

Irish: O'Conner


great stuff

A bucket of half water and half piss is still piss.

That's a great analogy.

Frisian (surname PIE-root has to do with a type of tree), German, Anglo, Norman

English, Scottish, Irish, German, Italian, French, Spanish. Honestly I'm pretty much the product of a western European mass orgy.

You kind of answered your own question. While white people in America have traditionally disdained race-mixing, it's always been to the advantage of non-whites to breed with whites, the result is that non-whites in America are more likely to be mixed and whites are more likely to be super-white. Mulattoes are just a whiter version of niggers, they understand this intuitively and also that some niggers will actually respect them more for it. You see this more palpably in Brazil, where the more white you the more people will revere you. Everybody wants to be white, but whites don't want to be anything else.

Yes goy

Lots of blacks actually dont like lighter skinned blacks. Lots of the black-power crowd see them as being partially white.

How do you explain the jewish LARPers and the SJW crowd then? other than defects :^)


English, Irish, German and Dutch.

Decades of brainwashing obviously.

I'm ~40% Greek, ~20% German, ~20% Italian, ~15% Portuguese (Northern, non-nigger) and ~5% various sandy and rocky ethnicities.

You guys will still take me, right?

I honestly think that's a relatively recent phenomena due to the civil rights era. Before, niggers did everything they could to be like us.

Well sure, because they were incentivized to do so. Now they are completely off the leash.

Just rearrange the letters in the word ginger and come back to me.

I think there are more too.

Everyone in Europe has other European ethnicities in the background. The borders have shifted too often.

Is something like this available to Euros? Have any Euros taken it?

that and even the church mandated outgroup marriages between european villages to prevent incest

So does that mean I'll get roped?

Vox Day is that you?

we have a new eagle with a head as white and pure as we are

>mfw I've secured at least a future for my white children

How did I do lads?

German, Irish, French, English

Blacks actually have a ranking system. The whiter you are, the more attractive, alpha, and "evolved" you are considered. If any individual black person hates light skinned blacks, it's probably jealousy.

t. guy who works with tons of blacks

Just mean you're Finn, Hungarian, Russian, etc…

Che Guevara is half Spanish (from Basque country) and half Irish… his second last name was Lynch. No Amerindian blood.

In his travels in Latin America he grew his beard out because if not he looked "too White".

you dirty 0.01% nigger

What kind of utter shit logic is that?

pic related is him.

Irish/polish/german/czech(maybe some bavarian here)/serb


It's really a stretch to call Israel "nationalist".

Wait what? It was proven false?

I could have sworn that there was even a lawsuit about it and it was a pretty big fucking deal.

Fucking Bearentain universe at it again


Andrew Anglin here. I'm 100% Whigger.



People with irish ancestry only make up 11.1% of the US. That's not nearly half, moron.

Because blacks are a different species. Asians, whites and even native americans are more closely related to each other than blacks to any other group.

Look at pic related and tell me that east asians are not going to be targeted as the next "privileged, oppressive" group after whites dwindle into obscurity(This is speculative). It's already happening with college admissions.

kek. so true

please respond

Leftists are retarded.

Anglin has gotta have some nigger blood in him.

50% german and the other 50% is some mix of welsh and hungarian

looks like he's got a hell of a lot more than "some"

You'll be spared as long as you don't try to racemix with white women.

Irish, English, Dutch, and a bit of French and Hungarian.

Eat shit and die, D&C subhuman.

So I have to die a virgin. Got it.

Find a ginger woman.

Die a virgin. Right.

You can't subvert a zerg horde user.

5% native south american spic here, but you can't see shit. I look like this handsome fuck, but younger.

**maybe yellow fever comes from my mudblood"

I'm hopeless Holla Forums, I can't resist the gook women. What the fuck is wrong with me?

That's probably the first gook that's been posted on here that I liked.

You got any more like that?

Primarily British Islander (all the native ethnicities there),at least a fourth of my DNA is Scandinavian (haven't done genetic testing) and then the rest is finno-ugric, slav, and probable central germanic, maybe even some Mediterranean due to possible Romanian in there.

Yeah, what IS wrong with you?

English, French, German, Italian and Spanish.

Doesn't their smell turn you off though? I can only imagine that their vagoos smell like fish/soy sauce.

I don't know user, but whatever it is it's wrong with me too.

Just remember, gook girls are for fuck, but not for babby unless you leave the babby in gookland and go home to make white children with your white wife

Have you ever actually dated gooks? It isn't fun.



Remember nogs, abbos and kebab demographics would largely implode without white infrastructure, whereas gooks are still a imminent threat without white altruism

This, fucking race-traitors i swear to God

If you can't control your dick during peace time, how do you expect to control your fear during time or race war?

I don't even know which one of them I look the most like. I've got curly red hair, black eyebrows and no freckles. My skin isn't sickly pale like a ginger's either. I've always figured I look like a Keltic Nordid, but I've honestly got no fucking clue.

He has a boner for gooks


English, basque, Dutch, French, and an eighth Cherokee, though they were pretty light from pictures we have of my great grandmother.

Blond hair and blue eyes 6'2

Feels pretty good.

The rest is (I assume, as I've never had a DNA test) Irish and English.

One thing I've noticed on Holla Forums, seems not a lot of Holla Forumsacks are even white. Strangely.


Well, he's right. There are a lot of spics on here. Our BO is a sandnigger. Still, Holla Forums's mostly white.

That just makes me feel worse for being half german.

Italian and Austrian.
My mom (Austrian) said I act just as snotty as the Italians. Sadly I know nothing about Austrian people.

0.19 percent African
dear god

try shooping the American bald eagle in front of the NSDAP flag. I want to see what that looks like. Bet it looks real gud.

somebody…maybe not you. maybe you suck at it. I do too, it's okay.

Once you fall below around 7/8 white you become a nonwhite mongrel with an inferior mindset. The inferior genes of the nonwhite are THAT toxic


protip: yurooors themselves are mixed mongrels of thousands of tribes and migrations of white people

Every time.

mixed mongrel of european genes. america was a pan european nationalist country at one time, yuropoors, and it works. It works. We're going to return to that model with Trump. What can you say for yourself?


Tell me your country I will provide genetic haplotype sourced information to prove you aren't one "pure" version of whatever the fuck you think you are.

All Americans are obviously jews, otherwise the fake one percent of kikes would have been overthrown long ago and the president wouldn't have been a nigger.

Nice try OP

Come back when your ancestors have lived on the continent you live in for thousands of years and when you have evolved to the nature around you.

Alright slav rape baby

But German whites are 100% white.
As OP said
So the average "white" American has negroid blood, 0.19%.

European whites have 0%.

Have fun having melanin count as the basis of your "nation".

Just call yourself 100% Americans with 100% European cultural heritage. This percent hunting is just the kikes D&C making you feel special and picking you bit by bit.

A 100% American is 100% traitor.

No. About 50-85% of Spains population, depending on area (inland is more white, coasts more mongrels) is genetically 100% Celtic or otherwise white

"The majority of Iberian paternal lineages are of Indo-European (R1b, G2a3b1, J2b2 and a small amount of R1a), which can be attributed to the Proto-Celtic and Hallstatt Celtic invaders, and to a lower extent to later Roman and Germanic settlers. In total, these amount to 50-85% of Spanish Y-DNA and 60% of Portuguese Y-DNA. Maternal lineages, on the other hand, appear to have a mostly Neolithic and Mesolithic origin, notably haplogroups H1, H3, HV0, K1a, J1c, J2a1, J2b1a, T2, U5b, V and X, which make up over 80% of the mtDNA in regions like the Basque country or Asturias, and always over 50% of the population of any region."


Oh I misunderstood what you were saying. You meant if South Americans have Moor DNA. I thought you asked if real Spaniards and Portuguese do.

Don't know about the South American Moor DNA, probably nonexistent or close to that. They're just dark and ugly because even at 60% European DNA you're already a mongrel savage.

You need to be 100% European to be considered white.

What salt? It's your country that has only 64% white population, when even the worst European countries like Britain, Germany and Sweden have over 85% white population.


Low energy D&C

bretty gud :DDD


Anglos and Germanics are not the only whites. Anyone of the European phenotype is, provided they are genetically pure.


my point was that they could be very slightly mixed like some Americans are.

user… you have to go to China, we can't keep you.

You're not gonna convince anyone of anything, Moishe. You're not shilling hard enough.

Go have that afternoon coffee and try again.

But they aren't. Nigger mix in native Europeans is nill.

Maybe you should follow the one drop rule and lynch yourself.

Well I can see a decent sized minority of Spaniards, Portuguese and majority ofGreeks being mixed, but why did you put Finns and Italians on that list?

Finns are genetically closest to Cro-Magnons, the ancestor race of all whites, and have the highest % of blonde haired and blue eyed population, at 80% of their entire population.
Italy has never been conquered by nonwhites either, only Sicily.

Sounds like you just fell for the D&C memes posted from Tel Aviv. There's not actually mongol blood in Finns, or Arab blood in Italians. And if you look at the eupedia link I provided above, as many as 85% of Spaniards are 100% Celtic or other R1 haplogroups, in other words pure white.

As this guy says nonwhite blood in native Europeans is 0%. The one drop rule must apply, and anyone with even a tiny bit of foreign blood does not belong.

Statistically speaking, only Greece and some Balkan countries were so raped by the Ottomans, that they're going to have to purge over 50% of their entire population in order to become white countries again.

Dubs confirm less and less Holla Forumsacks will be tripped up by obvious shitbait.


Always keep in mind what your children will look like when you look at women. You wouldn't want some supreme gentleman looking happa shit would you? You'd technically be better off with a kebab than an asian if you want to protect the white aesthetic.

German, although someone generations back on mums side brought a nip back for whatever reason. I guess dealing arms to japs helps if you have someone who knows the culture.

I dun fucked up then.

memes really. I was under the impression that Italians were somewhat mixed though.
If this is true then what is the origin of the potato nigger meme? I saw a post the other day where Ireland had one of the highest concentrations of R1. Is it just brits being brits or do people actually believe that shit?

what about the Mongol rape army of Russia in WW2?

maybe, but even LITERALLY HITLER didn't believe in that
define foreign

Eh, then how did they end up in the country?

user, I think you might be stupid.

That's definitely a jew trying to ski. There is zero alpenvolk in that traitor bitch.

No, you like looking at gook MODELS. Most orientals aren't pretty or that fit.

Scottish and Polish

I don't like drinking or kielbasa. I'm an embarrassment to my ancestors.

Only Sicilians. Mainland Italians are pure.


It's literally just English being anti-white towards another white tribe. The Irish are absolutely pure Europeans as well.
The "Irish are not white" meme was invented by Cromwell and his Jew merchant friends after they had seized power in Britain - as enslaving whites was not allowed, so they just made up an excuse to make slavery of Irish legal. Then Cromwells Jewish friends sold the Irish as slaves into America.


Regarding ashkenazi blood. Negroid blood taints the lineage in even much smaller percentages, and was not and must not be tolerated even a tiny bit.

This picture is why. DNA research has proven that all other races are remotely related to each other at least a bit, but not the Negroid race. They are genetically so far from all the other races, that they're pretty much a different species. Notice in the graph how far away Negro DNA is from all other races.

They're feminine in appearance and disproportionately represented in elite institutions. What's not to like? Still gotta save the white race, though.

Most of the genes devoted to coloration only really need one allele to function at close to full strength. But the real issue is there are a huge number of alleles on which whites and blacks diverge.

Whites and East Asians are way more closely related than whites and blacks. In the same way, you wouldn't notices a Swede was 1/4 Italian, but you'd probably notice signs of 1/4 Japanese.

I think you're doing the math wrong. US whites having 0.19% African DNA is consistent with, say, 10% of US whites being 1/64 black, or 3% being 1/16 black. Probably the number is a little lower, in fact; there are error bars on either side, 0.19% may not even be statistically different from 0%. But there definitely was a great deal of movement from mulatto, to quadroon, to octroon. Particularly so because the most white-looking mulattos would often become the mistresses of their masters, and then the quadroon daughters would be kept in more dignified housekeeping roles - where they were likely to become the mistress of their new master, producing octroons, and so on. The house slaves got very white over a few generations, and part of the reason why Northerners were so misled about black capabilities is that many "escaped" slaves were just illegitimate children sent north by doting fathers.

There's nothing as: "East Asians will be targeted next".

It's all being targeted on parallel simultanely, that is the liberal system of the US. It's one of the reasons the dollar should be ditched and a new order has to be made.

Spaniards, Portugese, Greeks and Italians all have North-Afriacan/Arab blood. Finns have some mongol/East-Asian blood.

You have to go back.

Back to where? I'm an American. .9% of my ancestors lived here for thousands of years

Literally everything you just said is a lie. All of it.

I would say it's possible that Greeks have some Arab blood considering their location.

Read his post again
"Spaniards, Portugese, Greeks and Italians *all* have North-Afriacan/Arab blood."
He says that all of them have Negro or Arab blood.

As I JUST literally proved, about 85% of Spaniards for example are pure Europeans, almost entirely Celtic.

Also, Finns don't have any mongol blood. That's a fucking meme, not actual genetic basis for it whatsoever.

Yeah, thats retarded. I'm saying it's possible that Greeks alone in that list could have Arab blood.

Not to sound rude, but Finns and the Sami have many Asiatic features. Where would these come if they aren't the result of interbreeding? Thanks in advance


No, I think he's from some nonwhite country, but has traced everyone and they're all locals. Looks white anyway, and has mostly white DNA.

Yes, very possibly. But, he said all.

The Sami are not a Fenno-Ugric race, they're a completely separate race that has however a lot of Fenno-Ugric DNA from mixing with Finns. They have Asian DNA, but not Finns. Finns don't have any Asiatic features either.

While all of the Sami have a lot of Finnish DNA, their population is of very insignificant size, and of the Finnish population in Finland, an extremely tiny portion has any Sami DNA, like couple % of Finns at most.

That second pic is not a white women. Fuck off with this shit.


I can see this as a negative study article on HuffPost.

Citation needed.

He's calling it false because they didn't do it to him.

she kinda looks a bit like a spic

Euros, settle this shit once and for all. Post dem results if you have them.

Envy. They know they're not White and will never be White or accepted into White society. They envy Whites and want to destroy Whites because of their non-acceptance, so they turn "full Black" and get INCREDIBLY militantly pro-Black as a result.

The mulattoes, quadroons, etc. are always the most militant because of this. It's "bitter mulatto" syndrome sometimes mistakenly called "tragic mulatto".

They're also the most dangerous, precisely because they have more intelligence and agency than niggers.

You never see any Alabama Blue-Gums in charge of any Black org; there are reasons for that.

If you're being serious the kikes are doing a good job. Gingers have no soul is the same kike shit as blondes are dumb whores.


You should really want to do this anyway, simply to keep as many people alive with recessive traits as possible.


I'm Irish/Scottish



(737013) here

I live in a shithole with a very VERY few white population, I just happen to live in the richest city, in case you wondered.

According to a biologist friend of mine, these ancestry DNA tests are utter bullshit. They take the sample, look at it, and guess where you might have origins, and then "diversify" it. Simply looking at an allele says nothing about your origins, because certain alleles can be found in different regions of the world.

Also, and this one simply annoys me, genetics is not a percentage-based thing. We have 46 chromosomes, one pair of which determines gender. Of those 46 chromosomes, we get 23 from our parents. The Y chromosome is the only one that is guaranteed to pass down from father to son. Alleles contained in those chromosomes don't mix and match, they are always in that chromosome. When reproducing, the 23 out of your parent's 46 that you get are, for sake of simplicity, randomly selected, so if your parents are both half Scottish half German, for instance, and the stars align, it's possible for you to end up with pure Scottish chromosomes or pure German chromosomes, and the other half will thereby no longer be present in your lineage. I call this "genetic washing", even though that isn't a biological term. Since there are only 46 chromosomes, a person can be, at minimum, 1/46th (about 2%) of something, genetically, and since half of the chromosomes don't get passed down from parent to child, it is statistically unlikely to maintain any minor traits after so many generations of integration. That's why, despite many Americans today having a Native American ancestor, they have no physical or mental traits of a redskin.

I have 0% Amerind, negroid, Asian, or EastInd blood me, for instance. I am purely Northern European in ancestry.

There have been spic anons saying that they do have it from testing. So yes, some amount of the

clearly went there.

Multivariate analysis man, they look at your DNA and apply clustering methods with I suppose some thousand samples from all over the world. It can be done.

Then why do you think they're fucking with you? Seems easily possible.

I've been thinking about doing one of these things, but I'm paranoid about it. My paternal grandfather had a Semitic as fuck nose and I want to know how fucked I am.


the best way to make sure is to trace your ancestors, also look at yourself, your parents, uncles etc. and ask yourself

do they look like mutts?

Not bad, not bad!

How do you guys generally go about tracing your ancestors? Is the ancestry website any good for this? My father doesn't know his paternal or maternal grandmothers' maiden name and he doesn't know much of anything about his great grandparents.

I only asked for photos both paternal and maternal sides and was pleased with the results.


I lucked out in this.
My family has been keeping a genealogy since before we came to the New World, just before 1700, and it has always had somebody to maintain it.
I can look up any of my ancestors, and trace my lineage through both parents for a multitude of generations.
My wife is keeping it going, now…good thing too, because it bores me to death.

I've actually been able to travel to Scotland & meet distant relatives. Never met the Dutch side, however.


this is how they do it

people can inherit different amounts of genes from their ancestors, it's why mulattos can be almost-white to nigger-teir
you're right in that it doesn't determine how many of your ancestors were what ethnicity, but it does determine your ethnicity

Holla Forums isn't good at coming up with citations

Wow, that was edgy. You must be 100% Bavarian phenotype.




Concerning our future, Herbert Spencer says: "One great result is, I think, tolerably clear. From biological truths it is to be inferred that the eventual mixture of allied varieties of the Aryan race forming the population [of the United States] will produce a more powerful type of man than has hitherto existed."

American Principles and Issues: The National Purpose
books.google.com/books?id=8o51AAAAMAAJ&q=herbert spencer the eventual mixture of the allied varieties of the Aryan race, forming the population, will produce a more powerful type&dq=herbert spencer the eventual mixture of the allied varieties of the Aryan race, forming the population, will produce a more powerful type&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjX0orJ0NDNAhWIChoKHbzjAm0Q6AEIRTAH

Look at Michael Jackson's kids or Muhammad Ali's grandkids and ask that question again.

I've got some bad news for you user.

Stop memeing.

North Italians are white user.

Whatever you say, Mario.

There are plenty of beautiful ginger women out there, user.

t. Alfonso Barbicha


The truth comes out again. The fucking Jews did their best to genocide the Irish once they controlled England. The 'potato famine' was the English army stealing food from Irish farms to feed their troops abroad. And 'impressment' was literal slavery in every way but name. The Irish were hunted down and captured to be sold as slaves among Jews… who later bred them with African blacks to produce a more compliant work force. This is what the Jews did to the Irish. It's our history. I fucking hate them for it. I don't hate anybody, really… but the Jews.

Bump for this thread, Jews have convinced a lot of whites that they're racemixed when they're not. Also those tests look bs.

Here's my info dump on super secret race history:
israelect.com/reference/WillieMartin/BILLYE-4 [A].htm
Was Jesus really a jew?; youtube.com/watch?v=w-2I_RlLjHU

could someone explain this to me? In what way are gooks ever attractive?

Many dna testing companies add obligatory nigger percentage.
Ancestrydna does not.

aren't they mormons? I wonder how they use that besides baptising you in absentia.

Tight pussy.

Tight bodies, skin, tits, etc (not all of them though)

Mostly skinny.

Skin color isn't dark, but resembles being tan, or slightly off-white, depending on location.

Feminine and timid skeletal/facial structure.

I myself only find really white-skinned Japanese/non-plastic Korean women attractive. Not a fan of the typical slopped forehead Asiatic skull though.




We will finish what you started…

First of all, you mean genes, not bloods.

Second of all, if they're fine by Nuremburg standards then they should be fine by yours, too.

You'll find very few pure 100% Europeans in the world. Of those, most will be cucked liberals. Those are the people you want to save over based Finns and people in Golden Dawn?

Is that the North Korean flag?

Fucking kikes. The scary part is how they're trying it again with the mixed breeding.

Some look like Whites with red hair, others look like a whole other genetic kettle of fish.

jews aren't White.

Recent creation of jew's successful culture wide White hating indoctrination and propaganda. Before this, no.


Pick one, asshole.

I heard there weren't any big differences between Aryan peoples, so you should be fine, at least, biologically.

DPRK's flag has a star in it.

That may be possible, I saw that on one of those dumb afternoon talkshows. Also, different companies will give you different percentages and even include ancestors another did not show.

I did not name the pic related file.

Maybe, I do see Orientals and Injuns/mestizos associating with one another sometimes, and one of the infograph how there men tend to date mestizos second.

That's pretty normal. I think it is true of all races of foreign women that those with the least pronounced racial peculiarities, and most white traits, and most attractive.

(White traits are rather unusually in that the more extreme they are, the more beautiful the woman is perceived to be, even by foreigners.)

Not exactly. There was a literal famine. One reason potatoes were so productive in Europe is they were separated from co-evolved pests/diseases. When the potato blight came to Europe, it was brutal for everyone, but especially brutal for subsistence farmers in Ireland, whose diet was close to 100% potato.

The myth that the English were exporting or "stealing" food that should have fed the Irish is a typical bolshevik lie. The truth is that producers of luxury export goods were allowed to continue to sell them during the famine. Seizing expensively cured ham and using it for famine relief would be retired; seizing it, selling it abroad, and using the money to import wheat would at least be logical, but at that point why not seize the goods that other people have produced for the same thing? Just tax income, ffs, and use government money to buy food, if you want the government involved in the food supply.

The overall experience with famines is that when you start to prevent the worst-hit regions from exporting food (even staple foods), that creates pressure to enact the same policies in the areas that export food TO the famine-stricken area, so they end up with less food than they had to begin with. A devastating famine hit some regions of India for exactly this reason in 1945. In general, staple foods are most expensive in famine-stricken regions and as barriers to trade start to go up, the net effect is to prevent food shipments to the worst areas.

I know that feel.

What about fish?

Ahistorical nonsense.

Ashkenazi jews are barely mixed at all with Germans, or any Central/Eastern European peoples.

Just found this out this week. No one in my family had any idea. We think it must of been my great grandmother who was given up for adoption by a white family. Might have been an illegitimate child hush hush kinda thing. How bad is it?

I'm a bit skeptical of the (((23 and me)))

I didn't know Morrakiu browsed 8/pol/

Sorry Scott. You know what you have to do.

Into the oven you go

It's likely just measurement error. The tests have a margin of error. If you are actually 1.1% black, you are about 1/64 black… i.e. you have one black great-great-great-great grandparent. Your great grandmother would have been 1/8 black.


Yeah it would of been late 1800s in the deep South. Giving up a child because she was the result of mating with a quadroon and then never speaking about her real origins wouldn't be out of the question.

If you take the confidence interval up to 80 percent 23 and me still shows me with 1.0 percent West African DNA

Get out.

If black was dominant and white was recessive, you would get black kids, not brown kids. Neither is recessive. That's why you get brown.

So, I'm a portufag, my maternal grandfather killed niggers in africa for the fatherland and conceived my mother over there, no member of my family has been black ever and I was born here, what the fuck does that make me?


Or just as likely, a quadroon girl couldn't get her white lover to marry her and decided the baby would have a better crack at life if it became white

That OP was a fag today.

I bet OP enjoys hugging black hookers

Está na hora meu irmão




What are you trying to say?
Is your mom a half nigger? Are you a Retornado?

I obviously missed something critical

True but is hilarious.
People usually mean eye/hair color and facial features more than simply skin tone.


Retornados, a minha mãe e o resto da minha família do lado materno, como eu disse, nunca tive pretos na minha família.

Era ironia, too much attention is given to small percentages IMO.

Podes crer, Salazar did nothing wrong.

I have some Injun blood and it sucks. Don't worry I'm a wizard though.

The concept of incomplete dominance. If you had a white, male Christian biology teacher, you would not have missed it.


white + color red = pink

no 95% white are 100% white

5% are .19% african or indian

However I see that changing in the last two decades, I know several people who married 1/4 or 1/2 Asians. SO their kids look white, but are not.

Skin whitening cream is a huge seller in South Africa.

I thought Retornado only applied to mixed people who came back from Africa.

Yeah, I know.
I had Biology in High School.
It makes most people writing about genetics and reproduction on the internet look like lunatics, sadly it applies to h8chan too.


And I thought Retornados were everyone (mostly whites) who were forced to come back after we lost Angola, right?

OP source material is shit



Someone highlight results and make meme

Go back to fishing, Bjørn.
Where's my bacalhau com natas?


You're right.


Moor blood seethes through your veins brother you are as impure as they come
you should die for the cause

Goddamn, Celts are as bad as fucking niggers.

What's the story behind this .gif? Is it an original?
There's something oddly boner-inducing about a girl in a bikini with a smug face leaning on and holding the tit of a girl who looks like she doesn't want it but kinda does.

Hello from England

Haha got bad news for you user.

you're gay

I wish you were dead.

I like how they always, always have to throw in that Jewish dna.

Somebody couldn't keep their dick out of the natives.

Just feel sorry for the Aussies who had to fuck Abos mate.

Yeah, this guy says
so it's nowhere near the detriment of chimp blood. Chimp blood is a genetic death sentence.

I have really narrow nostrils clearly intended for cold climates, but the Native genes have given me a hairless chest & back with a more reddish skin pigment. I suspect my preference for warmer climate comes from that. I dunno if I'll survive the ice age with you fucks while everyone waits for the chimps to die out.

bump, good find

That's not what the test means, you nigger. It means there's a 0.19% similarity to markers that are often associated with Negros.

Or in other words, they're pure white of varying white races, which is a surprise to literally no one.

Also, the majority of blood tests are done by kikes and Cultural Marxists, who are fond of giving people a massive list of everything they might potentially be, no matter how far-fetched.



Congrats you're part dindoo.

English through and through. My family has lived in Yorkshire for centuries.

Hi Moshe, nice d&c attempt

Tell me I'm white, Holla Forums. Black people call me white. Asians think I'm white, and they have higher average IQs. Please, just say I'm white, Holla Forums.

She has a body more like a white woman than a chink. Put a paper bag over her head and do her doggie style

Scottish and German

congratulations, your fathers shine through you

You’re not white unless you’re white. Genes don’t lie.

Congratulations, you gave your DNA to jews who sold it to the government and gave you back lies.